[Compiling EE3](https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3#compiling-equivalent-exchange-3) - For those that want the latest unreleased features.
2. Download and install the Java JDK [here](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html). Scroll down, accept the `Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE`, and download it. (If you have a 64-bit OS, please download the 64-bit version.)
* For `Variable Value`, input something similar to `;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40` exactly as shown to the end (or wherever your Java JDK installation is), and click `Ok`.
4. Download and install Github [here](http://windows.github.com/) NOTE: This Github application is optional, you can use whatever you want, e.g. TortoiseGit.
* You should see Github flash and `pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3` appear. (The local repository on Windows defaults to `C:\Users\(username)\Documents\GitHub\Equivalent-Exchange-3`, you can change it if you want but then you have to find it again on Github).
5. Create an empty directory for EE3 development. This directory is referenced as `mcdev` from now on. It can be where you cloned EE3, but it'll be a little messy.
1. Make sure you have the latest Java JDK installed. To install manually, go [here](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html). Otherwise, install from the package manager or the terminal (listed).
* If your distribution is not listed, follow the instructions specific to your package manager.
4. Open your shell and move to a convenient directory, then run `git clone https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3.git`. This will download the repository.
5. Create an empty directory for EE3 development. This directory is referenced as `mcdev` from now on. It can be where you cloned EE3, but it'll be a little messy.
1. Download and install the Java JDK [here](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html). Scroll down, accept the `Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE`, and download it. (Mac OS X comes with the JRE, but it is often Java 6, which does not always work.)
2. Apache Ant should already be installed on your computer. To check, go into Terminal, and type `ant --version`. It should return a version string. If you get a "command not found" error, it's not installed.
3. Download and install Github for Mac OSX (10.7+) [here](http://mac.github.com/) NOTE: This Github application is optional, you can use whatever you want.
* You should see Github flash and `pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3` appear. (The local repository on Mac defaults to `/Users/[username]/github/Equivalent-Exchange-3/`. To change it, change the "Local Path")
5. Create an empty directory for EE3 development. This directory is referenced as `mcdev` from now on. It can be where you cloned EE3, but it'll be a little messy.
NOTE: You may skip to "Setup EE3" if you want to let EE3 download and set up MCP for you. Simply run `ant forge-install`, then `ant build`.
1. Download the latest version of Forge source from [here](http://files.minecraftforge.net)
2. Inside `mcdev`, unzip the zip file.
* You should get a folder named "forge" inside "mcdev" containing the forge patches and licenses, etc.
3. Execute `install.sh` (Linux and Mac) or `install.cmd` (Windows), both found in `mcdev\forge`. On Linux you might have to `chmod +x install.sh` before you can execute it.
* Open it up with any text editor, and type the following into it (change `base_location` to wherever you have "mcdev". NOTE:Paths must use forward slashes. All of the variables are changeable for your setup.):
* You may also edit the build.properties to change the build string (`mod_version` and `build_number`), and the Minecraft and Forge version you are building for (`forge_version` is only used when running `ant forge-install`)
7. Execute `ant build`. (If you want EE3 to setup Forge, run `ant forge-install` first.) This will generally take around 5-15 minutes, depending on your computer. If you've done everything right, `BUILD SUCCESSFUL` is displayed after it finishes.
1.**IMPORTANT: PAHIMAR DOES *NOT* WANT ANY**`build.xml`**CHANGES, UNLESS it fixes up something broken** (See [Pull Request #90](https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3/pull/90)).
4. Make the changes that you want to (In Linux, you'll have to run `git commit -a`, and `git push` after cloning your forked repository to upload the changes).
5. Click `Pull Request` at the right-hand side of the gray bar directly below your fork's name.
6. Click `Click to create a pull request for this comparison`, enter your PR's title, and create a detailed description telling pahimar what you changed.
1. Please, please don't make any frivolous issues! If it's a crash, try asking the people in IRC or MCF before creating an issue. If it's a bug/suggestion, make sure it hasn't been reported/suggested already. Thanks! :smile:
4. Enter your Issue's title (something that summarizes your issue), and then create a detailed description ("Hey pahimar, could you add/change xxx?" or "Hey, found an exploit: stuff").