- Fixed a couple overlooked ponder lang issues
- Fixed weighted ejector not accepting arbitrary gold plates in its recipe
- Fix crash opening ponder from screens with an opened recipe book
- Filterless Creative Crates now serve as universal supply to schematic-driven deployers
- An attempt to force-update ejectors to not miss out on lid animations
- Fixed schematic-driven deployers not copying safe nbt data
- Fixed slow merging of collision shapes
- Improved async handling of the collision shape merger
- BBs far away from an entity now get skipped in the collision cycle
- InstanceKey is no more.
- InstanceData and co. keep track of removals and updates.
- InstancedModel's buffer management is much more sane now.
- Re-add mixin to #tickBlockEntities and ensure compat with Performant.
- Move ...backend.instancing.impl to backend.core
- Deployers now place block drops into their internal inventory
- Deployers can now harvest honey or honeycombs from beehives
- Pipes can now connect to and drain liquid honey from beehives
- Ejectors now occasionally track launched items, scanning for any obstacles in their trajectory
- Fixed rendered items passing an Ejectors' target on clients ticking faster than their server
- Removed outdated warnings for 'transposer funnels'
- SmartTileEntity#tick down to 3.32% from 11.64% cpu time.
- Measured by JFR over 2 sessions each >8min.
- Test world was the deployer fields.
- Iterating over HashMap values is slow.
- Collect TileEntityBehaviours into a list when the contents of SmartTileEntity#behaviours changes.
- Fixed Schematicannon clearing blocks outside of a Schematics' bounding box
- Safety check for onBlockPlacedBy with null player
- Deployers with a positioned Schematic as their filter will place blocks accordingly, taking items from the contraption inventory
- Adjusted Brass Tunnels once again to better deal with non-complete item transferrals
- Brass tunnels now always output to their sides first
- Thrown chromatic products are now gravity-less
- Sneaking on Ejectors bypasses them triggering
- Fixed ponder tag item listing
- Ejectors now trigger observers
- Fixed negative bottom pull distance in chutes
- Fixed smart chutes deleting non-stackable items
- Fixed chutes not able to output partial stacks
- Ejectors can now be paused with redstone
- Deferred ejector launches by one tick to 'unground' entities more consistently