Setup MCP was done mostly by the people who update How to Compile for Beginners on the wiki, I just updated/changed it a bit. Some credit goes to BuildCraft's, which I based this README off of.
0. WARNING: Make sure you know EXACTLY what you're doing! It's not any of our faults if your OS crashes, becomes corrupted, etc.
1. Download and install the Java JDK [here]( Scroll down, accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE, and download the one pertaining to your OS.
* Go to `Control Panel\System and Security\System`, and click on `Advanced System Settings` on the left-hand side.
* Click on `Environment Variables`.
* Under `System Variables`, click `New`.
* For `Variable Name`, input `JAVA_HOME`.
* For `Variable Value`, input something similar to `;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_09` exactly as shown to the end.(or wherever your Java JDK installation is), and click `Ok`.
* Scroll down to a variable named `Path`, and double-click on it.
* Append `;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin` (or wherever your Java JDK installation is \bin), and click `Ok`.
3. Download and install Github [here] ( (Windows) or [here] ( (Mac OS X 10.7+). For Linux, I *guess* you could download it as a .zip/tarball and unzip it?
* Scroll to the top of this page, login at the top-right, and then click `Clone to Windows/Mac` near the top-left of the page.
* You should see Github flash and `pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3` appear. (The local repository on Windows defaults to `C:\Users\(username)\Documents\GitHub\Equivalent-Exchange-3`, you can change it if you want but then you have to find it again on Github).
4. Create an empty directory for EE3 development. This directory is refernced as `mcdev` from now on. It can be where you cloned EE3, but it'll be a little messy.
1. Download the latest version of MCP from [here] (, e.g. Install MCP dependencies as listed on the website if neccessary.
* To verify, check if a file named `CHANGELOG` exists inside `mcp`.
3. Download the latest forge **source** for Minecraft 1.4.5 and unzip it into `mcp`. You need at least Forge 6.4.0, best way is to get it from [here] (
* To verify, check if a application named `` exists.
4. Execute `` (Linux and Mac) or `install.cmd` (Windows), both found in `mcdev\mcp\forge`. On Linux you might have to `chmod +x``` before you can execute it. On some system configurations you need to execute `` from within the `forge` directory whereas on others it doesn't matter. Just check the output for error messages to find out what you need to do.
7. Execute `ant release`. This will generally take around 5-15 minutes, depending on your computer. If you've done everything right, `BUILD SUCCESSFUL` is displayed after it finishes.
* If you see `BUILD FAILED`, check the error output (it should be right around `BUILD FAILED`), fix everything, and try again.