2021-01-16 11:16:31 +01:00

5.5 KiB



FIXME: Released on ???

  • Enhancements:
    • Added connection timeout to 30 seconds to SFTP/SCP clients and improved name lookup system.
  • Bugfix:
    • Solved index in explorer files list which was no more kept after 0.3.0


Released on 10/01/2021

The SSH Key Storage Update

  • SSH Key Storage
    • Added the possibility to store SSH private keys to access to remote hosts; this feature is supported in both SFTP and SCP.
    • SSH Keys can be manipulated through the new Setup Interface
  • Setup Interface
    • Added a new area in the interface, where is possible to customize termscp. Access to this interface is achieved pressing <CTRL+C> from the home page (AuthActivity).
  • Configuration:
    • Added configuration; configuration is stored at
      • Linux: /home/alice/.config/termscp/config.toml
      • MacOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/termscp/config.toml
      • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\termscp\config.toml
    • Added Text editor to configuration
    • Added Default File transfer protocol to configuration
    • Added "Show hidden files" to configuration
    • Added "Group directories" to configuration
    • Added SSH keys to configuration; SSH keys will be stored at
      • Linux: /home/alice/.config/termscp/.ssh/
      • MacOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/termscp/.ssh/
      • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\termscp\.ssh\
  • Enhancements:
    • Replaced sha256 sum with last modification time check, to verify if a file has been changed in the text editor
    • FTP
      • Added LIST command parser for Windows server (DOS-like syntax)
    • Default protocol changed to default protocol in configuration when providing address as CLI argument
    • Explorers:
      • Hidden files are now not shown by default; use A to show hidden files.
      • Append / to directories name.
  • Keybindings:
    • A: Toggle hidden files
    • B: Sort files by (name, size, creation time, modify time)
    • N: New file
  • Bugfix:
    • SCP client didn't show file types for files
    • FTP client didn't show file types for files
    • FTP file transfer not working properly with STOR and RETR.
    • Fixed 0 B/S transfer rate displayed after completing download in less than 1 second
  • Dependencies:
    • added bitflags 1.2.1
    • removed data-encoding
    • updated ftp to 4.0.2
    • updated rand to 0.8.0
    • removed ring
    • updated textwrap to 0.13.1
    • updated toml to 0.5.8
    • updated whoami to 1.0.1


Released on 21/12/2020

The Bookmarks Update

  • Bookmarks
    • Bookmarks and recent connections are now displayed in the home page
    • Bookmarks are saved at
      • Linux: /home/alice/.config/termscp/bookmarks.toml
      • MacOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/termscp/bookmarks.toml
      • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\termscp\bookmarks.toml
  • Text Editor
    • Added text editor feature to explorer view
    • Added o to keybindings to open a text file
  • Keybindings:
    • C: Copy file/directory
    • O: Open text file in editor
  • Enhancements:
    • User interface
      • Collpased borders to make everything more aesthetic
      • Rounded input field boards
      • File explorer:
        • Log how long it took to upload/download a file and the transfer speed
        • Display in progress bar the transfer speed (bytes/seconds)
  • Bugfix:
    • File mode of file on remote is now reported on local file after being downloaded (unix, linux, macos only)
    • Scp: when username was not provided, it didn't fallback to current username
    • Explorer: fixed UID format in Windows


Released on 14/12/2020

  • Enhancements:
    • File transfer:
      • Read buffer is now 65536 bytes long
    • File explorer:
      • Fixed color mismatch in local explorer
      • Explorer tabs have now 70% of layout height, while logging area is 30%
      • Highlight selected entry in tabs, only when the tab is active
    • Auth page:
      • align popup text to center
  • Keybindings:
    • L: Refresh directory content
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed memory vulnerability in Windows version


Released on 13/12/2020

  • General performance and code improvements
  • Improved symlinks management
  • Possibility to abort file transfers
  • Enhancements:
    • File explorer:
      • When file index is at the end of the list, moving down will set the current index to the first element and viceversa.
      • Selected file has now colourful background, instead of foreground, for a better readability.
  • Keybindings:
    • E: Delete file (Same as DEL); added because some keyboards don't have DEL (hey, that's my MacBook Air's keyboard!)
    • Ctrl+C: Abort transfer process


Released on 10/12/2020

  • enhancements:
    • password prompt: ask before performing terminal clear
    • file explorer:
      • file names are now sorted ignoring capital letters
      • file names longer than 23, are now cut to 20 and followed by ...
      • paths which exceed tab size in explorer are elided with the following formato ANCESTOR[1]/.../PARENT/DIRNAME
  • keybindings:
    • I: show info about selected file or directory
    • Removed CTRL; just use keys now.
  • bugfix:
    • prevent panic in set_progress, for progress values > 100.0 or < 0.0
    • Fixed FTP get, which didn't finalize the reader
  • dependencies:
    • updated textwrap to 0.13.0
    • updated ftp4 to 4.0.1


Released on 06/12/2020

  • First release