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package armory.logicnode;
import iron.object.Object;
#if arm_physics
import armory.trait.physics.RigidBody;
import armory.trait.physics.bullet.RigidBody.Shape;
class AddRigidBodyNode extends LogicNode {
public var property0: String; //Shape
public var property1: Bool; //Advanced
public var object: Object;
public function new(tree: LogicTree) {
override function run(from: Int) {
object = inputs[1].get();
if (object == null) return;
#if arm_physics
var mass: Float = inputs[2].get();
var active: Bool = inputs[3].get();
var animated: Bool = inputs[4].get();
var trigger: Bool = inputs[5].get();
var friction: Float = inputs[6].get();
var bounciness: Float = inputs[7].get();
var ccd: Bool = inputs[8].get();
var margin: Bool = false;
var marginLen: Float = 0.0;
var linDamp: Float = 0.0;
var angDamp: Float = 0.0;
var useDeactiv: Bool = false;
var linearVelThreshold: Float = 0.0;
var angVelThreshold: Float = 0.0;
var group: Int = 1;
var mask: Int = 1;
var shape: Shape = 1;
if (property1) {
margin = inputs[9].get();
marginLen = inputs[10].get();
linDamp = inputs[11].get();
angDamp = inputs[12].get();
useDeactiv = inputs[13].get();
linearVelThreshold = inputs[14].get();
angVelThreshold = inputs[15].get();
group = inputs[16].get();
mask = inputs[17].get();
var rb: RigidBody = object.getTrait(RigidBody);
if ((group < 0) || (group > 32)) group = 1; //Limiting max groups to 32
if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 32)) mask = 1; //Limiting max masks to 32
if (rb == null) {
switch (property0) {
case "Box": shape = Box;
case "Sphere": shape = Sphere;
case "Capsule": shape = Capsule;
case "Cone": shape = Cone;
case "Cylinder": shape = Cylinder;
case "Convex Hull": shape = ConvexHull;
case "Mesh": shape = Mesh;
rb = new RigidBody(shape, mass, friction, bounciness, group, mask);
rb.animated = animated;
rb.staticObj = !active;
if (property1) {
rb.linearDamping = linDamp;
rb.angularDamping = angDamp;
if (margin) rb.collisionMargin = marginLen;
if (useDeactiv) {
rb.setUpDeactivation(true, linearVelThreshold, angVelThreshold, 0.0);
override function get(from: Int): Object {
return object;