
2.4 KiB

Addon Manifest Object

  "addonscript": {},
  "id": "myaddon",
  "namespace": "com.example",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "files": [],
  "relations": [],
  "flags": {},
  "repositories": [],
  "instance": false,
  "use_builder": false,
  "launch": {},
  "meta": {}

Required properties


This is an AddonScript object containing information about the version of AddonScript used in this file.


This is the ID of the addon.

It MUST only contains lowercase alphanumeric characters and hyphens and SHOULD be written in the kebab-case format.


This is the AddonScript version number of this version.


This is the canonical namespace of the addon.


This is an flags object which contains manifest flags for both sides for this manifest.

Optional properties


This is an array of file objects including the files belonging to this addon.


This is an array of relation objects which represent addons in relation to this one.


This is an array of repository objects. Each repository object defines one repository from which files or addons can be retrieved. Each AddonScript manifest SHOULD have a repository for the canonical namespace of that manifest, from which AddonScript implementations MAY check for updates for this addon. If use_builder is true, this addon MUST have such a repository to provide API instances, which can be used to request the launch environment.


This is a boolean which specifies, if this addon is an instance addon. If this property is not present, it defaults to false.


This is a boolean which specifies, if this addon will use the environment builder. Only valid if instance is true. If this property is not present, it defaults to false.


This is a launch config object which can be used to modify the inherited launch configuration of this instance. Only available for instance addons.


This is a meta object containing metadata about the addon.