2021-04-25 14:57:43 +02:00

242 lines
9 KiB

## 2.0.0-rc.3
> **Release Candidate 2 for stable version. Requires dart sdk 2.12**
- Removed `w_transport` and replaced it with `http` package for http module and websockets from `dart:io` (18d0163, 5644937, 9b863a4, 06482f9)
- Fix replacing embed field. Order of fields is now preserved (f667c2a)
- Dart2native support (1c6a4f3)
- Rewrite of internal object structure (ff8953d)
- Expose raw api call api (f297cc0)
- Add support for gateway transport compression (fd090dd)
- Moved to v8 on REST and gateway (423173d)
- Intents value is now required and added to Nyxx constructor (2b3e002)
- Added ability to configure cache (163eca9)
- Implemented stickers (16f2b79)
- Implemented inline replies (e412ec9)
- Added raw shard event stream (627f4a0)
- Fix message reaction events were not triggered when cache misses message (fedbd88)
- New utils related to slash commands (8e46b71) @HarryET
- Fixed bug where message with only files cannot be sent (1092624)
- Fixed setPresence method (fbb9c39) @One-Nub
- Added missing delete() method to IChannel (131ecc0)
- Added support for stage channels
- Added cache options for user
## 1.0.2
- Fix guild embed channel deserialization
- Fix store and news channel deserialization
## 1.0.1
- Fix voice state cache being not initialized properly.
## 1.0.0
> **Stable release - breaks with previous versions - this version required Dart 2.9 stable and non-nullable experiment to be enabled to function**
> **`1.0.0` drops support for browser. Nyxx will now run only on VM**
- `nyxx` package contains only basic functionality - everything else is getting own package
- `main lib package`
* Fixed errors and exceptions to be more self-explanatory
* Added new and fixed old examples. Added additional documentation, fixed code to be more idiomatic
* Logger fixes. User is now able to use their logger implementation. Or disable logging whatsover
* New internal http submodule - errors got from discord are always returned to end user. Improved ratelimits and errors hadling
* Now initial presence can be specified
* Added support for conneting to voice channel. No audio support by now tho
* Cache no longer needed for bot to function properly
- There is now difference between cached and uncached objects
- Events will provide objects if cache but also raw data received from websocket (etc. snowflakes)
- Better cache handling with better events performance
* Implemented missing API features
* **Added support for sharding. Bot now spawn isolate per shard to handle incoming data**
* Fixed websocket connectin issues. Now lib should reliably react to websocket errors
* Added `MemberChunkEvent` to client. Invoked when event is received on websocket.
* Lib will try to properly close ws connections when process receives SIGTERM OR SIGINT.
* Added support to shutdown hooks. Code in these hooks will be run before disposing and closed shards and/or client
* Fixed and moved around docs
* New internal structure of lib
* Added extensions for `String` and `int` for more convenient way to convert them to `Snowflake`
* Added support for gateway intents
* `Snowflake` objects are now ints
* Implemented member search endpoints for websocket and API
* Added missing wrappers for data from discord
* `==` operator fixes for objects
## [0.30.0](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.24.0...0.30.0)
_Tue 07.02.2019_
*This version drops support for Dart SDK 1.x; Nyxx now only supports Dart 2.0+ including dev sdk.*
*Changelog can be incomplete - it's hard to track changes across few months*
- **Features added**
* **ADDED SUPPORT FOR VOICE via Lavalink**
- Proper permissions handling
- Dispatch pipe is completely rewritten. Bot should operate about 2-8x faster
- Allowed to declare single method commands without using classes
- Added support for specify custom restrictions to commands handlers
- Classes now have to be annotated with `Module` instead of `Command`
- `Remainder` can now called data to `List<String>` or `String`
- Added `Preprocessor` and `Posprocessor`
- Removed help system
- Allows to define simple commands handlers
* **Nyxx can be now used in browser**
* Many additions to `Member` and `User` classes
* Changed internal library structure
* Implemented Iterable for Channel to query messages
* Added typing event per channel
* Using `v7` api endpoint
* Added support for zlib compressed gateway payload
* Added endpoints for Guild, Emoji, Role, Member
* Added utils module
* Allowed to download attachments. (`Downloadable` interface)
* Implemented new Discord features (Priority speaker, Slowmode)
* Added `DiscordColor` class
* Added `Binder` util
* Added `Cache`
* Added `MessageBuilder`
* Added interfaces `Downloadable`, `Mentionable`, `Debugable`, `Disposable`, `GuildEntity`
- **Bug fixes**
* **Lowered memory usage**
* **Websocket fixed**
* Fixed Emojis comparing
* Fixed searching in Emojis unicode
* Code cleanup and style fixes
* Proper error handling for `CommandsFramework`
* Gateway fixes
* Object deserializing fixes
* Memory and performance improvements
* Random null exceptions
* Emojis CDN fixes
* Few fixes for ratelimitter
- **Changes**
* **Docs are rewritten**
* **Faster deserialization**
* **Embed builders rewritten**
* Removed autosharding.
* Every object which has id is now subclass of `SnowflakeEntity`.
* Snowflakes are default id entities
* Internal nyxx API changes
* Cooldown cache rewritten
* Presence sending fixes
* Title is not required for EmbedBuilder
* Removed unnecessary dependencies
## [0.24.0](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.23.1...0.24.0)
_Tue 03.08.2018_
- **Changes**
* nyxx now supports Dart 2.0
* Added Interactivity module
* Added few methods to `CommandContext`
* Rewritten `CooldownCache`
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed `Command` help generating error
* Fixed Emojis equals operator
## [0.23.1](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.23.0...0.23.1)
_Tue 31.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed `MessageDeleteEvent` deserializing error
* Fixed checking for channel nsfw for CommandsFramework
## [0.23.0](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.22.1...0.23.0)
_Mon 30.07.2018_
- **New features**
* Support for services - DEPENDENCY INJECTION
* Support for type parsing
* Logging support
* Listener for messages for channel
* Automatic registering Services and Commands
* `Remainder` annotation which captures all remaining text
* Permissions are now **READ/WRITE** - added PermissionsBuilder
* Checking for topics and if channel is nsfw for commands
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed error throwing
* Text in quotes is one String
* Fixed StreamControllers to be broadcast
* Removed unnecessary fields from DMChannel and GroupDMChannel
* Big performance improvement of CommandFramework
* Fixed Permissions opcode
* `delay()` changed to `nextMessage()`
- **Deprecations**
* Deprecated browser target
* Removed MirrorsCommandFramework and InstanceCommandFramework
## [0.22.1](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.22.0...0.22.1)
_Wed 11.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed bug with sending Emoji. `toString()` now return proper representation ready to send via message
- **New features**
* Searching in `EmojisUnicode` is now handled by future.
* toString() in `User`, `Channel`, `Role` now returns mention instead of content, name etc.
## [0.22.0](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.21.5...0.22.0)
_Wed 11.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Next serialization bug fixes
- **New features**
* Added support for [audit logs](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log)
* Searching in `EmojisUnicode` based on shortcode
## [0.21.5](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.21.4...0.21.5)
_Fri 09.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed embed serialization
## [0.21.4](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.21.3...0.21.4)
_Fri 09.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed embed serialization
## [0.21.3](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.21.2...0.21.3)
_Fri 08.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed embed serialization
- **Added few Docs**
## [0.21.2](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.21.1...0.21.2)
_Fri 06.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Added overrides
* Implemented hashCode
* Fixed return type for `delay()` in Command class
## [0.21.1](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.21.0...0.21.1)
_Fri 06.07.2018_
- **Bug fixes**
* Fixed constructors in MessageChannel and TextChannel
## [0.21.0](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/compare/0.20.0...0.21.0)
_Fri 06.07.2018_
- **New features**
* Support for sending files, attaching files in embed
* Added missing gateway events
* Replaced String ids with `Snowflake` type
- **Bug fixes**