simibubi 5eea1cac70 Copycant
- Fixed Elevator Contraptions misaligning with their contacts after switching target floor mid-travel
- Fixed crash when placing a clipboard into replaceable blocks mid-air
- Fixed a typo in Smart Observer ponder scene
- Fixed funnel flaps being offset to the side when flywheel is disabled
- Fixed dyed valve handle using incorrect block particle textures
- Fixed copycat blocks able to take on invalid materials through the use of data commands
- Copycat blocks no longer retain nbt contents of their contained material's item when loaded from a schematic
- Fixed pipe connector attachments missing textures on some orientations
- Players can now sneak-pick to receive the copycat block itself, rather than its applied material
- Fixed value input screen not closing correctly when 'use' keybind is not on its default setting
- Deployers no longer fail to activate bearings and other components with value input slots
- Fixed an incompatibility between legacy copper pack and xycraft override
- Fixed netherite diving suit not protecting from fire damage when Quark is installed
- Attempt to fix lighting issues with elevator contacts
- Schematic and Quill no longer displays the full directory path in its confirmation message
- Fixed z-fighting on metal bars models
2023-05-23 21:26:59 +02:00

333 lines
12 KiB

import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.Window;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack;
import com.simibubi.create.AllKeys;
import com.simibubi.create.AllPackets;
import com.simibubi.create.AllSoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.sounds.SimpleSoundInstance;
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.core.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.Mth;
public class ValueSettingsScreen extends AbstractSimiScreen {
private int ticksOpen;
private ValueSettingsBoard board;
private int maxLabelWidth;
private int valueBarWidth;
private BlockPos pos;
private ValueSettings initialSettings;
private ValueSettings lastHovered = new ValueSettings(-1, -1);
private Consumer<ValueSettings> onHover;
private boolean iconMode;
private int milestoneSize;
private int soundCoolDown;
public ValueSettingsScreen(BlockPos pos, ValueSettingsBoard board, ValueSettings valueSettings,
Consumer<ValueSettings> onHover) {
this.pos = pos;
this.board = board;
this.initialSettings = valueSettings;
this.onHover = onHover;
this.iconMode = board.formatter() instanceof ScrollOptionSettingsFormatter;
this.milestoneSize = iconMode ? 8 : 4;
protected void init() {
int maxValue = board.maxValue();
maxLabelWidth = 0;
int milestoneCount = maxValue / board.milestoneInterval() + 1;
int scale = maxValue > 128 ? 1 : 2;
for (Component component : board.rows())
maxLabelWidth = Math.max(maxLabelWidth, font.width(component));
if (iconMode)
maxLabelWidth = -18;
valueBarWidth = (maxValue + 1) * scale + 1 + milestoneCount * milestoneSize;
int width = (maxLabelWidth + 14) + (valueBarWidth + 10);
int height = (board.rows()
.size() * 11);
setWindowSize(width, height);
Vec2 coordinateOfValue = getCoordinateOfValue(initialSettings.row(), initialSettings.value());
private void setCursor(Vec2 coordinateOfValue) {
double guiScale = minecraft.getWindow()
.getWindow(), coordinateOfValue.x * guiScale, coordinateOfValue.y * guiScale);
public ValueSettings getClosestCoordinate(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
int row = 0;
int column = 0;
boolean milestonesOnly = hasShiftDown();
double bestDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (; row < board.rows()
.size(); row++) {
Vec2 coord = getCoordinateOfValue(row, 0);
double diff = Math.abs(coord.y - mouseY);
if (bestDiff < diff)
bestDiff = diff;
row -= 1;
bestDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (; column <= board.maxValue(); column++) {
Vec2 coord = getCoordinateOfValue(row, milestonesOnly ? column * board.milestoneInterval() : column);
double diff = Math.abs(coord.x - mouseX);
if (bestDiff < diff)
bestDiff = diff;
column -= 1;
return new ValueSettings(row,
milestonesOnly ? Math.min(column * board.milestoneInterval(), board.maxValue()) : column);
public Vec2 getCoordinateOfValue(int row, int column) {
int scale = board.maxValue() > 128 ? 1 : 2;
float xOut =
guiLeft + ((Math.max(1, column) - 1) / board.milestoneInterval()) * milestoneSize + column * scale + 1.5f;
xOut += maxLabelWidth + 14 + 4;
if (column % board.milestoneInterval() == 0)
xOut += milestoneSize / 2;
if (column > 0)
xOut += milestoneSize;
float yOut = guiTop + (row + .5f) * 11 - .5f;
return new Vec2(xOut, yOut);
protected void renderWindow(PoseStack ms, int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) {
int x = guiLeft;
int y = guiTop;
int milestoneCount = board.maxValue() / board.milestoneInterval() + 1;
int blitOffset = getBlitOffset();
int scale = board.maxValue() > 128 ? 1 : 2;
Component title = board.title();
Component tip = Lang.translateDirect("gui.value_settings.release_to_confirm", Components.keybind("key.use"));
double fadeIn = Math.pow(Mth.clamp((ticksOpen + partialTicks) / 4.0, 0, 1), 1);
int fattestLabel = Math.max(font.width(tip), font.width(title));
if (iconMode)
for (int i = 0; i <= board.maxValue(); i++)
fattestLabel = Math.max(fattestLabel, font.width(board.formatter()
.format(new ValueSettings(0, i))));
int fatTipOffset = Math.max(0, fattestLabel + 10 - (windowWidth + 13)) / 2;
int bgWidth = Math.max((windowWidth + 13), fattestLabel + 10);
int fadeInWidth = (int) (bgWidth * fadeIn);
int fadeInStart = (bgWidth - fadeInWidth) / 2 - fatTipOffset;
int additionalHeight = iconMode ? 46 : 33;
UIRenderHelper.drawStretched(ms, x - 11 + fadeInStart, y - 17, fadeInWidth, windowHeight + additionalHeight,
blitOffset, AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_OUTER_BG);
UIRenderHelper.drawStretched(ms, x - 10 + fadeInStart, y - 18, fadeInWidth - 2, 1, blitOffset,
UIRenderHelper.drawStretched(ms, x - 10 + fadeInStart, y - 17 + windowHeight + additionalHeight,
fadeInWidth - 2, 1, blitOffset, AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_OUTER_BG);
if (fadeInWidth > fattestLabel) {
int textX = x - 11 - fatTipOffset + bgWidth / 2;
font.draw(ms, title, textX - font.width(title) / 2, y - 14, 0xdddddd);
font.draw(ms, tip, textX - font.width(tip) / 2, y + windowHeight + additionalHeight - 27, 0xdddddd);
renderBrassFrame(ms, x + maxLabelWidth + 14, y - 3, valueBarWidth + 8, board.rows()
.size() * 11 + 5);
UIRenderHelper.drawStretched(ms, x + maxLabelWidth + 17, y, valueBarWidth + 2, board.rows()
.size() * 11 - 1, blitOffset, AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_BAR_BG);
int originalY = y;
for (Component component : board.rows()) {
int valueBarX = x + maxLabelWidth + 14 + 4;
if (!iconMode) {
UIRenderHelper.drawCropped(ms, x - 4, y, maxLabelWidth + 8, 11, blitOffset,
for (int w = 0; w < valueBarWidth; w += AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_BAR.width - 1)
UIRenderHelper.drawCropped(ms, valueBarX + w, y + 1,
Math.min(AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_BAR.width - 1, valueBarWidth - w), 8, blitOffset,
font.draw(ms, component, x, y + 1, 0x442000);
int milestoneX = valueBarX;
for (int milestone = 0; milestone < milestoneCount; milestone++) {
if (iconMode)
AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_WIDE_MILESTONE.render(ms, milestoneX, y + 1);
AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_MILESTONE.render(ms, milestoneX, y + 1);
milestoneX += milestoneSize + board.milestoneInterval() * scale;
y += 11;
if (!iconMode)
renderBrassFrame(ms, x - 7, originalY - 3, maxLabelWidth + 14, board.rows()
.size() * 11 + 5);
if (ticksOpen < 1)
ValueSettings closest = getClosestCoordinate(mouseX, mouseY);
if (!closest.equals(lastHovered)) {
if (soundCoolDown == 0) {
float pitch = (closest.value()) / (float) (board.maxValue());
pitch = Mth.lerp(pitch, 1.15f, 1.5f);
.play(SimpleSoundInstance.forUI(AllSoundEvents.SCROLL_VALUE.getMainEvent(), pitch, 0.25F));
ScrollValueHandler.wrenchCog.bump(3, -(closest.value() - lastHovered.value()) * 10);
soundCoolDown = 1;
lastHovered = closest;
Vec2 coordinate = getCoordinateOfValue(closest.row(), closest.value());
Component cursorText = board.formatter()
AllIcons cursorIcon = null;
if (board.formatter() instanceof ScrollOptionSettingsFormatter sosf)
cursorIcon = sosf.getIcon(closest);
int cursorWidth = ((cursorIcon != null ? 16 : font.width(cursorText)) / 2) * 2 + 3;
int cursorX = ((int) (coordinate.x)) - cursorWidth / 2;
int cursorY = ((int) (coordinate.y)) - 7;
if (cursorIcon != null) {
AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_CURSOR_ICON.render(ms, cursorX - 2, cursorY - 3);
RenderSystem.setShaderColor(0.265625f, 0.125f, 0, 1);
cursorIcon.render(ms, cursorX + 1, cursorY - 1);
RenderSystem.setShaderColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (fadeInWidth > fattestLabel)
font.draw(ms, cursorText, x - 11 - fatTipOffset + (bgWidth - font.width(cursorText)) / 2,
originalY + windowHeight + additionalHeight - 40, 0xFBDC7D);
AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_CURSOR_LEFT.render(ms, cursorX - 3, cursorY);
UIRenderHelper.drawCropped(ms, cursorX, cursorY, cursorWidth, 14, blitOffset,
AllGuiTextures.VALUE_SETTINGS_CURSOR_RIGHT.render(ms, cursorX + cursorWidth, cursorY);
font.draw(ms, cursorText, cursorX + 2, cursorY + 3, 0x442000);
protected void renderBrassFrame(PoseStack ms, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
AllGuiTextures.BRASS_FRAME_TL.render(ms, x, y);
AllGuiTextures.BRASS_FRAME_TR.render(ms, x + w - 4, y);
AllGuiTextures.BRASS_FRAME_BL.render(ms, x, y + h - 4);
AllGuiTextures.BRASS_FRAME_BR.render(ms, x + w - 4, y + h - 4);
if (h > 8) {
UIRenderHelper.drawStretched(ms, x, y + 4, 3, h - 8, getBlitOffset(), AllGuiTextures.BRASS_FRAME_LEFT);
UIRenderHelper.drawStretched(ms, x + w - 3, y + 4, 3, h - 8, getBlitOffset(),
if (w > 8) {
UIRenderHelper.drawCropped(ms, x + 4, y, w - 8, 3, getBlitOffset(), AllGuiTextures.BRASS_FRAME_TOP);
UIRenderHelper.drawCropped(ms, x + 4, y + h - 3, w - 8, 3, getBlitOffset(),
public void renderBackground(PoseStack p_238651_1_, int p_238651_2_) {
int a = ((int) (0x50 * Math.min(1, (ticksOpen + AnimationTickHolder.getPartialTicks()) / 20f))) << 24;
fillGradient(p_238651_1_, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0x101010 | a, 0x101010 | a);
public void tick() {
if (soundCoolDown > 0)
public boolean mouseScrolled(double pMouseX, double pMouseY, double pDelta) {
ValueSettings closest = getClosestCoordinate((int) pMouseX, (int) pMouseY);
int column = closest.value() + ((int) Math.signum(pDelta)) * (hasShiftDown() ? board.milestoneInterval() : 1);
column = Mth.clamp(column, 0, board.maxValue());
if (column == closest.value())
return false;
setCursor(getCoordinateOfValue(closest.row(), column));
return true;
public boolean keyReleased(int pKeyCode, int pScanCode, int pModifiers) {
if (minecraft.options.keyUse.matches(pKeyCode, pScanCode)) {
Window window = minecraft.getWindow();
double x = minecraft.mouseHandler.xpos() * window.getGuiScaledWidth() / window.getScreenWidth();
double y = minecraft.mouseHandler.ypos() * window.getGuiScaledHeight() / window.getScreenHeight();
saveAndClose(x, y);
return true;
return super.keyReleased(pKeyCode, pScanCode, pModifiers);
public boolean mouseReleased(double pMouseX, double pMouseY, int pButton) {
if (minecraft.options.keyUse.matchesMouse(pButton)) {
saveAndClose(pMouseX, pMouseY);
return true;
return super.mouseReleased(pMouseX, pMouseY, pButton);
protected void saveAndClose(double pMouseX, double pMouseY) {
ValueSettings closest = getClosestCoordinate((int) pMouseX, (int) pMouseY);
// FIXME: value settings may be face-sensitive on future components
.sendToServer(new ValueSettingsPacket(pos, closest.row(), closest.value(), null, Direction.UP,
public void onClose() {