consolidate build package.json

This commit is contained in:
Joao Moreno 2017-05-15 15:59:14 +02:00
parent 613724d43b
commit 74fab50d5d
27 changed files with 3612 additions and 23471 deletions

View file

@ -1,453 +1,453 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var vm = require("vm");
* Bundle `entryPoints` given config `config`.
function bundle(entryPoints, config, callback) {
var entryPointsMap = {};
entryPoints.forEach(function (module) {
entryPointsMap[] = module;
var allMentionedModulesMap = {};
entryPoints.forEach(function (module) {
allMentionedModulesMap[] = true;
(module.include || []).forEach(function (includedModule) {
allMentionedModulesMap[includedModule] = true;
(module.exclude || []).forEach(function (excludedModule) {
allMentionedModulesMap[excludedModule] = true;
var code = require('fs').readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/loader.js'));
var r = vm.runInThisContext('(function(require, module, exports) { ' + code + '\n});');
var loaderModule = { exports: {} };{}, require, loaderModule, loaderModule.exports);
var loader = loaderModule.exports;
config.isBuild = true;
loader(['require'], function (localRequire) {
var resolvePath = function (path) {
var r = localRequire.toUrl(path);
if (!/\.js/.test(r)) {
return r + '.js';
return r;
for (var moduleId in entryPointsMap) {
var entryPoint = entryPointsMap[moduleId];
if (entryPoint.append) {
entryPoint.append =;
if (entryPoint.prepend) {
entryPoint.prepend =;
loader(Object.keys(allMentionedModulesMap), function () {
var modules = loader.getBuildInfo();
var partialResult = emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPointsMap);
var cssInlinedResources = loader('vs/css').getInlinedResources();
callback(null, {
files: partialResult.files,
cssInlinedResources: cssInlinedResources,
bundleData: partialResult.bundleData
}, function (err) { return callback(err, null); });
exports.bundle = bundle;
function emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPoints) {
var modulesMap = {};
modules.forEach(function (m) {
modulesMap[] = m;
var modulesGraph = {};
modules.forEach(function (m) {
modulesGraph[] = m.dependencies;
var sortedModules = topologicalSort(modulesGraph);
var result = [];
var usedPlugins = {};
var bundleData = {
graph: modulesGraph,
bundles: {}
Object.keys(entryPoints).forEach(function (moduleToBundle) {
var info = entryPoints[moduleToBundle];
var rootNodes = [moduleToBundle].concat(info.include || []);
var allDependencies = visit(rootNodes, modulesGraph);
var excludes = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].concat(info.exclude || []);
excludes.forEach(function (excludeRoot) {
var allExcludes = visit([excludeRoot], modulesGraph);
Object.keys(allExcludes).forEach(function (exclude) {
delete allDependencies[exclude];
var includedModules = sortedModules.filter(function (module) {
return allDependencies[module];
bundleData.bundles[moduleToBundle] = includedModules;
var res = emitEntryPoint(modulesMap, modulesGraph, moduleToBundle, includedModules, info.prepend, info.append, info.dest);
result = result.concat(res.files);
for (var pluginName in res.usedPlugins) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = usedPlugins[pluginName] || res.usedPlugins[pluginName];
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach(function (pluginName) {
var plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.finishBuild === 'function') {
var write = function (filename, contents) {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
path: null,
contents: contents
return {
// TODO@TS 2.1.2
files: extractStrings(removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(result)),
bundleData: bundleData
function extractStrings(destFiles) {
var parseDefineCall = function (moduleMatch, depsMatch) {
var module = moduleMatch.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
var deps = depsMatch.split(',');
deps = (dep) {
dep = dep.trim();
dep = dep.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
dep = dep.replace(/^'|'$/g, '');
var prefix = null;
var _path = null;
var pieces = dep.split('!');
if (pieces.length > 1) {
prefix = pieces[0] + '!';
_path = pieces[1];
else {
prefix = '';
_path = pieces[0];
if (/^\.\//.test(_path) || /^\.\.\//.test(_path)) {
var res = path.join(path.dirname(module), _path).replace(/\\/g, '/');
return prefix + res;
return prefix + _path;
return {
module: module,
deps: deps
destFiles.forEach(function (destFile, index) {
if (!/\.js$/.test(destFile.dest)) {
if (/\.nls\.js$/.test(destFile.dest)) {
// Do one pass to record the usage counts for each module id
var useCounts = {};
destFile.sources.forEach(function (source) {
var matches = source.contents.match(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/);
if (!matches) {
var defineCall = parseDefineCall(matches[1], matches[2]);
useCounts[defineCall.module] = (useCounts[defineCall.module] || 0) + 1;
defineCall.deps.forEach(function (dep) {
useCounts[dep] = (useCounts[dep] || 0) + 1;
var sortedByUseModules = Object.keys(useCounts);
sortedByUseModules.sort(function (a, b) {
return useCounts[b] - useCounts[a];
var replacementMap = {};
sortedByUseModules.forEach(function (module, index) {
replacementMap[module] = index;
destFile.sources.forEach(function (source) {
source.contents = source.contents.replace(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/, function (_, moduleMatch, depsMatch) {
var defineCall = parseDefineCall(moduleMatch, depsMatch);
return "define(__m[" + replacementMap[defineCall.module] + "/*" + defineCall.module + "*/], __M([" + (dep) { return replacementMap[dep] + '/*' + dep + '*/'; }).join(',') + "])";
path: null,
contents: [
'(function() {',
"var __m = " + JSON.stringify(sortedByUseModules) + ";",
"var __M = function(deps) {",
" var result = [];",
" for (var i = 0, len = deps.length; i < len; i++) {",
" result[i] = __m[deps[i]];",
" }",
" return result;",
path: null,
contents: '}).call(this);'
return destFiles;
function removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(destFiles) {
// Taken from typescript compiler => emitFiles
{ start: /^var __extends/, end: /^}\)\(\);$/ },
{ start: /^var __assign/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __decorate/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __metadata/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __param/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __awaiter/, end: /^};$/ },
destFiles.forEach(function (destFile) {
destFile.sources.forEach(function (source) {
var lines = source.contents.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var newLines = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (END_BOILERPLATE.test(line)) {
else {
for (var j = 0; j < BOILERPLATE.length; j++) {
var boilerplate = BOILERPLATE[j];
if (boilerplate.start.test(line)) {
END_BOILERPLATE = boilerplate.end;
else {
else {
source.contents = newLines.join('\n');
return destFiles;
function emitEntryPoint(modulesMap, deps, entryPoint, includedModules, prepend, append, dest) {
if (!dest) {
dest = entryPoint + '.js';
var mainResult = {
sources: [],
dest: dest
}, results = [mainResult];
var usedPlugins = {};
var getLoaderPlugin = function (pluginName) {
if (!usedPlugins[pluginName]) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = modulesMap[pluginName].exports;
return usedPlugins[pluginName];
includedModules.forEach(function (c) {
var bangIndex = c.indexOf('!');
if (bangIndex >= 0) {
var pluginName = c.substr(0, bangIndex);
var plugin = getLoaderPlugin(pluginName);
mainResult.sources.push(emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, c.substr(bangIndex + 1)));
var module = modulesMap[c];
if (module.path === 'empty:') {
var contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(module.path);
if (module.shim) {
mainResult.sources.push(emitShimmedModule(c, deps[c], module.shim, module.path, contents));
else {
mainResult.sources.push(emitNamedModule(c, deps[c], module.defineLocation, module.path, contents));
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach(function (pluginName) {
var plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.writeFile === 'function') {
var req = (function () {
throw new Error('no-no!');
req.toUrl = function (something) { return something; };
var write = function (filename, contents) {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
path: null,
contents: contents
plugin.writeFile(pluginName, entryPoint, req, write, {});
var toIFile = function (path) {
var contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(path);
return {
path: path,
contents: contents
var toPrepend = (prepend || []).map(toIFile);
var toAppend = (append || []).map(toIFile);
mainResult.sources = toPrepend.concat(mainResult.sources).concat(toAppend);
return {
files: results,
usedPlugins: usedPlugins
function readFileAndRemoveBOM(path) {
var BOM_CHAR_CODE = 65279;
var contents = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
// Remove BOM
if (contents.charCodeAt(0) === BOM_CHAR_CODE) {
contents = contents.substring(1);
return contents;
function emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, moduleName) {
var result = '';
if (typeof plugin.write === 'function') {
var write = (function (what) {
result += what;
write.getEntryPoint = function () {
return entryPoint;
write.asModule = function (moduleId, code) {
code = code.replace(/^define\(/, 'define("' + moduleId + '",');
result += code;
plugin.write(pluginName, moduleName, write);
return {
path: null,
contents: result
function emitNamedModule(moduleId, myDeps, defineCallPosition, path, contents) {
// `defineCallPosition` is the position in code: |define()
var defineCallOffset = positionToOffset(contents, defineCallPosition.line, defineCallPosition.col);
// `parensOffset` is the position in code: define|()
var parensOffset = contents.indexOf('(', defineCallOffset);
var insertStr = '"' + moduleId + '", ';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents.substr(0, parensOffset + 1) + insertStr + contents.substr(parensOffset + 1)
function emitShimmedModule(moduleId, myDeps, factory, path, contents) {
var strDeps = (myDeps.length > 0 ? '"' + myDeps.join('", "') + '"' : '');
var strDefine = 'define("' + moduleId + '", [' + strDeps + '], ' + factory + ');';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents + '\n;\n' + strDefine
* Convert a position (line:col) to (offset) in string `str`
function positionToOffset(str, desiredLine, desiredCol) {
if (desiredLine === 1) {
return desiredCol - 1;
var line = 1, lastNewLineOffset = -1;
do {
if (desiredLine === line) {
return lastNewLineOffset + 1 + desiredCol - 1;
lastNewLineOffset = str.indexOf('\n', lastNewLineOffset + 1);
} while (lastNewLineOffset >= 0);
return -1;
* Return a set of reachable nodes in `graph` starting from `rootNodes`
function visit(rootNodes, graph) {
var result = {}, queue = rootNodes;
rootNodes.forEach(function (node) {
result[node] = true;
while (queue.length > 0) {
var el = queue.shift();
var myEdges = graph[el] || [];
myEdges.forEach(function (toNode) {
if (!result[toNode]) {
result[toNode] = true;
return result;
* Perform a topological sort on `graph`
function topologicalSort(graph) {
var allNodes = {}, outgoingEdgeCount = {}, inverseEdges = {};
Object.keys(graph).forEach(function (fromNode) {
allNodes[fromNode] = true;
outgoingEdgeCount[fromNode] = graph[fromNode].length;
graph[fromNode].forEach(function (toNode) {
allNodes[toNode] = true;
outgoingEdgeCount[toNode] = outgoingEdgeCount[toNode] || 0;
inverseEdges[toNode] = inverseEdges[toNode] || [];
var S = [], L = [];
Object.keys(allNodes).forEach(function (node) {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[node] === 0) {
delete outgoingEdgeCount[node];
while (S.length > 0) {
// Ensure the exact same order all the time with the same inputs
var n = S.shift();
var myInverseEdges = inverseEdges[n] || [];
myInverseEdges.forEach(function (m) {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[m] === 0) {
delete outgoingEdgeCount[m];
if (Object.keys(outgoingEdgeCount).length > 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot do topological sort on cyclic graph, remaining nodes: ' + Object.keys(outgoingEdgeCount));
return L;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var vm = require("vm");
* Bundle `entryPoints` given config `config`.
function bundle(entryPoints, config, callback) {
var entryPointsMap = {};
entryPoints.forEach(function (module) {
entryPointsMap[] = module;
var allMentionedModulesMap = {};
entryPoints.forEach(function (module) {
allMentionedModulesMap[] = true;
(module.include || []).forEach(function (includedModule) {
allMentionedModulesMap[includedModule] = true;
(module.exclude || []).forEach(function (excludedModule) {
allMentionedModulesMap[excludedModule] = true;
var code = require('fs').readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/loader.js'));
var r = vm.runInThisContext('(function(require, module, exports) { ' + code + '\n});');
var loaderModule = { exports: {} };{}, require, loaderModule, loaderModule.exports);
var loader = loaderModule.exports;
config.isBuild = true;
loader(['require'], function (localRequire) {
var resolvePath = function (path) {
var r = localRequire.toUrl(path);
if (!/\.js/.test(r)) {
return r + '.js';
return r;
for (var moduleId in entryPointsMap) {
var entryPoint = entryPointsMap[moduleId];
if (entryPoint.append) {
entryPoint.append =;
if (entryPoint.prepend) {
entryPoint.prepend =;
loader(Object.keys(allMentionedModulesMap), function () {
var modules = loader.getBuildInfo();
var partialResult = emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPointsMap);
var cssInlinedResources = loader('vs/css').getInlinedResources();
callback(null, {
files: partialResult.files,
cssInlinedResources: cssInlinedResources,
bundleData: partialResult.bundleData
}, function (err) { return callback(err, null); });
exports.bundle = bundle;
function emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPoints) {
var modulesMap = {};
modules.forEach(function (m) {
modulesMap[] = m;
var modulesGraph = {};
modules.forEach(function (m) {
modulesGraph[] = m.dependencies;
var sortedModules = topologicalSort(modulesGraph);
var result = [];
var usedPlugins = {};
var bundleData = {
graph: modulesGraph,
bundles: {}
Object.keys(entryPoints).forEach(function (moduleToBundle) {
var info = entryPoints[moduleToBundle];
var rootNodes = [moduleToBundle].concat(info.include || []);
var allDependencies = visit(rootNodes, modulesGraph);
var excludes = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].concat(info.exclude || []);
excludes.forEach(function (excludeRoot) {
var allExcludes = visit([excludeRoot], modulesGraph);
Object.keys(allExcludes).forEach(function (exclude) {
delete allDependencies[exclude];
var includedModules = sortedModules.filter(function (module) {
return allDependencies[module];
bundleData.bundles[moduleToBundle] = includedModules;
var res = emitEntryPoint(modulesMap, modulesGraph, moduleToBundle, includedModules, info.prepend, info.append, info.dest);
result = result.concat(res.files);
for (var pluginName in res.usedPlugins) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = usedPlugins[pluginName] || res.usedPlugins[pluginName];
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach(function (pluginName) {
var plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.finishBuild === 'function') {
var write = function (filename, contents) {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
path: null,
contents: contents
return {
// TODO@TS 2.1.2
files: extractStrings(removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(result)),
bundleData: bundleData
function extractStrings(destFiles) {
var parseDefineCall = function (moduleMatch, depsMatch) {
var module = moduleMatch.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
var deps = depsMatch.split(',');
deps = (dep) {
dep = dep.trim();
dep = dep.replace(/^"|"$/g, '');
dep = dep.replace(/^'|'$/g, '');
var prefix = null;
var _path = null;
var pieces = dep.split('!');
if (pieces.length > 1) {
prefix = pieces[0] + '!';
_path = pieces[1];
else {
prefix = '';
_path = pieces[0];
if (/^\.\//.test(_path) || /^\.\.\//.test(_path)) {
var res = path.join(path.dirname(module), _path).replace(/\\/g, '/');
return prefix + res;
return prefix + _path;
return {
module: module,
deps: deps
destFiles.forEach(function (destFile, index) {
if (!/\.js$/.test(destFile.dest)) {
if (/\.nls\.js$/.test(destFile.dest)) {
// Do one pass to record the usage counts for each module id
var useCounts = {};
destFile.sources.forEach(function (source) {
var matches = source.contents.match(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/);
if (!matches) {
var defineCall = parseDefineCall(matches[1], matches[2]);
useCounts[defineCall.module] = (useCounts[defineCall.module] || 0) + 1;
defineCall.deps.forEach(function (dep) {
useCounts[dep] = (useCounts[dep] || 0) + 1;
var sortedByUseModules = Object.keys(useCounts);
sortedByUseModules.sort(function (a, b) {
return useCounts[b] - useCounts[a];
var replacementMap = {};
sortedByUseModules.forEach(function (module, index) {
replacementMap[module] = index;
destFile.sources.forEach(function (source) {
source.contents = source.contents.replace(/define\(("[^"]+"),\s*\[(((, )?("|')[^"']+("|'))+)\]/, function (_, moduleMatch, depsMatch) {
var defineCall = parseDefineCall(moduleMatch, depsMatch);
return "define(__m[" + replacementMap[defineCall.module] + "/*" + defineCall.module + "*/], __M([" + (dep) { return replacementMap[dep] + '/*' + dep + '*/'; }).join(',') + "])";
path: null,
contents: [
'(function() {',
"var __m = " + JSON.stringify(sortedByUseModules) + ";",
"var __M = function(deps) {",
" var result = [];",
" for (var i = 0, len = deps.length; i < len; i++) {",
" result[i] = __m[deps[i]];",
" }",
" return result;",
path: null,
contents: '}).call(this);'
return destFiles;
function removeDuplicateTSBoilerplate(destFiles) {
// Taken from typescript compiler => emitFiles
{ start: /^var __extends/, end: /^}\)\(\);$/ },
{ start: /^var __assign/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __decorate/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __metadata/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __param/, end: /^};$/ },
{ start: /^var __awaiter/, end: /^};$/ },
destFiles.forEach(function (destFile) {
destFile.sources.forEach(function (source) {
var lines = source.contents.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var newLines = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (END_BOILERPLATE.test(line)) {
else {
for (var j = 0; j < BOILERPLATE.length; j++) {
var boilerplate = BOILERPLATE[j];
if (boilerplate.start.test(line)) {
END_BOILERPLATE = boilerplate.end;
else {
else {
source.contents = newLines.join('\n');
return destFiles;
function emitEntryPoint(modulesMap, deps, entryPoint, includedModules, prepend, append, dest) {
if (!dest) {
dest = entryPoint + '.js';
var mainResult = {
sources: [],
dest: dest
}, results = [mainResult];
var usedPlugins = {};
var getLoaderPlugin = function (pluginName) {
if (!usedPlugins[pluginName]) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = modulesMap[pluginName].exports;
return usedPlugins[pluginName];
includedModules.forEach(function (c) {
var bangIndex = c.indexOf('!');
if (bangIndex >= 0) {
var pluginName = c.substr(0, bangIndex);
var plugin = getLoaderPlugin(pluginName);
mainResult.sources.push(emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, c.substr(bangIndex + 1)));
var module = modulesMap[c];
if (module.path === 'empty:') {
var contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(module.path);
if (module.shim) {
mainResult.sources.push(emitShimmedModule(c, deps[c], module.shim, module.path, contents));
else {
mainResult.sources.push(emitNamedModule(c, deps[c], module.defineLocation, module.path, contents));
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach(function (pluginName) {
var plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.writeFile === 'function') {
var req = (function () {
throw new Error('no-no!');
req.toUrl = function (something) { return something; };
var write = function (filename, contents) {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
path: null,
contents: contents
plugin.writeFile(pluginName, entryPoint, req, write, {});
var toIFile = function (path) {
var contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(path);
return {
path: path,
contents: contents
var toPrepend = (prepend || []).map(toIFile);
var toAppend = (append || []).map(toIFile);
mainResult.sources = toPrepend.concat(mainResult.sources).concat(toAppend);
return {
files: results,
usedPlugins: usedPlugins
function readFileAndRemoveBOM(path) {
var BOM_CHAR_CODE = 65279;
var contents = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
// Remove BOM
if (contents.charCodeAt(0) === BOM_CHAR_CODE) {
contents = contents.substring(1);
return contents;
function emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, moduleName) {
var result = '';
if (typeof plugin.write === 'function') {
var write = (function (what) {
result += what;
write.getEntryPoint = function () {
return entryPoint;
write.asModule = function (moduleId, code) {
code = code.replace(/^define\(/, 'define("' + moduleId + '",');
result += code;
plugin.write(pluginName, moduleName, write);
return {
path: null,
contents: result
function emitNamedModule(moduleId, myDeps, defineCallPosition, path, contents) {
// `defineCallPosition` is the position in code: |define()
var defineCallOffset = positionToOffset(contents, defineCallPosition.line, defineCallPosition.col);
// `parensOffset` is the position in code: define|()
var parensOffset = contents.indexOf('(', defineCallOffset);
var insertStr = '"' + moduleId + '", ';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents.substr(0, parensOffset + 1) + insertStr + contents.substr(parensOffset + 1)
function emitShimmedModule(moduleId, myDeps, factory, path, contents) {
var strDeps = (myDeps.length > 0 ? '"' + myDeps.join('", "') + '"' : '');
var strDefine = 'define("' + moduleId + '", [' + strDeps + '], ' + factory + ');';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents + '\n;\n' + strDefine
* Convert a position (line:col) to (offset) in string `str`
function positionToOffset(str, desiredLine, desiredCol) {
if (desiredLine === 1) {
return desiredCol - 1;
var line = 1, lastNewLineOffset = -1;
do {
if (desiredLine === line) {
return lastNewLineOffset + 1 + desiredCol - 1;
lastNewLineOffset = str.indexOf('\n', lastNewLineOffset + 1);
} while (lastNewLineOffset >= 0);
return -1;
* Return a set of reachable nodes in `graph` starting from `rootNodes`
function visit(rootNodes, graph) {
var result = {}, queue = rootNodes;
rootNodes.forEach(function (node) {
result[node] = true;
while (queue.length > 0) {
var el = queue.shift();
var myEdges = graph[el] || [];
myEdges.forEach(function (toNode) {
if (!result[toNode]) {
result[toNode] = true;
return result;
* Perform a topological sort on `graph`
function topologicalSort(graph) {
var allNodes = {}, outgoingEdgeCount = {}, inverseEdges = {};
Object.keys(graph).forEach(function (fromNode) {
allNodes[fromNode] = true;
outgoingEdgeCount[fromNode] = graph[fromNode].length;
graph[fromNode].forEach(function (toNode) {
allNodes[toNode] = true;
outgoingEdgeCount[toNode] = outgoingEdgeCount[toNode] || 0;
inverseEdges[toNode] = inverseEdges[toNode] || [];
var S = [], L = [];
Object.keys(allNodes).forEach(function (node) {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[node] === 0) {
delete outgoingEdgeCount[node];
while (S.length > 0) {
// Ensure the exact same order all the time with the same inputs
var n = S.shift();
var myInverseEdges = inverseEdges[n] || [];
myInverseEdges.forEach(function (m) {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[m] === 0) {
delete outgoingEdgeCount[m];
if (Object.keys(outgoingEdgeCount).length > 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot do topological sort on cyclic graph, remaining nodes: ' + Object.keys(outgoingEdgeCount));
return L;

View file

@ -1,171 +1,171 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var gulp = require("gulp");
var tsb = require("gulp-tsb");
var es = require("event-stream");
var watch = require('./watch');
var nls = require("./nls");
var util = require("./util");
var reporter_1 = require("./reporter");
var path = require("path");
var bom = require("gulp-bom");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var _ = require("underscore");
var monacodts = require("../monaco/api");
var fs = require("fs");
var reporter = reporter_1.createReporter();
var rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
var options = require('../../src/tsconfig.json').compilerOptions;
options.verbose = false;
options.sourceMap = true;
options.rootDir = rootDir;
options.sourceRoot = util.toFileUri(rootDir);
function createCompile(build, emitError) {
var opts = _.clone(options);
opts.inlineSources = !!build;
opts.noFilesystemLookup = true;
var ts = tsb.create(opts, null, null, function (err) { return reporter(err.toString()); });
return function (token) {
var utf8Filter = util.filter(function (data) { return /(\/|\\)test(\/|\\).*utf8/.test(data.path); });
var tsFilter = util.filter(function (data) { return /\.ts$/.test(data.path); });
var noDeclarationsFilter = util.filter(function (data) { return !(/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path)); });
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe(build ? reloadTypeScriptNodeModule() : es.through())
.pipe(build ? nls() : es.through())
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {
addComment: false,
includeContent: !!build,
sourceRoot: options.sourceRoot
return es.duplex(input, output);
function compileTask(out, build) {
return function () {
var compile = createCompile(build, true);
var src = es.merge(gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }), gulp.src('node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'), gulp.src('node_modules/@types/**/index.d.ts'));
return src
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, false));
exports.compileTask = compileTask;
function watchTask(out, build) {
return function () {
var compile = createCompile(build);
var src = es.merge(gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }), gulp.src('node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'), gulp.src('node_modules/@types/**/index.d.ts'));
var watchSrc = watch('src/**', { base: 'src' });
return watchSrc
.pipe(util.incremental(compile, src, true))
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, true));
exports.watchTask = watchTask;
function reloadTypeScriptNodeModule() {
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log.apply(util, [util.colors.cyan('[memory watch dog]'), message].concat(rest));
function heapUsed() {
return (process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB';
return es.through(function (data) {
this.emit('data', data);
}, function () {
log('memory usage after compilation finished: ' + heapUsed());
// It appears we are running into some variant of
// Even though all references are dropped, some
// optimized methods in the TS compiler end up holding references
// to the entire TypeScript language host (>600MB)
// The idea is to force v8 to drop references to these
// optimized methods, by "reloading" the typescript node module
log('Reloading typescript node module...');
var resolvedName = require.resolve('typescript');
var originalModule = require.cache[resolvedName];
delete require.cache[resolvedName];
var newExports = require('typescript');
require.cache[resolvedName] = originalModule;
for (var prop in newExports) {
if (newExports.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
originalModule.exports[prop] = newExports[prop];
log('typescript node module reloaded.');
function monacodtsTask(out, isWatch) {
var neededFiles = {};
monacodts.getFilesToWatch(out).forEach(function (filePath) {
filePath = path.normalize(filePath);
neededFiles[filePath] = true;
var inputFiles = {};
for (var filePath in neededFiles) {
if (/\bsrc(\/|\\)vs\b/.test(filePath)) {
// This file is needed from source => simply read it now
inputFiles[filePath] = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
var setInputFile = function (filePath, contents) {
if (inputFiles[filePath] === contents) {
// no change
inputFiles[filePath] = contents;
var neededInputFilesCount = Object.keys(neededFiles).length;
var availableInputFilesCount = Object.keys(inputFiles).length;
if (neededInputFilesCount === availableInputFilesCount) {
var run = function () {
var result =, inputFiles);
if (!result.isTheSame) {
if (isWatch) {
fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, result.content);
else {
resultStream.emit('error', 'monaco.d.ts is no longer up to date. Please run gulp watch and commit the new file.');
var resultStream;
if (isWatch) {
watch('build/monaco/*').pipe(es.through(function () {
resultStream = es.through(function (data) {
var filePath = path.normalize(data.path);
if (neededFiles[filePath]) {
setInputFile(filePath, data.contents.toString());
this.emit('data', data);
return resultStream;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var gulp = require("gulp");
var tsb = require("gulp-tsb");
var es = require("event-stream");
var watch = require('./watch');
var nls = require("./nls");
var util = require("./util");
var reporter_1 = require("./reporter");
var path = require("path");
var bom = require("gulp-bom");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var _ = require("underscore");
var monacodts = require("../monaco/api");
var fs = require("fs");
var reporter = reporter_1.createReporter();
var rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
var options = require('../../src/tsconfig.json').compilerOptions;
options.verbose = false;
options.sourceMap = true;
options.rootDir = rootDir;
options.sourceRoot = util.toFileUri(rootDir);
function createCompile(build, emitError) {
var opts = _.clone(options);
opts.inlineSources = !!build;
opts.noFilesystemLookup = true;
var ts = tsb.create(opts, null, null, function (err) { return reporter(err.toString()); });
return function (token) {
var utf8Filter = util.filter(function (data) { return /(\/|\\)test(\/|\\).*utf8/.test(data.path); });
var tsFilter = util.filter(function (data) { return /\.ts$/.test(data.path); });
var noDeclarationsFilter = util.filter(function (data) { return !(/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path)); });
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe(build ? reloadTypeScriptNodeModule() : es.through())
.pipe(build ? nls() : es.through())
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {
addComment: false,
includeContent: !!build,
sourceRoot: options.sourceRoot
return es.duplex(input, output);
function compileTask(out, build) {
return function () {
var compile = createCompile(build, true);
var src = es.merge(gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }), gulp.src('node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'), gulp.src('node_modules/@types/**/index.d.ts'));
return src
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, false));
exports.compileTask = compileTask;
function watchTask(out, build) {
return function () {
var compile = createCompile(build);
var src = es.merge(gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }), gulp.src('node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'), gulp.src('node_modules/@types/**/index.d.ts'));
var watchSrc = watch('src/**', { base: 'src' });
return watchSrc
.pipe(util.incremental(compile, src, true))
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, true));
exports.watchTask = watchTask;
function reloadTypeScriptNodeModule() {
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log.apply(util, [util.colors.cyan('[memory watch dog]'), message].concat(rest));
function heapUsed() {
return (process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + ' MB';
return es.through(function (data) {
this.emit('data', data);
}, function () {
log('memory usage after compilation finished: ' + heapUsed());
// It appears we are running into some variant of
// Even though all references are dropped, some
// optimized methods in the TS compiler end up holding references
// to the entire TypeScript language host (>600MB)
// The idea is to force v8 to drop references to these
// optimized methods, by "reloading" the typescript node module
log('Reloading typescript node module...');
var resolvedName = require.resolve('typescript');
var originalModule = require.cache[resolvedName];
delete require.cache[resolvedName];
var newExports = require('typescript');
require.cache[resolvedName] = originalModule;
for (var prop in newExports) {
if (newExports.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
originalModule.exports[prop] = newExports[prop];
log('typescript node module reloaded.');
function monacodtsTask(out, isWatch) {
var neededFiles = {};
monacodts.getFilesToWatch(out).forEach(function (filePath) {
filePath = path.normalize(filePath);
neededFiles[filePath] = true;
var inputFiles = {};
for (var filePath in neededFiles) {
if (/\bsrc(\/|\\)vs\b/.test(filePath)) {
// This file is needed from source => simply read it now
inputFiles[filePath] = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
var setInputFile = function (filePath, contents) {
if (inputFiles[filePath] === contents) {
// no change
inputFiles[filePath] = contents;
var neededInputFilesCount = Object.keys(neededFiles).length;
var availableInputFilesCount = Object.keys(inputFiles).length;
if (neededInputFilesCount === availableInputFilesCount) {
var run = function () {
var result =, inputFiles);
if (!result.isTheSame) {
if (isWatch) {
fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, result.content);
else {
resultStream.emit('error', 'monaco.d.ts is no longer up to date. Please run gulp watch and commit the new file.');
var resultStream;
if (isWatch) {
watch('build/monaco/*').pipe(es.through(function () {
resultStream = es.through(function (data) {
var filePath = path.normalize(data.path);
if (neededFiles[filePath]) {
setInputFile(filePath, data.contents.toString());
this.emit('data', data);
return resultStream;

View file

@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var event_stream_1 = require("event-stream");
var assign = require("object-assign");
var remote = require("gulp-remote-src");
var flatmap = require('gulp-flatmap');
var vzip = require('gulp-vinyl-zip');
var filter = require('gulp-filter');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var util = require('gulp-util');
var buffer = require('gulp-buffer');
var json = require('gulp-json-editor');
function error(err) {
var result = event_stream_1.through();
setTimeout(function () { return result.emit('error', err); });
return result;
var baseHeaders = {
'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode Build',
'User-Agent': 'VSCode Build',
function src(extensionName, version) {
var filterType = 7;
var value = extensionName;
var criterium = { filterType: filterType, value: value };
var criteria = [criterium];
var pageNumber = 1;
var pageSize = 1;
var sortBy = 0;
var sortOrder = 0;
var flags = 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x80;
var assetTypes = ['Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage'];
var filters = [{ criteria: criteria, pageNumber: pageNumber, pageSize: pageSize, sortBy: sortBy, sortOrder: sortOrder }];
var body = JSON.stringify({ filters: filters, assetTypes: assetTypes, flags: flags });
var headers = assign({}, baseHeaders, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1',
'Content-Length': body.length
var options = {
base: '',
requestOptions: {
method: 'POST',
gzip: true,
headers: headers,
body: body
return remote('/extensionquery', options)
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream, f) {
var rawResult = f.contents.toString('utf8');
var result = JSON.parse(rawResult);
var extension = result.results[0].extensions[0];
if (!extension) {
return error("No such extension: " + extension);
var metadata = {
id: extension.extensionId,
publisherId: extension.publisher,
publisherDisplayName: extension.publisher.displayName
var extensionVersion = extension.versions.filter(function (v) { return v.version === version; })[0];
if (!extensionVersion) {
return error("No such extension version: " + extensionName + " @ " + version);
var asset = extensionVersion.files.filter(function (f) { return f.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage'; })[0];
if (!asset) {
return error("No VSIX found for extension version: " + extensionName + " @ " + version);
util.log('Downloading extension:', util.colors.yellow(extensionName + "@" + version), '...');
var options = {
base: asset.source,
requestOptions: {
gzip: true,
headers: baseHeaders
return remote('', options)
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream) {
var packageJsonFilter = filter('package.json', { restore: true });
return stream
.pipe(rename(function (p) { return p.dirname = p.dirname.replace(/^extension\/?/, ''); }))
.pipe(json({ __metadata: metadata }))
exports.src = src;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var event_stream_1 = require("event-stream");
var assign = require("object-assign");
var remote = require("gulp-remote-src");
var flatmap = require('gulp-flatmap');
var vzip = require('gulp-vinyl-zip');
var filter = require('gulp-filter');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var util = require('gulp-util');
var buffer = require('gulp-buffer');
var json = require('gulp-json-editor');
function error(err) {
var result = event_stream_1.through();
setTimeout(function () { return result.emit('error', err); });
return result;
var baseHeaders = {
'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode Build',
'User-Agent': 'VSCode Build',
function src(extensionName, version) {
var filterType = 7;
var value = extensionName;
var criterium = { filterType: filterType, value: value };
var criteria = [criterium];
var pageNumber = 1;
var pageSize = 1;
var sortBy = 0;
var sortOrder = 0;
var flags = 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x80;
var assetTypes = ['Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage'];
var filters = [{ criteria: criteria, pageNumber: pageNumber, pageSize: pageSize, sortBy: sortBy, sortOrder: sortOrder }];
var body = JSON.stringify({ filters: filters, assetTypes: assetTypes, flags: flags });
var headers = assign({}, baseHeaders, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1',
'Content-Length': body.length
var options = {
base: '',
requestOptions: {
method: 'POST',
gzip: true,
headers: headers,
body: body
return remote('/extensionquery', options)
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream, f) {
var rawResult = f.contents.toString('utf8');
var result = JSON.parse(rawResult);
var extension = result.results[0].extensions[0];
if (!extension) {
return error("No such extension: " + extension);
var metadata = {
id: extension.extensionId,
publisherId: extension.publisher,
publisherDisplayName: extension.publisher.displayName
var extensionVersion = extension.versions.filter(function (v) { return v.version === version; })[0];
if (!extensionVersion) {
return error("No such extension version: " + extensionName + " @ " + version);
var asset = extensionVersion.files.filter(function (f) { return f.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage'; })[0];
if (!asset) {
return error("No VSIX found for extension version: " + extensionName + " @ " + version);
util.log('Downloading extension:', util.colors.yellow(extensionName + "@" + version), '...');
var options = {
base: asset.source,
requestOptions: {
gzip: true,
headers: baseHeaders
return remote('', options)
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream) {
var packageJsonFilter = filter('package.json', { restore: true });
return stream
.pipe(rename(function (p) { return p.dirname = p.dirname.replace(/^extension\/?/, ''); }))
.pipe(json({ __metadata: metadata }))
exports.src = src;

View file

@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
* Returns the sha1 commit version of a repository or undefined in case of failure.
function getVersion(repo) {
var git = path.join(repo, '.git');
var headPath = path.join(git, 'HEAD');
var head;
try {
head = fs.readFileSync(headPath, 'utf8').trim();
catch (e) {
return void 0;
if (/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(head)) {
return head;
var refMatch = /^ref: (.*)$/.exec(head);
if (!refMatch) {
return void 0;
var ref = refMatch[1];
var refPath = path.join(git, ref);
try {
return fs.readFileSync(refPath, 'utf8').trim();
catch (e) {
// noop
var packedRefsPath = path.join(git, 'packed-refs');
var refsRaw;
try {
refsRaw = fs.readFileSync(packedRefsPath, 'utf8').trim();
catch (e) {
return void 0;
var refsRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{40})\s+(.+)$/gm;
var refsMatch;
var refs = {};
while (refsMatch = refsRegex.exec(refsRaw)) {
refs[refsMatch[2]] = refsMatch[1];
return refs[ref];
exports.getVersion = getVersion;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
* Returns the sha1 commit version of a repository or undefined in case of failure.
function getVersion(repo) {
var git = path.join(repo, '.git');
var headPath = path.join(git, 'HEAD');
var head;
try {
head = fs.readFileSync(headPath, 'utf8').trim();
catch (e) {
return void 0;
if (/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(head)) {
return head;
var refMatch = /^ref: (.*)$/.exec(head);
if (!refMatch) {
return void 0;
var ref = refMatch[1];
var refPath = path.join(git, ref);
try {
return fs.readFileSync(refPath, 'utf8').trim();
catch (e) {
// noop
var packedRefsPath = path.join(git, 'packed-refs');
var refsRaw;
try {
refsRaw = fs.readFileSync(packedRefsPath, 'utf8').trim();
catch (e) {
return void 0;
var refsRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{40})\s+(.+)$/gm;
var refsMatch;
var refs = {};
while (refsMatch = refsRegex.exec(refsRaw)) {
refs[refsMatch[2]] = refsMatch[1];
return refs[ref];
exports.getVersion = getVersion;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -140,23 +140,23 @@ class TextModel {
export class XLF {
private buffer: string[];
private buffer: string[];
private files: Map<Item[]>;
constructor(public project: string) {
this.buffer = [];
constructor(public project: string) {
this.buffer = [];
this.files = Object.create(null);
public toString(): string {
public toString(): string {
for (let file in this.files) {
this.appendNewLine(`<file original="${file}" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext"><body>`, 2);
for (let item of this.files[file]) {
this.appendNewLine('</body></file>', 2);
this.appendNewLine('</body></file>', 2);
@ -190,43 +190,43 @@ export class XLF {
private addStringItem(item: Item): void {
if (! || !item.message) {
throw new Error('No item ID or value specified.');
private addStringItem(item: Item): void {
if (! || !item.message) {
throw new Error('No item ID or value specified.');
this.appendNewLine(`<trans-unit id="${}">`, 4);
this.appendNewLine(`<source xml:lang="en">${item.message}</source>`, 6);
this.appendNewLine(`<trans-unit id="${}">`, 4);
this.appendNewLine(`<source xml:lang="en">${item.message}</source>`, 6);
if (item.comment) {
this.appendNewLine(`<note>${item.comment}</note>`, 6);
if (item.comment) {
this.appendNewLine(`<note>${item.comment}</note>`, 6);
this.appendNewLine('</trans-unit>', 4);
this.appendNewLine('</trans-unit>', 4);
private appendHeader(): void {
this.appendNewLine('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>', 0);
this.appendNewLine('<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">', 0);
private appendHeader(): void {
this.appendNewLine('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>', 0);
this.appendNewLine('<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">', 0);
private appendFooter(): void {
this.appendNewLine('</xliff>', 0);
private appendFooter(): void {
this.appendNewLine('</xliff>', 0);
private appendNewLine(content: string, indent?: number): void {
let line = new Line(indent);
private appendNewLine(content: string, indent?: number): void {
let line = new Line(indent);
static parse = function(xlfString: string) : Promise<ParsedXLF[]> {
static parse = function (xlfString: string): Promise<ParsedXLF[]> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let parser = new xml2js.Parser();
let files: { messages: Map<string>, originalFilePath: string, language: string }[] = [];
parser.parseString(xlfString, function(err, result) {
parser.parseString(xlfString, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
reject(`Failed to parse XLIFF string. ${err}`);
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ function stripComments(content: string): string {
// A line comment. If it ends in \r?\n then keep it.
let length = m4.length;
if (length > 2 && m4[length - 1] === '\n') {
return m4[length - 2] === '\r' ? '\r\n': '\n';
return m4[length - 2] === '\r' ? '\r\n' : '\n';
} else {
return '';
@ -384,11 +384,11 @@ function stripComments(content: string): string {
return result;
function escapeCharacters(value:string):string {
var result:string[] = [];
function escapeCharacters(value: string): string {
var result: string[] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
var ch = value.charAt(i);
switch(ch) {
switch (ch) {
case '\'':
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ function escapeCharacters(value:string):string {
return result.join('');
function processCoreBundleFormat(fileHeader:string, json: BundledFormat, emitter: any) {
function processCoreBundleFormat(fileHeader: string, json: BundledFormat, emitter: any) {
let keysSection = json.keys;
let messageSection = json.messages;
let bundleSection = json.bundles;
@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ function processCoreBundleFormat(fileHeader:string, json: BundledFormat, emitter
messages.forEach((message, index) => {
contents.push(`\t\t"${escapeCharacters(message)}${index < messages.length ? '",': '"'}`);
contents.push(`\t\t"${escapeCharacters(message)}${index < messages.length ? '",' : '"'}`);
contents.push(index < modules.length - 1 ? '\t],' : '\t]');
emitter.emit('data', new File( { path: bundle + '.nls.' + language.iso639_2 + '.js', contents: new Buffer(contents.join('\n'), 'utf-8') }));
emitter.emit('data', new File({ path: bundle + '.nls.' + language.iso639_2 + '.js', contents: new Buffer(contents.join('\n'), 'utf-8') }));
Object.keys(statistics).forEach(key => {
@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ function processCoreBundleFormat(fileHeader:string, json: BundledFormat, emitter
export function processNlsFiles(opts:{fileHeader:string;}): ThroughStream {
return through(function(file: File) {
export function processNlsFiles(opts: { fileHeader: string; }): ThroughStream {
return through(function (file: File) {
let fileName = path.basename(file.path);
if (fileName === 'nls.metadata.json') {
let json = null;
@ -637,27 +637,27 @@ const workbenchResources: Resource[] = [
export function getResource(sourceFile: string): Resource {
let resource: string;
if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/platform')) {
if (/^vs\/platform/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/platform', project: editorProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/editor/contrib')) {
} else if (/^vs\/editor\/contrib/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/editor/contrib', project: editorProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/editor')) {
} else if (/^vs\/editor/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/editor', project: editorProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/base')) {
} else if (/^vs\/base/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/base', project: editorProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/code')) {
} else if (/^vs\/code/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/code', project: workbenchProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/workbench/parts')) {
} else if (/^vs\/workbench\/parts/.test(sourceFile)) {
resource = sourceFile.split('/', 4).join('/');
return { name: resource, project: workbenchProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/workbench/services')) {
} else if (/^vs\/workbench\/services/.test(sourceFile)) {
resource = sourceFile.split('/', 4).join('/');
return { name: resource, project: workbenchProject };
} else if (sourceFile.startsWith('vs/workbench')) {
} else if (/^vs\/workbench/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/workbench', project: workbenchProject };
throw new Error (`Could not identify the XLF bundle for ${sourceFile}`);
throw new Error(`Could not identify the XLF bundle for ${sourceFile}`);
@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ function importBundleJson(file: File, json: BundledFormat, stream: ThroughStream
for (let resource in bundleXlfs) {
const newFilePath = `${bundleXlfs[resource].project}/${resource.replace(/\//g, '_')}.xlf`;
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(bundleXlfs[resource].toString(), 'utf-8')});
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(bundleXlfs[resource].toString(), 'utf-8') });
stream.emit('data', xlfFile);
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ function importModuleOrPackageJson(file: File, json: ModuleJsonFormat | PackageJ
// Check if XLF is populated with file nodes to emit it
if (++extensions[extensionName].processed === localizationFilesCount) {
const newFilePath = path.join(projectName, extensionName + '.xlf');
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(extension.xlf.toString(), 'utf-8')});
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(extension.xlf.toString(), 'utf-8') });
stream.emit('data', xlfFile);
@ -774,12 +774,12 @@ function importIsl(file: File, stream: ThroughStream) {
const originalPath = file.path.substring(file.cwd.length+1, file.path.split('.')[0].length).replace(/\\/g, '/');
const originalPath = file.path.substring(file.cwd.length + 1, file.path.split('.')[0].length).replace(/\\/g, '/');
xlf.addFile(originalPath, keys, messages);
// Emit only upon all ISL files combined into single XLF instance
const newFilePath = path.join(projectName, resourceFile);
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(xlf.toString(), 'utf-8')});
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(xlf.toString(), 'utf-8') });
stream.emit('data', xlfFile);
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ export function pushXlfFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: st
let tryGetPromises = [];
let updateCreatePromises = [];
return through(function(file: File) {
return through(function (file: File) {
const project = path.dirname(file.relative);
const fileName = path.basename(file.path);
const slug = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - '.xlf'.length);
@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ export function pushXlfFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: st
}, function() {
}, function () {
// End the pipe only after all the communication with Transifex API happened
Promise.all(tryGetPromises).then(() => {
Promise.all(updateCreatePromises).then(() => {
@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ function createResource(project: string, slug: string, xlfFile: File, apiHostnam
* The following link provides information about how Transifex handles updates of a resource file:
function updateResource(project: string, slug: string, xlfFile: File, apiHostname: string, credentials: string) : Promise<any> {
function updateResource(project: string, slug: string, xlfFile: File, apiHostname: string, credentials: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const data = JSON.stringify({ content: xlfFile.contents.toString() });
const options = {
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ export function pullXlfFiles(projectName: string, apiHostname: string, username:
let expectedTranslationsCount = languages.length * resources.length;
let translationsRetrieved = 0, called = false;
return readable(function(count, callback) {
return readable(function (count, callback) {
// Mark end of stream when all resources were retrieved
if (translationsRetrieved === expectedTranslationsCount) {
return this.emit('end');
@ -967,8 +967,8 @@ export function pullXlfFiles(projectName: string, apiHostname: string, username:
const stream = this;
// Retrieve XLF files from main projects { { (language) { (resource) {
retrieveResource(language, resource, apiHostname, credentials).then((file: File) => {
stream.emit('data', file);
@ -994,14 +994,14 @@ function retrieveResource(language: string, resource: Resource, apiHostname, cre
let request = http.request(options, (res) => {
let xlfBuffer: Buffer[] = [];
res.on('data', (chunk) => xlfBuffer.push(chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
resolve(new File({ contents: Buffer.concat(xlfBuffer), path: `${project}/${iso639_2_to_3[language]}/${slug}.xlf` }));
reject(`${slug} in ${project} returned no data. Response code: ${res.statusCode}.`);
let xlfBuffer: Buffer[] = [];
res.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => xlfBuffer.push(chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
resolve(new File({ contents: Buffer.concat(xlfBuffer), path: `${project}/${iso639_2_to_3[language]}/${slug}.xlf` }));
reject(`${slug} in ${project} returned no data. Response code: ${res.statusCode}.`);
request.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`Failed to query resource ${slug} with the following error: ${err}`);
@ -1013,17 +1013,17 @@ function retrieveResource(language: string, resource: Resource, apiHostname, cre
export function prepareJsonFiles(): ThroughStream {
let parsePromises: Promise<ParsedXLF[]>[] = [];
return through(function(xlf: File) {
return through(function (xlf: File) {
let stream = this;
let parsePromise = XLF.parse(xlf.contents.toString());
function(resolvedFiles) {
function (resolvedFiles) {
resolvedFiles.forEach(file => {
let messages = file.messages, translatedFile;
// ISL file path always starts with 'build/'
if (file.originalFilePath.startsWith('build/')) {
if (/^build\//.test(file.originalFilePath)) {
const defaultLanguages = { 'zh-hans': true, 'zh-hant': true, 'ko': true };
if (path.basename(file.originalFilePath) === 'Default' && !defaultLanguages[file.language]) {
@ -1037,11 +1037,11 @@ export function prepareJsonFiles(): ThroughStream {
stream.emit('data', translatedFile);
function(rejectReason) {
function (rejectReason) {
throw new Error(`XLF parsing error: ${rejectReason}`);
}, function() {
}, function () {
.then(() => { this.emit('end'); })
.catch(reason => { throw new Error(reason); });
@ -1161,6 +1161,6 @@ function encodeEntities(value: string): string {
return result.join('');
function decodeEntities(value:string): string {
function decodeEntities(value: string): string {
return value.replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&amp;/g, '&');

View file

@ -1,355 +1,355 @@
"use strict";
var ts = require("./typescript/typescriptServices");
var lazy = require("lazy.js");
var event_stream_1 = require("event-stream");
var File = require("vinyl");
var sm = require("source-map");
var assign = require("object-assign");
var path = require("path");
var CollectStepResult;
(function (CollectStepResult) {
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["Yes"] = 0] = "Yes";
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["YesAndRecurse"] = 1] = "YesAndRecurse";
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["No"] = 2] = "No";
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["NoAndRecurse"] = 3] = "NoAndRecurse";
})(CollectStepResult || (CollectStepResult = {}));
function collect(node, fn) {
var result = [];
function loop(node) {
var stepResult = fn(node);
if (stepResult === CollectStepResult.Yes || stepResult === CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse) {
if (stepResult === CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse || stepResult === CollectStepResult.NoAndRecurse) {
ts.forEachChild(node, loop);
return result;
function clone(object) {
var result = {};
for (var id in object) {
result[id] = object[id];
return result;
function template(lines) {
var indent = '', wrap = '';
if (lines.length > 1) {
indent = '\t';
wrap = '\n';
return "/*---------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n *--------------------------------------------------------*/\ndefine([], [" + (wrap + (l) { return indent + l; }).join(',\n') + wrap) + "]);";
* Returns a stream containing the patched JavaScript and source maps.
function nls() {
var input = event_stream_1.through();
var output = input.pipe(event_stream_1.through(function (f) {
var _this = this;
if (!f.sourceMap) {
return this.emit('error', new Error("File " + f.relative + " does not have sourcemaps."));
var source = f.sourceMap.sources[0];
if (!source) {
return this.emit('error', new Error("File " + f.relative + " does not have a source in the source map."));
var root = f.sourceMap.sourceRoot;
if (root) {
source = path.join(root, source);
var typescript = f.sourceMap.sourcesContent[0];
if (!typescript) {
return this.emit('error', new Error("File " + f.relative + " does not have the original content in the source map."));
nls.patchFiles(f, typescript).forEach(function (f) { return _this.emit('data', f); });
return event_stream_1.duplex(input, output);
function isImportNode(node) {
return node.kind === 212 /* ImportDeclaration */ || node.kind === 211 /* ImportEqualsDeclaration */;
(function (nls_1) {
function fileFrom(file, contents, path) {
if (path === void 0) { path = file.path; }
return new File({
contents: new Buffer(contents),
base: file.base,
cwd: file.cwd,
path: path
nls_1.fileFrom = fileFrom;
function mappedPositionFrom(source, lc) {
return { source: source, line: lc.line + 1, column: lc.character };
nls_1.mappedPositionFrom = mappedPositionFrom;
function lcFrom(position) {
return { line: position.line - 1, character: position.column };
nls_1.lcFrom = lcFrom;
var SingleFileServiceHost = (function () {
function SingleFileServiceHost(options, filename, contents) {
var _this = this;
this.options = options;
this.filename = filename;
this.getCompilationSettings = function () { return _this.options; };
this.getScriptFileNames = function () { return [_this.filename]; };
this.getScriptVersion = function () { return '1'; };
this.getScriptSnapshot = function (name) { return name === _this.filename ? _this.file : _this.lib; };
this.getCurrentDirectory = function () { return ''; };
this.getDefaultLibFileName = function () { return 'lib.d.ts'; };
this.file = ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(contents);
this.lib = ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString('');
return SingleFileServiceHost;
nls_1.SingleFileServiceHost = SingleFileServiceHost;
function isCallExpressionWithinTextSpanCollectStep(textSpan, node) {
if (!ts.textSpanContainsTextSpan({ start: node.pos, length: node.end - node.pos }, textSpan)) {
return CollectStepResult.No;
return node.kind === 160 /* CallExpression */ ? CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse : CollectStepResult.NoAndRecurse;
function analyze(contents, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
var filename = 'file.ts';
var serviceHost = new SingleFileServiceHost(assign(clone(options), { noResolve: true }), filename, contents);
var service = ts.createLanguageService(serviceHost);
var sourceFile = service.getSourceFile(filename);
// all imports
var imports = lazy(collect(sourceFile, function (n) { return isImportNode(n) ? CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse : CollectStepResult.NoAndRecurse; }));
// import nls = require('vs/nls');
var importEqualsDeclarations = imports
.filter(function (n) { return n.kind === 211 /* ImportEqualsDeclaration */; })
.map(function (n) { return n; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleReference.kind === 222 /* ExternalModuleReference */; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleReference.expression.getText() === '\'vs/nls\''; });
// import ... from 'vs/nls';
var importDeclarations = imports
.filter(function (n) { return n.kind === 212 /* ImportDeclaration */; })
.map(function (n) { return n; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleSpecifier.kind === 8 /* StringLiteral */; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleSpecifier.getText() === '\'vs/nls\''; })
.filter(function (d) { return !!d.importClause && !!d.importClause.namedBindings; });
var nlsExpressions = importEqualsDeclarations
.map(function (d) { return d.moduleReference.expression; })
.concat( (d) { return d.moduleSpecifier; }))
.map(function (d) { return ({
start: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, d.getStart()),
end: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, d.getEnd())
}); });
// `nls.localize(...)` calls
var nlsLocalizeCallExpressions = importDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return d.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 214 /* NamespaceImport */; })
.map(function (d) { return; })
.concat( (d) { return; }))
.map(function (n) { return service.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, n.pos + 1); })
.filter(function (r) { return !r.isWriteAccess; })
.map(function (r) { return collect(sourceFile, function (n) { return isCallExpressionWithinTextSpanCollectStep(r.textSpan, n); }); })
.map(function (a) { return lazy(a).last(); })
.filter(function (n) { return !!n; })
.map(function (n) { return n; })
.filter(function (n) { return n.expression.kind === 158 /* PropertyAccessExpression */ && === 'localize'; });
// `localize` named imports
var allLocalizeImportDeclarations = importDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return d.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 215 /* NamedImports */; })
.map(function (d) { return d.importClause.namedBindings.elements; })
// `localize` read-only references
var localizeReferences = allLocalizeImportDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return === 'localize'; })
.map(function (n) { return service.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, n.pos + 1); })
.filter(function (r) { return !r.isWriteAccess; });
// custom named `localize` read-only references
var namedLocalizeReferences = allLocalizeImportDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return d.propertyName && d.propertyName.getText() === 'localize'; })
.map(function (n) { return service.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, + 1); })
.filter(function (r) { return !r.isWriteAccess; });
// find the deepest call expressions AST nodes that contain those references
var localizeCallExpressions = localizeReferences
.map(function (r) { return collect(sourceFile, function (n) { return isCallExpressionWithinTextSpanCollectStep(r.textSpan, n); }); })
.map(function (a) { return lazy(a).last(); })
.filter(function (n) { return !!n; })
.map(function (n) { return n; });
// collect everything
var localizeCalls = nlsLocalizeCallExpressions
.map(function (e) { return e.arguments; })
.filter(function (a) { return a.length > 1; })
.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0].getStart() - b[0].getStart(); })
.map(function (a) { return ({
keySpan: { start: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[0].getStart()), end: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[0].getEnd()) },
key: a[0].getText(),
valueSpan: { start: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[1].getStart()), end: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[1].getEnd()) },
value: a[1].getText()
}); });
return {
localizeCalls: localizeCalls.toArray(),
nlsExpressions: nlsExpressions.toArray()
nls_1.analyze = analyze;
var TextModel = (function () {
function TextModel(contents) {
var regex = /\r\n|\r|\n/g;
var index = 0;
var match;
this.lines = [];
this.lineEndings = [];
while (match = regex.exec(contents)) {
this.lines.push(contents.substring(index, match.index));
index = regex.lastIndex;
if (contents.length > 0) {
this.lines.push(contents.substring(index, contents.length));
TextModel.prototype.get = function (index) {
return this.lines[index];
TextModel.prototype.set = function (index, line) {
this.lines[index] = line;
Object.defineProperty(TextModel.prototype, "lineCount", {
get: function () {
return this.lines.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Applies patch(es) to the model.
* Multiple patches must be ordered.
* Does not support patches spanning multiple lines.
TextModel.prototype.apply = function (patch) {
var startLineNumber = patch.span.start.line;
var endLineNumber = patch.span.end.line;
var startLine = this.lines[startLineNumber] || '';
var endLine = this.lines[endLineNumber] || '';
this.lines[startLineNumber] = [
startLine.substring(0, patch.span.start.character),
for (var i = startLineNumber + 1; i <= endLineNumber; i++) {
this.lines[i] = '';
TextModel.prototype.toString = function () {
return lazy(this.lines).zip(this.lineEndings)
return TextModel;
nls_1.TextModel = TextModel;
function patchJavascript(patches, contents, moduleId) {
var model = new nls.TextModel(contents);
// patch the localize calls
lazy(patches).reverse().each(function (p) { return model.apply(p); });
// patch the 'vs/nls' imports
var firstLine = model.get(0);
var patchedFirstLine = firstLine.replace(/(['"])vs\/nls\1/g, "$1vs/nls!" + moduleId + "$1");
model.set(0, patchedFirstLine);
return model.toString();
nls_1.patchJavascript = patchJavascript;
function patchSourcemap(patches, rsm, smc) {
var smg = new sm.SourceMapGenerator({
file: rsm.file,
sourceRoot: rsm.sourceRoot
patches = patches.reverse();
var currentLine = -1;
var currentLineDiff = 0;
var source = null;
smc.eachMapping(function (m) {
var patch = patches[patches.length - 1];
var original = { line: m.originalLine, column: m.originalColumn };
var generated = { line: m.generatedLine, column: m.generatedColumn };
if (currentLine !== generated.line) {
currentLineDiff = 0;
currentLine = generated.line;
generated.column += currentLineDiff;
if (patch && m.generatedLine - 1 === patch.span.end.line && m.generatedColumn === patch.span.end.character) {
var originalLength = patch.span.end.character - patch.span.start.character;
var modifiedLength = patch.content.length;
var lengthDiff = modifiedLength - originalLength;
currentLineDiff += lengthDiff;
generated.column += lengthDiff;
source = rsm.sourceRoot ? path.relative(rsm.sourceRoot, m.source) : m.source;
source = source.replace(/\\/g, '/');
smg.addMapping({ source: source, name:, original: original, generated: generated });
}, null, sm.SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER);
if (source) {
smg.setSourceContent(source, smc.sourceContentFor(source));
return JSON.parse(smg.toString());
nls_1.patchSourcemap = patchSourcemap;
function patch(moduleId, typescript, javascript, sourcemap) {
var _a = analyze(typescript), localizeCalls = _a.localizeCalls, nlsExpressions = _a.nlsExpressions;
if (localizeCalls.length === 0) {
return { javascript: javascript, sourcemap: sourcemap };
var nlsKeys = template( (lc) { return lc.key; }));
var nls = template( (lc) { return lc.value; }));
var smc = new sm.SourceMapConsumer(sourcemap);
var positionFrom = mappedPositionFrom.bind(null, sourcemap.sources[0]);
var i = 0;
// build patches
var patches = lazy(localizeCalls)
.map(function (lc) { return ([
{ range: lc.keySpan, content: '' + (i++) },
{ range: lc.valueSpan, content: 'null' }
]); })
.map(function (c) {
var start = lcFrom(smc.generatedPositionFor(positionFrom(c.range.start)));
var end = lcFrom(smc.generatedPositionFor(positionFrom(c.range.end)));
return { span: { start: start, end: end }, content: c.content };
javascript = patchJavascript(patches, javascript, moduleId);
// since imports are not within the sourcemap information,
// we must do this MacGyver style
if (nlsExpressions.length) {
javascript = javascript.replace(/^define\(.*$/m, function (line) {
return line.replace(/(['"])vs\/nls\1/g, "$1vs/nls!" + moduleId + "$1");
sourcemap = patchSourcemap(patches, sourcemap, smc);
return { javascript: javascript, sourcemap: sourcemap, nlsKeys: nlsKeys, nls: nls };
nls_1.patch = patch;
function patchFiles(javascriptFile, typescript) {
// hack?
var moduleId = javascriptFile.relative
.replace(/\.js$/, '')
.replace(/\\/g, '/');
var _a = patch(moduleId, typescript, javascriptFile.contents.toString(), javascriptFile.sourceMap), javascript = _a.javascript, sourcemap = _a.sourcemap, nlsKeys = _a.nlsKeys, nls = _a.nls;
var result = [fileFrom(javascriptFile, javascript)];
result[0].sourceMap = sourcemap;
if (nlsKeys) {
result.push(fileFrom(javascriptFile, nlsKeys, javascriptFile.path.replace(/\.js$/, '.nls.keys.js')));
if (nls) {
result.push(fileFrom(javascriptFile, nls, javascriptFile.path.replace(/\.js$/, '.nls.js')));
return result;
nls_1.patchFiles = patchFiles;
})(nls || (nls = {}));
module.exports = nls;
"use strict";
var ts = require("./typescript/typescriptServices");
var lazy = require("lazy.js");
var event_stream_1 = require("event-stream");
var File = require("vinyl");
var sm = require("source-map");
var assign = require("object-assign");
var path = require("path");
var CollectStepResult;
(function (CollectStepResult) {
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["Yes"] = 0] = "Yes";
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["YesAndRecurse"] = 1] = "YesAndRecurse";
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["No"] = 2] = "No";
CollectStepResult[CollectStepResult["NoAndRecurse"] = 3] = "NoAndRecurse";
})(CollectStepResult || (CollectStepResult = {}));
function collect(node, fn) {
var result = [];
function loop(node) {
var stepResult = fn(node);
if (stepResult === CollectStepResult.Yes || stepResult === CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse) {
if (stepResult === CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse || stepResult === CollectStepResult.NoAndRecurse) {
ts.forEachChild(node, loop);
return result;
function clone(object) {
var result = {};
for (var id in object) {
result[id] = object[id];
return result;
function template(lines) {
var indent = '', wrap = '';
if (lines.length > 1) {
indent = '\t';
wrap = '\n';
return "/*---------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n *--------------------------------------------------------*/\ndefine([], [" + (wrap + (l) { return indent + l; }).join(',\n') + wrap) + "]);";
* Returns a stream containing the patched JavaScript and source maps.
function nls() {
var input = event_stream_1.through();
var output = input.pipe(event_stream_1.through(function (f) {
var _this = this;
if (!f.sourceMap) {
return this.emit('error', new Error("File " + f.relative + " does not have sourcemaps."));
var source = f.sourceMap.sources[0];
if (!source) {
return this.emit('error', new Error("File " + f.relative + " does not have a source in the source map."));
var root = f.sourceMap.sourceRoot;
if (root) {
source = path.join(root, source);
var typescript = f.sourceMap.sourcesContent[0];
if (!typescript) {
return this.emit('error', new Error("File " + f.relative + " does not have the original content in the source map."));
nls.patchFiles(f, typescript).forEach(function (f) { return _this.emit('data', f); });
return event_stream_1.duplex(input, output);
function isImportNode(node) {
return node.kind === 212 /* ImportDeclaration */ || node.kind === 211 /* ImportEqualsDeclaration */;
(function (nls_1) {
function fileFrom(file, contents, path) {
if (path === void 0) { path = file.path; }
return new File({
contents: new Buffer(contents),
base: file.base,
cwd: file.cwd,
path: path
nls_1.fileFrom = fileFrom;
function mappedPositionFrom(source, lc) {
return { source: source, line: lc.line + 1, column: lc.character };
nls_1.mappedPositionFrom = mappedPositionFrom;
function lcFrom(position) {
return { line: position.line - 1, character: position.column };
nls_1.lcFrom = lcFrom;
var SingleFileServiceHost = (function () {
function SingleFileServiceHost(options, filename, contents) {
var _this = this;
this.options = options;
this.filename = filename;
this.getCompilationSettings = function () { return _this.options; };
this.getScriptFileNames = function () { return [_this.filename]; };
this.getScriptVersion = function () { return '1'; };
this.getScriptSnapshot = function (name) { return name === _this.filename ? _this.file : _this.lib; };
this.getCurrentDirectory = function () { return ''; };
this.getDefaultLibFileName = function () { return 'lib.d.ts'; };
this.file = ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(contents);
this.lib = ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString('');
return SingleFileServiceHost;
nls_1.SingleFileServiceHost = SingleFileServiceHost;
function isCallExpressionWithinTextSpanCollectStep(textSpan, node) {
if (!ts.textSpanContainsTextSpan({ start: node.pos, length: node.end - node.pos }, textSpan)) {
return CollectStepResult.No;
return node.kind === 160 /* CallExpression */ ? CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse : CollectStepResult.NoAndRecurse;
function analyze(contents, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
var filename = 'file.ts';
var serviceHost = new SingleFileServiceHost(assign(clone(options), { noResolve: true }), filename, contents);
var service = ts.createLanguageService(serviceHost);
var sourceFile = service.getSourceFile(filename);
// all imports
var imports = lazy(collect(sourceFile, function (n) { return isImportNode(n) ? CollectStepResult.YesAndRecurse : CollectStepResult.NoAndRecurse; }));
// import nls = require('vs/nls');
var importEqualsDeclarations = imports
.filter(function (n) { return n.kind === 211 /* ImportEqualsDeclaration */; })
.map(function (n) { return n; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleReference.kind === 222 /* ExternalModuleReference */; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleReference.expression.getText() === '\'vs/nls\''; });
// import ... from 'vs/nls';
var importDeclarations = imports
.filter(function (n) { return n.kind === 212 /* ImportDeclaration */; })
.map(function (n) { return n; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleSpecifier.kind === 8 /* StringLiteral */; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.moduleSpecifier.getText() === '\'vs/nls\''; })
.filter(function (d) { return !!d.importClause && !!d.importClause.namedBindings; });
var nlsExpressions = importEqualsDeclarations
.map(function (d) { return d.moduleReference.expression; })
.concat( (d) { return d.moduleSpecifier; }))
.map(function (d) { return ({
start: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, d.getStart()),
end: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, d.getEnd())
}); });
// `nls.localize(...)` calls
var nlsLocalizeCallExpressions = importDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return d.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 214 /* NamespaceImport */; })
.map(function (d) { return; })
.concat( (d) { return; }))
.map(function (n) { return service.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, n.pos + 1); })
.filter(function (r) { return !r.isWriteAccess; })
.map(function (r) { return collect(sourceFile, function (n) { return isCallExpressionWithinTextSpanCollectStep(r.textSpan, n); }); })
.map(function (a) { return lazy(a).last(); })
.filter(function (n) { return !!n; })
.map(function (n) { return n; })
.filter(function (n) { return n.expression.kind === 158 /* PropertyAccessExpression */ && === 'localize'; });
// `localize` named imports
var allLocalizeImportDeclarations = importDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return d.importClause.namedBindings.kind === 215 /* NamedImports */; })
.map(function (d) { return d.importClause.namedBindings.elements; })
// `localize` read-only references
var localizeReferences = allLocalizeImportDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return === 'localize'; })
.map(function (n) { return service.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, n.pos + 1); })
.filter(function (r) { return !r.isWriteAccess; });
// custom named `localize` read-only references
var namedLocalizeReferences = allLocalizeImportDeclarations
.filter(function (d) { return d.propertyName && d.propertyName.getText() === 'localize'; })
.map(function (n) { return service.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, + 1); })
.filter(function (r) { return !r.isWriteAccess; });
// find the deepest call expressions AST nodes that contain those references
var localizeCallExpressions = localizeReferences
.map(function (r) { return collect(sourceFile, function (n) { return isCallExpressionWithinTextSpanCollectStep(r.textSpan, n); }); })
.map(function (a) { return lazy(a).last(); })
.filter(function (n) { return !!n; })
.map(function (n) { return n; });
// collect everything
var localizeCalls = nlsLocalizeCallExpressions
.map(function (e) { return e.arguments; })
.filter(function (a) { return a.length > 1; })
.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0].getStart() - b[0].getStart(); })
.map(function (a) { return ({
keySpan: { start: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[0].getStart()), end: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[0].getEnd()) },
key: a[0].getText(),
valueSpan: { start: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[1].getStart()), end: ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, a[1].getEnd()) },
value: a[1].getText()
}); });
return {
localizeCalls: localizeCalls.toArray(),
nlsExpressions: nlsExpressions.toArray()
nls_1.analyze = analyze;
var TextModel = (function () {
function TextModel(contents) {
var regex = /\r\n|\r|\n/g;
var index = 0;
var match;
this.lines = [];
this.lineEndings = [];
while (match = regex.exec(contents)) {
this.lines.push(contents.substring(index, match.index));
index = regex.lastIndex;
if (contents.length > 0) {
this.lines.push(contents.substring(index, contents.length));
TextModel.prototype.get = function (index) {
return this.lines[index];
TextModel.prototype.set = function (index, line) {
this.lines[index] = line;
Object.defineProperty(TextModel.prototype, "lineCount", {
get: function () {
return this.lines.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* Applies patch(es) to the model.
* Multiple patches must be ordered.
* Does not support patches spanning multiple lines.
TextModel.prototype.apply = function (patch) {
var startLineNumber = patch.span.start.line;
var endLineNumber = patch.span.end.line;
var startLine = this.lines[startLineNumber] || '';
var endLine = this.lines[endLineNumber] || '';
this.lines[startLineNumber] = [
startLine.substring(0, patch.span.start.character),
for (var i = startLineNumber + 1; i <= endLineNumber; i++) {
this.lines[i] = '';
TextModel.prototype.toString = function () {
return lazy(this.lines).zip(this.lineEndings)
return TextModel;
nls_1.TextModel = TextModel;
function patchJavascript(patches, contents, moduleId) {
var model = new nls.TextModel(contents);
// patch the localize calls
lazy(patches).reverse().each(function (p) { return model.apply(p); });
// patch the 'vs/nls' imports
var firstLine = model.get(0);
var patchedFirstLine = firstLine.replace(/(['"])vs\/nls\1/g, "$1vs/nls!" + moduleId + "$1");
model.set(0, patchedFirstLine);
return model.toString();
nls_1.patchJavascript = patchJavascript;
function patchSourcemap(patches, rsm, smc) {
var smg = new sm.SourceMapGenerator({
file: rsm.file,
sourceRoot: rsm.sourceRoot
patches = patches.reverse();
var currentLine = -1;
var currentLineDiff = 0;
var source = null;
smc.eachMapping(function (m) {
var patch = patches[patches.length - 1];
var original = { line: m.originalLine, column: m.originalColumn };
var generated = { line: m.generatedLine, column: m.generatedColumn };
if (currentLine !== generated.line) {
currentLineDiff = 0;
currentLine = generated.line;
generated.column += currentLineDiff;
if (patch && m.generatedLine - 1 === patch.span.end.line && m.generatedColumn === patch.span.end.character) {
var originalLength = patch.span.end.character - patch.span.start.character;
var modifiedLength = patch.content.length;
var lengthDiff = modifiedLength - originalLength;
currentLineDiff += lengthDiff;
generated.column += lengthDiff;
source = rsm.sourceRoot ? path.relative(rsm.sourceRoot, m.source) : m.source;
source = source.replace(/\\/g, '/');
smg.addMapping({ source: source, name:, original: original, generated: generated });
}, null, sm.SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER);
if (source) {
smg.setSourceContent(source, smc.sourceContentFor(source));
return JSON.parse(smg.toString());
nls_1.patchSourcemap = patchSourcemap;
function patch(moduleId, typescript, javascript, sourcemap) {
var _a = analyze(typescript), localizeCalls = _a.localizeCalls, nlsExpressions = _a.nlsExpressions;
if (localizeCalls.length === 0) {
return { javascript: javascript, sourcemap: sourcemap };
var nlsKeys = template( (lc) { return lc.key; }));
var nls = template( (lc) { return lc.value; }));
var smc = new sm.SourceMapConsumer(sourcemap);
var positionFrom = mappedPositionFrom.bind(null, sourcemap.sources[0]);
var i = 0;
// build patches
var patches = lazy(localizeCalls)
.map(function (lc) { return ([
{ range: lc.keySpan, content: '' + (i++) },
{ range: lc.valueSpan, content: 'null' }
]); })
.map(function (c) {
var start = lcFrom(smc.generatedPositionFor(positionFrom(c.range.start)));
var end = lcFrom(smc.generatedPositionFor(positionFrom(c.range.end)));
return { span: { start: start, end: end }, content: c.content };
javascript = patchJavascript(patches, javascript, moduleId);
// since imports are not within the sourcemap information,
// we must do this MacGyver style
if (nlsExpressions.length) {
javascript = javascript.replace(/^define\(.*$/m, function (line) {
return line.replace(/(['"])vs\/nls\1/g, "$1vs/nls!" + moduleId + "$1");
sourcemap = patchSourcemap(patches, sourcemap, smc);
return { javascript: javascript, sourcemap: sourcemap, nlsKeys: nlsKeys, nls: nls };
nls_1.patch = patch;
function patchFiles(javascriptFile, typescript) {
// hack?
var moduleId = javascriptFile.relative
.replace(/\.js$/, '')
.replace(/\\/g, '/');
var _a = patch(moduleId, typescript, javascriptFile.contents.toString(), javascriptFile.sourceMap), javascript = _a.javascript, sourcemap = _a.sourcemap, nlsKeys = _a.nlsKeys, nls = _a.nls;
var result = [fileFrom(javascriptFile, javascript)];
result[0].sourceMap = sourcemap;
if (nlsKeys) {
result.push(fileFrom(javascriptFile, nlsKeys, javascriptFile.path.replace(/\.js$/, '.nls.keys.js')));
if (nls) {
result.push(fileFrom(javascriptFile, nls, javascriptFile.path.replace(/\.js$/, '.nls.js')));
return result;
nls_1.patchFiles = patchFiles;
})(nls || (nls = {}));
module.exports = nls;

View file

@ -1,235 +1,235 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var path = require("path");
var gulp = require("gulp");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var filter = require("gulp-filter");
var minifyCSS = require("gulp-cssnano");
var uglify = require("gulp-uglify");
var es = require("event-stream");
var concat = require("gulp-concat");
var VinylFile = require("vinyl");
var bundle = require("./bundle");
var util = require("./util");
var i18n = require("./i18n");
var gulpUtil = require("gulp-util");
var flatmap = require("gulp-flatmap");
var pump = require("pump");
var REPO_ROOT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../..');
function log(prefix, message) {
gulpUtil.log(gulpUtil.colors.cyan('[' + prefix + ']'), message);
function loaderConfig(emptyPaths) {
var result = {
paths: {
'vs': 'out-build/vs',
'vscode': 'empty:'
nodeModules: emptyPaths || []
result['vs/css'] = { inlineResources: true };
return result;
exports.loaderConfig = loaderConfig;
var IS_OUR_COPYRIGHT_REGEXP = /Copyright \(C\) Microsoft Corporation/i;
function loader(bundledFileHeader, bundleLoader) {
var sources = [
if (bundleLoader) {
sources = sources.concat([
var isFirst = true;
return (gulp
.src(sources, { base: 'out-build' })
.pipe(es.through(function (data) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
this.emit('data', new VinylFile({
path: 'fake',
base: '',
contents: new Buffer(bundledFileHeader)
this.emit('data', data);
else {
this.emit('data', data);
.pipe(es.mapSync(function (f) {
f.sourceMap.sourceRoot = util.toFileUri(path.join(REPO_ROOT_PATH, 'src'));
return f;
function toConcatStream(bundledFileHeader, sources, dest) {
var useSourcemaps = /\.js$/.test(dest) && !/\.nls\.js$/.test(dest);
// If a bundle ends up including in any of the sources our copyright, then
// insert a fake source at the beginning of each bundle with our copyright
var containsOurCopyright = false;
for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) {
var fileContents = sources[i].contents;
if (IS_OUR_COPYRIGHT_REGEXP.test(fileContents)) {
containsOurCopyright = true;
if (containsOurCopyright) {
path: null,
contents: bundledFileHeader
var treatedSources = (source) {
var root = source.path ? REPO_ROOT_PATH.replace(/\\/g, '/') : '';
var base = source.path ? root + '/out-build' : '';
return new VinylFile({
path: source.path ? root + '/' + source.path.replace(/\\/g, '/') : 'fake',
base: base,
contents: new Buffer(source.contents)
return es.readArray(treatedSources)
.pipe(useSourcemaps ? util.loadSourcemaps() : es.through())
function toBundleStream(bundledFileHeader, bundles) {
return es.merge( (bundle) {
return toConcatStream(bundledFileHeader, bundle.sources, bundle.dest);
function optimizeTask(opts) {
var entryPoints = opts.entryPoints;
var otherSources = opts.otherSources;
var resources = opts.resources;
var loaderConfig = opts.loaderConfig;
var bundledFileHeader = opts.header;
var bundleLoader = (typeof opts.bundleLoader === 'undefined' ? true : opts.bundleLoader);
var out = opts.out;
return function () {
var bundlesStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain the bundled files
var resourcesStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain the resources
var bundleInfoStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain bundleInfo.json
bundle.bundle(entryPoints, loaderConfig, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return bundlesStream.emit('error', JSON.stringify(err));
toBundleStream(bundledFileHeader, result.files).pipe(bundlesStream);
// Remove css inlined resources
var filteredResources = resources.slice();
result.cssInlinedResources.forEach(function (resource) {
if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) {
log('optimizer', 'excluding inlined: ' + resource);
filteredResources.push('!' + resource);
gulp.src(filteredResources, { base: 'out-build' }).pipe(resourcesStream);
var bundleInfoArray = [];
if (opts.bundleInfo) {
bundleInfoArray.push(new VinylFile({
path: 'bundleInfo.json',
base: '.',
contents: new Buffer(JSON.stringify(result.bundleData, null, '\t'))
var otherSourcesStream = es.through();
var otherSourcesStreamArr = [];
gulp.src(otherSources, { base: 'out-build' })
.pipe(es.through(function (data) {
otherSourcesStreamArr.push(toConcatStream(bundledFileHeader, [data], data.relative));
}, function () {
if (!otherSourcesStreamArr.length) {
setTimeout(function () { otherSourcesStream.emit('end'); }, 0);
else {
var result = es.merge(loader(bundledFileHeader, bundleLoader), bundlesStream, otherSourcesStream, resourcesStream, bundleInfoStream);
return result
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('./', {
sourceRoot: null,
addComment: true,
includeContent: true
fileHeader: bundledFileHeader
exports.optimizeTask = optimizeTask;
* Wrap around uglify and allow the preserveComments function
* to have a file "context" to include our copyright only once per file.
function uglifyWithCopyrights() {
var preserveComments = function (f) {
return function (node, comment) {
var text = comment.value;
var type = comment.type;
if (/@minifier_do_not_preserve/.test(text)) {
return false;
var isOurCopyright = IS_OUR_COPYRIGHT_REGEXP.test(text);
if (isOurCopyright) {
if (f.__hasOurCopyright) {
return false;
f.__hasOurCopyright = true;
return true;
if ('comment2' === type) {
// check for /*!. Note that text doesn't contain leading /*
return (text.length > 0 && text[0] === '!') || /@preserve|license|@cc_on|copyright/i.test(text);
else if ('comment1' === type) {
return /license|copyright/i.test(text);
return false;
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream, f) {
return stream.pipe(uglify({
preserveComments: preserveComments(f),
output: {
// linux tfs build agent is crashing, does this help?§
max_line_len: 3200000
return es.duplex(input, output);
function minifyTask(src, sourceMapBaseUrl) {
var sourceMappingURL = sourceMapBaseUrl && (function (f) { return sourceMapBaseUrl + "/" + f.relative + ".map"; });
return function (cb) {
var jsFilter = filter('**/*.js', { restore: true });
var cssFilter = filter('**/*.css', { restore: true });
pump(gulp.src([src + '/**', '!' + src + '/**/*.map']), jsFilter, sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }), uglifyWithCopyrights(), jsFilter.restore, cssFilter, minifyCSS({ reduceIdents: false }), cssFilter.restore, sourcemaps.write('./', {
sourceMappingURL: sourceMappingURL,
sourceRoot: null,
includeContent: true,
addComment: true
}), gulp.dest(src + '-min'), function (err) {
if (err instanceof uglify.GulpUglifyError) {
console.error("Uglify error in '" + (err.cause && err.cause.filename) + "'");
exports.minifyTask = minifyTask;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var path = require("path");
var gulp = require("gulp");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var filter = require("gulp-filter");
var minifyCSS = require("gulp-cssnano");
var uglify = require("gulp-uglify");
var es = require("event-stream");
var concat = require("gulp-concat");
var VinylFile = require("vinyl");
var bundle = require("./bundle");
var util = require("./util");
var i18n = require("./i18n");
var gulpUtil = require("gulp-util");
var flatmap = require("gulp-flatmap");
var pump = require("pump");
var REPO_ROOT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../..');
function log(prefix, message) {
gulpUtil.log(gulpUtil.colors.cyan('[' + prefix + ']'), message);
function loaderConfig(emptyPaths) {
var result = {
paths: {
'vs': 'out-build/vs',
'vscode': 'empty:'
nodeModules: emptyPaths || []
result['vs/css'] = { inlineResources: true };
return result;
exports.loaderConfig = loaderConfig;
var IS_OUR_COPYRIGHT_REGEXP = /Copyright \(C\) Microsoft Corporation/i;
function loader(bundledFileHeader, bundleLoader) {
var sources = [
if (bundleLoader) {
sources = sources.concat([
var isFirst = true;
return (gulp
.src(sources, { base: 'out-build' })
.pipe(es.through(function (data) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
this.emit('data', new VinylFile({
path: 'fake',
base: '',
contents: new Buffer(bundledFileHeader)
this.emit('data', data);
else {
this.emit('data', data);
.pipe(es.mapSync(function (f) {
f.sourceMap.sourceRoot = util.toFileUri(path.join(REPO_ROOT_PATH, 'src'));
return f;
function toConcatStream(bundledFileHeader, sources, dest) {
var useSourcemaps = /\.js$/.test(dest) && !/\.nls\.js$/.test(dest);
// If a bundle ends up including in any of the sources our copyright, then
// insert a fake source at the beginning of each bundle with our copyright
var containsOurCopyright = false;
for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) {
var fileContents = sources[i].contents;
if (IS_OUR_COPYRIGHT_REGEXP.test(fileContents)) {
containsOurCopyright = true;
if (containsOurCopyright) {
path: null,
contents: bundledFileHeader
var treatedSources = (source) {
var root = source.path ? REPO_ROOT_PATH.replace(/\\/g, '/') : '';
var base = source.path ? root + '/out-build' : '';
return new VinylFile({
path: source.path ? root + '/' + source.path.replace(/\\/g, '/') : 'fake',
base: base,
contents: new Buffer(source.contents)
return es.readArray(treatedSources)
.pipe(useSourcemaps ? util.loadSourcemaps() : es.through())
function toBundleStream(bundledFileHeader, bundles) {
return es.merge( (bundle) {
return toConcatStream(bundledFileHeader, bundle.sources, bundle.dest);
function optimizeTask(opts) {
var entryPoints = opts.entryPoints;
var otherSources = opts.otherSources;
var resources = opts.resources;
var loaderConfig = opts.loaderConfig;
var bundledFileHeader = opts.header;
var bundleLoader = (typeof opts.bundleLoader === 'undefined' ? true : opts.bundleLoader);
var out = opts.out;
return function () {
var bundlesStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain the bundled files
var resourcesStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain the resources
var bundleInfoStream = es.through(); // this stream will contain bundleInfo.json
bundle.bundle(entryPoints, loaderConfig, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return bundlesStream.emit('error', JSON.stringify(err));
toBundleStream(bundledFileHeader, result.files).pipe(bundlesStream);
// Remove css inlined resources
var filteredResources = resources.slice();
result.cssInlinedResources.forEach(function (resource) {
if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) {
log('optimizer', 'excluding inlined: ' + resource);
filteredResources.push('!' + resource);
gulp.src(filteredResources, { base: 'out-build' }).pipe(resourcesStream);
var bundleInfoArray = [];
if (opts.bundleInfo) {
bundleInfoArray.push(new VinylFile({
path: 'bundleInfo.json',
base: '.',
contents: new Buffer(JSON.stringify(result.bundleData, null, '\t'))
var otherSourcesStream = es.through();
var otherSourcesStreamArr = [];
gulp.src(otherSources, { base: 'out-build' })
.pipe(es.through(function (data) {
otherSourcesStreamArr.push(toConcatStream(bundledFileHeader, [data], data.relative));
}, function () {
if (!otherSourcesStreamArr.length) {
setTimeout(function () { otherSourcesStream.emit('end'); }, 0);
else {
var result = es.merge(loader(bundledFileHeader, bundleLoader), bundlesStream, otherSourcesStream, resourcesStream, bundleInfoStream);
return result
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('./', {
sourceRoot: null,
addComment: true,
includeContent: true
fileHeader: bundledFileHeader
exports.optimizeTask = optimizeTask;
* Wrap around uglify and allow the preserveComments function
* to have a file "context" to include our copyright only once per file.
function uglifyWithCopyrights() {
var preserveComments = function (f) {
return function (node, comment) {
var text = comment.value;
var type = comment.type;
if (/@minifier_do_not_preserve/.test(text)) {
return false;
var isOurCopyright = IS_OUR_COPYRIGHT_REGEXP.test(text);
if (isOurCopyright) {
if (f.__hasOurCopyright) {
return false;
f.__hasOurCopyright = true;
return true;
if ('comment2' === type) {
// check for /*!. Note that text doesn't contain leading /*
return (text.length > 0 && text[0] === '!') || /@preserve|license|@cc_on|copyright/i.test(text);
else if ('comment1' === type) {
return /license|copyright/i.test(text);
return false;
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe(flatmap(function (stream, f) {
return stream.pipe(uglify({
preserveComments: preserveComments(f),
output: {
// linux tfs build agent is crashing, does this help?§
max_line_len: 3200000
return es.duplex(input, output);
function minifyTask(src, sourceMapBaseUrl) {
var sourceMappingURL = sourceMapBaseUrl && (function (f) { return sourceMapBaseUrl + "/" + f.relative + ".map"; });
return function (cb) {
var jsFilter = filter('**/*.js', { restore: true });
var cssFilter = filter('**/*.css', { restore: true });
pump(gulp.src([src + '/**', '!' + src + '/**/*.map']), jsFilter, sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }), uglifyWithCopyrights(), jsFilter.restore, cssFilter, minifyCSS({ reduceIdents: false }), cssFilter.restore, sourcemaps.write('./', {
sourceMappingURL: sourceMappingURL,
sourceRoot: null,
includeContent: true,
addComment: true
}), gulp.dest(src + '-min'), function (err) {
if (err instanceof uglify.GulpUglifyError) {
console.error("Uglify error in '" + (err.cause && err.cause.filename) + "'");
exports.minifyTask = minifyTask;

View file

@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var es = require("event-stream");
var _ = require("underscore");
var util = require("gulp-util");
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var allErrors = [];
var startTime = null;
var count = 0;
function onStart() {
if (count++ > 0) {
startTime = new Date().getTime();
util.log("Starting " +'compilation') + "...");
function onEnd() {
if (--count > 0) {
var buildLogPath = path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)), '.build', 'log');
try {
catch (err) {
// ignore
function log() {
var errors = _.flatten(allErrors); (err) { return util.log('Error') + ": " + err); });
var regex = /^([^(]+)\((\d+),(\d+)\): (.*)$/;
var messages = errors
.map(function (err) { return regex.exec(err); })
.filter(function (match) { return !!match; })
.map(function (_a) {
var path = _a[1], line = _a[2], column = _a[3], message = _a[4];
return ({ path: path, line: Number.parseInt(line), column: Number.parseInt(column), message: message });
try {
fs.writeFileSync(buildLogPath, JSON.stringify(messages));
catch (err) {
util.log("Finished " +'compilation') + " with " + errors.length + " errors after " + util.colors.magenta((new Date().getTime() - startTime) + ' ms'));
function createReporter() {
var errors = [];
var ReportFunc = (function () {
function ReportFunc(err) {
ReportFunc.hasErrors = function () {
return errors.length > 0;
ReportFunc.end = function (emitError) {
errors.length = 0;
return es.through(null, function () {
if (emitError && errors.length > 0) {
else {
return ReportFunc;
return ReportFunc;
exports.createReporter = createReporter;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var es = require("event-stream");
var _ = require("underscore");
var util = require("gulp-util");
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var allErrors = [];
var startTime = null;
var count = 0;
function onStart() {
if (count++ > 0) {
startTime = new Date().getTime();
util.log("Starting " +'compilation') + "...");
function onEnd() {
if (--count > 0) {
var buildLogPath = path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)), '.build', 'log');
try {
catch (err) {
// ignore
function log() {
var errors = _.flatten(allErrors); (err) { return util.log('Error') + ": " + err); });
var regex = /^([^(]+)\((\d+),(\d+)\): (.*)$/;
var messages = errors
.map(function (err) { return regex.exec(err); })
.filter(function (match) { return !!match; })
.map(function (_a) {
var path = _a[1], line = _a[2], column = _a[3], message = _a[4];
return ({ path: path, line: parseInt(line), column: parseInt(column), message: message });
try {
fs.writeFileSync(buildLogPath, JSON.stringify(messages));
catch (err) {
util.log("Finished " +'compilation') + " with " + errors.length + " errors after " + util.colors.magenta((new Date().getTime() - startTime) + ' ms'));
function createReporter() {
var errors = [];
var ReportFunc = (function () {
function ReportFunc(err) {
ReportFunc.hasErrors = function () {
return errors.length > 0;
ReportFunc.end = function (emitError) {
errors.length = 0;
return es.through(null, function () {
if (emitError && errors.length > 0) {
else {
return ReportFunc;
return ReportFunc;
exports.createReporter = createReporter;

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function log(): void {
const messages = errors
.map(err => regex.exec(err))
.filter(match => !!match)
.map(([, path, line, column, message]) => ({ path, line: Number.parseInt(line), column: Number.parseInt(column), message }));
.map(([, path, line, column, message]) => ({ path, line: parseInt(line), column: parseInt(column), message }));
try {

View file

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var assert = require("assert");
var i18n = require("../i18n");
suite('XLF Parser Tests', function () {
var sampleXlf = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"><file original="vs/base/common/keybinding" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext"><body><trans-unit id="key1"><source xml:lang="en">Key #1</source></trans-unit><trans-unit id="key2"><source xml:lang="en">Key #2 &amp;</source></trans-unit></body></file></xliff>';
var sampleTranslatedXlf = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"><file original="vs/base/common/keybinding" source-language="en" target-language="ru" datatype="plaintext"><body><trans-unit id="key1"><source xml:lang="en">Key #1</source><target>Кнопка #1</target></trans-unit><trans-unit id="key2"><source xml:lang="en">Key #2 &amp;</source><target>Кнопка #2 &amp;</target></trans-unit></body></file></xliff>';
var originalFilePath = 'vs/base/common/keybinding';
var keys = ['key1', 'key2'];
var messages = ['Key #1', 'Key #2 &'];
var translatedMessages = { key1: 'Кнопка #1', key2: 'Кнопка #2 &' };
test('Keys & messages to XLF conversion', function () {
var xlf = new i18n.XLF('vscode-workbench');
xlf.addFile(originalFilePath, keys, messages);
var xlfString = xlf.toString();
assert.strictEqual(xlfString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ''), sampleXlf);
test('XLF to keys & messages conversion', function () {
i18n.XLF.parse(sampleTranslatedXlf).then(function (resolvedFiles) {
assert.deepEqual(resolvedFiles[0].messages, translatedMessages);
assert.strictEqual(resolvedFiles[0].originalFilePath, originalFilePath);
test('JSON file source path to Transifex resource match', function () {
var editorProject = 'vscode-editor', workbenchProject = 'vscode-workbench';
var platform = { name: 'vs/platform', project: editorProject }, editorContrib = { name: 'vs/editor/contrib', project: editorProject }, editor = { name: 'vs/editor', project: editorProject }, base = { name: 'vs/base', project: editorProject }, code = { name: 'vs/code', project: workbenchProject }, workbenchParts = { name: 'vs/workbench/parts/html', project: workbenchProject }, workbenchServices = { name: 'vs/workbench/services/files', project: workbenchProject }, workbench = { name: 'vs/workbench', project: workbenchProject };
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/platform/actions/browser/menusExtensionPoint'), platform);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard'), editorContrib);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry'), editor);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/base/common/errorMessage'), base);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/code/electron-main/window'), code);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/workbench/parts/html/browser/webview'), workbenchParts);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/workbench/services/files/node/fileService'), workbenchServices);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelActions'), workbench);
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var assert = require("assert");
var i18n = require("../i18n");
suite('XLF Parser Tests', function () {
var sampleXlf = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"><file original="vs/base/common/keybinding" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext"><body><trans-unit id="key1"><source xml:lang="en">Key #1</source></trans-unit><trans-unit id="key2"><source xml:lang="en">Key #2 &amp;</source></trans-unit></body></file></xliff>';
var sampleTranslatedXlf = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"><file original="vs/base/common/keybinding" source-language="en" target-language="ru" datatype="plaintext"><body><trans-unit id="key1"><source xml:lang="en">Key #1</source><target>Кнопка #1</target></trans-unit><trans-unit id="key2"><source xml:lang="en">Key #2 &amp;</source><target>Кнопка #2 &amp;</target></trans-unit></body></file></xliff>';
var originalFilePath = 'vs/base/common/keybinding';
var keys = ['key1', 'key2'];
var messages = ['Key #1', 'Key #2 &'];
var translatedMessages = { key1: 'Кнопка #1', key2: 'Кнопка #2 &' };
test('Keys & messages to XLF conversion', function () {
var xlf = new i18n.XLF('vscode-workbench');
xlf.addFile(originalFilePath, keys, messages);
var xlfString = xlf.toString();
assert.strictEqual(xlfString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ''), sampleXlf);
test('XLF to keys & messages conversion', function () {
i18n.XLF.parse(sampleTranslatedXlf).then(function (resolvedFiles) {
assert.deepEqual(resolvedFiles[0].messages, translatedMessages);
assert.strictEqual(resolvedFiles[0].originalFilePath, originalFilePath);
test('JSON file source path to Transifex resource match', function () {
var editorProject = 'vscode-editor', workbenchProject = 'vscode-workbench';
var platform = { name: 'vs/platform', project: editorProject }, editorContrib = { name: 'vs/editor/contrib', project: editorProject }, editor = { name: 'vs/editor', project: editorProject }, base = { name: 'vs/base', project: editorProject }, code = { name: 'vs/code', project: workbenchProject }, workbenchParts = { name: 'vs/workbench/parts/html', project: workbenchProject }, workbenchServices = { name: 'vs/workbench/services/files', project: workbenchProject }, workbench = { name: 'vs/workbench', project: workbenchProject };
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/platform/actions/browser/menusExtensionPoint'), platform);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/editor/contrib/clipboard/browser/clipboard'), editorContrib);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/editor/common/modes/modesRegistry'), editor);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/base/common/errorMessage'), base);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/code/electron-main/window'), code);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/workbench/parts/html/browser/webview'), workbenchParts);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/workbench/services/files/node/fileService'), workbenchServices);
assert.deepEqual(i18n.getResource('vs/workbench/browser/parts/panel/panelActions'), workbench);

View file

@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var ts = require("typescript");
var Lint = require("tslint");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
var allowed = this.getOptions().ruleArguments[0];
return this.applyWithWalker(new AsyncRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions(), allowed));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var AsyncRuleWalker = (function (_super) {
__extends(AsyncRuleWalker, _super);
function AsyncRuleWalker(file, opts, allowed) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this.allowed = allowed;
return _this;
AsyncRuleWalker.prototype.visitMethodDeclaration = function (node) {
AsyncRuleWalker.prototype.visitFunctionDeclaration = function (node) {
AsyncRuleWalker.prototype.visitFunctionLikeDeclaration = function (node) {
var _this = this;
var flags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node);
if (!(flags & ts.ModifierFlags.Async)) {
var path = node.getSourceFile().path;
var pathParts = path.split(/\\|\//);
if (pathParts.some(function (part) { return _this.allowed.some(function (allowed) { return part === allowed; }); })) {
var message = "You are not allowed to use async function in this layer. Allowed layers are: [" + this.allowed + "]";
this.addFailureAtNode(node, message);
return AsyncRuleWalker;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var ts = require("typescript");
var Lint = require("tslint");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
var allowed = this.getOptions().ruleArguments[0];
return this.applyWithWalker(new AsyncRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions(), allowed));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var AsyncRuleWalker = (function (_super) {
__extends(AsyncRuleWalker, _super);
function AsyncRuleWalker(file, opts, allowed) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this.allowed = allowed;
return _this;
AsyncRuleWalker.prototype.visitMethodDeclaration = function (node) {
AsyncRuleWalker.prototype.visitFunctionDeclaration = function (node) {
AsyncRuleWalker.prototype.visitFunctionLikeDeclaration = function (node) {
var _this = this;
var flags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(node);
if (!(flags & ts.ModifierFlags.Async)) {
var path = node.getSourceFile().path;
var pathParts = path.split(/\\|\//);
if (pathParts.some(function (part) { return _this.allowed.some(function (allowed) { return part === allowed; }); })) {
var message = "You are not allowed to use async function in this layer. Allowed layers are: [" + this.allowed + "]";
this.addFailureAtNode(node, message);
return AsyncRuleWalker;

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class AsyncRuleWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
const path = node.getSourceFile().path;
const path = (node.getSourceFile() as any).path;
const pathParts = path.split(/\\|\//);
if (pathParts.some(part => this.allowed.some(allowed => part === allowed))) {

View file

@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var path_1 = require("path");
var Lint = require("tslint");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new ImportPatterns(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var ImportPatterns = (function (_super) {
__extends(ImportPatterns, _super);
function ImportPatterns(file, opts) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this.imports = Object.create(null);
return _this;
ImportPatterns.prototype.visitImportDeclaration = function (node) {
var path = node.moduleSpecifier.getText();
// remove quotes
path = path.slice(1, -1);
if (path[0] === '.') {
path = path_1.join(path_1.dirname(node.getSourceFile().fileName), path);
if (this.imports[path]) {
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "Duplicate imports for '" + path + "'."));
this.imports[path] = true;
return ImportPatterns;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var path_1 = require("path");
var Lint = require("tslint");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new ImportPatterns(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var ImportPatterns = (function (_super) {
__extends(ImportPatterns, _super);
function ImportPatterns(file, opts) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this.imports = Object.create(null);
return _this;
ImportPatterns.prototype.visitImportDeclaration = function (node) {
var path = node.moduleSpecifier.getText();
// remove quotes
path = path.slice(1, -1);
if (path[0] === '.') {
path = path_1.join(path_1.dirname(node.getSourceFile().fileName), path);
if (this.imports[path]) {
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "Duplicate imports for '" + path + "'."));
this.imports[path] = true;
return ImportPatterns;

View file

@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Lint = require("tslint");
var minimatch = require("minimatch");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
var configs = this.getOptions().ruleArguments;
for (var _i = 0, configs_1 = configs; _i < configs_1.length; _i++) {
var config = configs_1[_i];
if (minimatch(sourceFile.fileName, {
return this.applyWithWalker(new ImportPatterns(sourceFile, this.getOptions(), config));
return [];
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var ImportPatterns = (function (_super) {
__extends(ImportPatterns, _super);
function ImportPatterns(file, opts, _config) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this._config = _config;
return _this;
ImportPatterns.prototype.visitImportDeclaration = function (node) {
var path = node.moduleSpecifier.getText();
// remove quotes
path = path.slice(1, -1);
// ignore relative paths
if (path[0] === '.') {
if (!minimatch(path, this._config.restrictions)) {
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "Imports violates '" + this._config.restrictions + "'-restriction."));
return ImportPatterns;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Lint = require("tslint");
var minimatch = require("minimatch");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
var configs = this.getOptions().ruleArguments;
for (var _i = 0, configs_1 = configs; _i < configs_1.length; _i++) {
var config = configs_1[_i];
if (minimatch(sourceFile.fileName, {
return this.applyWithWalker(new ImportPatterns(sourceFile, this.getOptions(), config));
return [];
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var ImportPatterns = (function (_super) {
__extends(ImportPatterns, _super);
function ImportPatterns(file, opts, _config) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this._config = _config;
return _this;
ImportPatterns.prototype.visitImportDeclaration = function (node) {
var path = node.moduleSpecifier.getText();
// remove quotes
path = path.slice(1, -1);
// ignore relative paths
if (path[0] === '.') {
if (!minimatch(path, this._config.restrictions)) {
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "Imports violates '" + this._config.restrictions + "'-restriction."));
return ImportPatterns;

View file

@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Lint = require("tslint");
var path_1 = require("path");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
var parts = path_1.dirname(sourceFile.fileName).split(/\\|\//);
var ruleArgs = this.getOptions().ruleArguments[0];
var config;
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ruleArgs[parts[i]]) {
config = {
allowed: new Set(ruleArgs[parts[i]]).add(parts[i]),
disallowed: new Set()
Object.keys(ruleArgs).forEach(function (key) {
if (!config.allowed.has(key)) {
if (!config) {
return [];
return this.applyWithWalker(new LayeringRule(sourceFile, config, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var LayeringRule = (function (_super) {
__extends(LayeringRule, _super);
function LayeringRule(file, config, opts) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this._config = config;
return _this;
LayeringRule.prototype.visitImportDeclaration = function (node) {
var path = node.moduleSpecifier.getText();
// remove quotes
path = path.slice(1, -1);
if (path[0] === '.') {
path = path_1.join(path_1.dirname(node.getSourceFile().fileName), path);
var parts = path_1.dirname(path).split(/\\|\//);
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var part = parts[i];
if (this._config.allowed.has(part)) {
// GOOD - same layer
if (this._config.disallowed.has(part)) {
// BAD - wrong layer
var message = "Bad layering. You are not allowed to access '" + part + "' from here, allowed layers are: [" + LayeringRule._print(this._config.allowed) + "]";
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), message));
LayeringRule._print = function (set) {
var r = [];
set.forEach(function (e) { return r.push(e); });
return r.join(', ');
return LayeringRule;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Lint = require("tslint");
var path_1 = require("path");
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
var parts = path_1.dirname(sourceFile.fileName).split(/\\|\//);
var ruleArgs = this.getOptions().ruleArguments[0];
var config;
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ruleArgs[parts[i]]) {
config = {
allowed: new Set(ruleArgs[parts[i]]).add(parts[i]),
disallowed: new Set()
Object.keys(ruleArgs).forEach(function (key) {
if (!config.allowed.has(key)) {
if (!config) {
return [];
return this.applyWithWalker(new LayeringRule(sourceFile, config, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
var LayeringRule = (function (_super) {
__extends(LayeringRule, _super);
function LayeringRule(file, config, opts) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this._config = config;
return _this;
LayeringRule.prototype.visitImportDeclaration = function (node) {
var path = node.moduleSpecifier.getText();
// remove quotes
path = path.slice(1, -1);
if (path[0] === '.') {
path = path_1.join(path_1.dirname(node.getSourceFile().fileName), path);
var parts = path_1.dirname(path).split(/\\|\//);
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var part = parts[i];
if (this._config.allowed.has(part)) {
// GOOD - same layer
if (this._config.disallowed.has(part)) {
// BAD - wrong layer
var message = "Bad layering. You are not allowed to access '" + part + "' from here, allowed layers are: [" + LayeringRule._print(this._config.allowed) + "]";
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), message));
LayeringRule._print = function (set) {
var r = [];
set.forEach(function (e) { return r.push(e); });
return r.join(', ');
return LayeringRule;

View file

@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var ts = require("typescript");
var Lint = require("tslint");
* Implementation of the no-unexternalized-strings rule.
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
function isStringLiteral(node) {
return node && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral;
function isObjectLiteral(node) {
return node && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression;
function isPropertyAssignment(node) {
return node && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment;
var NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker = (function (_super) {
__extends(NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker, _super);
function NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker(file, opts) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this.signatures = Object.create(null);
_this.ignores = Object.create(null);
_this.messageIndex = undefined;
_this.keyIndex = undefined;
_this.usedKeys = Object.create(null);
var options = _this.getOptions();
var first = options && options.length > 0 ? options[0] : null;
if (first) {
if (Array.isArray(first.signatures)) {
first.signatures.forEach(function (signature) { return _this.signatures[signature] = true; });
if (Array.isArray(first.ignores)) {
first.ignores.forEach(function (ignore) { return _this.ignores[ignore] = true; });
if (typeof first.messageIndex !== 'undefined') {
_this.messageIndex = first.messageIndex;
if (typeof first.keyIndex !== 'undefined') {
_this.keyIndex = first.keyIndex;
return _this;
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.visitSourceFile = function (node) {
var _this = this;, node);
Object.keys(this.usedKeys).forEach(function (key) {
var occurences = _this.usedKeys[key];
if (occurences.length > 1) {
occurences.forEach(function (occurence) {
_this.addFailure((_this.createFailure(occurence.key.getStart(), occurence.key.getWidth(), "Duplicate key " + occurence.key.getText() + " with different message value.")));
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.visitStringLiteral = function (node) {
this.checkStringLiteral(node);, node);
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.checkStringLiteral = function (node) {
var text = node.getText();
var doubleQuoted = text.length >= 2 && text[0] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE && text[text.length - 1] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
var info = this.findDescribingParent(node);
// Ignore strings in import and export nodes.
if (info && info.ignoreUsage) {
var callInfo = info ? info.callInfo : null;
var functionName = callInfo ? callInfo.callExpression.expression.getText() : null;
if (functionName && this.ignores[functionName]) {
if (doubleQuoted && (!callInfo || callInfo.argIndex === -1 || !this.signatures[functionName])) {
var s = node.getText();
var replacement = new Lint.Replacement(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "nls.localize('KEY-" + s.substring(1, s.length - 1) + "', " + s + ")");
var fix = new Lint.Fix('Unexternalitzed string', [replacement]);
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "Unexternalized string found: " + node.getText(), fix));
// We have a single quoted string outside a localize function name.
if (!doubleQuoted && !this.signatures[functionName]) {
// We have a string that is a direct argument into the localize call.
var keyArg = callInfo.argIndex === this.keyIndex
? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.keyIndex]
: null;
if (keyArg) {
if (isStringLiteral(keyArg)) {
this.recordKey(keyArg, this.messageIndex ? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex] : undefined);
else if (isObjectLiteral(keyArg)) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var property =[i];
if (isPropertyAssignment(property)) {
var name_1 =;
if (name_1 === 'key') {
var initializer = property.initializer;
if (isStringLiteral(initializer)) {
this.recordKey(initializer, this.messageIndex ? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex] : undefined);
var messageArg = callInfo.argIndex === this.messageIndex
? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex]
: null;
if (messageArg && messageArg !== node) {
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(messageArg.getStart(), messageArg.getWidth(), "Message argument to '" + callInfo.callExpression.expression.getText() + "' must be a string literal."));
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.recordKey = function (keyNode, messageNode) {
var text = keyNode.getText();
var occurences = this.usedKeys[text];
if (!occurences) {
occurences = [];
this.usedKeys[text] = occurences;
if (messageNode) {
if (occurences.some(function (pair) { return pair.message ? pair.message.getText() === messageNode.getText() : false; })) {
occurences.push({ key: keyNode, message: messageNode });
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.findDescribingParent = function (node) {
var parent;
while ((parent = node.parent)) {
var kind = parent.kind;
if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) {
var callExpression = parent;
return { callInfo: { callExpression: callExpression, argIndex: callExpression.arguments.indexOf(node) } };
else if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration) {
return { ignoreUsage: true };
else if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration
|| kind === ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarationList || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration
|| kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration
|| kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
return null;
node = parent;
return NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker;
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var ts = require("typescript");
var Lint = require("tslint");
* Implementation of the no-unexternalized-strings rule.
var Rule = (function (_super) {
__extends(Rule, _super);
function Rule() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));
return Rule;
exports.Rule = Rule;
function isStringLiteral(node) {
return node && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral;
function isObjectLiteral(node) {
return node && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression;
function isPropertyAssignment(node) {
return node && node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment;
var NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker = (function (_super) {
__extends(NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker, _super);
function NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker(file, opts) {
var _this =, file, opts) || this;
_this.signatures = Object.create(null);
_this.ignores = Object.create(null);
_this.messageIndex = undefined;
_this.keyIndex = undefined;
_this.usedKeys = Object.create(null);
var options = _this.getOptions();
var first = options && options.length > 0 ? options[0] : null;
if (first) {
if (Array.isArray(first.signatures)) {
first.signatures.forEach(function (signature) { return _this.signatures[signature] = true; });
if (Array.isArray(first.ignores)) {
first.ignores.forEach(function (ignore) { return _this.ignores[ignore] = true; });
if (typeof first.messageIndex !== 'undefined') {
_this.messageIndex = first.messageIndex;
if (typeof first.keyIndex !== 'undefined') {
_this.keyIndex = first.keyIndex;
return _this;
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.visitSourceFile = function (node) {
var _this = this;, node);
Object.keys(this.usedKeys).forEach(function (key) {
var occurences = _this.usedKeys[key];
if (occurences.length > 1) {
occurences.forEach(function (occurence) {
_this.addFailure((_this.createFailure(occurence.key.getStart(), occurence.key.getWidth(), "Duplicate key " + occurence.key.getText() + " with different message value.")));
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.visitStringLiteral = function (node) {
this.checkStringLiteral(node);, node);
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.checkStringLiteral = function (node) {
var text = node.getText();
var doubleQuoted = text.length >= 2 && text[0] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE && text[text.length - 1] === NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
var info = this.findDescribingParent(node);
// Ignore strings in import and export nodes.
if (info && info.ignoreUsage) {
var callInfo = info ? info.callInfo : null;
var functionName = callInfo ? callInfo.callExpression.expression.getText() : null;
if (functionName && this.ignores[functionName]) {
if (doubleQuoted && (!callInfo || callInfo.argIndex === -1 || !this.signatures[functionName])) {
var s = node.getText();
var replacement = new Lint.Replacement(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "nls.localize('KEY-" + s.substring(1, s.length - 1) + "', " + s + ")");
var fix = new Lint.Fix('Unexternalitzed string', [replacement]);
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), "Unexternalized string found: " + node.getText(), fix));
// We have a single quoted string outside a localize function name.
if (!doubleQuoted && !this.signatures[functionName]) {
// We have a string that is a direct argument into the localize call.
var keyArg = callInfo.argIndex === this.keyIndex
? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.keyIndex]
: null;
if (keyArg) {
if (isStringLiteral(keyArg)) {
this.recordKey(keyArg, this.messageIndex ? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex] : undefined);
else if (isObjectLiteral(keyArg)) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var property =[i];
if (isPropertyAssignment(property)) {
var name_1 =;
if (name_1 === 'key') {
var initializer = property.initializer;
if (isStringLiteral(initializer)) {
this.recordKey(initializer, this.messageIndex ? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex] : undefined);
var messageArg = callInfo.argIndex === this.messageIndex
? callInfo.callExpression.arguments[this.messageIndex]
: null;
if (messageArg && messageArg !== node) {
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(messageArg.getStart(), messageArg.getWidth(), "Message argument to '" + callInfo.callExpression.expression.getText() + "' must be a string literal."));
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.recordKey = function (keyNode, messageNode) {
var text = keyNode.getText();
var occurences = this.usedKeys[text];
if (!occurences) {
occurences = [];
this.usedKeys[text] = occurences;
if (messageNode) {
if (occurences.some(function (pair) { return pair.message ? pair.message.getText() === messageNode.getText() : false; })) {
occurences.push({ key: keyNode, message: messageNode });
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.prototype.findDescribingParent = function (node) {
var parent;
while ((parent = node.parent)) {
var kind = parent.kind;
if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression) {
var callExpression = parent;
return { callInfo: { callExpression: callExpression, argIndex: callExpression.arguments.indexOf(node) } };
else if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration) {
return { ignoreUsage: true };
else if (kind === ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration
|| kind === ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarationList || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration
|| kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration
|| kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration || kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
return null;
node = parent;
return NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker;
NoUnexternalizedStringsRuleWalker.DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,213 +1,213 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var es = require("event-stream");
var debounce = require("debounce");
var _filter = require("gulp-filter");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
var _ = require("underscore");
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
var _rimraf = require("rimraf");
var git = require("./git");
var VinylFile = require("vinyl");
var NoCancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: function () { return false; } };
function incremental(streamProvider, initial, supportsCancellation) {
var input = es.through();
var output = es.through();
var state = 'idle';
var buffer = Object.create(null);
var token = !supportsCancellation ? null : { isCancellationRequested: function () { return Object.keys(buffer).length > 0; } };
var run = function (input, isCancellable) {
state = 'running';
var stream = !supportsCancellation ? streamProvider() : streamProvider(isCancellable ? token : NoCancellationToken);
.pipe(es.through(null, function () {
state = 'idle';
if (initial) {
run(initial, false);
var eventuallyRun = debounce(function () {
var paths = Object.keys(buffer);
if (paths.length === 0) {
var data = (path) { return buffer[path]; });
buffer = Object.create(null);
run(es.readArray(data), true);
}, 500);
input.on('data', function (f) {
buffer[f.path] = f;
if (state === 'idle') {
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.incremental = incremental;
function fixWin32DirectoryPermissions() {
if (!/win32/.test(process.platform)) {
return es.through();
return es.mapSync(function (f) {
if (f.stat && f.stat.isDirectory && f.stat.isDirectory()) {
f.stat.mode = 16877;
return f;
exports.fixWin32DirectoryPermissions = fixWin32DirectoryPermissions;
function setExecutableBit(pattern) {
var setBit = es.mapSync(function (f) {
f.stat.mode = 33261;
return f;
if (!pattern) {
return setBit;
var input = es.through();
var filter = _filter(pattern, { restore: true });
var output = input
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.setExecutableBit = setExecutableBit;
function toFileUri(filePath) {
var match = filePath.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)$/i);
if (match) {
filePath = '/' + match[1].toUpperCase() + ':' + match[2];
return 'file://' + filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
exports.toFileUri = toFileUri;
function skipDirectories() {
return es.mapSync(function (f) {
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
return f;
exports.skipDirectories = skipDirectories;
function cleanNodeModule(name, excludes, includes) {
var toGlob = function (path) { return '**/node_modules/' + name + (path ? '/' + path : ''); };
var negate = function (str) { return '!' + str; };
var allFilter = _filter(toGlob('**'), { restore: true });
var globs = [toGlob('**')].concat(, toGlob)));
var input = es.through();
var nodeModuleInput = input.pipe(allFilter);
var output = nodeModuleInput.pipe(_filter(globs));
if (includes) {
var includeGlobs =;
output = es.merge(output, nodeModuleInput.pipe(_filter(includeGlobs)));
output = output.pipe(allFilter.restore);
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.cleanNodeModule = cleanNodeModule;
function loadSourcemaps() {
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe( (f, cb) {
if (f.sourceMap) {
cb(null, f);
if (!f.contents) {
cb(new Error('empty file'));
var contents = f.contents.toString('utf8');
var reg = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g;
var lastMatch = null, match = null;
while (match = reg.exec(contents)) {
lastMatch = match;
if (!lastMatch) {
f.sourceMap = {
version: 3,
names: [],
mappings: '',
sources: [f.relative.replace(/\//g, '/')],
sourcesContent: [contents]
cb(null, f);
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g, ''), 'utf8');
fs.readFile(path.join(path.dirname(f.path), lastMatch[1]), 'utf8', function (err, contents) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
f.sourceMap = JSON.parse(contents);
cb(null, f);
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.loadSourcemaps = loadSourcemaps;
function stripSourceMappingURL() {
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe(es.mapSync(function (f) {
var contents = f.contents.toString('utf8');
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, ''), 'utf8');
return f;
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.stripSourceMappingURL = stripSourceMappingURL;
function rimraf(dir) {
var retries = 0;
var retry = function (cb) {
_rimraf(dir, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, function (err) {
if (!err) {
return cb();
if (err.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' && ++retries < 5) {
return setTimeout(function () { return retry(cb); }, 10);
return cb(err);
return function (cb) { return retry(cb); };
exports.rimraf = rimraf;
function getVersion(root) {
var version = process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION'];
if (!version || !/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(version)) {
version = git.getVersion(root);
return version;
exports.getVersion = getVersion;
function rebase(count) {
return rename(function (f) {
var parts = f.dirname.split(/[\/\\]/);
f.dirname = parts.slice(count).join(path.sep);
exports.rebase = rebase;
function filter(fn) {
var result = es.through(function (data) {
if (fn(data)) {
this.emit('data', data);
else {
result.restore = es.through();
return result;
exports.filter = filter;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var es = require("event-stream");
var debounce = require("debounce");
var _filter = require("gulp-filter");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
var _ = require("underscore");
var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
var _rimraf = require("rimraf");
var git = require("./git");
var VinylFile = require("vinyl");
var NoCancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: function () { return false; } };
function incremental(streamProvider, initial, supportsCancellation) {
var input = es.through();
var output = es.through();
var state = 'idle';
var buffer = Object.create(null);
var token = !supportsCancellation ? null : { isCancellationRequested: function () { return Object.keys(buffer).length > 0; } };
var run = function (input, isCancellable) {
state = 'running';
var stream = !supportsCancellation ? streamProvider() : streamProvider(isCancellable ? token : NoCancellationToken);
.pipe(es.through(null, function () {
state = 'idle';
if (initial) {
run(initial, false);
var eventuallyRun = debounce(function () {
var paths = Object.keys(buffer);
if (paths.length === 0) {
var data = (path) { return buffer[path]; });
buffer = Object.create(null);
run(es.readArray(data), true);
}, 500);
input.on('data', function (f) {
buffer[f.path] = f;
if (state === 'idle') {
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.incremental = incremental;
function fixWin32DirectoryPermissions() {
if (!/win32/.test(process.platform)) {
return es.through();
return es.mapSync(function (f) {
if (f.stat && f.stat.isDirectory && f.stat.isDirectory()) {
f.stat.mode = 16877;
return f;
exports.fixWin32DirectoryPermissions = fixWin32DirectoryPermissions;
function setExecutableBit(pattern) {
var setBit = es.mapSync(function (f) {
f.stat.mode = 33261;
return f;
if (!pattern) {
return setBit;
var input = es.through();
var filter = _filter(pattern, { restore: true });
var output = input
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.setExecutableBit = setExecutableBit;
function toFileUri(filePath) {
var match = filePath.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)$/i);
if (match) {
filePath = '/' + match[1].toUpperCase() + ':' + match[2];
return 'file://' + filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
exports.toFileUri = toFileUri;
function skipDirectories() {
return es.mapSync(function (f) {
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
return f;
exports.skipDirectories = skipDirectories;
function cleanNodeModule(name, excludes, includes) {
var toGlob = function (path) { return '**/node_modules/' + name + (path ? '/' + path : ''); };
var negate = function (str) { return '!' + str; };
var allFilter = _filter(toGlob('**'), { restore: true });
var globs = [toGlob('**')].concat(, toGlob)));
var input = es.through();
var nodeModuleInput = input.pipe(allFilter);
var output = nodeModuleInput.pipe(_filter(globs));
if (includes) {
var includeGlobs =;
output = es.merge(output, nodeModuleInput.pipe(_filter(includeGlobs)));
output = output.pipe(allFilter.restore);
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.cleanNodeModule = cleanNodeModule;
function loadSourcemaps() {
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe( (f, cb) {
if (f.sourceMap) {
cb(null, f);
if (!f.contents) {
cb(new Error('empty file'));
var contents = f.contents.toString('utf8');
var reg = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g;
var lastMatch = null, match = null;
while (match = reg.exec(contents)) {
lastMatch = match;
if (!lastMatch) {
f.sourceMap = {
version: 3,
names: [],
mappings: '',
sources: [f.relative.replace(/\//g, '/')],
sourcesContent: [contents]
cb(null, f);
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g, ''), 'utf8');
fs.readFile(path.join(path.dirname(f.path), lastMatch[1]), 'utf8', function (err, contents) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
f.sourceMap = JSON.parse(contents);
cb(null, f);
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.loadSourcemaps = loadSourcemaps;
function stripSourceMappingURL() {
var input = es.through();
var output = input
.pipe(es.mapSync(function (f) {
var contents = f.contents.toString('utf8');
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, ''), 'utf8');
return f;
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.stripSourceMappingURL = stripSourceMappingURL;
function rimraf(dir) {
var retries = 0;
var retry = function (cb) {
_rimraf(dir, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, function (err) {
if (!err) {
return cb();
if (err.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' && ++retries < 5) {
return setTimeout(function () { return retry(cb); }, 10);
return cb(err);
return function (cb) { return retry(cb); };
exports.rimraf = rimraf;
function getVersion(root) {
var version = process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION'];
if (!version || !/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(version)) {
version = git.getVersion(root);
return version;
exports.getVersion = getVersion;
function rebase(count) {
return rename(function (f) {
var parts = f.dirname.split(/[\/\\]/);
f.dirname = parts.slice(count).join(path.sep);
exports.rebase = rebase;
function filter(fn) {
var result = es.through(function (data) {
if (fn(data)) {
this.emit('data', data);
else {
result.restore = es.through();
return result;
exports.filter = filter;

View file

@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ export interface ICancellationToken {
isCancellationRequested(): boolean;
const NoCancellationToken:ICancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: () => false };
const NoCancellationToken: ICancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: () => false };
export interface IStreamProvider {
(cancellationToken?:ICancellationToken): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
(cancellationToken?: ICancellationToken): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
export function incremental(streamProvider:IStreamProvider, initial:NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, supportsCancellation:boolean): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
export function incremental(streamProvider: IStreamProvider, initial: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream, supportsCancellation: boolean): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const input = es.through();
const output = es.through();
let state = 'idle';
let buffer = Object.create(null);
const token:ICancellationToken = !supportsCancellation ? null : { isCancellationRequested: () => Object.keys(buffer).length > 0 };
const token: ICancellationToken = !supportsCancellation ? null : { isCancellationRequested: () => Object.keys(buffer).length > 0 };
const run = (input, isCancellable) => {
state = 'running';
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export function incremental(streamProvider:IStreamProvider, initial:NodeJS.ReadW
run(es.readArray(data), true);
}, 500);
input.on('data', f => {
input.on('data', (f: any) => {
buffer[f.path] = f;
if (state === 'idle') {
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export function fixWin32DirectoryPermissions(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
return es.through();
return es.mapSync<VinylFile,VinylFile>(f => {
return es.mapSync<VinylFile, VinylFile>(f => {
if (f.stat && f.stat.isDirectory && f.stat.isDirectory()) {
f.stat.mode = 16877;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ export function fixWin32DirectoryPermissions(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
export function setExecutableBit(pattern: string | string[]): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
var setBit = es.mapSync<VinylFile,VinylFile>(f => {
var setBit = es.mapSync<VinylFile, VinylFile>(f => {
f.stat.mode = /* 100755 */ 33261;
return f;
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export function setExecutableBit(pattern: string | string[]): NodeJS.ReadWriteSt
return es.duplex(input, output);
export function toFileUri(filePath:string): string {
export function toFileUri(filePath: string): string {
const match = filePath.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)$/i);
if (match) {
@ -122,23 +122,23 @@ export function toFileUri(filePath:string): string {
export function skipDirectories(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
return es.mapSync<VinylFile,VinylFile>(f => {
return es.mapSync<VinylFile, VinylFile>(f => {
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
return f;
export function cleanNodeModule(name:string, excludes:string[], includes:string[]): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const toGlob = (path:string) => '**/node_modules/' + name + (path ? '/' + path : '');
const negate = (str:string) => '!' + str;
export function cleanNodeModule(name: string, excludes: string[], includes: string[]): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const toGlob = (path: string) => '**/node_modules/' + name + (path ? '/' + path : '');
const negate = (str: string) => '!' + str;
const allFilter = _filter(toGlob('**'), { restore: true });
const globs = [toGlob('**')].concat(, toGlob)));
const input = es.through();
const nodeModuleInput = input.pipe(allFilter);
let output:NodeJS.ReadWriteStream = nodeModuleInput.pipe(_filter(globs));
let output: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream = nodeModuleInput.pipe(_filter(globs));
if (includes) {
const includeGlobs =;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ export function loadSourcemaps(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const input = es.through();
const output = input
.pipe(<FileSourceMap,FileSourceMap>((f, cb): FileSourceMap => {
.pipe(<FileSourceMap, FileSourceMap>((f, cb): FileSourceMap => {
if (f.sourceMap) {
cb(null, f);
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ export function stripSourceMappingURL(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
const input = es.through();
const output = input
.pipe(es.mapSync<VinylFile,VinylFile>(f => {
.pipe(es.mapSync<VinylFile, VinylFile>(f => {
const contents = (<Buffer>f.contents).toString('utf8');
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, ''), 'utf8');
return f;
@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ export function stripSourceMappingURL(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
return es.duplex(input, output);
export function rimraf(dir:string):(cb:any)=>void {
export function rimraf(dir: string): (cb: any) => void {
let retries = 0;
const retry = cb => {
_rimraf(dir, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, (err:any) => {
_rimraf(dir, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, (err: any) => {
if (!err) {
return cb();
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ export function rimraf(dir:string):(cb:any)=>void {
return cb => retry(cb);
export function getVersion(root:string): string {
export function getVersion(root: string): string {
let version = process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION'];
if (!version || !/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(version)) {
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ export function getVersion(root:string): string {
return version;
export function rebase(count:number): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
export function rebase(count: number): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
return rename(f => {
const parts = f.dirname.split(/[\/\\]/);
f.dirname = parts.slice(count).join(path.sep);
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ export interface FilterStream extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
restore: ThroughStream;
export function filter(fn:(data:any)=>boolean):FilterStream {
export function filter(fn: (data: any) => boolean): FilterStream {
const result = <FilterStream><any>es.through(function (data) {
if (fn(data)) {
this.emit('data', data);

View file

@ -1,327 +1,327 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var fs = require("fs");
var ts = require("typescript");
var path = require("path");
var tsfmt = require('../../tsfmt.json');
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log.apply(util, [util.colors.cyan('[monaco.d.ts]'), message].concat(rest));
var SRC = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
var OUT_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '../../');
var RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe');
var DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts');
function logErr(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log('[monaco.d.ts]'), 'WHILE HANDLING RULE: ', CURRENT_PROCESSING_RULE);
util.log.apply(util, ['[monaco.d.ts]'), message].concat(rest));
function moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId) {
if (/\.d\.ts/.test(moduleId)) {
return path.join(SRC, moduleId);
return path.join(OUT_ROOT, out, moduleId) + '.d.ts';
function getSourceFile(out, inputFiles, moduleId) {
if (!SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId]) {
var filePath = path.normalize(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
if (!inputFiles.hasOwnProperty(filePath)) {
logErr('CANNOT FIND FILE ' + filePath + '. YOU MIGHT NEED TO RESTART gulp');
return null;
var fileContents = inputFiles[filePath];
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePath, fileContents, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId] = sourceFile;
return SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId];
function isDeclaration(a) {
return (a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration);
function visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, visitor) {
var stop = false;
var visit = function (node) {
if (stop) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
stop = visitor(node);
// if (node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('FOUND TEXT IN NODE: ' + ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]);
// console.log(getNodeText(sourceFile, node));
// }
// }
if (stop) {
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
function getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile) {
var all = [];
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = node;
var triviaStart = interfaceDeclaration.pos;
var triviaEnd =;
var triviaText = getNodeText(sourceFile, { pos: triviaStart, end: triviaEnd });
// // let nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('TRIVIA: ', triviaText);
// }
if (triviaText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
else {
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
if (nodeText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
return false /*continue*/;
return all;
function getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile, typeName) {
var result = null;
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
if ( === typeName) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
// node is ts.VariableStatement
if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf(typeName) >= 0) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
return result;
function getNodeText(sourceFile, node) {
return sourceFile.getFullText().substring(node.pos, node.end);
function getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration) {
var result = getNodeText(sourceFile, declaration);
// if (result.indexOf('MonacoWorker') >= 0) {
// console.log('here!');
// // console.log(ts.SyntaxKind[declaration.kind]);
// }
if (declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = declaration;
var members = interfaceDeclaration.members;
members.forEach(function (member) {
try {
var memberText = getNodeText(sourceFile, member);
if (memberText.indexOf('@internal') >= 0 || memberText.indexOf('private') >= 0) {
// console.log('BEFORE: ', result);
result = result.replace(memberText, '');
// console.log('AFTER: ', result);
catch (err) {
// life..
result = result.replace(/export default/g, 'export');
result = result.replace(/export declare/g, 'export');
return result;
function format(text) {
// Parse the source text
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile('file.ts', text, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /*setParentPointers*/ true);
// Get the formatting edits on the input sources
var edits = ts.formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, getRuleProvider(tsfmt), tsfmt);
// Apply the edits on the input code
return applyEdits(text, edits);
function getRuleProvider(options) {
// Share this between multiple formatters using the same options.
// This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses.
var ruleProvider = new ts.formatting.RulesProvider();
return ruleProvider;
function applyEdits(text, edits) {
// Apply edits in reverse on the existing text
var result = text;
for (var i = edits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var change = edits[i];
var head = result.slice(0, change.span.start);
var tail = result.slice(change.span.start + change.span.length);
result = head + change.newText + tail;
return result;
function createReplacer(data) {
data = data || '';
var rawDirectives = data.split(';');
var directives = [];
rawDirectives.forEach(function (rawDirective) {
if (rawDirective.length === 0) {
var pieces = rawDirective.split('=>');
var findStr = pieces[0];
var replaceStr = pieces[1];
findStr = findStr.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, '\\$&');
findStr = '\\b' + findStr + '\\b';
directives.push([new RegExp(findStr, 'g'), replaceStr]);
return function (str) {
for (var i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) {
str = str.replace(directives[i][0], directives[i][1]);
return str;
function generateDeclarationFile(out, inputFiles, recipe) {
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
var moduleId = m1[1];
var sourceFile_1 = getSourceFile(out, inputFiles, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile_1) {
var replacer_1 = createReplacer(m1[2]);
var typeNames = m1[3].split(/,/);
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
var declaration = getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile_1, typeName);
if (!declaration) {
logErr('Cannot find type ' + typeName);
result.push(replacer_1(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_1, declaration)));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
var moduleId = m2[1];
var sourceFile_2 = getSourceFile(out, inputFiles, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile_2) {
var replacer_2 = createReplacer(m2[2]);
var typeNames = m2[3].split(/,/);
var typesToExcludeMap_1 = {};
var typesToExcludeArr_1 = [];
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
typesToExcludeMap_1[typeName] = true;
getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile_2).forEach(function (declaration) {
if (isDeclaration(declaration)) {
if (typesToExcludeMap_1[]) {
else {
// node is ts.VariableStatement
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile_2, declaration);
for (var i = 0; i < typesToExcludeArr_1.length; i++) {
if (nodeText.indexOf(typesToExcludeArr_1[i]) >= 0) {
result.push(replacer_2(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_2, declaration)));
var resultTxt = result.join('\n');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bURI\b/g, 'Uri');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bEvent</g, 'IEvent<');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bTPromise</g, 'Promise<');
resultTxt = format(resultTxt);
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
return resultTxt;
function getFilesToWatch(out) {
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
var moduleId = m1[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
var moduleId = m2[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
return result;
exports.getFilesToWatch = getFilesToWatch;
function run(out, inputFiles) {
log('Starting monaco.d.ts generation');
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var result = generateDeclarationFile(out, inputFiles, recipe);
var currentContent = fs.readFileSync(DECLARATION_PATH).toString();
log('Finished monaco.d.ts generation');
return {
content: result,
isTheSame: currentContent === result
} = run;
function complainErrors() {
logErr('Not running monaco.d.ts generation due to compile errors');
exports.complainErrors = complainErrors;
"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var fs = require("fs");
var ts = require("typescript");
var path = require("path");
var tsfmt = require('../../tsfmt.json');
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log.apply(util, [util.colors.cyan('[monaco.d.ts]'), message].concat(rest));
var SRC = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
var OUT_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '../../');
var RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe');
var DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts');
function logErr(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log('[monaco.d.ts]'), 'WHILE HANDLING RULE: ', CURRENT_PROCESSING_RULE);
util.log.apply(util, ['[monaco.d.ts]'), message].concat(rest));
function moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId) {
if (/\.d\.ts/.test(moduleId)) {
return path.join(SRC, moduleId);
return path.join(OUT_ROOT, out, moduleId) + '.d.ts';
function getSourceFile(out, inputFiles, moduleId) {
if (!SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId]) {
var filePath = path.normalize(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
if (!inputFiles.hasOwnProperty(filePath)) {
logErr('CANNOT FIND FILE ' + filePath + '. YOU MIGHT NEED TO RESTART gulp');
return null;
var fileContents = inputFiles[filePath];
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePath, fileContents, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId] = sourceFile;
return SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId];
function isDeclaration(a) {
return (a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration);
function visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, visitor) {
var stop = false;
var visit = function (node) {
if (stop) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
stop = visitor(node);
// if (node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('FOUND TEXT IN NODE: ' + ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]);
// console.log(getNodeText(sourceFile, node));
// }
// }
if (stop) {
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
function getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile) {
var all = [];
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = node;
var triviaStart = interfaceDeclaration.pos;
var triviaEnd =;
var triviaText = getNodeText(sourceFile, { pos: triviaStart, end: triviaEnd });
// // let nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('TRIVIA: ', triviaText);
// }
if (triviaText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
else {
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
if (nodeText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
return false /*continue*/;
return all;
function getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile, typeName) {
var result = null;
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
if ( === typeName) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
// node is ts.VariableStatement
if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf(typeName) >= 0) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
return result;
function getNodeText(sourceFile, node) {
return sourceFile.getFullText().substring(node.pos, node.end);
function getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration) {
var result = getNodeText(sourceFile, declaration);
// if (result.indexOf('MonacoWorker') >= 0) {
// console.log('here!');
// // console.log(ts.SyntaxKind[declaration.kind]);
// }
if (declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = declaration;
var members = interfaceDeclaration.members;
members.forEach(function (member) {
try {
var memberText = getNodeText(sourceFile, member);
if (memberText.indexOf('@internal') >= 0 || memberText.indexOf('private') >= 0) {
// console.log('BEFORE: ', result);
result = result.replace(memberText, '');
// console.log('AFTER: ', result);
catch (err) {
// life..
result = result.replace(/export default/g, 'export');
result = result.replace(/export declare/g, 'export');
return result;
function format(text) {
// Parse the source text
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile('file.ts', text, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /*setParentPointers*/ true);
// Get the formatting edits on the input sources
var edits = ts.formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, getRuleProvider(tsfmt), tsfmt);
// Apply the edits on the input code
return applyEdits(text, edits);
function getRuleProvider(options) {
// Share this between multiple formatters using the same options.
// This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses.
var ruleProvider = new ts.formatting.RulesProvider();
return ruleProvider;
function applyEdits(text, edits) {
// Apply edits in reverse on the existing text
var result = text;
for (var i = edits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var change = edits[i];
var head = result.slice(0, change.span.start);
var tail = result.slice(change.span.start + change.span.length);
result = head + change.newText + tail;
return result;
function createReplacer(data) {
data = data || '';
var rawDirectives = data.split(';');
var directives = [];
rawDirectives.forEach(function (rawDirective) {
if (rawDirective.length === 0) {
var pieces = rawDirective.split('=>');
var findStr = pieces[0];
var replaceStr = pieces[1];
findStr = findStr.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, '\\$&');
findStr = '\\b' + findStr + '\\b';
directives.push([new RegExp(findStr, 'g'), replaceStr]);
return function (str) {
for (var i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) {
str = str.replace(directives[i][0], directives[i][1]);
return str;
function generateDeclarationFile(out, inputFiles, recipe) {
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
var moduleId = m1[1];
var sourceFile_1 = getSourceFile(out, inputFiles, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile_1) {
var replacer_1 = createReplacer(m1[2]);
var typeNames = m1[3].split(/,/);
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
var declaration = getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile_1, typeName);
if (!declaration) {
logErr('Cannot find type ' + typeName);
result.push(replacer_1(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_1, declaration)));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
var moduleId = m2[1];
var sourceFile_2 = getSourceFile(out, inputFiles, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile_2) {
var replacer_2 = createReplacer(m2[2]);
var typeNames = m2[3].split(/,/);
var typesToExcludeMap_1 = {};
var typesToExcludeArr_1 = [];
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
typesToExcludeMap_1[typeName] = true;
getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile_2).forEach(function (declaration) {
if (isDeclaration(declaration)) {
if (typesToExcludeMap_1[]) {
else {
// node is ts.VariableStatement
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile_2, declaration);
for (var i = 0; i < typesToExcludeArr_1.length; i++) {
if (nodeText.indexOf(typesToExcludeArr_1[i]) >= 0) {
result.push(replacer_2(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_2, declaration)));
var resultTxt = result.join('\n');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bURI\b/g, 'Uri');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bEvent</g, 'IEvent<');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bTPromise</g, 'Promise<');
resultTxt = format(resultTxt);
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
return resultTxt;
function getFilesToWatch(out) {
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
var moduleId = m1[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
var moduleId = m2[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
return result;
exports.getFilesToWatch = getFilesToWatch;
function run(out, inputFiles) {
log('Starting monaco.d.ts generation');
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var result = generateDeclarationFile(out, inputFiles, recipe);
var currentContent = fs.readFileSync(DECLARATION_PATH).toString();
log('Finished monaco.d.ts generation');
return {
content: result,
isTheSame: currentContent === result
} = run;
function complainErrors() {
logErr('Not running monaco.d.ts generation due to compile errors');
exports.complainErrors = complainErrors;

View file

@ -2,7 +2,21 @@
"name": "code-oss-dev-build",
"version": "1.0.0",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/azure": "^0.9.18",
"@types/documentdb": "^1.10.1",
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"documentdb": "^1.11.0",
"mime": "^1.3.4",
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"xml2js": "^0.4.17"
"scripts": {
"compile": "tsc",
"watch": "tsc --watch"

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
"name": "vscode-distro",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "VS Code Distro",
"repository": {
"url": ""
"main": "enqueue.js",
"scripts": {
"compile": "tsc",
"watch": "tsc --watch",
"postinstall": "npm run compile"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/azure": "^0.9.18",
"@types/documentdb": "^1.10.1",
"@types/es6-promise": "0.0.32",
"@types/mime": "0.0.29",
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"documentdb": "^1.11.0",
"mime": "^1.3.4",
"typescript": "^2.2.2"

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es5",
"noImplicitAny": true,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noImplicitThis": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noImplicitUseStrict": true

View file

@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs",
"noImplicitAny": false,
"removeComments": false,
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"target": "es5",
"sourceMap": false,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
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"newLine": "LF"
"exclude": [