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2023-11-26 14:01:22 +01:00

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//! A Backevent is an event that is headed to the event loop to be handled by the user code. Such an
//! event is either pushed straight to the platform event loop using Platform.pushBackevent or
//! handled by widgets, travelling up the widget tree, where widgets can intercept them or
//! propagate them using the dispatch function. Custom backevents should be declared
//! in zenolith_options.backevents as this is a statspatch type.
const std = @import("std");
const statspatch = @import("statspatch");
test {
_ = ButtonActivated;
pub const ButtonActivated = @import("backevents/ButtonActivated.zig");
const zenolith = @import("main.zig");
const Widget = @import("widget.zig").Widget;
fn Prototype(comptime Self: type) type {
std.debug.assert(Self == Backevent);
return struct {
//! Propagates this backevent up the widget tree. If the current (given) Widget has a parent,
//! the event is propagated to it. Otherwise, it is pushed to the platform event loop.
//! Widgets should call this in their backevent handler if they do not wish to modify or
//! intercept the backevent.
pub fn dispatch(self: Self, widget: *Widget) anyerror!void {
if (widget.data.parent) |p| {
try p.backevent(self);
} else {
try widget.data.platform.?.pushBackevent(self);
pub const Backevent = statspatch.StatspatchType(Prototype, void, &zenolith.backevents);