James Holderness b604117421
Standardize the color table order (#11602)
## Summary of the Pull Request

In the original implementation, we used two different orderings for the color tables. The WT color table used ANSI order, while the conhost color table used a Windows-specific order. This PR standardizes on the ANSI color order everywhere, so the usage of indexed colors is consistent across both parts of the code base, which will hopefully allow more of the code to be shared one day.

## References

This is another small step towards de-duplicating `AdaptDispatch` and `TerminalDispatch` for issue #3849, and is essentially a followup to the SGR dispatch refactoring in PR #6728.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #11461
* [x] CLA signed.
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated.
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. Issue number where discussion took place: #11461

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Conhost still needs to deal with legacy attributes using Windows color order, so those values now need to be transposed to ANSI colors order when creating a `TextAttribute` object. This is done with a simple mapping table, which also handles the translation of the default color entries, so it's actually slightly faster than the original code.

And when converting `TextAttribute` values back to legacy console attributes, we were already using a mapping table to handle the narrowing of 256-color values down to 16 colors, so we just needed to adjust that table to account for the translation from ANSI to Windows, and then could make use of the same table for both 256-color and 16-color values.

There are also a few places in conhost that read from or write to the color tables, and those now need to transpose the index values. I've addressed this by creating separate `SetLegacyColorTableEntry` and `GetLegacyColorTableEntry` methods in the `Settings` class which take care of the mapping, so it's now clearer in which cases the code is dealing with legacy values, and which are ANSI values.

These methods are used in the `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` and `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs, as well as a few place where color preferences are handled (the registry, shortcut links, and the properties dialog), none of which are particularly sensitive to performance. However, we also use the legacy table when looking up the default colors for rendering (which happens a lot), so I've refactored that code so the default color calculations now only occur once per frame.

The plus side of all of this is that the VT code doesn't need to do the index translation anymore, so we can finally get rid of all the calls to `XTermToWindowsIndex`, and we no longer need a separate color table initialization method for conhost, so I was able to merge a number of color initialization methods into one. We also no longer need to translate from legacy values to ANSI when generating VT sequences for conpty.

The one exception to that is the 16-color VT renderer, which uses the `TextColor::GetLegacyIndex` method to approximate 16-color equivalents for RGB and 256-color values. Since that method returns a legacy index, it still needs to be translated to ANSI before it can be used in a VT sequence. But this should be no worse than it was before.

One more special case is conhost's secret _Color Selection_ feature. That uses `Ctrl`+Number and `Alt`+Number key sequences to highlight parts of the buffer, and the mapping from number to color is based on the Windows color order. So that mapping now needs to be transposed, but that's also not performance sensitive.

The only thing that I haven't bothered to update is the trace logging code in the `Telemetry` class, which logs the first 16 entries in the color table. Those entries are now going to be in a different order, but I didn't think that would be of great concern to anyone.

## Validation Steps Performed

A lot of unit tests needed to be updated to use ANSI color constants when setting indexed colors, where before they might have been expecting values in Windows order. But this replaced a wild mix of different constants, sometimes having to use bit shifting, as well as values mapped with `XTermToWindowsIndex`, so I think the tests are a whole lot clearer now. Only a few cases have been left with literal numbers where that seemed more appropriate.

In addition to getting the unit tests working, I've also manually tested the behaviour of all the console APIs which I thought could be affected by these changes, and confirmed that they produced the same results in the new code as they did in the original implementation.

This includes:
- `WriteConsoleOutput`
- `ReadConsoleOutput`
- `SetConsoleTextAttribute` with `WriteConsoleOutputCharacter`
- `FillConsoleOutputAttribute` and `FillConsoleOutputCharacter` 
- `ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer`
- `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo`
- `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx`
- `SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx`

I've also manually tested changing colors via the console properties menu, the registry, and shortcut links, including setting default colors and popup colors. And I've tested that the "Quirks Mode" is still working as expected in PowerShell.

In terms of performance, I wrote a little test app that filled a 80x9999 buffer with random color combinations using `WriteConsoleOutput`, which I figured was likely to be the most performance sensitive call, and I think it now actually performs slightly better than the original implementation.

I've also tested similar code - just filling the visible window - with SGR VT sequences of various types, and the performance seems about the same as it was before.
2021-11-04 22:13:22 +00:00

433 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <intsafe.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "srvinit.h"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
using Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator;
using Microsoft::Console::Render::BlinkingState;
using Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal::VtIo;
// ProcessHandleList initializes itself
// ExeAliasList initialized below
// ColorTable initialized below
// CPInfo initialized below
// OutputCPInfo initialized below
ZeroMemory((void*)&CPInfo, sizeof(CPInfo));
ZeroMemory((void*)&OutputCPInfo, sizeof(OutputCPInfo));
bool CONSOLE_INFORMATION::IsConsoleLocked() const
// The critical section structure's OwningThread field contains the ThreadId despite having the HANDLE type.
// This requires us to hard cast the ID to compare.
return _csConsoleLock.OwningThread == (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId();
#pragma prefast(suppress : 26135, "Adding lock annotation spills into entire project. Future work.")
#pragma prefast(suppress : 26135, "Adding lock annotation spills into entire project. Future work.")
bool CONSOLE_INFORMATION::TryLockConsole()
return !!TryEnterCriticalSection(&_csConsoleLock);
#pragma prefast(suppress : 26135, "Adding lock annotation spills into entire project. Future work.")
void CONSOLE_INFORMATION::UnlockConsole()
return _csConsoleLock.RecursionCount;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine allocates and initialized a console and its associated
// data - input buffer and screen buffer.
// - NOTE: Will read global ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation expecting Settings to already be filled.
// Arguments:
// - title - Window Title to display
// Return Value:
// - STATUS_SUCCESS if successful.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS CONSOLE_INFORMATION::AllocateConsole(const std::wstring_view title)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// Synchronize flags
WI_SetFlagIf(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_AUTO_POSITION, !!gci.GetAutoPosition());
WI_SetFlagIf(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE, !!gci.GetQuickEdit());
WI_SetFlagIf(gci.Flags, CONSOLE_HISTORY_NODUP, !!gci.GetHistoryNoDup());
Selection* const pSelection = &Selection::Instance();
// Initialize input buffer.
gci.pInputBuffer = new InputBuffer();
catch (...)
return NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(wil::ResultFromCaughtException());
// TranslateConsoleTitle must have a null terminated string.
// This should only happen once on startup so the copy shouldn't be costly
// but could be eliminated by rewriting TranslateConsoleTitle.
const std::wstring nullTerminatedTitle{ gci.GetTitle() };
gci.SetOriginalTitle(std::wstring(TranslateConsoleTitle(nullTerminatedTitle.c_str(), TRUE, FALSE)));
catch (...)
return NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT(wil::ResultFromCaughtException());
NTSTATUS Status = DoCreateScreenBuffer();
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
goto ErrorExit2;
gci.pCurrentScreenBuffer = gci.ScreenBuffers;
gci.GetActiveOutputBuffer().ScrollScale = gci.GetScrollScale();
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "Console init failed with status 0x%x", Status);
delete gci.ScreenBuffers;
gci.ScreenBuffers = nullptr;
delete gci.pInputBuffer;
return Status;
return &_vtIo;
bool CONSOLE_INFORMATION::IsInVtIoMode() const
return _vtIo.IsUsingVt();
bool CONSOLE_INFORMATION::HasPendingCookedRead() const noexcept
return _cookedReadData != nullptr;
const COOKED_READ_DATA& CONSOLE_INFORMATION::CookedReadData() const noexcept
return *_cookedReadData;
return *_cookedReadData;
void CONSOLE_INFORMATION::SetCookedReadData(COOKED_READ_DATA* readData) noexcept
_cookedReadData = readData;
// Method Description:
// - Return the active screen buffer of the console.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the active screen buffer of the console.
return *pCurrentScreenBuffer;
return *pCurrentScreenBuffer;
bool CONSOLE_INFORMATION::HasActiveOutputBuffer() const
return (pCurrentScreenBuffer != nullptr);
// Method Description:
// - Return the active input buffer of the console.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the active input buffer of the console.
InputBuffer* const CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetActiveInputBuffer() const
return pInputBuffer;
// Method Description:
// - Return the default foreground color of the console. If the settings are
// configured to have a default foreground color (separate from the color
// table), this will return that value. Otherwise it will return the value
// from the colortable corresponding to our default attributes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the default foreground color of the console.
COLORREF CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetDefaultForeground() const noexcept
const auto fg = GetDefaultForegroundColor();
return fg != INVALID_COLOR ? fg : GetLegacyColorTableEntry(LOBYTE(GetFillAttribute()) & FG_ATTRS);
// Method Description:
// - Return the default background color of the console. If the settings are
// configured to have a default background color (separate from the color
// table), this will return that value. Otherwise it will return the value
// from the colortable corresponding to our default attributes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the default background color of the console.
COLORREF CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetDefaultBackground() const noexcept
const auto bg = GetDefaultBackgroundColor();
return bg != INVALID_COLOR ? bg : GetLegacyColorTableEntry((LOBYTE(GetFillAttribute()) & BG_ATTRS) >> 4);
// Method Description:
// - Get the colors of a particular text attribute, using our color table,
// and our configured default attributes.
// Arguments:
// - attr: the TextAttribute to retrieve the foreground and background color of.
// Return Value:
// - The color values of the attribute's foreground and background.
std::pair<COLORREF, COLORREF> CONSOLE_INFORMATION::LookupAttributeColors(const TextAttribute& attr) const noexcept
return LookupAttributeColors(attr, GetDefaultForeground(), GetDefaultBackground());
// Method Description:
// - Get the colors of a particular text attribute, using our color table,
// and the given default color values.
// Arguments:
// - attr: the TextAttribute to retrieve the foreground and background color of.
// - defaultFg: the COLORREF to use for a default foreground color.
// - defaultBg: the COLORREF to use for a default background color.
// Return Value:
// - The color values of the attribute's foreground and background.
std::pair<COLORREF, COLORREF> CONSOLE_INFORMATION::LookupAttributeColors(const TextAttribute& attr, const COLORREF defaultFg, const COLORREF defaultBg) const noexcept
return attr.CalculateRgbColors(
// Method Description:
// - Set the console's title, and trigger a renderer update of the title.
// This does not include the title prefix, such as "Mark", "Select", or "Scroll"
// Arguments:
// - newTitle: The new value to use for the title
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CONSOLE_INFORMATION::SetTitle(const std::wstring_view newTitle)
_Title = std::wstring{ newTitle.begin(), newTitle.end() };
_TitleAndPrefix = _Prefix + _Title;
auto* const pRender = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().pRender;
if (pRender)
// Method Description:
// - Set the console title's prefix, and trigger a renderer update of the title.
// This is the part of the title such as "Mark", "Select", or "Scroll"
// Arguments:
// - newTitlePrefix: The new value to use for the title prefix
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CONSOLE_INFORMATION::SetTitlePrefix(const std::wstring_view newTitlePrefix)
_Prefix = newTitlePrefix;
_TitleAndPrefix = _Prefix + _Title;
auto* const pRender = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().pRender;
if (pRender)
// Method Description:
// - Set the value of the console's original title. This is the title the
// console launched with.
// Arguments:
// - originalTitle: The new value to use for the console's original title
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CONSOLE_INFORMATION::SetOriginalTitle(const std::wstring_view originalTitle)
_OriginalTitle = originalTitle;
// Method Description:
// - Set the value of the console's link title. If the console was launched
/// from a shortcut, this value will not be the empty string.
// Arguments:
// - linkTitle: The new value to use for the console's link title
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CONSOLE_INFORMATION::SetLinkTitle(const std::wstring_view linkTitle)
_LinkTitle = linkTitle;
// Method Description:
// - return a reference to the console's title.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the console's title.
const std::wstring_view CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetTitle() const noexcept
return _Title;
// Method Description:
// - Return a new wstring representing the actual display value of the title.
// This is the Prefix+Title.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the combined prefix and title.
const std::wstring_view CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetTitleAndPrefix() const
return _TitleAndPrefix;
// Method Description:
// - return a reference to the console's original title.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the console's original title.
const std::wstring_view CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetOriginalTitle() const noexcept
return _OriginalTitle;
// Method Description:
// - return a reference to the console's link title.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the console's link title.
const std::wstring_view CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetLinkTitle() const noexcept
return _LinkTitle;
// Method Description:
// - return a reference to the console's cursor blinker.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a reference to the console's cursor blinker.
Microsoft::Console::CursorBlinker& CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetCursorBlinker() noexcept
return _blinker;
// Method Description:
// - return a reference to the console's blinking state.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a reference to the console's blinking state.
BlinkingState& CONSOLE_INFORMATION::GetBlinkingState() const noexcept
return _blinkingState;
// Method Description:
// - Generates a CHAR_INFO for this output cell, using the TextAttribute
// GetLegacyAttributes method to generate the legacy style attributes.
// Arguments:
// - cell: The cell to get the CHAR_INFO from
// Return Value:
// - a CHAR_INFO containing legacy information about the cell
CHAR_INFO CONSOLE_INFORMATION::AsCharInfo(const OutputCellView& cell) const noexcept
CHAR_INFO ci{ 0 };
ci.Char.UnicodeChar = Utf16ToUcs2(cell.Chars());
// If the current text attributes aren't legacy attributes, then
// use gci to look up the correct legacy attributes to use
// (for mapping RGB values to the nearest table value)
const auto& attr = cell.TextAttr();
ci.Attributes = attr.GetLegacyAttributes();
ci.Attributes |= cell.DbcsAttr().GeneratePublicApiAttributeFormat();
return ci;