Fixed mining laser script names on OC
Added ship controller script for OC (it jumps, not sure about
Fixed Enantiomorphic reactor script for OC (still non functionnal due to
missing events)
Bumped XML to version 2
Refactored Java structure to match XML content (deployable vs structure, MetaBlock vs filler, Asteroid to MetaOrb, SchematicStructure to Schematic, etc.)
Refactored Java class names to have 'abstract' in their name when they are abstract
Refactored XML importations to use explicit import element
Refactored XML FillerSet to fillerSet
Replaced FillerManager with RandomCollection
Refactored structures to have groups too
Added list of structures to the /generate command
Added XML schema validation
Added more variations with explicit instanciation and dynamic imports
Added more specific console logs during world generation
Reimplemented gas clouds
Reimplemented hidden derelict ship
Disabled netherores configuration for now
Fixed world corruption on asteroids core block (invalid metadata)
Fixed maxCoreCount & maxThickness never occurring
Fixed static importations so they actually import stuff
Fixed import action corrupting weights & ratios
Fixed overlapping default fillerSets
Fixed undergroundBiomes having no igneous cobblestone
Fixed random collection failing when no weight is defined
Improved logging of overlapping and out of range entries
Improved logging spam during boot and generation through logging options
Added configuration for energy cost and scan delay as polynomial factors
Added LUA methods getEnergyRequired(radius) and getScanDelay(radius)
Updaded default LUA scripts accordingly
Updated default energy cost from radius ^2 to radius ^3