Mike Griese d749df70ed
Rename Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl to .Control; Split into dll & lib (#9472)
**BE NOT AFRAID**. I know that there's 107 files in this PR, but almost
all of it is just find/replacing `TerminalControl` with `Control`.

This is the start of the work to move TermControl into multiple pieces,
for #5000. The PR starts this work by:
* Splits `TerminalControl` into separate lib and dll projects. We'll
  want control tests in the future, and for that, we'll need a lib.
* Moves `ICoreSettings` back into the `Microsoft.Terminal.Core`
  namespace. We'll have other types in there soon too. 
  * I could not tell you why this works suddenly. New VS versions? New
    cppwinrt version? Maybe we're just better at dealing with mdmerge
    bugs these days.
* RENAMES  `Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl` to
  `Microsoft.Terminal.Control`. This touches pretty much every file in
  the sln. Sorry about that (not sorry). 

An upcoming PR will move much of the logic in TermControl into a new
`ControlCore` class that we'll add in `Microsoft.Terminal.Core`.
`ControlCore` will then be unittest-able in the
`UnitTests_TerminalCore`, which will help prevent regressions like #9455 

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
You're really gonna want to clean the sln first, then merge this into
your branch, then rebuild. It's very likely that old winmds will get
left behind. If you see something like 

Error    MDM2007    Cannot create type
Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.KeyModifiers in read-only metadata
file Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.

then that's what happened to you.
2021-03-17 20:47:24 +00:00

538 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ActionArgs.h"
#include "ActionEventArgs.g.cpp"
#include "NewTerminalArgs.g.cpp"
#include "CopyTextArgs.g.cpp"
#include "NewTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SwitchToTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "ResizePaneArgs.g.cpp"
#include "MoveFocusArgs.g.cpp"
#include "AdjustFontSizeArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SendInputArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SplitPaneArgs.g.cpp"
#include "OpenSettingsArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SetColorSchemeArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SetTabColorArgs.g.cpp"
#include "RenameTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "ExecuteCommandlineArgs.g.cpp"
#include "CloseOtherTabsArgs.g.cpp"
#include "CloseTabsAfterArgs.g.cpp"
#include "MoveTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "FindMatchArgs.g.cpp"
#include "ToggleCommandPaletteArgs.g.cpp"
#include "NewWindowArgs.g.cpp"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
winrt::hstring NewTerminalArgs::GenerateName() const
std::wstringstream ss;
if (!_Profile.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"profile: {}, ", _Profile);
else if (_ProfileIndex)
ss << fmt::format(L"profile index: {}, ", _ProfileIndex.Value());
if (!_Commandline.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"commandline: {}, ", _Commandline);
if (!_StartingDirectory.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"directory: {}, ", _StartingDirectory);
if (!_TabTitle.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"title: {}, ", _TabTitle);
if (_TabColor)
const til::color tabColor{ _TabColor.Value() };
ss << fmt::format(L"tabColor: {}, ", tabColor.ToHexString(true));
if (_SuppressApplicationTitle)
if (_SuppressApplicationTitle.Value())
ss << fmt::format(L"suppress application title, ");
ss << fmt::format(L"use application title, ");
auto s = ss.str();
if (s.empty())
return L"";
// Chop off the last ", "
return winrt::hstring{ s.substr(0, s.size() - 2) };
winrt::hstring NewTerminalArgs::ToCommandline() const
std::wstringstream ss;
if (!_Profile.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"--profile \"{}\" ", _Profile);
// The caller is always expected to provide the evaluated profile in the
// NewTerminalArgs, not the index
// else if (_ProfileIndex)
// {
// ss << fmt::format(L"profile index: {}, ", _ProfileIndex.Value());
// }
if (!_StartingDirectory.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"--startingDirectory \"{}\" ", _StartingDirectory);
if (!_TabTitle.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"--title \"{}\" ", _TabTitle);
if (_TabColor)
const til::color tabColor{ _TabColor.Value() };
ss << fmt::format(L"--tabColor \"{}\" ", tabColor.ToHexString(true));
if (_SuppressApplicationTitle)
if (_SuppressApplicationTitle.Value())
ss << fmt::format(L"--suppressApplicationTitle ");
ss << fmt::format(L"--useApplicationTitle ");
if (!_Commandline.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"-- \"{}\" ", _Commandline);
auto s = ss.str();
if (s.empty())
return L"";
// Chop off the last " "
return winrt::hstring{ s.substr(0, s.size() - 1) };
winrt::hstring CopyTextArgs::GenerateName() const
std::wstringstream ss;
if (_SingleLine)
ss << RS_(L"CopyTextAsSingleLineCommandKey").c_str();
ss << RS_(L"CopyTextCommandKey").c_str();
if (_CopyFormatting != nullptr)
ss << L", copyFormatting: ";
if (_CopyFormatting.Value() == CopyFormat::All)
ss << L"all, ";
else if (_CopyFormatting.Value() == static_cast<CopyFormat>(0))
ss << L"none, ";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_CopyFormatting.Value(), CopyFormat::HTML))
ss << L"html, ";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_CopyFormatting.Value(), CopyFormat::RTF))
ss << L"rtf, ";
// Chop off the last ","
auto result = ss.str();
return winrt::hstring{ result.substr(0, result.size() - 2) };
return winrt::hstring{ ss.str() };
winrt::hstring NewTabArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring newTerminalArgsStr;
if (_TerminalArgs)
newTerminalArgsStr = _TerminalArgs.GenerateName();
if (newTerminalArgsStr.empty())
return RS_(L"NewTabCommandKey");
return winrt::hstring{
fmt::format(L"{}, {}", RS_(L"NewTabCommandKey"), newTerminalArgsStr)
winrt::hstring SwitchToTabArgs::GenerateName() const
return winrt::hstring{
fmt::format(L"{}, index:{}", RS_(L"SwitchToTabCommandKey"), _TabIndex)
winrt::hstring ResizePaneArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring directionString;
switch (_ResizeDirection)
case ResizeDirection::Left:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionLeft");
case ResizeDirection::Right:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionRight");
case ResizeDirection::Up:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionUp");
case ResizeDirection::Down:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionDown");
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring MoveFocusArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring directionString;
switch (_FocusDirection)
case FocusDirection::Left:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionLeft");
case FocusDirection::Right:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionRight");
case FocusDirection::Up:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionUp");
case FocusDirection::Down:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionDown");
case FocusDirection::Previous:
return RS_(L"MoveFocusToLastUsedPane");
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring AdjustFontSizeArgs::GenerateName() const
// If the amount is just 1 (or -1), we'll just return "Increase font
// size" (or "Decrease font size"). If the amount delta has a greater
// absolute value, we'll include it like"
// * Decrease font size, amount: {delta}"
if (_Delta < 0)
return _Delta == -1 ? RS_(L"DecreaseFontSizeCommandKey") :
return _Delta == 1 ? RS_(L"IncreaseFontSizeCommandKey") :
winrt::hstring SendInputArgs::GenerateName() const
// The string will be similar to the following:
// * "Send Input: ...input..."
auto escapedInput = til::visualize_control_codes(_Input);
auto name = fmt::format(std::wstring_view(RS_(L"SendInputCommandKey")), escapedInput);
return winrt::hstring{ name };
winrt::hstring SplitPaneArgs::GenerateName() const
// The string will be similar to the following:
// * "Duplicate pane[, split: <direction>][, size: <size>%][, new terminal arguments...]"
// * "Split pane[, split: <direction>][, size: <size>%][, new terminal arguments...]"
// Direction will only be added to the string if the split direction is
// not "auto".
// If this is a "duplicate pane" action, then the new terminal arguments
// will be omitted (as they're unused)
std::wstringstream ss;
if (_SplitMode == SplitType::Duplicate)
ss << std::wstring_view(RS_(L"DuplicatePaneCommandKey"));
ss << std::wstring_view(RS_(L"SplitPaneCommandKey"));
ss << L", ";
// This text is intentionally _not_ localized, to attempt to mirror the
// exact syntax that the property would have in JSON.
switch (_SplitStyle)
case SplitState::Vertical:
ss << L"split: vertical, ";
case SplitState::Horizontal:
ss << L"split: horizontal, ";
if (_SplitSize != .5f)
ss << L"size: " << (_SplitSize * 100) << L"%, ";
winrt::hstring newTerminalArgsStr;
if (_TerminalArgs)
newTerminalArgsStr = _TerminalArgs.GenerateName();
if (_SplitMode != SplitType::Duplicate && !newTerminalArgsStr.empty())
ss << newTerminalArgsStr.c_str();
ss << L", ";
// Chop off the last ", "
auto s = ss.str();
return winrt::hstring{ s.substr(0, s.size() - 2) };
winrt::hstring OpenSettingsArgs::GenerateName() const
switch (_Target)
case SettingsTarget::DefaultsFile:
return RS_(L"OpenDefaultSettingsCommandKey");
case SettingsTarget::AllFiles:
return RS_(L"OpenBothSettingsFilesCommandKey");
case SettingsTarget::SettingsFile:
return RS_(L"OpenSettingsCommandKey");
case SettingsTarget::SettingsUI:
return RS_(L"OpenSettingsUICommandKey");
winrt::hstring SetColorSchemeArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Set color scheme to "{_SchemeName}""
if (!_SchemeName.empty())
return winrt::hstring{
return L"";
winrt::hstring SetTabColorArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Set tab color to #RRGGBB"
// "Reset tab color"
if (_TabColor)
til::color tabColor{ _TabColor.Value() };
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"ResetTabColorCommandKey");
winrt::hstring RenameTabArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Rename tab to \"{_Title}\""
// "Reset tab title"
if (!_Title.empty())
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"ResetTabNameCommandKey");
winrt::hstring ExecuteCommandlineArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Run commandline "{_Commandline}" in this window"
if (!_Commandline.empty())
return winrt::hstring{
return L"";
winrt::hstring CloseOtherTabsArgs::GenerateName() const
if (_Index)
// "Close tabs other than index {0}"
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"CloseOtherTabsDefaultCommandKey");
winrt::hstring CloseTabsAfterArgs::GenerateName() const
if (_Index)
// "Close tabs after index {0}"
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"CloseTabsAfterDefaultCommandKey");
winrt::hstring ScrollUpArgs::GenerateName() const
if (_RowsToScroll)
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"ScrollUpCommandKey");
winrt::hstring ScrollDownArgs::GenerateName() const
if (_RowsToScroll)
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"ScrollDownCommandKey");
winrt::hstring MoveTabArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring directionString;
switch (_Direction)
case MoveTabDirection::Forward:
directionString = RS_(L"MoveTabDirectionForward");
case MoveTabDirection::Backward:
directionString = RS_(L"MoveTabDirectionBackward");
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring ToggleCommandPaletteArgs::GenerateName() const
if (_LaunchMode == CommandPaletteLaunchMode::CommandLine)
return RS_(L"ToggleCommandPaletteCommandLineModeCommandKey");
return RS_(L"ToggleCommandPaletteCommandKey");
winrt::hstring FindMatchArgs::GenerateName() const
switch (_Direction)
case FindMatchDirection::Next:
return winrt::hstring{ RS_(L"FindNextCommandKey") };
case FindMatchDirection::Previous:
return winrt::hstring{ RS_(L"FindPrevCommandKey") };
return L"";
winrt::hstring NewWindowArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring newTerminalArgsStr;
if (_TerminalArgs)
newTerminalArgsStr = _TerminalArgs.GenerateName();
if (newTerminalArgsStr.empty())
return RS_(L"NewWindowCommandKey");
return winrt::hstring{
fmt::format(L"{}, {}", RS_(L"NewWindowCommandKey"), newTerminalArgsStr)