2021-11-10 12:17:03 +01:00

662 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { $, append, createStyleSheet, EventHelper, EventLike, getElementsByTagName } from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { DomEmitter } from 'vs/base/browser/event';
import { EventType, Gesture, GestureEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/touch';
import { Delayer } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { memoize } from 'vs/base/common/decorators';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { Disposable, DisposableStore, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import 'vs/css!./sash';
* Allow the sashes to be visible at runtime.
* @remark Use for development purposes only.
let DEBUG = false;
// DEBUG = Boolean("true"); // done "weirdly" so that a lint warning prevents you from pushing this
* A vertical sash layout provider provides position and height for a sash.
export interface IVerticalSashLayoutProvider {
getVerticalSashLeft(sash: Sash): number;
getVerticalSashTop?(sash: Sash): number;
getVerticalSashHeight?(sash: Sash): number;
* A vertical sash layout provider provides position and width for a sash.
export interface IHorizontalSashLayoutProvider {
getHorizontalSashTop(sash: Sash): number;
getHorizontalSashLeft?(sash: Sash): number;
getHorizontalSashWidth?(sash: Sash): number;
type ISashLayoutProvider = IVerticalSashLayoutProvider | IHorizontalSashLayoutProvider;
export interface ISashEvent {
readonly startX: number;
readonly currentX: number;
readonly startY: number;
readonly currentY: number;
readonly altKey: boolean;
export enum OrthogonalEdge {
North = 'north',
South = 'south',
East = 'east',
West = 'west'
export interface ISashOptions {
* Whether a sash is horizontal or vertical.
readonly orientation: Orientation;
* The width or height of a vertical or horizontal sash, respectively.
readonly size?: number;
* A reference to another sash, perpendicular to this one, which
* aligns at the start of this one. A corner sash will be created
* automatically at that location.
* The start of a horizontal sash is its left-most position.
* The start of a vertical sash is its top-most position.
readonly orthogonalStartSash?: Sash;
* A reference to another sash, perpendicular to this one, which
* aligns at the end of this one. A corner sash will be created
* automatically at that location.
* The end of a horizontal sash is its right-most position.
* The end of a vertical sash is its bottom-most position.
readonly orthogonalEndSash?: Sash;
* Provides a hint as to what mouse cursor to use whenever the user
* hovers over a corner sash provided by this and an orthogonal sash.
readonly orthogonalEdge?: OrthogonalEdge;
export interface IVerticalSashOptions extends ISashOptions {
readonly orientation: Orientation.VERTICAL;
export interface IHorizontalSashOptions extends ISashOptions {
readonly orientation: Orientation.HORIZONTAL;
export const enum Orientation {
export const enum SashState {
* Disable any UI interaction.
* Allow dragging down or to the right, depending on the sash orientation.
* Some OSs allow customizing the mouse cursor differently whenever
* some resizable component can't be any smaller, but can be larger.
* Allow dragging up or to the left, depending on the sash orientation.
* Some OSs allow customizing the mouse cursor differently whenever
* some resizable component can't be any larger, but can be smaller.
* Enable dragging.
let globalSize = 4;
const onDidChangeGlobalSize = new Emitter<number>();
export function setGlobalSashSize(size: number): void {
globalSize = size;
let globalHoverDelay = 300;
const onDidChangeHoverDelay = new Emitter<number>();
export function setGlobalHoverDelay(size: number): void {
globalHoverDelay = size;
interface PointerEvent extends EventLike {
readonly pageX: number;
readonly pageY: number;
readonly altKey: boolean;
readonly target: EventTarget | null;
interface IPointerEventFactory {
readonly onPointerMove: Event<PointerEvent>;
readonly onPointerUp: Event<PointerEvent>;
dispose(): void;
class MouseEventFactory implements IPointerEventFactory {
private disposables = new DisposableStore();
get onPointerMove(): Event<PointerEvent> {
return this.disposables.add(new DomEmitter(window, 'mousemove')).event;
get onPointerUp(): Event<PointerEvent> {
return this.disposables.add(new DomEmitter(window, 'mouseup')).event;
dispose(): void {
class GestureEventFactory implements IPointerEventFactory {
private disposables = new DisposableStore();
get onPointerMove(): Event<PointerEvent> {
return this.disposables.add(new DomEmitter(this.el, EventType.Change)).event;
get onPointerUp(): Event<PointerEvent> {
return this.disposables.add(new DomEmitter(this.el, EventType.End)).event;
constructor(private el: HTMLElement) { }
dispose(): void {
class OrthogonalPointerEventFactory implements IPointerEventFactory {
get onPointerMove(): Event<PointerEvent> {
return this.factory.onPointerMove;
get onPointerUp(): Event<PointerEvent> {
return this.factory.onPointerUp;
constructor(private factory: IPointerEventFactory) { }
dispose(): void {
// noop
* The {@link Sash} is the UI component which allows the user to resize other
* components. It's usually an invisible horizontal or vertical line which, when
* hovered, becomes highlighted and can be dragged along the perpendicular dimension
* to its direction.
* Features:
* - Touch event handling
* - Corner sash support
* - Hover with different mouse cursor support
* - Configurable hover size
* - Linked sash support, for 2x2 corner sashes
export class Sash extends Disposable {
private el: HTMLElement;
private layoutProvider: ISashLayoutProvider;
private orientation: Orientation;
private size: number;
private hoverDelay = globalHoverDelay;
private hoverDelayer = this._register(new Delayer(this.hoverDelay));
private _state: SashState = SashState.Enabled;
private readonly onDidEnablementChange = this._register(new Emitter<SashState>());
private readonly _onDidStart = this._register(new Emitter<ISashEvent>());
private readonly _onDidChange = this._register(new Emitter<ISashEvent>());
private readonly _onDidReset = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
private readonly _onDidEnd = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
private readonly orthogonalStartSashDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore());
private _orthogonalStartSash: Sash | undefined;
private readonly orthogonalStartDragHandleDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore());
private _orthogonalStartDragHandle: HTMLElement | undefined;
private readonly orthogonalEndSashDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore());
private _orthogonalEndSash: Sash | undefined;
private readonly orthogonalEndDragHandleDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore());
private _orthogonalEndDragHandle: HTMLElement | undefined;
get state(): SashState { return this._state; }
get orthogonalStartSash(): Sash | undefined { return this._orthogonalStartSash; }
get orthogonalEndSash(): Sash | undefined { return this._orthogonalEndSash; }
* The state of a sash defines whether it can be interacted with by the user
* as well as what mouse cursor to use, when hovered.
set state(state: SashState) {
if (this._state === state) {
this.el.classList.toggle('disabled', state === SashState.Disabled);
this.el.classList.toggle('minimum', state === SashState.AtMinimum);
this.el.classList.toggle('maximum', state === SashState.AtMaximum);
this._state = state;
* An event which fires whenever the user starts dragging this sash.
readonly onDidStart: Event<ISashEvent> = this._onDidStart.event;
* An event which fires whenever the user moves the mouse while
* dragging this sash.
readonly onDidChange: Event<ISashEvent> = this._onDidChange.event;
* An event which fires whenever the user double clicks this sash.
readonly onDidReset: Event<void> = this._onDidReset.event;
* An event which fires whenever the user stops dragging this sash.
readonly onDidEnd: Event<void> = this._onDidEnd.event;
* A linked sash will be forwarded the same user interactions and events
* so it moves exactly the same way as this sash.
* Useful in 2x2 grids. Not meant for widespread usage.
linkedSash: Sash | undefined = undefined;
* A reference to another sash, perpendicular to this one, which
* aligns at the start of this one. A corner sash will be created
* automatically at that location.
* The start of a horizontal sash is its left-most position.
* The start of a vertical sash is its top-most position.
set orthogonalStartSash(sash: Sash | undefined) {
if (sash) {
const onChange = (state: SashState) => {
if (state !== SashState.Disabled) {
this._orthogonalStartDragHandle = append(this.el, $('.orthogonal-drag-handle.start'));
this.orthogonalStartDragHandleDisposables.add(toDisposable(() => this._orthogonalStartDragHandle!.remove()));
this.orthogonalStartDragHandleDisposables.add(new DomEmitter(this._orthogonalStartDragHandle, 'mouseenter')).event
(() => Sash.onMouseEnter(sash), undefined, this.orthogonalStartDragHandleDisposables);
this.orthogonalStartDragHandleDisposables.add(new DomEmitter(this._orthogonalStartDragHandle, 'mouseleave')).event
(() => Sash.onMouseLeave(sash), undefined, this.orthogonalStartDragHandleDisposables);
this.orthogonalStartSashDisposables.add(sash.onDidEnablementChange.event(onChange, this));
this._orthogonalStartSash = sash;
* A reference to another sash, perpendicular to this one, which
* aligns at the end of this one. A corner sash will be created
* automatically at that location.
* The end of a horizontal sash is its right-most position.
* The end of a vertical sash is its bottom-most position.
set orthogonalEndSash(sash: Sash | undefined) {
if (sash) {
const onChange = (state: SashState) => {
if (state !== SashState.Disabled) {
this._orthogonalEndDragHandle = append(this.el, $('.orthogonal-drag-handle.end'));
this.orthogonalEndDragHandleDisposables.add(toDisposable(() => this._orthogonalEndDragHandle!.remove()));
this.orthogonalEndDragHandleDisposables.add(new DomEmitter(this._orthogonalEndDragHandle, 'mouseenter')).event
(() => Sash.onMouseEnter(sash), undefined, this.orthogonalEndDragHandleDisposables);
this.orthogonalEndDragHandleDisposables.add(new DomEmitter(this._orthogonalEndDragHandle, 'mouseleave')).event
(() => Sash.onMouseLeave(sash), undefined, this.orthogonalEndDragHandleDisposables);
this.orthogonalEndSashDisposables.add(sash.onDidEnablementChange.event(onChange, this));
this._orthogonalEndSash = sash;
* Create a new vertical sash.
* @param container A DOM node to append the sash to.
* @param verticalLayoutProvider A vertical layout provider.
* @param options The options.
constructor(container: HTMLElement, verticalLayoutProvider: IVerticalSashLayoutProvider, options: IVerticalSashOptions);
* Create a new horizontal sash.
* @param container A DOM node to append the sash to.
* @param horizontalLayoutProvider A horizontal layout provider.
* @param options The options.
constructor(container: HTMLElement, horizontalLayoutProvider: IHorizontalSashLayoutProvider, options: IHorizontalSashOptions);
constructor(container: HTMLElement, layoutProvider: ISashLayoutProvider, options: ISashOptions) {
this.el = append(container, $('.monaco-sash'));
if (options.orthogonalEdge) {
if (isMacintosh) {
const onMouseDown = this._register(new DomEmitter(this.el, 'mousedown')).event;
this._register(onMouseDown(e => this.onPointerStart(e, new MouseEventFactory()), this));
const onMouseDoubleClick = this._register(new DomEmitter(this.el, 'dblclick')).event;
this._register(onMouseDoubleClick(this.onPointerDoublePress, this));
const onMouseEnter = this._register(new DomEmitter(this.el, 'mouseenter')).event;
this._register(onMouseEnter(() => Sash.onMouseEnter(this)));
const onMouseLeave = this._register(new DomEmitter(this.el, 'mouseleave')).event;
this._register(onMouseLeave(() => Sash.onMouseLeave(this)));
const onTouchStart = Event.map(this._register(new DomEmitter(this.el, EventType.Start)).event, e => ({ ...e, target: e.initialTarget ?? null }));
this._register(onTouchStart(e => this.onPointerStart(e, new GestureEventFactory(this.el)), this));
const onTap = this._register(new DomEmitter(this.el, EventType.Tap)).event;
const onDoubleTap = Event.map(
Event.debounce<GestureEvent, { event: GestureEvent, count: number }>(onTap, (res, event) => ({ event, count: (res?.count ?? 0) + 1 }), 250),
({ count }) => count === 2
({ event }) => ({ ...event, target: event.initialTarget ?? null })
this._register(onDoubleTap(this.onPointerDoublePress, this));
if (typeof options.size === 'number') {
this.size = options.size;
if (options.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL) {
this.el.style.width = `${this.size}px`;
} else {
this.el.style.height = `${this.size}px`;
} else {
this.size = globalSize;
this._register(onDidChangeGlobalSize.event(size => {
this.size = size;
this._register(onDidChangeHoverDelay.event(delay => this.hoverDelay = delay));
this.layoutProvider = layoutProvider;
this.orthogonalStartSash = options.orthogonalStartSash;
this.orthogonalEndSash = options.orthogonalEndSash;
this.orientation = options.orientation || Orientation.VERTICAL;
if (this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
} else {
this.el.classList.toggle('debug', DEBUG);
private onPointerStart(event: PointerEvent, pointerEventFactory: IPointerEventFactory): void {
let isMultisashResize = false;
if (!(event as any).__orthogonalSashEvent) {
const orthogonalSash = this.getOrthogonalSash(event);
if (orthogonalSash) {
isMultisashResize = true;
(event as any).__orthogonalSashEvent = true;
orthogonalSash.onPointerStart(event, new OrthogonalPointerEventFactory(pointerEventFactory));
if (this.linkedSash && !(event as any).__linkedSashEvent) {
(event as any).__linkedSashEvent = true;
this.linkedSash.onPointerStart(event, new OrthogonalPointerEventFactory(pointerEventFactory));
if (!this.state) {
const iframes = getElementsByTagName('iframe');
for (const iframe of iframes) {
iframe.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; // disable mouse events on iframes as long as we drag the sash
const startX = event.pageX;
const startY = event.pageY;
const altKey = event.altKey;
const startEvent: ISashEvent = { startX, currentX: startX, startY, currentY: startY, altKey };
// fix https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/21675
const style = createStyleSheet(this.el);
const updateStyle = () => {
let cursor = '';
if (isMultisashResize) {
cursor = 'all-scroll';
} else if (this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
if (this.state === SashState.AtMinimum) {
cursor = 's-resize';
} else if (this.state === SashState.AtMaximum) {
cursor = 'n-resize';
} else {
cursor = isMacintosh ? 'row-resize' : 'ns-resize';
} else {
if (this.state === SashState.AtMinimum) {
cursor = 'e-resize';
} else if (this.state === SashState.AtMaximum) {
cursor = 'w-resize';
} else {
cursor = isMacintosh ? 'col-resize' : 'ew-resize';
style.textContent = `* { cursor: ${cursor} !important; }`;
const disposables = new DisposableStore();
if (!isMultisashResize) {
this.onDidEnablementChange.event(updateStyle, null, disposables);
const onPointerMove = (e: PointerEvent) => {
EventHelper.stop(e, false);
const event: ISashEvent = { startX, currentX: e.pageX, startY, currentY: e.pageY, altKey };
const onPointerUp = (e: PointerEvent) => {
EventHelper.stop(e, false);
for (const iframe of iframes) {
iframe.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
pointerEventFactory.onPointerMove(onPointerMove, null, disposables);
pointerEventFactory.onPointerUp(onPointerUp, null, disposables);
private onPointerDoublePress(e: MouseEvent): void {
const orthogonalSash = this.getOrthogonalSash(e);
if (orthogonalSash) {
if (this.linkedSash) {
private static onMouseEnter(sash: Sash, fromLinkedSash: boolean = false): void {
if (sash.el.classList.contains('active')) {
} else {
sash.hoverDelayer.trigger(() => sash.el.classList.add('hover'), sash.hoverDelay).then(undefined, () => { });
if (!fromLinkedSash && sash.linkedSash) {
Sash.onMouseEnter(sash.linkedSash, true);
private static onMouseLeave(sash: Sash, fromLinkedSash: boolean = false): void {
if (!fromLinkedSash && sash.linkedSash) {
Sash.onMouseLeave(sash.linkedSash, true);
* Forcefully stop any user interactions with this sash.
* Useful when hiding a parent component, while the user is still
* interacting with the sash.
clearSashHoverState(): void {
* Layout the sash. The sash will size and position itself
* based on its provided {@link ISashLayoutProvider layout provider}.
layout(): void {
if (this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL) {
const verticalProvider = (<IVerticalSashLayoutProvider>this.layoutProvider);
this.el.style.left = verticalProvider.getVerticalSashLeft(this) - (this.size / 2) + 'px';
if (verticalProvider.getVerticalSashTop) {
this.el.style.top = verticalProvider.getVerticalSashTop(this) + 'px';
if (verticalProvider.getVerticalSashHeight) {
this.el.style.height = verticalProvider.getVerticalSashHeight(this) + 'px';
} else {
const horizontalProvider = (<IHorizontalSashLayoutProvider>this.layoutProvider);
this.el.style.top = horizontalProvider.getHorizontalSashTop(this) - (this.size / 2) + 'px';
if (horizontalProvider.getHorizontalSashLeft) {
this.el.style.left = horizontalProvider.getHorizontalSashLeft(this) + 'px';
if (horizontalProvider.getHorizontalSashWidth) {
this.el.style.width = horizontalProvider.getHorizontalSashWidth(this) + 'px';
private getOrthogonalSash(e: PointerEvent): Sash | undefined {
if (!e.target || !(e.target instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return undefined;
if (e.target.classList.contains('orthogonal-drag-handle')) {
return e.target.classList.contains('start') ? this.orthogonalStartSash : this.orthogonalEndSash;
return undefined;
override dispose(): void {