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Deploying the ResNet50 v1.5 model on Triton Inference Server

This folder contains instructions for deployment to run inference on Triton Inference Server as well as a detailed performance analysis. The purpose of this document is to help you with achieving the best inference performance.

Table of contents

Solution overview


The NVIDIA Triton Inference Server provides a datacenter and cloud inferencing solution optimized for NVIDIA GPUs. The server provides an inference service via an HTTP or gRPC endpoint, allowing remote clients to request inferencing for any number of GPU or CPU models being managed by the server.

This README provides step-by-step deployment instructions for models generated during training (as described in the model README). Additionally, this README provides the corresponding deployment scripts that ensure optimal GPU utilization during inferencing on Triton Inference Server.

Deployment process

The deployment process consists of two steps:

  1. Conversion. The purpose of conversion is to find the best performing model format supported by Triton Inference Server. Triton Inference Server uses a number of runtime backends such as TensorRT, LibTorch and ONNX Runtime to support various model types. Refer to the Triton documentation for a list of available backends.
  2. Configuration. Model configuration on Triton Inference Server, which generates necessary configuration files.

To run benchmarks measuring the model performance in inference, perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Triton Inference Server.

    The Triton Inference Server container is started in one (possibly remote) container and ports for gRPC or REST API are exposed.

  2. Run accuracy tests.

    Produce results which are tested against the given accuracy thresholds. Refer to step 9 in the Quick Start Guide.

  3. Run performance tests.

    Produce latency and throughput results for offline (static batching) and online (dynamic batching) scenarios. Refer to step 11 in the Quick Start Guide.


Ensure you have the following components:

Quick Start Guide

Running the following scripts will build and launch the container with all required dependencies for native PyTorch as well as Triton Inference Server. This is necessary for running inference and can also be used for data download, processing, and training of the model.

  1. Clone the repository.

    IMPORTANT: This step is executed on the host computer.

     git clone
     cd DeepLearningExamples/PyTorch/Classification/ConvNets
  2. Setup the environment in the host computer and start Triton Inference Server.

     source triton/scripts/
     bash triton/scripts/docker/ 
  3. Build and run a container that extends the NGC PyTorch container with the Triton Inference Server client libraries and dependencies.

     bash triton/scripts/docker/
     bash triton/scripts/docker/
  4. Prepare the deployment configuration and create folders in Docker.

    IMPORTANT: These and the following commands must be executed in the PyTorch NGC container.

     source triton/scripts/
  5. Download and pre-process the dataset.

     bash triton/scripts/
     bash triton/scripts/
  6. Setup the parameters for deployment.

     source triton/scripts/
  7. Convert the model from training to inference format (e.g. TensorRT).

     python3 triton/ \
         --input-path triton/ \
         --input-type pyt \
         --output-path ${SHARED_DIR}/model \
         --output-type ${FORMAT} \
         --onnx-opset 11 \
         --onnx-optimized 1 \
         --max-batch-size ${MAX_BATCH_SIZE} \
         --max-workspace-size 1073741824 \
         --ignore-unknown-parameters \
         --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/nvidia_resnet50_200821.pth.tar \
         --precision ${PRECISION} \
         --config resnet50 \
         --classes 1000 \
         --dataloader triton/ \
         --data-dir ${DATASETS_DIR}/imagenet \
         --batch-size ${MAX_BATCH_SIZE}
  8. Configure the model on Triton Inference Server.

    Generate the configuration from your model repository.

     python3 triton/ \
         --model-repository ${MODEL_REPOSITORY_PATH} \
         --model-path ${SHARED_DIR}/model \
         --model-format ${FORMAT} \
         --model-name ${MODEL_NAME} \
         --model-version 1 \
         --max-batch-size ${MAX_BATCH_SIZE} \
         --precision ${PRECISION} \
         --number-of-model-instances ${NUMBER_OF_MODEL_INSTANCES} \
         --max-queue-delay-us 0 \
         --preferred-batch-sizes ${MAX_BATCH_SIZE} \
         --capture-cuda-graph 0 \
         --backend-accelerator ${BACKEND_ACCELERATOR} \
         --load-model ${TRITON_LOAD_MODEL_METHOD}
  9. Run the Triton Inference Server accuracy tests.

     python3 triton/ \
         --server-url localhost:8001 \
         --model-name ${MODEL_NAME} \
         --model-version 1 \
         --output-dir ${SHARED_DIR}/accuracy_dump \
         --precision ${PRECISION} \
         --dataloader triton/ \
         --data-dir ${DATASETS_DIR}/imagenet \
         --batch-size ${MAX_BATCH_SIZE} \
     python3 triton/ \
         --metrics triton/ \
         --dump-dir ${SHARED_DIR}/accuracy_dump \
         --csv ${SHARED_DIR}/accuracy_metrics.csv
     cat ${SHARED_DIR}/accuracy_metrics.csv
  10. Run the Triton Inference Server performance online tests.

We want to maximize throughput within latency budget constraints. Dynamic batching is a feature of Triton Inference Server that allows inference requests to be combined by the server, so that a batch is created dynamically, resulting in a reduced average latency. You can set the Dynamic Batcher parameter max_queue_delay_microseconds to indicate the maximum amount of time you are willing to wait and preferred_batch_size to indicate your maximum server batch size in the Triton Inference Server model configuration. The measurements presented below set the maximum latency to zero to achieve the best latency possible with good performance.

 python triton/ \
     --model-name ${MODEL_NAME} \
     --input-data random \
     --batch-sizes ${BATCH_SIZE} \
     --triton-instances ${TRITON_INSTANCES} \
     --number-of-model-instances ${NUMBER_OF_MODEL_INSTANCES} \
     --result-path ${SHARED_DIR}/triton_performance_online.csv
  1. Run the Triton Inference Server performance offline tests.

We want to maximize throughput. It assumes you have your data available for inference or that your data saturate to maximum batch size quickly. Triton Inference Server supports offline scenarios with static batching. Static batching allows inference requests to be served as they are received. The largest improvements to throughput come from increasing the batch size due to efficiency gains in the GPU with larger batches.

 python triton/ \
     --model-name ${MODEL_NAME} \
     --input-data random \
     --batch-sizes ${BATCH_SIZE} \
     --triton-instances ${TRITON_INSTANCES} \
     --result-path ${SHARED_DIR}/triton_performance_offline.csv


Prepare configuration

You can use the environment variables to set the parameters of your inference configuration.

Triton deployment scripts support several inference runtimes listed in the table below:

Inference runtime Mnemonic used in scripts
TorchScript Tracing ts-trace
TorchScript Tracing ts-script
ONNX onnx
NVIDIA TensorRT trt

The name of the inference runtime should be put into the FORMAT variable.

Example values of some key variables in one configuration:

BATCH_SIZE="1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128"

Latency explanation

A typical Triton Inference Server pipeline can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. The client serializes the inference request into a message and sends it to the server (Client Send).
  2. The message travels over the network from the client to the server (Network).
  3. The message arrives at the server and is deserialized (Server Receive).
  4. The request is placed on the queue (Server Queue).
  5. The request is removed from the queue and computed (Server Compute).
  6. The completed request is serialized in a message and sent back to the client (Server Send).
  7. The completed message then travels over the network from the server to the client (Network).
  8. The completed message is deserialized by the client and processed as a completed inference request (Client Receive).

Generally, for local clients, steps 1-4 and 6-8 will only occupy a small fraction of time, compared to step 5. As backend deep learning systems like Jasper are rarely exposed directly to end users, but instead only interfacing with local front-end servers, for the sake of Jasper, we can consider that all clients are local.


The performance measurements in this document were conducted at the time of publication and may not reflect the performance achieved from NVIDIAs latest software release. For the most up-to-date performance measurements, go to NVIDIA Data Center Deep Learning Product Performance.

Offline scenario

This table lists the common variable parameters for all performance measurements:

Parameter Name Parameter Value
Max Batch Size 128.0
Number of model instances 1.0
Triton Max Queue Delay 1.0
Triton Preferred Batch Sizes 64 128

Offline: NVIDIA A40, ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Precision Backend Accelerator Client Batch Size Inferences/second P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
FP16 TensorRT 1 491.5 2.046 2.111 2.126 2.031
FP16 TensorRT 2 811.8 2.509 2.568 2.594 2.459
FP16 TensorRT 4 1094 3.814 3.833 3.877 3.652
FP16 TensorRT 8 1573.6 5.45 5.517 5.636 5.078
FP16 TensorRT 16 1651.2 9.896 9.978 10.074 9.678
FP16 TensorRT 32 2070.4 17.49 17.837 19.228 15.451
FP16 TensorRT 64 1766.4 37.123 37.353 37.85 36.147
FP16 TensorRT 128 1894.4 69.027 69.15 69.789 67.889

Offline: NVIDIA DGX A100 (1x A100 80GB), ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • GPU: NVIDIA DGX A100 (1x A100 80GB)
  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Precision Backend Accelerator Client Batch Size Inferences/second P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
FP16 TensorRT 1 469.1 2.195 2.245 2.272 2.128
FP16 TensorRT 2 910 2.222 2.229 2.357 2.194
FP16 TensorRT 4 1447.6 3.055 3.093 3.354 2.759
FP16 TensorRT 8 2051.2 4.035 4.195 4.287 3.895
FP16 TensorRT 16 2760 6.033 6.121 6.348 5.793
FP16 TensorRT 32 2857.6 11.47 11.573 11.962 11.193
FP16 TensorRT 64 2534.4 26.345 26.899 29.744 25.244
FP16 TensorRT 128 2662.4 49.612 51.713 53.666 48.086

Offline: NVIDIA DGX-1 (1x V100 32GB), ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • GPU: NVIDIA DGX-1 (1x V100 32GB)
  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Precision Backend Accelerator Client Batch Size Inferences/second P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
FP16 TensorRT 1 351.8 2.996 3.051 3.143 2.838
FP16 TensorRT 2 596.2 3.481 3.532 3.627 3.35
FP16 TensorRT 4 953.6 4.314 4.351 4.45 4.191
FP16 TensorRT 8 1337.6 6.185 6.347 6.581 5.979
FP16 TensorRT 16 1726.4 9.736 9.87 10.904 9.266
FP16 TensorRT 32 2044.8 15.833 15.977 16.438 15.664
FP16 TensorRT 64 1670.4 38.667 38.842 40.773 38.412
FP16 TensorRT 128 1548.8 84.454 85.308 88.363 82.159

Offline: NVIDIA T4, ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Precision Backend Accelerator Client Batch Size Inferences/second P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
FP16 TensorRT 1 332.4 3.065 3.093 3.189 3.003
FP16 TensorRT 2 499.4 4.069 4.086 4.143 3.998
FP16 TensorRT 4 695.2 5.779 5.786 5.802 5.747
FP16 TensorRT 8 888 9.039 9.05 9.065 8.998
FP16 TensorRT 16 1057.6 15.319 15.337 15.389 15.113
FP16 TensorRT 32 1129.6 28.77 28.878 29.082 28.353
FP16 TensorRT 64 1203.2 54.194 54.417 55.331 53.187
FP16 TensorRT 128 1280 102.466 102.825 103.177 100.155

Online scenario

This table lists the common variable parameters for all performance measurements:

Parameter Name Parameter Value
Max Batch Size 128.0
Number of model instances 1.0
Triton Max Queue Delay 1.0
Triton Preferred Batch Sizes 64 128

Online: NVIDIA A40, ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Concurrent client requests Inferences/second Client Send Network+server Send/recv Server Queue Server Compute Input Server Compute Infer Server Compute Output Client Recv P50 Latency P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
16 2543.7 0.078 1.912 1.286 0.288 2.697 0.024 0 6.624 7.039 7.414 9.188 6.285
32 3166.7 0.085 3.478 1.81 0.582 4.098 0.047 0 9.924 11.001 12.217 14.717 10.1
48 3563.9 0.085 5.169 1.935 0.99 5.204 0.08 0 13.199 14.813 16.421 19.793 13.463
64 3514.9 0.091 5.729 3.847 1.553 6.842 0.138 0 17.986 18.85 19.916 25.825 18.2
80 3703.5 0.097 7.244 4.414 2 7.675 0.169 0 21.313 23.838 28.664 32.631 21.599
96 3636.9 0.101 8.459 5.679 3.157 8.771 0.215 0 26.131 27.751 31.269 38.695 26.382
112 3701.7 0.099 9.332 6.711 3.588 10.276 0.241 0 30.319 31.282 31.554 32.151 30.247
128 3795.8 0.106 10.581 7.309 4.067 11.386 0.268 0 33.893 34.793 35.448 43.182 33.717
144 3892.4 0.106 11.488 8.144 4.713 12.212 0.32 0 37.184 38.277 38.597 39.393 36.983
160 3950 0.106 13.5 7.999 5.083 13.481 0.343 0 40.656 42.157 44.756 53.426 40.512
176 3992.5 0.118 13.6 9.809 5.596 14.611 0.379 0 44.324 45.689 46.331 52.155 44.113
192 4058.3 0.116 14.902 10.223 6.054 15.564 0.416 0 47.537 48.91 49.752 55.973 47.275
208 4121.8 0.117 16.777 9.991 6.347 16.827 0.441 0 50.652 52.241 53.4 62.688 50.5
224 4116.1 0.124 17.048 11.743 7.065 17.91 0.504 0 54.571 56.204 56.877 62.169 54.394
240 4100 0.157 17.54 13.611 7.532 19.185 0.538 0 58.683 60.034 60.64 64.791 58.563
256 4310.5 0.277 18.282 13.5 7.714 19.136 0.539 0 59.244 60.686 61.349 66.84 59.448

Online: NVIDIA DGX A100 (1x A100 80GB), ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • GPU: NVIDIA DGX A100 (1x A100 80GB)
  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Concurrent client requests Inferences/second Client Send Network+server Send/recv Server Queue Server Compute Input Server Compute Infer Server Compute Output Client Recv P50 Latency P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
16 2571.2 0.067 1.201 1.894 0.351 2.678 0.027 0 6.205 6.279 6.31 6.418 6.218
32 3600.2 0.058 2.641 2.004 0.716 3.41 0.057 0 8.852 9.233 9.353 12.253 8.886
48 4274.2 0.062 3.102 2.738 1.121 4.113 0.089 0 11.03 11.989 12.1 15.115 11.225
64 4387.7 0.07 3.767 3.438 2.016 5.164 0.122 0 14.628 15.067 15.211 15.504 14.577
80 4630.1 0.064 4.23 5.049 2.316 5.463 0.151 0 17.205 17.726 17.9 18.31 17.273
96 4893.9 0.068 4.811 5.764 2.741 6.044 0.179 0 19.44 20.23 20.411 22.781 19.607
112 4887.6 0.069 6.232 5.202 3.597 7.586 0.236 0 23.099 23.665 23.902 24.192 22.922
128 5411.5 0.081 5.921 7 3.387 7.016 0.255 0 23.852 24.349 24.557 26.433 23.66
144 5322.9 0.08 7.066 7.55 3.996 8.059 0.299 0 27.024 28.487 29.725 33.7 27.05
160 5310.5 0.079 6.98 9.157 4.61 8.98 0.331 0 30.446 31.497 31.91 34.269 30.137
176 5458.7 0.081 7.857 9.272 5.047 9.634 0.345 0 32.588 33.271 33.478 35.47 32.236
192 5654.1 0.081 9.355 8.898 5.294 9.923 0.388 0 34.35 35.895 36.302 39.288 33.939
208 5643.7 0.093 9.407 10.488 5.953 10.54 0.383 0 36.994 38.14 38.766 41.616 36.864
224 5795.5 0.101 9.862 10.852 6.331 11.081 0.415 0 38.536 39.741 40.563 43.227 38.642
240 5855.8 0.131 9.994 12.391 6.589 11.419 0.447 0 40.721 43.344 44.449 46.902 40.971
256 6127.3 0.131 10.495 12.342 6.979 11.344 0.473 0 41.606 43.106 43.694 46.457 41.764

Online: NVIDIA DGX-1 (1x V100 32GB), ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • GPU: NVIDIA DGX-1 (1x V100 32GB)
  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Concurrent client requests Inferences/second Client Send Network+server Send/recv Server Queue Server Compute Input Server Compute Infer Server Compute Output Client Recv P50 Latency P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
16 1679.6 0.096 3.312 1.854 0.523 3.713 0.026 0 8.072 12.416 12.541 12.729 9.524
32 2760.1 0.095 3.933 1.978 0.949 4.597 0.035 0 11.569 11.728 11.785 12.39 11.587
48 3127.1 0.099 4.919 3.105 1.358 5.816 0.051 0 15.471 15.86 18.206 20.198 15.348
64 3287.4 0.101 5.874 4.346 1.789 7.293 0.069 0 19.44 19.727 19.838 20.584 19.472
80 3209 0.131 7.032 6.014 3.227 8.418 0.111 0 25.362 25.889 26.095 29.005 24.933
96 3273.6 0.14 8.539 6.74 4.371 9.369 0.153 0 29.217 29.641 29.895 31.002 29.312
112 3343.3 0.149 9.683 7.802 4.214 11.484 0.159 0 30.933 37.027 37.121 37.358 33.491
128 3335.1 0.152 9.865 10.127 5.519 12.534 0.195 0 38.762 40.022 40.336 42.943 38.392
144 3304.2 0.185 11.017 11.901 6.877 13.35 0.209 0 43.372 43.812 44.042 46.708 43.539
160 3319.9 0.206 12.701 12.625 7.49 14.907 0.238 0 48.31 49.135 49.343 50.441 48.167
176 3335 0.271 13.013 14.788 8.564 15.789 0.263 0 52.352 53.653 54.385 57.332 52.688
192 3380 0.243 13.894 15.719 9.865 16.841 0.283 0 56.872 58.64 58.944 62.097 56.845
208 3387.6 0.273 16.221 15.73 10.334 18.448 0.326 0 61.402 63.099 63.948 68.63 61.332
224 3477.2 0.613 14.167 18.902 10.896 19.605 0.34 0 64.495 65.69 66.101 67.522 64.523
240 3528 0.878 14.713 20.894 10.259 20.859 0.436 0 66.404 71.807 72.857 75.076 68.039
256 3558.4 1.035 15.534 22.837 11 21.062 0.435 0 71.657 77.271 78.269 80.804 71.903

Online: NVIDIA T4, ONNX Runtime TensorRT with FP16

Our results were obtained using the following configuration:

  • Backend: ONNX Runtime
  • Backend accelerator: TensorRT
  • Precision: FP16
  • Model format: ONNX

Full tabular data
Concurrent client requests Inferences/second Client Send Network+server Send/recv Server Queue Server Compute Input Server Compute Infer Server Compute Output Client Recv P50 Latency P90 Latency P95 Latency P99 Latency Avg Latency
16 1078.4 0.169 6.163 2.009 0.495 5.963 0.022 0 15.75 16.219 16.376 16.597 14.821
32 2049.6 0.195 4.342 3.384 0.849 6.804 0.032 0 15.606 15.792 15.853 15.975 15.606
48 2133.1 0.189 6.365 4.926 1.379 9.573 0.063 0 22.304 23.432 23.73 27.241 22.495
64 2114.3 0.206 9.038 6.258 1.863 12.812 0.086 0 30.074 31.063 31.535 42.845 30.263
80 2089.3 0.204 11.943 7.841 2.676 15.556 0.108 0 38.289 40.895 52.977 58.393 38.328
96 2145.3 0.23 12.987 9.63 3.597 18.132 0.134 0 44.511 47.352 47.809 48.429 44.71
112 2062.3 0.28 13.253 14.112 5.088 21.398 0.154 0 54.289 55.441 55.69 56.205 54.285
128 2042.6 0.485 14.377 16.957 6.279 24.487 0.169 0 62.718 63.902 64.178 64.671 62.754
144 2066.6 0.726 16.363 18.601 7.085 26.801 0.193 0.001 69.67 71.418 71.765 73.255 69.77
160 2073.1 0.557 17.787 20.809 7.378 30.43 0.215 0 77.212 79.089 79.815 83.434 77.176
176 2076.8 1.209 18.446 23.075 8.689 32.894 0.253 0 84.13 86.732 87.404 95.286 84.566
192 2073.9 1.462 19.845 25.653 9.088 36.153 0.272 0 92.32 94.276 94.805 96.765 92.473
208 2053.2 1.071 22.995 26.411 10.123 40.415 0.322 0 101.178 103.725 105.498 110.695 101.337
224 1994.1 0.968 24.931 31.14 14.276 40.804 0.389 0 114.177 116.977 118.248 121.879 112.508
240 1952.6 1.028 27.957 34.546 16.535 42.685 0.38 0 122.846 126.022 128.074 136.541 123.131
256 2017.8 0.85 27.437 38.553 15.224 44.637 0.401 0 129.052 132.762 134.337 138.108 127.102

Release Notes

Were constantly refining and improving our performance on AI and HPC workloads even on the same hardware with frequent updates to our software stack. For our latest performance data refer to these pages for AI and HPC benchmarks.


April 2021

  • NVIDIA Ampere results added

September 2020

  • Initial release

Known issues

  • There are no known issues with this model.