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2023-11-26 14:01:22 +01:00

24 lines
922 B

//! The platform is the main interface to be implemnted by backends. It's responsible for driving
//! the GUI by sending treevents, handling system events and rendering the GUI.
const std = @import("std");
const statspatch = @import("statspatch");
const zenolith = @import("main.zig");
const Backevent = @import("backevent.zig").Backevent;
fn Prototype(comptime Self: type) type {
std.debug.assert(Self == Platform);
return struct {
//! Pushes a backevent to the platform's event loop.
//! These should make their way back to the user code, how exactly depende on the Platform's
//! API. This function must be threadsafe!
pub fn pushBackevent(self: *Self, ev: Backevent) !void {
try statspatch.implcall(self, .ptr, "pushBackevent", anyerror!void, .{ev});
pub const Platform = statspatch.StatspatchType(Prototype, void, &zenolith.platform_impls);