Moved the sendLaserPacket function into its own abstract class (had to
extend WarpChunkTE for mining laser and things)
Made beamFX debug messages much more concise.
Tidied up cloaking field callMethods to use new toInt functions.
Made laser lift try to move stuff every 8 ticks rather than every 40 to
eliminate the slow feeling.
Made a custom laser calling function in laserLift since source and dest
are the same in nearly every call.
Made BeamFX only use the grey texture since it can just colorise it.
Changed a few System.out.printlns to WarpDrive.debugPrints.
Added config option to turn debug mode on or off
Added base TE class to be lazy with some functions (e.g. for computer
input and Math.min(Math.max(a,b),c) replacement
FXBeam can be any color (green for tree farm, blue for mining)
Made so machines define their own parameter using abstracts.
Added green version of mining laser for tree farm texture.
Added grey version of FXBeam for when it doesn't match any normal color.
Moved majority of the code out of the mining laser class.
Things which are not specific to any laser block harvester (such as
finding a particle accelerator or harvesting a block) have been moved to
the TileEntityAbstractMiner abstract class.
The only things in the mining laser are the things related to the
operation of that particular laser.
* Fixed singleplayer crash if gates.txt file in not created
* Fixed client freeze when joining world inside cloaking field
* Fixed cloak/decloak sounds
* Fixed cloak tier mistake: 1 or 2 tier is only allowed (1 by default)
* Fixed AE compatibility with Mining Lasers
* Comma players list in Warp-Controller now using StringBuilder
* Fixed Warp Core disappearing when trying to jump when mode is not set
* Fixed typo in config