2017-04-30 11:47:15 +02:00

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Warning: This is work in progress, APIs are subject to changes until Jocly is released as version 1.0.0

Jocly is a library and set of tools to integrate boards games into Web environments. It comes with a large collection of abstract strategy games, 2D and 3D user interface, artificial intelligence to play against.


Controlled interface for playing Chess. Click Other Jocly games to switch to other games.

Simple human vs computer: Classic chess, Circular chess, Multi layers chess, Hexagonal chess, Chinese chess, Middle-age chess, Scrum

Or see and try all available games

JoclyBoard is a multi-platform desktop application based on Jocly and Electron.


  • install the node.js environment (using nvm is probably a good idea)
  • install gulp: npm install -g gulp
  • install git
  • clone Jocly from github: git clone
  • enter the jocly directory
  • download required modules: npm install
  • build: gulp build
  • dist/browser contains the javascript library to build web applications, dist/node is the module to be used for node.js applications

Using Jocly in a Web page

After building Jocly, copy the dist/browser/ directory as jocly/ into your project filesystem.

Insert this line to your HTML source code:

<script src="jocly/jocly.js"></script>

You are now ready to use the Jocly API through the Jocly global object.

Using Jocly in a node.js application

After building Jocly, the dist/node/ directory as the Jocly module:

const Jocly = require("../jocly/dist/node");

Or, you can figure out how to use npm link and just do:

const Jocly = require("jocly");

You are now ready to use the Jocly API through the Jocly entry point.

API Documentation

Jocly offers two distinct APIs: