Mike Griese edd8ac8c6c
Update MUX to 2.5.0-prerelease.200609001 (#6819)
See: https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/releases/tag/v2.5.0-prerelease.200609001

> ### Notable Changes:
>     Resize tab view items only once the pointer has left the TabViewItem strip (microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2569)
>     Align TabView visuals with Edge (microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2201)
>     Fix background of MenuFlyout in white high contrast (microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2446)
>     TabView: Make TabViewItem consume the TabViewItemHeaderForeground theme resource (microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2348)
>     TabView: Add tooltips to its scrolling buttons. (microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#2369)

* [x] Related to #5360 (@jtippet confirms that this alone does not close it.)
* [x] I work here
2020-07-07 23:29:30 +00:00

4 KiB

How to build OpenConsole

This repository uses git submodules for some of its dependencies. To make sure submodules are restored or updated, be sure to run the following prior to building:

git submodule update --init --recursive

OpenConsole.sln may be built from within Visual Studio or from the command-line using a set of convenience scripts & tools in the /tools directory:

When using Visual Studio, be sure to set up the path for code formatting. This can be done in Visual Studio by going to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C++ > Formatting and checking "Use custom clang-format.exe file" and choosing the clang-format.exe in the repository at /dep/llvm/clang-format.exe by clicking "browse" right under the check box.

Building in PowerShell

Import-Module .\tools\OpenConsole.psm1

There are a few additional exported functions (look at their documentation for further details):

  • Invoke-OpenConsoleBuild - builds the solution. Can be passed msbuild arguments.
  • Invoke-OpenConsoleTests - runs the various tests. Will run the unit tests by default.
  • Start-OpenConsole - starts Openconsole.exe from the output directory. x64 is run by default.
  • Debug-OpenConsole - starts Openconsole.exe and attaches it to the default debugger. x64 is run by default.
  • Invoke-CodeFormat - uses clang-format to format all c++ files to match our coding style.

Building in Cmd


There are also scripts for running the tests:

  • runut.cmd - run the unit tests
  • runft.cmd - run the feature tests
  • runuia.cmd - run the UIA tests
  • runformat - uses clang-format to format all c++ files to match our coding style.

Running & Debugging

To debug the Windows Terminal in VS, right click on CascadiaPackage (in the Solution Explorer) and go to properties. In the Debug menu, change "Application process" and "Background task process" to "Native Only".

You should then be able to build & debug the Terminal project by hitting F5.

👉 You will not be able to launch the Terminal directly by running the WindowsTerminal.exe. For more details on why, see #926, #4043

Configuration Types

Openconsole has three configuration types:

  • Debug
  • Release
  • AuditMode

AuditMode is an experimental mode that enables some additional static analysis from CppCoreCheck.

Updating Nuget package references

Certain Nuget package references in this project, like Microsoft.UI.Xaml, must be updated outside of the Visual Studio NuGet package manager. This can be done using the snippet below.

Note that to run this snippet, you need to use WSL as the command uses sed. To update the version of a given package, use the following snippet

git grep -z -l $PackageName | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/$OldVersionNumber/$NewVersionNumber/g'


  • $PackageName is the name of the package, e.g. Microsoft.UI.Xaml
  • $OldVersionNumber is the version number currently used, e.g. 2.5.0-prerelease.200609001
  • $NewVersionNumber is the version number you want to migrate to, e.g. 2.4.200117003-prerelease

Example usage:

git grep -z -l Microsoft.UI.Xaml | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/2.5.0-prerelease.200609001/2.4.200117003-prerelease/g'

Using .nupkg files instead of downloaded Nuget packages

If you want to use .nupkg files instead of the downloaded Nuget package, you can do this with the following steps:

  1. Open the Nuget.config file and uncomment line 8 ("Static Package Dependencies")
  2. Create the folder /dep/packages
  3. Put your .nupkg files in /dep/packages
  4. If you are using different versions than those already being used, you need to update the references as well. How to do that is explained under "Updating Nuget package references".