N d09fdd61cb
Change backslashes in include statements to forward slashes (#8205)
Many include statements use forward slashes, while others use backwards
slashes. This is inconsistent formatting. For this reason, I changed the
backward slashes to forward slashes since that is the standard.
2020-11-25 21:02:10 +00:00

74 lines
1.7 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- Common.hpp
- This module contains common items for the API tests
- Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 2015
- Paul Campbell (PaulCam) 2015
Revision History:
#pragma once
#include "../../inc/consoletaeftemplates.hpp"
class Common
static bool TestBufferSetup();
static bool TestBufferCleanup();
static HANDLE _hConsole;
static bool _isV2;
class CommonV1V2Helper
enum class ForceV2States : DWORD
V1 = 0,
V2 = 1
CommonV1V2Helper(const ForceV2States ForceV2StateDesired);
bool _fRestoreOnExit = false;
DWORD _dwForceV2Original = 0;
wil::unique_hkey _consoleKey;
// Helper to cause a VERIFY_FAIL and get the last error code for functions that return null-like things.
void VerifySucceededGLE(BOOL bResult);
void DoFailure(PCWSTR pwszFunc, DWORD dwErrorCode);
void GlePattern(PCWSTR pwszFunc);
bool CheckLastErrorNegativeOneFail(DWORD dwReturn, PCWSTR pwszFunc);
bool CheckLastErrorZeroFail(int iValue, PCWSTR pwszFunc);
bool CheckLastErrorWait(DWORD dwReturn, PCWSTR pwszFunc);
bool CheckLastError(HRESULT hr, PCWSTR pwszFunc);
bool CheckLastError(BOOL fSuccess, PCWSTR pwszFunc);
bool CheckLastError(HANDLE handle, PCWSTR pwszFunc);
[[nodiscard]] bool CheckIfFileExists(_In_ PCWSTR pwszPath) noexcept;
BOOL UnadjustWindowRectEx(
DWORD dwStyle,
BOOL fMenu,
DWORD dwExStyle);
HANDLE GetStdInputHandle();
HANDLE GetStdOutputHandle();
bool IsConsoleStillRunning();