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2023-11-26 14:01:22 +01:00

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//! The main Widget type.
//! This is based on the Statspatch library.
const std = @import("std");
const statspatch = @import("statspatch");
const zenolith = @import("main.zig");
const layout = @import("layout.zig");
const treev = @import("treevent.zig");
const AttreebuteMap = @import("attreebute.zig").AttreebuteMap;
const Backevent = @import("backevent.zig").Backevent;
const Platform = @import("platform.zig").Platform;
test {
_ = Box;
_ = Button;
_ = Label;
pub const Box = @import("widgets/Box.zig");
pub const Button = @import("widgets/Button.zig");
pub const Label = @import("widgets/Label.zig");
// TODO: avoid anyerror here
fn Prototype(comptime Self: type) type {
std.debug.assert(Self == Widget);
return struct {
/// Initialize a widget. This will create it's data and optionally call it's
/// initialize funciton. The returned pointer is allocated on the given allocator.
/// This is mostly to make the API nicer, performance overhead should be minimal.
/// The returned pointer is freed by deinit.
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, impl: anytype) !*Self {
const self = try alloc.create(Self);
errdefer alloc.destroy(self);
self.* = Self.create(impl, .{
.allocator = alloc,
.attreebutes = null,
.parent = null,
.platform = null,
.position = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 },
.size = .{ .width = 0, .height = 0 },
// Possibly call an initialize function. The widget can do any necessary
// initialization of it's data here.
_ = try (statspatch.implcallOptional(self, .ptr, "initialize", anyerror!void, .{self}) orelse {});
return self;
/// Free the widget's resources. Will call an implementation's deinit
/// and deinit on all children.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
for (self.children()) |child| {
// TODO: call child.deinit() here
// see: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/17872
_ = statspatch.implcallOptional(self, .ptr, "deinit", void, .{self});
if (self.data.attreebutes) |*map| map.deinit(self.data.allocator);
/// Retrieve a given attreebute. Will try this widget's map or ask it's
/// parent if not present.
pub fn getAttreebute(self: *Self, comptime T: type) ?*T {
// `zig fmt` seems to be drunk here
return (if (self.data.attreebutes) |map|
null) orelse
if (self.data.parent) |p|
/// Called to dispatch a treevent.
pub fn treevent(self: *Self, tv: anytype) !void {
try statspatch.implcall(self, .ptr, "treevent", anyerror!void, .{ self, tv });
pub fn backevent(self: *Self, ev: Backevent) !void {
try (statspatch.implcallOptional(
.{ self, ev },
) orelse ev.dispatch(self));
/// Returns the widget's children.
/// The resulting slice must point to memory owned by the widget!
pub fn children(self: *Self) []const *Self {
return statspatch.implcallOptional(
[]const *Self,
) orelse &.{};
/// Returns the widget's flex expand factor, or 0 if it should not be expanded.
/// Simple wrappers should delegate this to their child.
/// Used by widgets such as Box to determine the size of their children.
pub fn getFlexExpand(self: Self) usize {
return statspatch.implcallOptional(
) orelse 0;
/// Appends a child to the end of this widget's children if position is null, otherwise
/// it is inserted before the element at position.
/// The caller must ensure that position is less than children().len,
/// otherwise, undefined behaviour is invoked.
/// Returns error.Unsupported if the widget does not support such functionality.
pub fn addChild(self: *Self, position: ?usize, child: *Widget) !void {
return statspatch.implcallOptional(
.{ self, position, child },
) orelse error.Unsupported;
/// Removes the child at position or the last child if position is null.
/// The function then returns the removed child.
/// The caller must ensure that position is less than children().len and children() is not
/// empty, otherwise, undefined behaviour is invoked.
/// Returns error.Unsupported if the widget does not support such functionality.
pub fn removeChild(self: *Self, position: usize) !*Widget {
return statspatch.implcallOptional(
.{ self, position },
) orelse error.Unsupported;
/// Common data shared among all widgets.
pub const WidgetData = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
/// A map of this widget's attreebutes.
attreebutes: ?AttreebuteMap,
/// The widget's parent or null if it's at the root of the widget tree.
parent: ?*Widget,
/// The platform the widget is running under. This is typically set by the Link treevent.
platform: ?*Platform,
/// The widget's position starting from the top left.
position: layout.Position,
/// The widget's size.
size: layout.Size,
pub const Widget = statspatch.StatspatchType(Prototype, WidgetData, &zenolith.widget_impls);
test "widget" {
var widget = try Box.init(std.testing.allocator, .vertical);
defer widget.deinit();
try widget.treevent(treev.Link{ .parent = null, .platform = null });
try widget.treevent(treev.LayoutSize{
.constraints = layout.Constraints.tight(.{ .width = 10, .height = 10 }),
.final = true,
widget.data.attreebutes = AttreebuteMap.init();
_ = try widget.data.attreebutes.?.put(std.testing.allocator, u32, 42);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 42), widget.getAttreebute(u32).?.*);