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using Godot;
using GodotTools.Core;
2019-11-10 17:10:38 +01:00
using GodotTools.Export;
using GodotTools.Utils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
2020-06-15 21:29:16 +02:00
using System.Linq;
using GodotTools.Ides;
2019-12-06 11:30:49 +01:00
using GodotTools.Ides.Rider;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using GodotTools.ProjectEditor;
2019-12-06 11:30:49 +01:00
using JetBrains.Annotations;
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals;
using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace GodotTools
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ClassNeverInstantiated.Global")]
public class GodotSharpEditor : EditorPlugin, ISerializationListener
private EditorSettings editorSettings;
private PopupMenu menuPopup;
private AcceptDialog errorDialog;
private AcceptDialog aboutDialog;
private CheckBox aboutDialogCheckBox;
private Button bottomPanelBtn;
private Button toolBarBuildButton;
public GodotIdeManager GodotIdeManager { get; private set; }
private WeakRef exportPluginWeak; // TODO Use WeakReference once we have proper serialization
public BottomPanel BottomPanel { get; private set; }
public bool SkipBuildBeforePlaying { get; set; } = false;
public static string ProjectAssemblyName
var projectAssemblyName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name");
projectAssemblyName = projectAssemblyName.ToSafeDirName();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectAssemblyName))
projectAssemblyName = "UnnamedProject";
return projectAssemblyName;
private bool CreateProjectSolution()
using (var pr = new EditorProgress("create_csharp_solution", "Generating solution...".TTR(), 3))
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
pr.Step("Generating C# project...".TTR());
string resourceDir = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath("res://");
string path = resourceDir;
string name = ProjectAssemblyName;
string guid = CsProjOperations.GenerateGameProject(path, name);
if (guid.Length > 0)
var solution = new DotNetSolution(name)
DirectoryPath = path
var projectInfo = new DotNetSolution.ProjectInfo
Guid = guid,
PathRelativeToSolution = name + ".csproj",
Configs = new List<string> {"Debug", "ExportDebug", "ExportRelease"}
solution.AddNewProject(name, projectInfo);
catch (IOException e)
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
ShowErrorDialog("Failed to save solution. Exception message: ".TTR() + e.Message);
return false;
pr.Step("Updating Godot API assemblies...".TTR());
string debugApiAssembliesError = Internal.UpdateApiAssembliesFromPrebuilt("Debug");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugApiAssembliesError))
ShowErrorDialog("Failed to update the Godot API assemblies: " + debugApiAssembliesError);
return false;
string releaseApiAssembliesError = Internal.UpdateApiAssembliesFromPrebuilt("Release");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseApiAssembliesError))
ShowErrorDialog("Failed to update the Godot API assemblies: " + releaseApiAssembliesError);
return false;
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
// Here, after all calls to progress_task_step
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
ShowErrorDialog("Failed to create C# project.".TTR());
return true;
private void _RemoveCreateSlnMenuOption()
private void _ShowAboutDialog()
bool showOnStart = (bool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start");
aboutDialogCheckBox.Pressed = showOnStart;
private void _MenuOptionPressed(int id)
switch ((MenuOptions)id)
case MenuOptions.CreateSln:
case MenuOptions.AboutCSharp:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id, "Invalid menu option");
private void _BuildSolutionPressed()
if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath))
if (!CreateProjectSolution())
return; // Failed to create solution
public override void _Notification(int what)
if (what == NotificationReady)
bool showInfoDialog = (bool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start");
if (showInfoDialog)
aboutDialog.Exclusive = true;
// Once shown a first time, it can be seen again via the Mono menu - it doesn't have to be exclusive from that time on.
aboutDialog.Exclusive = false;
private enum MenuOptions
public void ShowErrorDialog(string message, string title = "Error")
errorDialog.Title = title;
errorDialog.DialogText = message;
private static string _vsCodePath = string.Empty;
private static readonly string[] VsCodeNames =
"code", "code-oss", "vscode", "vscode-oss", "visual-studio-code", "visual-studio-code-oss"
2019-12-06 11:30:49 +01:00
public Error OpenInExternalEditor(Script script, int line, int col)
var editorId = (ExternalEditorId)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/external_editor");
switch (editorId)
case ExternalEditorId.None:
// Not an error. Tells the caller to fallback to the global external editor settings or the built-in editor.
return Error.Unavailable;
case ExternalEditorId.VisualStudio:
2020-06-15 21:29:16 +02:00
string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath);
var args = new List<string>
line >= 0 ? $"{scriptPath};{line + 1};{col + 1}" : scriptPath
string command = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir, "GodotTools.OpenVisualStudio.exe");
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
Console.WriteLine($"Running: \"{command}\" {string.Join(" ", args.Select(a => $"\"{a}\""))}");
OS.RunProcess(command, args);
catch (Exception e)
GD.PushError($"Error when trying to run code editor: VisualStudio. Exception message: '{e.Message}'");
case ExternalEditorId.VisualStudioForMac:
goto case ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop;
2019-12-06 11:30:49 +01:00
case ExternalEditorId.Rider:
string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath);
RiderPathManager.OpenFile(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, scriptPath, line);
return Error.Ok;
case ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop:
string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath);
GodotIdeManager.LaunchIdeAsync().ContinueWith(launchTask =>
var editorPick = launchTask.Result;
if (line >= 0)
editorPick?.SendOpenFile(scriptPath, line + 1, col);
case ExternalEditorId.VsCode:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath) || !File.Exists(_vsCodePath))
// Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location
_vsCodePath = VsCodeNames.SelectFirstNotNull(OS.PathWhich, orElse: string.Empty);
var args = new List<string>();
bool osxAppBundleInstalled = false;
if (OS.IsMacOS)
// The package path is '/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app'
const string vscodeBundleId = "com.microsoft.VSCode";
osxAppBundleInstalled = Internal.IsOsxAppBundleInstalled(vscodeBundleId);
if (osxAppBundleInstalled)
// The reusing of existing windows made by the 'open' command might not choose a wubdiw that is
// editing our folder. It's better to ask for a new window and let VSCode do the window management.
// The open process must wait until the application finishes (which is instant in VSCode's case)
var resourcePath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath("res://");
string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath);
if (line >= 0)
string command;
if (OS.IsMacOS)
if (!osxAppBundleInstalled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath))
GD.PushError("Cannot find code editor: VSCode");
return Error.FileNotFound;
command = osxAppBundleInstalled ? "/usr/bin/open" : _vsCodePath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath))
GD.PushError("Cannot find code editor: VSCode");
return Error.FileNotFound;
command = _vsCodePath;
OS.RunProcess(command, args);
catch (Exception e)
GD.PushError($"Error when trying to run code editor: VSCode. Exception message: '{e.Message}'");
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return Error.Ok;
2019-12-06 11:30:49 +01:00
public bool OverridesExternalEditor()
return (ExternalEditorId)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/external_editor") != ExternalEditorId.None;
public override bool Build()
return BuildManager.EditorBuildCallback();
C#: Switch games to MSBuild Sdks and .NET Standard Godot.NET.Sdk ------------- Godot uses its own custom MSBuild Sdk for game projects. This new Sdk adds its own functionality on top of 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'. The new Sdk is resolved from the NuGet package. All the default boilerplate was moved from game projects to the Sdk. The default csproj for game project can now be as simple as: ``` <Project Sdk="Godot.NET.Sdk/4.0.0-dev2"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netstandard2.1</TargetFramework> </PropertyGroup> </Project> ``` Source files are included by automatically so Godot no longer needs to keep the csproj in sync when creating new source files. Define constants ---------------- Godot defines a list of constants for conditional compilation. When exporting games, this list also included engine 'features' and platform 'bits'. There were a few problems with that: - The 'features' constants were only defined when exporting games. Not when building the game for running in the editor player. - If the project was built externally by an IDE, the constants wouldn't be defined at all. The new Sdk assigns default values to these constants when not built from the Godot editor, i.e.: when built from an IDE or from the command line. The default define constants are determined from the system MSBuild is running on. However, it's not possible for MSBuild to determine the set of supported engine features. It's also not possible to determine if a project is being built to run on a 32-bit or 64-bit Godot executable. As such the 'features' and 'bits' constants had to be removed. The benefit of checking those at compile time was questionable, and they can still be checked at runtime. The new list of define constants includes: - GODOT - GODOT_<PLATFORM> Defaults to the platform MSBuild is running on. - GODOT_<PC/MOBILE/WEB> - TOOLS When building with the 'Debug' configuration (editor and editor player). - GODOT_REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE Not defined by default unless $(GodotRealTIsDouble) is overriden to be 'true'. .NET Standard ------------- The target framework of game projects was changed to 'netstandard2.1'.
2020-07-20 15:48:12 +02:00
private void ApplyNecessaryChangesToSolution()
// Migrate solution from old configuration names to: Debug, ExportDebug and ExportRelease
var msbuildProject = ProjectUtils.Open(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath)
?? throw new Exception("Cannot open C# project");
// NOTE: The order in which changes are made to the project is important
// Migrate to MSBuild project Sdks style if using the old style
ProjectUtils.MigrateToProjectSdksStyle(msbuildProject, ProjectAssemblyName);
if (msbuildProject.HasUnsavedChanges)
// Save a copy of the project before replacing it
catch (Exception e)
public override void EnablePlugin()
if (Instance != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
Instance = this;
var editorInterface = GetEditorInterface();
var editorBaseControl = editorInterface.GetBaseControl();
editorSettings = editorInterface.GetEditorSettings();
errorDialog = new AcceptDialog();
BottomPanel = new BottomPanel();
bottomPanelBtn = AddControlToBottomPanel(BottomPanel, "Mono".TTR());
AddChild(new HotReloadAssemblyWatcher {Name = "HotReloadAssemblyWatcher"});
menuPopup = new PopupMenu();
AddToolSubmenuItem("Mono", menuPopup);
// TODO: Remove or edit this info dialog once Mono support is no longer in alpha
menuPopup.AddItem("About C# support".TTR(), (int)MenuOptions.AboutCSharp);
aboutDialog = new AcceptDialog();
aboutDialog.Title = "Important: C# support is not feature-complete";
// We don't use DialogText as the default AcceptDialog Label doesn't play well with the TextureRect and CheckBox
// we'll add. Instead we add containers and a new autowrapped Label inside.
// Main VBoxContainer (icon + label on top, checkbox at bottom)
var aboutVBox = new VBoxContainer();
// HBoxContainer for icon + label
var aboutHBox = new HBoxContainer();
var aboutIcon = new TextureRect();
aboutIcon.Texture = aboutIcon.GetThemeIcon("NodeWarning", "EditorIcons");
var aboutLabel = new Label();
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
aboutLabel.RectMinSize = new Vector2(600, 150) * EditorScale;
aboutLabel.SizeFlagsVertical = (int)Control.SizeFlags.ExpandFill;
aboutLabel.Autowrap = true;
aboutLabel.Text =
"C# support in Godot Engine is in late alpha stage and, while already usable, " +
"it is not meant for use in production.\n\n" +
"Projects can be exported to Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS and HTML5, but not yet to UWP. " +
"Bugs and usability issues will be addressed gradually over future releases, " +
"potentially including compatibility breaking changes as new features are implemented for a better overall C# experience.\n\n" +
"If you experience issues with this Mono build, please report them on Godot's issue tracker with details about your system, MSBuild version, IDE, etc.:\n\n" +
" https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues\n\n" +
"Your critical feedback at this stage will play a great role in shaping the C# support in future releases, so thank you!";
2019-07-11 13:59:06 +02:00
EditorDef("mono/editor/show_info_on_start", true);
// CheckBox in main container
aboutDialogCheckBox = new CheckBox {Text = "Show this warning when starting the editor"};
aboutDialogCheckBox.Toggled += enabled =>
bool showOnStart = (bool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start");
if (showOnStart != enabled)
editorSettings.SetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start", enabled);
toolBarBuildButton = new Button
Text = "Build",
HintTooltip = "Build solution",
FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.None
toolBarBuildButton.PressedSignal += _BuildSolutionPressed;
AddControlToContainer(CustomControlContainer.Toolbar, toolBarBuildButton);
if (File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath) && File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath))
C#: Switch games to MSBuild Sdks and .NET Standard Godot.NET.Sdk ------------- Godot uses its own custom MSBuild Sdk for game projects. This new Sdk adds its own functionality on top of 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'. The new Sdk is resolved from the NuGet package. All the default boilerplate was moved from game projects to the Sdk. The default csproj for game project can now be as simple as: ``` <Project Sdk="Godot.NET.Sdk/4.0.0-dev2"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netstandard2.1</TargetFramework> </PropertyGroup> </Project> ``` Source files are included by automatically so Godot no longer needs to keep the csproj in sync when creating new source files. Define constants ---------------- Godot defines a list of constants for conditional compilation. When exporting games, this list also included engine 'features' and platform 'bits'. There were a few problems with that: - The 'features' constants were only defined when exporting games. Not when building the game for running in the editor player. - If the project was built externally by an IDE, the constants wouldn't be defined at all. The new Sdk assigns default values to these constants when not built from the Godot editor, i.e.: when built from an IDE or from the command line. The default define constants are determined from the system MSBuild is running on. However, it's not possible for MSBuild to determine the set of supported engine features. It's also not possible to determine if a project is being built to run on a 32-bit or 64-bit Godot executable. As such the 'features' and 'bits' constants had to be removed. The benefit of checking those at compile time was questionable, and they can still be checked at runtime. The new list of define constants includes: - GODOT - GODOT_<PLATFORM> Defaults to the platform MSBuild is running on. - GODOT_<PC/MOBILE/WEB> - TOOLS When building with the 'Debug' configuration (editor and editor player). - GODOT_REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE Not defined by default unless $(GodotRealTIsDouble) is overriden to be 'true'. .NET Standard ------------- The target framework of game projects was changed to 'netstandard2.1'.
2020-07-20 15:48:12 +02:00
menuPopup.AddItem("Create C# solution".TTR(), (int)MenuOptions.CreateSln);
menuPopup.IdPressed += _MenuOptionPressed;
// External editor settings
EditorDef("mono/editor/external_editor", ExternalEditorId.None);
string settingsHintStr = "Disabled";
if (OS.IsWindows)
2020-06-15 21:29:16 +02:00
settingsHintStr += $",Visual Studio:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VisualStudio}" +
$",MonoDevelop:{(int)ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop}" +
$",Visual Studio Code:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VsCode}" +
$",JetBrains Rider:{(int)ExternalEditorId.Rider}";
else if (OS.IsMacOS)
settingsHintStr += $",Visual Studio:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VisualStudioForMac}" +
$",MonoDevelop:{(int)ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop}" +
$",Visual Studio Code:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VsCode}" +
$",JetBrains Rider:{(int)ExternalEditorId.Rider}";
else if (OS.IsUnixLike)
settingsHintStr += $",MonoDevelop:{(int)ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop}" +
$",Visual Studio Code:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VsCode}" +
$",JetBrains Rider:{(int)ExternalEditorId.Rider}";
editorSettings.AddPropertyInfo(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
["type"] = Variant.Type.Int,
["name"] = "mono/editor/external_editor",
["hint"] = PropertyHint.Enum,
["hint_string"] = settingsHintStr
// Export plugin
2019-11-10 17:10:38 +01:00
var exportPlugin = new ExportPlugin();
exportPluginWeak = WeakRef(exportPlugin);
2019-12-06 11:30:49 +01:00
GodotIdeManager = new GodotIdeManager();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (exportPluginWeak != null)
// We need to dispose our export plugin before the editor destroys EditorSettings.
// Otherwise, if the GC disposes it at a later time, EditorExportPlatformAndroid
// will be freed after EditorSettings already was, and its device polling thread
// will try to access the EditorSettings singleton, resulting in null dereferencing.
2019-11-10 17:10:38 +01:00
(exportPluginWeak.GetRef() as ExportPlugin)?.Dispose();
public void OnBeforeSerialize()
public void OnAfterDeserialize()
Instance = this;
// Singleton
public static GodotSharpEditor Instance { get; private set; }
private GodotSharpEditor()