Fork 0
2023-11-26 14:01:22 +01:00

27 lines
978 B

//! This treevent must always be fired on a subtree after it's children have been modified.
//! It sets the parent of each widget while being propagated.
const Platform = @import("../platform.zig").Platform;
const Widget = @import("../widget.zig").Widget;
/// The parent of the widget the event is currently being handled on.
/// If this is null, the widget's parent will remain unchanged.
parent: ?*Widget,
/// The current platform. Will be applied to all widgets.
/// Unlike the parent widget, the treevent will set this to null if the value is null here.
platform: ?*Platform,
const Link = @This();
/// Dispatches the Link treevent to all children, setting their parent widget to this one.
pub fn dispatch(self: Link, widget: *Widget) !void {
if (self.parent) |p|
widget.data.parent = p;
widget.data.platform = self.platform;
for (widget.children()) |child| {
try child.treevent(Link{ .parent = widget, .platform = self.platform });