Converted remaining java classes, not que to be added to RE or removed, into scala

This commit is contained in:
Robert S 2014-10-10 06:43:15 -04:00
parent 5a7de25f11
commit 96ea35d598
6 changed files with 311 additions and 391 deletions

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.atomic.schematic;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import resonant.lib.schematic.Schematic;
import resonant.lib.type.Pair;
import resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent;
import universalelectricity.core.transform.vector.Vector3;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class SchematicFissionReactor extends Schematic
public String getName()
return "";
public HashMap<Vector3, Pair<Block, Integer>> getStructure(ForgeDirection dir, int size)
HashMap<Vector3, Pair<Block, Integer>> returnMap = new HashMap<Vector3, Pair<Block, Integer>>();
if (size <= 1)
int r = 2;
for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++)
for (int z = -r; z <= r; z++)
Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(Blocks.water, 0));
r -= 1;
/** Create turbines and control rods */
for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++)
for (int z = -r; z <= r; z++)
Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(x, 1, z);
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(Block.getBlockFromName("electricTurbine"), 0));
if (!((x == -r || x == r) && (z == -r || z == r)) && new Vector3(x, 0, z).magnitude() <= 1)
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -1, z), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockControlRod(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -2, z), new Pair(Blocks.sticky_piston, 1));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockThermometer(), 0));
// TODO: IF Siren is a Tile, don't do this. Redstone can't hold it.
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -3, 0), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockSiren(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -2, 0), new Pair(Blocks.redstone_wire, 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockReactorCell(), 0));
int r = 2;
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
for (int x = -r; x <= r; x++)
for (int z = -r; z <= r; z++)
Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Vector3 leveledPosition = new Vector3(0, y, 0);
if (y < size - 1)
if (targetPosition.distance(leveledPosition) == 2)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(AtomicContent.blockControlRod(), 0));
/** Place piston base to push control rods in. */
int rotationMetadata = 0;
Vector3 offset = new Vector3(x, 0, z).normalize();
for (ForgeDirection checkDir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (offset.x() == checkDir.offsetX && offset.y() == checkDir.offsetY && offset.z() == checkDir.offsetZ)
rotationMetadata = checkDir.getOpposite().ordinal();
returnMap.put(targetPosition.clone().add(offset), new Pair(Blocks.sticky_piston, rotationMetadata));
else if (x == -r || x == r || z == -r || z == r)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(, 0));
else if (x == 0 && z == 0)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(AtomicContent.blockReactorCell(), 0));
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(Blocks.water, 0));
else if (targetPosition.distance(leveledPosition) < 2)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair(Block.getBlockFromName("electricTurbine"), 0));
return returnMap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package resonantinduction.atomic.schematic
import java.util.HashMap
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonant.lib.`type`.Pair
import resonant.lib.schematic.Schematic
import resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent
import universalelectricity.core.transform.vector.Vector3
class SchematicFissionReactor extends Schematic
def getName: String =
return ""
def getStructure(dir: ForgeDirection, size: Int): HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]] =
val returnMap: HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]] = new HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]]
if (size <= 1)
var r: Int = 2
for (x <- -r to r; z <- -r to r)
val targetPosition: Vector3 = new Vector3(x, 0, z)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.water, 0))
r -= 1
for (x <- -r to r; z <- -r to r)
val targetPosition: Vector3 = new Vector3(x, 1, z)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](Block.getBlockFromName("electricTurbine"), 0))
if (!((x == -r || x == r) && (z == -r || z == r)) && new Vector3(x, 0, z).magnitude <= 1)
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -1, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockControlRod, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -2, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.sticky_piston, 1))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockThermometer, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -3, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockSiren, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -2, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.redstone_wire, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3, new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockReactorCell, 0))
val r: Int = 2
for (y <- 0 to size; x <- -r to r; z <- -r to r)
val targetPosition: Vector3 = new Vector3(x, y, z)
val leveledPosition: Vector3 = new Vector3(0, y, 0)
if (y < size - 1)
if (targetPosition.distance(leveledPosition) == 2)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockControlRod, 0))
var rotationMetadata: Int = 0
val offset: Vector3 = new Vector3(x, 0, z).normalize
for (checkDir <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (offset.x == checkDir.offsetX && offset.y == checkDir.offsetY && offset.z == checkDir.offsetZ)
rotationMetadata = checkDir.getOpposite.ordinal
returnMap.put(targetPosition.clone.add(offset), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.sticky_piston, rotationMetadata))
else if (x == -r || x == r || z == -r || z == r)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](, 0))
else if (x == 0 && z == 0)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockReactorCell, 0))
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.water, 0))
else if (targetPosition.distance(leveledPosition) < 2)
returnMap.put(targetPosition, new Pair[Block, Integer](Block.getBlockFromName("electricTurbine"), 0))
return returnMap

View file

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.atomic.schematic;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import resonant.lib.schematic.Schematic;
import resonant.lib.type.Pair;
import resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent;
import universalelectricity.core.transform.vector.Vector3;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class SchematicFusionReactor extends Schematic
public String getName()
return "";
public HashMap<Vector3, Pair<Block, Integer>> getStructure(ForgeDirection dir, int size)
HashMap<Vector3, Pair<Block, Integer>> returnMap = new HashMap<Vector3, Pair<Block, Integer>>();
/** Fusion Torus */
int radius = size + 2;
for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++)
for (int z = -radius; z <= radius; z++)
for (int y = 0; y <= size; y++)
Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
double magnitude = Math.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
if (!returnMap.containsKey(position))
returnMap.put(position, new Pair(0, 0));
if (magnitude <= radius)
if (y == 0 || y == size)
if (magnitude >= 1)
double yDeviation = (y == 0 ? size / 3 : -size / 3) + (y == 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.sin(magnitude / radius * Math.PI) * size / 2d;
Vector3 newPos = position.clone().add(0, yDeviation, 0);
returnMap.put(newPos.round(), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet(), 1));
else if (magnitude > radius - 1)
returnMap.put(position, new Pair(AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet(), 0));
/** Fusion Core */
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, y, 0), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockReactorCell(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(1, y, 0), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, y, 1), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, y, -1), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(-1, y, 0), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet(), 0));
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Pair(AtomicContent.blockReactorCell(), 0));
return returnMap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package resonantinduction.atomic.schematic
import java.util.HashMap
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonant.lib.`type`.Pair
import resonant.lib.schematic.Schematic
import resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent
import universalelectricity.core.transform.vector.Vector3
class SchematicFusionReactor extends Schematic
def getName: String =
return ""
def getStructure(dir: ForgeDirection, size: Int): HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]] =
val returnMap: HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]] = new HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]]
val r: Int = size + 2
for (y <- 0 to size; x <- -r to r; z <- -r to r)
val position: Vector3 = new Vector3(x, y, z)
val magnitude: Double = Math.sqrt(x * x + z * z)
if (!returnMap.containsKey(position))
returnMap.put(position, new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.air, 0))
if (magnitude <= r)
if (y == 0 || y == size)
if (magnitude >= 1)
val yDeviation: Double = (if (y == 0) size / 3 else -size / 3) + (if (y == 0) -1 else 1) * Math.sin(magnitude / r * Math.PI) * size / 2d
val newPos: Vector3 = position.clone.add(0, yDeviation, 0)
returnMap.put(newPos.round, new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet, 1))
else if (magnitude > r - 1)
returnMap.put(position, new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet, 0))
for (y <- 0 to size)
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, y, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockReactorCell, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(1, y, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, y, 1), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, y, -1), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(-1, y, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](AtomicContent.blockReactorCell, 0))
return returnMap

View file

@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.electrical.battery;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glPopMatrix;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glPushMatrix;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glRotatef;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.AdvancedModelLoader;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.IModelCustom;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import resonant.content.prefab.scala.render.ISimpleItemRenderer;
import resonant.lib.render.RenderUtility;
import resonantinduction.core.Reference;
import universalelectricity.core.transform.vector.Vector3;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
* TODO: Make this more efficient.
* @author Calclavia
public class RenderBattery extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer implements ISimpleItemRenderer
public static RenderBattery INSTANCE = new RenderBattery();
public static final IModelCustom MODEL = AdvancedModelLoader.loadModel(new ResourceLocation(Reference.domain(), Reference.modelPath() + "battery/battery.tcn"));
public void renderInventoryItem(IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType type, ItemStack itemStack, Object... data)
GL11.glTranslated(0, 0, 0);
int energyLevel = (int) (((double) ((ItemBlockBattery) itemStack.getItem()).getEnergy(itemStack) / (double) ((ItemBlockBattery) itemStack.getItem()).getEnergyCapacity(itemStack)) * 8);
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.domain(), Reference.modelPath() + "battery/battery.png");
List<String> disabledParts = new ArrayList<String>();
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "connector", "connectorIn", "connectorOut" }));
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8" }));
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "coil1lit", "coil2lit", "coil3lit", "coil4lit", "coil5lit", "coil6lit", "coil7lit", "coil8lit" }));
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "frame1con", "frame2con", "frame3con", "frame4con" }));
MODEL.renderAllExcept(disabledParts.toArray(new String[0]));
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
if (i != 1 || !disabledParts.contains("coil1"))
if ((8 - i) <= energyLevel)
MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i + "lit");
MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i);
public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity t, double x, double y, double z, float f)
final String[][] partToDisable = new String[][] { new String[] { "bottom" }, new String[] { "top" }, new String[] { "frame1", "frame2" }, new String[] { "frame3", "frame4" }, new String[] { "frame4", "frame1" }, new String[] { "frame2", "frame3" } };
final String[][] connectionPartToEnable = new String[][] { null, null, new String[] { "frame1con", "frame2con" }, new String[] { "frame3con", "frame4con" }, new String[] { "frame4con", "frame1con" }, new String[] { "frame2con", "frame3con" } };
// final String[][] connectionPartSideToEnable = new String[][] { null, null, new String[] {
// "frame1conSide", "frame2conSide" }, new String[] { "frame3conSide", "frame4conSide" },
// new String[] { "frame4conSide", "frame1conSide" }, new String[] { "frame2conSide",
// "frame3conSide" } };
GL11.glTranslated(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5);
TileBattery tile = (TileBattery) t;
int energyLevel = (int) Math.round(((double) / (double) TileBattery.getEnergyForTier(tile.getBlockMetadata())) * 8);
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.domain(), Reference.modelPath() + "battery/battery.png");
List<String> disabledParts = new ArrayList();
List<String> enabledParts = new ArrayList();
for (ForgeDirection check : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (new Vector3(t).add(check).getTileEntity(t.getWorldObj()) instanceof TileBattery)
if (check == ForgeDirection.UP)
else if (check == ForgeDirection.DOWN)
List<String> connectionParts = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ForgeDirection sideCheck : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (sideCheck.offsetY == 0)
for (ForgeDirection sideCheck : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (sideCheck.offsetY == 0)
if (new Vector3(t).add(sideCheck).getTileEntity(t.getWorldObj()) instanceof TileBattery)
// connectionParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(connectionPartSideToEnable[sideCheck.ordinal()]));
* Render IO interface.
if (check.offsetY == 0)
//TODO: Fix this horrible patch.
switch (check)
case NORTH:
glRotatef(0, 0, 1, 0);
case SOUTH:
glRotatef(0, 0, 1, 0);
case WEST:
glRotatef(-180, 0, 1, 0);
case EAST:
glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0);
GL11.glRotatef(-90, 0, 1, 0);
int io = tile.getIO(check);
if (io == 1)
else if (io == 2)
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
if (i != 1 || enabledParts.contains("coil1"))
if ((8 - i) < energyLevel)
MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i + "lit");
MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i);
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "connector", "connectorIn", "connectorOut" }));
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8" }));
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "coil1lit", "coil2lit", "coil3lit", "coil4lit", "coil5lit", "coil6lit", "coil7lit", "coil8lit" }));
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "frame1con", "frame2con", "frame3con", "frame4con" }));
enabledParts.removeAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8" }));
MODEL.renderAllExcept(disabledParts.toArray(new String[0]));
MODEL.renderOnly(enabledParts.toArray(new String[0]));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package resonantinduction.electrical.battery
import java.util.{ArrayList, Arrays, List}
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly}
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation
import net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.{AdvancedModelLoader, IModelCustom}
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.{glPopMatrix, glPushMatrix, glRotatef}
import resonant.content.prefab.scala.render.ISimpleItemRenderer
import resonant.lib.render.RenderUtility
import resonantinduction.core.Reference
import universalelectricity.core.transform.vector.Vector3
* TODO: Make this more efficient.
* @author Calclavia
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) object RenderBattery
var INSTANCE: RenderBattery = new RenderBattery
final val MODEL: IModelCustom = AdvancedModelLoader.loadModel(new ResourceLocation(Reference.domain, Reference.modelPath + "battery/battery.tcn"))
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) class RenderBattery extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer with ISimpleItemRenderer
def renderInventoryItem(`type`: IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType, itemStack: ItemStack, data: AnyRef*)
GL11.glTranslated(0, 0, 0)
val energyLevel: Int = (((itemStack.getItem.asInstanceOf[ItemBlockBattery]).getEnergy(itemStack).asInstanceOf[Double] / (itemStack.getItem.asInstanceOf[ItemBlockBattery]).getEnergyCapacity(itemStack).asInstanceOf[Double]) * 8).asInstanceOf[Int]
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.domain, Reference.modelPath + "battery/battery.png")
val disabledParts: List[String] = new ArrayList[String]
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("connector", "connectorIn", "connectorOut"): _*))
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8"): _*))
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("coil1lit", "coil2lit", "coil3lit", "coil4lit", "coil5lit", "coil6lit", "coil7lit", "coil8lit"): _*))
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("frame1con", "frame2con", "frame3con", "frame4con"): _*))
RenderBattery.MODEL.renderAllExcept(disabledParts.toArray(new Array[String](0)): _*)
for (i <- 1 until 8)
if (i != 1 || !disabledParts.contains("coil1"))
if ((8 - i) <= energyLevel) RenderBattery.MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i + "lit")
else RenderBattery.MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i)
def renderTileEntityAt(t: TileEntity, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, f: Float)
val partToDisable: Array[Array[String]] = Array[Array[String]](Array[String]("bottom"), Array[String]("top"), Array[String]("frame1", "frame2"), Array[String]("frame3", "frame4"), Array[String]("frame4", "frame1"), Array[String]("frame2", "frame3"))
val connectionPartToEnable: Array[Array[String]] = Array[Array[String]](null, null, Array[String]("frame1con", "frame2con"), Array[String]("frame3con", "frame4con"), Array[String]("frame4con", "frame1con"), Array[String]("frame2con", "frame3con"))
GL11.glTranslated(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5)
val tile: TileBattery = t.asInstanceOf[TileBattery]
val energyLevel: Int = Math.round(([Double] / TileBattery.getEnergyForTier(tile.getBlockMetadata).asInstanceOf[Double]) * 8).asInstanceOf[Int]
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.domain, Reference.modelPath + "battery/battery.png")
val disabledParts: List[String] = new ArrayList[String]
val enabledParts: List[String] = new ArrayList[String]
for (check <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (new Vector3(t).add(check).getTileEntity(t.getWorldObj).isInstanceOf[TileBattery])
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(partToDisable(check.ordinal): _*))
if (check eq ForgeDirection.UP)
enabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(partToDisable(check.ordinal): _*))
else if (check eq ForgeDirection.DOWN)
val connectionParts: List[String] = new ArrayList[String]
for (sideCheck <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) if (sideCheck.offsetY == 0) connectionParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(connectionPartToEnable(sideCheck.ordinal): _*))
for (sideCheck <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if (sideCheck.offsetY == 0)
if (new Vector3(t).add(sideCheck).getTileEntity(t.getWorldObj).isInstanceOf[TileBattery])
if (check.offsetY == 0)
if (check == ForgeDirection.NORTH)
glRotatef(0, 0, 1, 0)
if (check == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
glRotatef(0, 0, 1, 0)
else if (check == ForgeDirection.WEST)
glRotatef(-180, 0, 1, 0)
else if (check == ForgeDirection.EAST)
glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0)
GL11.glRotatef(-90, 0, 1, 0)
val io: Int = tile.getIO(check)
if (io == 1)
else if (io == 2)
for (i <- 1 to 8)
if (i != 1 || enabledParts.contains("coil1"))
if ((8 - i) < energyLevel) RenderBattery.MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i + "lit")
else RenderBattery.MODEL.renderOnly("coil" + i)
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("connector", "connectorIn", "connectorOut") :_*))
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8"):_*))
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("coil1lit", "coil2lit", "coil3lit", "coil4lit", "coil5lit", "coil6lit", "coil7lit", "coil8lit"):_*))
disabledParts.addAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("frame1con", "frame2con", "frame3con", "frame4con"):_*))
enabledParts.removeAll(Arrays.asList(Array[String]("coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8")))
RenderBattery.MODEL.renderAllExcept(disabledParts.toArray(new Array[String](0)) :_*)
RenderBattery.MODEL.renderOnly(enabledParts.toArray(new Array[String](0)):_*)