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~ A feature rich terminal file transfer ~
Developed by Christian Visintin
Current version: 0.5.0 FIXME: (13/04/2021)

About TermSCP 🖥

Termscp is a feature rich terminal file transfer and explorer, with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP. So basically is a terminal utility with an TUI to connect to a remote server to retrieve and upload files and to interact with the local file system. It is Linux, MacOS, BSD and Windows compatible and supports SFTP, SCP, FTP and FTPS.


Why TermSCP 🤔

It happens quite often to me, when using SCP at work to forget the path of a file on a remote machine, which forces me to connect through SSH, gather the file path and finally download it through SCP. I could use WinSCP, but I use Linux and I pratically use the terminal for everything, so I wanted something like WinSCP on my terminal. Yeah, I know there is midnight commander too, but actually I don't like it very much tbh (and hasn't a decent support for scp).

Features 🎁

  • 📁 Different communication protocols support
    • SFTP
    • SCP
    • FTP and FTPS
  • 🐧 Compatible with Windows, Linux, BSD and MacOS
  • 🖥 Handy user interface to explore and operate on the remote and on the local machine file system
    • Create, remove, rename, search, view and edit files
  • Bookmarks and recent connections can be saved to access quickly to your favourite hosts
  • 📝 Supports text editors to view and edit text files
  • 💁 Supports both SFTP/SCP authentication through SSH keys and username/password
  • ✏ Customizations
    • Custom file explorer format
    • Customizable text editor
    • Customizable file sorting
  • 🔐 SSH key storage
  • 🦀 Written in Rust
  • 🤝 Easy to extend with new file transfers protocols
  • 👀 Developed keeping an eye on performance
  • 🦄 Frequent awesome updates

Installation 🛠

If you're considering to install TermSCP I want to thank you 💜 ! I hope you will enjoy TermSCP!
If you want to contribute to this project, don't forget to check out our contribute guide. Read More

Cargo 🦀

# Install termscp via cargo
cargo install termscp


  • Linux
    • pkg-config
    • libssh2
    • openssl

Deb package 📦

Get deb package from HERE or run wget https://github.com/veeso/termscp/releases/latest/download/termscp_0.5.0_amd64.deb

then install via dpkg:

dpkg -i termscp_*.deb
# Or even better with gdebi
gdebi termscp_*.deb

RPM package 📦

Get rpm package from HERE or run wget https://github.com/veeso/termscp/releases/latest/download/termscp-0.5.0-1.x86_64.rpm

then install via rpm:

rpm -U termscp_*.rpm

AUR Package 🔼

On Arch Linux based distribution, you can install termscp using for istance yay, which I recommend to install AUR packages.

yay -S termscp

Chocolatey 🍫

You can install TermSCP on Windows using chocolatey

Start PowerShell as administrator and run

choco install termscp

Alternatively you can download the ZIP file from HERE

and then with PowerShell started with administrator previleges, run:

choco install termscp -s .

Brew 🍻

You can install TermSCP on MacOS using brew

From your terminal run

brew install veeso/termscp/termscp

User Manual 🎓

Click here to read the user manual!

What you will find:

  • CLI options
  • Keybindings
  • Bookmarks
  • Configuration

Documentation 📚

The developer documentation can be found on Rust Docs at https://docs.rs/termscp

Known issues 🧻

  • NoSuchFileOrDirectory on connect (WSL): I know about this issue and it's a glitch of WSL I guess. Don't worry about it, just move the termscp executable into another PATH location, such as /usr/bin, or install it through the appropriate package format (e.g. deb).

Upcoming Features 🧪

  • Themes provider 🎨: I'm still thinking about how I will implement this, but basically the idea is to have a configuration file where it will be possible to define the color schema for the entire application. I haven't planned this release yet
  • Synchronized browsing of local and remote directories : See Issue 8
  • Group file select 🤩: Possibility to select a group of files in explorers to operate on

No other new feature is planned at the moment. I actually think that termscp is getting mature and now I should focus upcoming updates more on bug fixing and code/performance improvements than on new features. Anyway there are some ideas which I'd like to implement. If you want to start working on them, feel free to open a PR:

  • Amazon S3 support
  • Samba support
  • Themes provider

Contributing and issues 🤝🏻

Contributions, bug reports, new features and questions are welcome! 😉 If you have any question or concern, or you want to suggest a new feature, or you want just want to improve termscp, feel free to open an issue or a PR.

Please follow our contributing guidelines


View TermSCP's changelog HERE

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Text editor


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If you like termscp and you'd love to see the project to grow, please consider a little donation 🥳


License 📃

termscp is licensed under the MIT license.

You can read the entire license HERE