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2023-11-26 14:01:22 +01:00

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//! This module contains general-purpose utilities.
const std = @import("std");
/// A generic deinit function which should do a decent job at deinitializing any given type.
/// If you want your type to be picked up here, you must provide an accessible `deinit` function,
/// taking a `self` parameter and optionally an allocator as a second parameter.
pub fn deinitGeneric(x: anytype, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) void {
const BaseT = @TypeOf(x);
const T = switch (@typeInfo(BaseT)) {
.Pointer => |pointer_info| pointer_info.child,
else => BaseT,
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct, .Enum, .Union, .Opaque => {},
else => return, // type cannot have functions
if (@hasDecl(T, "deinit") and @typeInfo(@TypeOf(T.deinit)) == .Fn) {
const params = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(T.deinit)).Fn.params;
if (params.len == 1) {
} else if (params.len == 2 and params[1].type == std.mem.Allocator) {
/// Computes a hash for a given type. This is guaranteed to be unique per-type given (at least
/// that's what this is supposed to do, further testing required).
pub fn hashType(comptime T: type) u64 {
return comptime std.hash_map.hashString(@typeName(T));
test "deinitGeneric" {
var type_with_plain_deinit = std.ArrayList(u64).init(std.testing.allocator);
// ensure we get a memory leak if deinitGeneric doesn't work
try type_with_plain_deinit.append(0xdeadbeef);
// alloc shouldn't be used here
deinitGeneric(&type_with_plain_deinit, std.testing.failing_allocator);
var type_with_alloc_deinit = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u64){};
try type_with_alloc_deinit.append(std.testing.allocator, 0xb00b135);
deinitGeneric(&type_with_alloc_deinit, std.testing.allocator);
test "hashType" {
const A = struct {};
const B = A;
try std.testing.expectEqual(hashType(A), hashType(B));