Aaron Franke d8b65461e3
Commit only the SVG files changed by file_format.sh
There were a lot of SVG files changed by file_format.sh
2020-07-13 14:08:55 -04:00

2 lines
720 B

<svg height="17" viewBox="0 0 17 17" width="17" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m4.8983252 3.006855a1.6192284 1.3289529 0 0 1 -.0000431.0097" stroke-width=".626319"/><path d="m8.796752 5.0553513a2.563139 3.6270869 0 0 1 -.0000683.02648" stroke-width=".626319"/><path d="m13.121337 4.512148a6.1594577 6.0545759 0 0 1 -.248787 8.20109 6.1594577 6.0545759 0 0 1 -8.3355404.427215 6.1594577 6.0545759 0 0 1 -1.1151058-8.1311866 6.1594577 6.0545759 0 0 1 8.1530832-1.7576713" fill="#ff8585" fill-opacity=".996078" stroke-width="1.019123"/><path d="m-9.290675 10.816157h18.575495v2.518711h-18.575495z" fill="#e0e0e0" stroke-width="1.187332" transform="matrix(.70605846 -.70815355 .70605846 .70815355 0 0)"/></svg>