ja_JP.lang - gui and tooltip translation progress

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karakufire 2016-05-20 03:18:39 +09:00
parent d3b2865051
commit 20203cdcd6

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@ -409,157 +409,215 @@ mekanism.configgui.ctgy.client.tooltip=Mekanismとそのモジュールにおけ
//Gui text //Gui text
gui.condensentrating=凝縮 gui.condensentrating=凝縮
gui.confirm=確認 gui.confirm=確認
gui.open=開く gui.open=開く
#gui.allOK=All OK gui.allOK=全て可
gui.none=なし gui.none=なし
#gui.new=New gui.new=新しい
gui.edit=編集 gui.edit=編集
gui.save=保存 gui.save=保存
gui.output=出力 gui.output=アウトプット
gui.delete=削除 gui.delete=削除
gui.status=状態 gui.status=状態
#gui.autoEject=Auto-eject gui.autoEject=自動搬出
#gui.itemstack=ItemStack gui.itemstack=アイテムスタック
gui.oredict=鉱石辞書 gui.oredict=鉱石辞書
gui.material=マテリアル gui.material=マテリアル
#gui.out=Out gui.out=Out:gui.out
#gui.noFluid=No fluid gui.noFluid=液体なし
gui.empty=空 gui.empty=空
#gui.volume=Volume gui.volume=ブロック数
#gui.start=Start gui.start=開始
#gui.stop=Stop gui.stop=停止
#gui.config=Config gui.config=設定
#gui.teleport=Teleport gui.teleport=テレポート
#gui.eject=Eject gui.eject=搬出
#gui.input=Input gui.input=インプット
#gui.strictInput=Strict Input gui.strictInput=精密な搬入
#gui.slots=Slots gui.slots=スロット
#gui.state=State gui.state=状態
#gui.on=On gui.on=オン
#gui.off=Off gui.off=オフ
#gui.filters=Filters gui.filters=フィルター
#gui.filter=Filter gui.filter=フィルター
gui.idle=アイドル gui.idle=停止中
#gui.data=Data gui.data=データ
#gui.newFilter=New Filter gui.newFilter=フィルターの追加
gui.energy=エネルギー gui.energy=エネルギー
gui.gas=ガス gui.gas=ガス
#gui.dumping=Dumping gui.dumping=廃棄
#gui.dumping_excess=Dumping Excess gui.dumping_excess=余剰分を廃棄
#gui.modID=Mod ID gui.modID=Mod ID
#gui.key=Key gui.key=キー
#gui.id=ID gui.id=ID:gui.id
#gui.finished=Finished gui.finished=完了
#gui.well=All is well! gui.well=状態良好
gui.upgrade=アップグレード gui.upgrade=アップグレード
gui.infinite=無限 gui.infinite=無限
#gui.min=Min gui.min=最小
#gui.max=Max gui.max=最大
#gui.delay=Delay gui.delay=遅延
#gui.noDelay=No Delay gui.noDelay=遅延なし
gui.fuel=燃料 gui.fuel=燃料
#gui.heat=Heat gui.heat=熱
#gui.formed=Formed gui.formed=構成済み
#gui.incomplete=Incomplete gui.incomplete=未構成
#gui.inductionMatrix=Induction Matrix gui.inductionMatrix=インダクションマトリックス
#gui.matrixStats=Matrix Statistics gui.matrixStats=インダクションマトリックスの状態
#gui.main=Main gui.turbineStats=タービンの状態
#gui.outputting=Outputting gui.boilerStats=ボイラーの状態
#gui.dimensions=Dimensions gui.main=メイン画面
#gui.constituents=Constituents gui.outputting=Outputting
#gui.cells=cells gui.receiving=Receiving
#gui.providers=providers gui.dimensions=体積
#gui.structure=Structure gui.constituents=内容
gui.dynamicTank=ダイナミックタンク gui.dynamicTank=ダイナミックタンク
#gui.visuals=Visuals gui.industrialTurbine=工業用タービン
#gui.noEject=Can't Eject gui.thermoelectricBoiler=ボイラー室
#gui.undefined=Undefined gui.visuals=範囲表示
gui.owner=オーナー gui.owner=オーナー
#gui.public=Public gui.public=公開
#gui.private=Private gui.private=非公開
#gui.add=Add gui.add=追加
#gui.set=Set gui.set=設定
#gui.freq=Freq gui.freq=周波数
#gui.security=Security gui.security=セキュリティ
#gui.index=Index gui.index=インデックス
#gui.producing=Producing gui.producing=生成
#gui.maxOutput=Max Output gui.maxOutput=最大出力
#gui.storing=Storing gui.storing=蓄電量
#gui.skyBlocked=Sky blocked gui.skyBlocked=空に面していません
#gui.using=Using gui.using=使用中
#gui.needed=Needed gui.needed=必要
#gui.noRecipe=No recipe gui.noRecipe=レシピ無し
#gui.conflict=Conflict gui.conflict=Conflict
#gui.height=Height gui.height=高さ
#gui.mult=Mult gui.mult=Mult
gui.chunk=チャンク gui.chunk=チャンク
#gui.vibrating gui.vibrating=発振中
#gui.abundancy=Abundancy gui.abundancy=Abundancy
#gui.nextItem=Next Item gui.nextItem=次のアイテム
#gui.lastItem=Last Item gui.lastItem=最後のアイテム
#gui.oreDictCompat=Compatible OreDict Key gui.oreDictCompat=統合する鉱石辞書名
gui.heatTransfer=Heat Transfer
gui.securityOffline=Security Offline
#gui.reactor.injectionRate=Injection Rate gui.reactor.injectionRate=Injection Rate
#gui.upgrades=Upgrades gui.upgrades=アップグレード
#gui.upgrades.supported=Supported gui.upgrades.supported=使用可能
#gui.upgrades.noSelection=No selection gui.upgrades.noSelection=未選択
#gui.upgrades.amount=Amount gui.upgrades.amount=数
#gui.upgrades.max=Max gui.upgrades.max=最大
#gui.upgrades.effect=Effect gui.upgrades.effect=効果
#gui.chemicalInfuser.short=C. Infuser gui.chemicalInfuser.short=化学注入器
#gui.chemicalDissolutionChamber.short=C. Dissolution Chamber gui.chemicalDissolutionChamber.short=化学溶解機
#gui.solarEvaporationController.short=Solar E. Controller gui.solarEvaporationController.short=太陽中性子反応機
#gui.dictionary.noKey=No key. gui.dictionary.noKey=対応する鉱石辞書名がありません。
#gui.configuration=Configuration gui.configuration=Configuration
#gui.config=Config gui.config=設定
#gui.configuration.side=Side Config gui.configuration.side=側面の設定
#gui.configuration.transporter=Transporter Config gui.configuration.transporter=搬入の設定
#gui.configuration.strictInput=Strict Input gui.configuration.strictInput=精密な搬入
#gui.rotaryCondensentrator.toggleOperation=Toggle operation gui.rotaryCondensentrator.toggleOperation=処理の変更
#gui.factory.secondaryEnergy=Secondary energy gui.factory.secondaryEnergy=Secondary energy
#gui.factory.autoSort=Auto-sort gui.factory.autoSort=自動分配
//Recipe types //Recipe types
#gui.factory.Smelting=Smelting gui.factory.Smelting=精煉
#gui.factory.Enriching=Enriching gui.factory.Enriching=濃縮
#gui.factory.Crushing=Crushing gui.factory.Crushing=粉砕
#gui.factory.Compressing=Compressing gui.factory.Compressing=オスミウム圧縮
#gui.factory.Combining=Combining gui.factory.Combining=抱合
#gui.factory.Purifying=Purifying gui.factory.Purifying=精製
#gui.factory.Injecting=Injecting gui.factory.Injecting=化学注入
#gui.seismicReader.short=S. Reader gui.seismicReader.short=弾性波解析器
#gui.seismicReader.solids=Solids gui.seismicReader.solids=固体
#gui.seismicReader.fluids=Fluids gui.seismicReader.fluids=液体
#gui.seismicReader.reading=Reading gui.seismicReader.reading=解析中
#gui.filterSelect.title=Create New Filter gui.filterSelect.title=フィルターの追加
#gui.oredictFilter=OreDict Filter gui.oredictFilter=鉱石辞書フィルター
#gui.oredictFilter.noKey=No key gui.oredictFilter.noKey=設定なし
#gui.oredictFilter.sameKey=Same key gui.oredictFilter.sameKey=同じ項目です
#gui.modIDFilter=Mod ID Filter gui.modIDFilter=Mod IDフィルター
#gui.modIDFilter.noID=No ID gui.modIDFilter.noID=ID設定なし
#gui.modIDFilter.sameID=Same ID gui.modIDFilter.sameID=同じIDです
#gui.oredictionificatorFilter=Oredictionificator Filter gui.oredictionificatorFilter=鉱石統合器のフィルター
#gui.itemFilter=Item Filter gui.itemFilter=アイテムフィルター
#gui.itemFilter.noItem=No item gui.itemFilter.noItem=アイテムがありません
#gui.itemFilter.details=ItemStack Details gui.itemFilter.details=アイテムの詳細
#gui.itemFilter.min=Min gui.itemFilter.min=最小
#gui.itemFilter.max=Max gui.itemFilter.max=最大
#gui.materialFilter=Material Filter gui.materialFilter=マテリアルフィルター
#gui.materialFilter.details=Using material of gui.materialFilter.details=指定した素材を含む
gui.portableTeleporter=ポータブルテレポーター gui.portableTeleporter=ポータブルテレポーター
@ -588,78 +646,83 @@ gui.logisticalSorter.default=デフォルト
gui.logisticalSorter.auto=自動 gui.logisticalSorter.auto=自動
gui.logisticalSorter.roundRobin=ラウンドロビン gui.logisticalSorter.roundRobin=ラウンドロビン
#gui.electricChest.editPassword=Edit Password
gui.teleporter.notReady=準備が出来ていません gui.teleporter.notReady=準備が出来ていません
gui.teleporter.ready=準備完了 gui.teleporter.ready=準備完了
#gui.teleporter.noFrame=No frame gui.teleporter.noFrame=フレーム無し
#gui.teleporter.noLink=No link gui.teleporter.noLink=リンク無し
#gui.teleporter.exceeds=Links > 2 gui.teleporter.exceeds=Links > 2
gui.teleporter.needsEnergy=必要なエネルギー gui.teleporter.needsEnergy=必要なエネルギー
#gui.teleporter.noAccess=You don't have access to this teleporter. gui.teleporter.noAccess=貴方はこのテレポーターにアクセスできません。
#gui.teleporter.noFreq=No frequency gui.teleporter.noFreq=設定なし
#gui.digitalMinerConfig=Digital Miner Config gui.entangloporter.noAccess=貴方はこの量子もつれ転送機にアクセスできません。
#gui.digitalMiner.autoPull=Auto-pull gui.digitalMinerConfig=デジタルマイナーの設定
#gui.digitalMiner.replaceBlock=Replace block
#gui.digitalMiner.reset=Reset gui.digitalMiner.autoPull=自動搬入
#gui.digitalMiner.silkTouch=Silk touch gui.digitalMiner.replaceBlock=ブロックの置換
#gui.digitalMiner.pull=Pull gui.digitalMiner.reset=初期化
#gui.digitalMiner.silk=Silk gui.digitalMiner.silkTouch=シルクタッチ
#gui.digitalMiner.toMine=To mine gui.digitalMiner.pull=自動搬入
#gui.digitalMiner.running=Running gui.digitalMiner.silk=シルクタッチ
#gui.digitalMiner.inverse=Inverse mode gui.digitalMiner.toMine=残り埋蔵量
#gui.digitalMiner.requireReplace=Require replace gui.digitalMiner.running=稼働中
#gui.digitalMiner.fuzzyMode=Fuzzy mode gui.digitalMiner.inverse=反転モード
#gui.digitalMiner.missingBlock=Missing block gui.digitalMiner.requireReplace=置き換えの強制
//Recipe names //Recipe names
#recipe.mekanismShaped=Shaped recipe.mekanismShaped=Shaped
//Security types
//Item and block tooltip text //Item and block tooltip text
tooltip.configurator.configurate=コンフィギュレーター tooltip.configurator.configurate=コンフィギュレーター
tooltip.configurator.empty=空 tooltip.configurator.empty=空
tooltip.configurator.rotate=回転 tooltip.configurator.rotate=回転
tooltip.configurator.wrench=レンチ tooltip.configurator.wrench=レンチ
#tooltip.configurator.pumpReset=Reset Electric Pump calculation tooltip.configurator.pumpReset=Reset Electric Pump calculation
#tooltip.configurator.toggleDiverter=Diverter mode changed to tooltip.configurator.toggleDiverter=Diverter mode changed to
#tooltip.configurator.toggleMode=%s behavior bumped to tooltip.configurator.toggleMode=%s behavior bumped to
#tooltip.configurator.viewMode=Current %s behavior tooltip.configurator.viewMode=Current %s behavior
#tooltip.configurator.unauth=This chest is locked tooltip.configurator.noLink=No link
#tooltip.configurator.noLink=No link tooltip.configurator.linkMsg=Bound to
#tooltip.configurator.linkMsg=Bound to
tooltip.configurator.dim=ディメンション tooltip.configurator.dim=ディメンション
#tooltip.configurator.setLink=Set link to block tooltip.configurator.setLink=Set link to block
#tooltip.configurator.plenisherReset=Reset Fluidic Plenisher calculation tooltip.configurator.plenisherReset=Reset Fluidic Plenisher calculation
#tooltip.configurator.inductionPortMode=Toggled Induction Port transfer mode to tooltip.configurator.inductionPortMode=Toggled Induction Port transfer mode to
#tooltip.configurator.toggleColor=Color bumped to tooltip.configurator.toggleColor=Color bumped to
#tooltip.configurator.viewColor=Current color tooltip.configurator.viewColor=Current color
tooltip.upgrade.speed=スピード tooltip.upgrade.speed=スピード
tooltip.upgrade.energy=エネルギー tooltip.upgrade.energy=エネルギー
tooltip.inventory=インベントリ tooltip.inventory=インベントリ
tooltip.storedEnergy=蓄積エネルギー tooltip.storedEnergy=蓄電量
tooltip.auth=認証済み tooltip.auth=認証済み
tooltip.locked=ロック済み tooltip.locked=ロック済み
tooltip.recipeType=レシピタイプ tooltip.recipeType=レシピタイプ
tooltip.hold=ホールド tooltip.hold=押下§7:
tooltip.forDesc=説明 tooltip.forDesc=説明
tooltip.forDetails=詳細 tooltip.forDetails=詳細
tooltip.fireMode=ファイヤーモード tooltip.fireMode=ファイヤーモード
tooltip.capacity=容量 tooltip.capacity=容量
tooltip.pumpRate=ポンプ速度 tooltip.pumpRate=転送速度
tooltip.items=アイテム tooltip.items=アイテム
tooltip.blocks=ブロック tooltip.blocks=ブロック
tooltip.universal=ユニバーサル tooltip.universal=ユニバーサル
tooltip.fluids=流体 tooltip.fluids=流体
tooltip.gasses=ガス tooltip.gasses=ガス
tooltip.capableTrans=転送可能 tooltip.capableTrans=転送可能
tooltip.restrictiveDesc=他のパスが可能な場合にのみ使用します tooltip.restrictiveDesc=他の可能なパスが存在しない時に限り通します。
tooltip.diversionDesc=レッドストーンで制御可能 tooltip.diversionDesc=レッドストーン信号で制御可能
tooltip.noGas=ガスは保存されていません tooltip.noGas=ガスは保存されていません
tooltip.stored=保存済み tooltip.stored=保存ガス
tooltip.channel=チャンネル tooltip.channel=チャンネル
tooltip.mode=モード tooltip.mode=モード
tooltip.efficiency=効率 tooltip.efficiency=効率
@ -672,13 +735,20 @@ tooltip.blockData=ブロックデータ
tooltip.block=ブロック tooltip.block=ブロック
tooltip.meta=メタデータ tooltip.meta=メタデータ
tooltip.tile=タイル tooltip.tile=タイル
#tooltip.keysFound=Key(s) found tooltip.keysFound=Key(s) found
#tooltip.noKey=No key tooltip.noKey=No key
#tooltip.hp=HP tooltip.hp=HP
#tooltip.configureState=Configure State tooltip.configureState=コンフィグの設定
#tooltip.outputRate=Output Rate tooltip.outputRate=出力量
#tooltip.insufficientFuel=Insufficient Fuel tooltip.insufficientFuel=Insufficient Fuel
#tooltip.readyForReaction=Ready for Reaction tooltip.readyForReaction=Ready for Reaction
tooltip.itemAmount=Item amount
tooltip.portableTank.bucketMode=バケツモード tooltip.portableTank.bucketMode=バケツモード
@ -688,95 +758,127 @@ tooltip.disassembler.fast=早い
tooltip.disassembler.vein=鉱脈 tooltip.disassembler.vein=鉱脈
tooltip.disassembler.off=オフ tooltip.disassembler.off=オフ
#tooltip.filterCard.got=Retrieved filter data from %s tooltip.balloon=風船
#tooltip.filterCard.set=Injected filter data of type %s
#tooltip.filterCard.unequal=Unequal filter data formats
#tooltip.filterCard.logisticalSorter=Logistical Sorter
#tooltip.filterCard.digitalMiner=Digital Miner
#tooltip.balloon=Balloon tooltip.jetpack.regular=通常
tooltip.jetpack.hover=ホバー tooltip.jetpack.hover=ホバー
tooltip.jetpack.disabled=無効 tooltip.jetpack.disabled=無効
#tooltip.seismicReader.needsEnergy=Not enough energy to interpret vibration tooltip.flamethrower.combat=実戦
#tooltip.seismicReader.noVibrations=Unable to discover any vibrations tooltip.flamethrower.heat=加熱
#tooltip.EnrichmentChamber=A simple machine used to enrich ores into !ntwo of their dust counterparts, as well as !nperform many other operations. tooltip.seismicReader.needsEnergy=Not enough energy to interpret vibration
#tooltip.OsmiumCompressor=A fairly advanced machine used to compress !nosmium into various dusts in order to create !ntheir ingot counterparts. tooltip.seismicReader.noVibrations=Unable to discover any vibrations
#tooltip.Combiner=A machine used to combine dusts and cobblestone !nto form their ore counterparts.
#tooltip.Crusher=A machine used to crush ingots into their dust counterparts, !nas well as perform many other operations.
#tooltip.DigitalMiner=A highly-advanced, filter-based, auto-miner !nthat can mine whatever block you tell it to !nwithin a 32 block (max) radius.
#tooltip.BasicFactory=The lowest tier of the line of Factories, !nwhich can be used to process multiple !nmachine operations at once.
#tooltip.AdvancedFactory=The middle tier of the line of Factories, !nwhich can be used to process multiple !nmachine operations at once.
#tooltip.EliteFactory=The highest tier of the line of Factories, !nwhich can be used to process multiple !nmachine operations at once.
#tooltip.MetallurgicInfuser=A machine used to infuse various materials !ninto (generally) metals to create metal alloys !nand other compounds.
#tooltip.PurificationChamber=An advanced machine capable of processing !nores into three clumps, serving as the initial !nstage of 300% ore processing.
#tooltip.EnergizedSmelter=A simple machine that serves as a Mekanism-based !nfurnace that runs off of energy.
#tooltip.Teleporter=A machine capable of teleporting players to various !nlocations defined by another teleporter.
#tooltip.ElectricPump=An advanced pump capable of pumping !nout an entire lava lake.
#tooltip.ElectricChest=A portable, 54-slot chest that uses energy to lock !nitself from others by means of password protection.
#tooltip.Chargepad=A universal chargepad that can charge !nany energized item from any mod.
#tooltip.LogisticalSorter=A filter-based, advanced sorting machine that !ncan auto-eject specified items out of and into !nadjacent inventories and Logistical Transporters.
#tooltip.RotaryCondensentrator=A machine capable of converting gasses into !ntheir fluid form and vice versa.
#tooltip.ChemicalInjectionChamber=An elite machine capable of processing !nores into four shards, serving as the initial !nstage of 400% ore processing.
#tooltip.ElectrolyticSeparator=A machine that uses the process of !nelectrolysis to split apart a certain !ngas into two different gasses.
#tooltip.PrecisionSawmill=A machine used to process logs and other !nwood-based items more efficiently, as well !nas to obtain sawdust.
#tooltip.ChemicalDissolutionChamber=An ultimate machine used to chemically !ndissolve all impurities of an ore, !nleaving an unprocessed slurry behind.
#tooltip.ChemicalWasher=An ultimate machine that cleans unprocessed !nslurry and prepares it for crystallization.
#tooltip.ChemicalCrystallizer=An ultimate machine used to crystallize !npurified ore slurry into ore crystals.
#tooltip.ChemicalOxidizer=A machine capable of oxidizing !nsolid materials into gas phase.
#tooltip.ChemicalInfuser=A machine that produces a new !ngas by infusing two others.
#tooltip.SeismicVibrator=A machine that uses seismic vibrations to !nprovide information on differing layers !nof the world.
#tooltip.PressurizedReactionChamber=An advanced machine that processes a !nsolid, liquid and gaseous mixture and !ncreates both a gaseous and solid product.
#tooltip.PortableTank=A handy, portable tank that lets you !ncarry 14 buckets of fluid wherever you !nplease. Also doubles as a bucket!
#tooltip.FluidicPlenisher=A machine that is capable of creating entire !nlakes by filling ravines with fluids.
#tooltip.Laser=An advanced form of linear energy!ntransfer that utilizes an extremely!ncollimated beam of light.
#tooltip.LaserAmplifier=A block that can be used to merge,!nredirect and amplify laser beams,!nwith fine controls over when to fire
#tooltip.LaserTractorBeam=A block used to merge and!nredirect laser beams. Collects!ndrops from blocks it has broken.
#tooltip.SolarNeutronActivator=A machine that directs the neutron radiation !nof the sun into its internal reservoir, allowing !nfor the slow creation of various isotopes.
#tooltip.Oredictionificator=A machine used to unify and translate between various items !nand blocks using the Ore Dictionary.
#tooltip.HeatGenerator=A generator that uses the heat of lava or !nother burnable resources to produce energy. tooltip.Bin=A block used to store large quantities of a single type of item.
#tooltip.SolarGenerator=A generator that uses the power !nof the sun to produce energy. tooltip.TeleporterFrame=The frame used to construct the Teleporter multiblock, allowing a portal to be generated within the structure.
#tooltip.GasGenerator=A generator that harnesses the molecular !nvarying gasses to produce energy. tooltip.SteelCasing=A sturdy, steel-based casing used as a foundation for machinery.
#tooltip.BioGenerator=A generator that burns organic materials of !nthe world to produce energy. tooltip.DynamicTank=The casing used in the Dynamic Tank multiblock, a structure capable of storing great amounts of fluid.
#tooltip.AdvancedSolarGenerator=An advanced generator that directly !nabsorbs the sun's rays with little loss !nto produce energy. tooltip.StructuralGlass=An advanced, reinforced material of glass that drops when broken and can be used in the structure of any applicable multiblock.
#tooltip.WindTurbine=A generator that uses the strength of the wind !nto produce energy, with greater efficiency !nat higher levels. tooltip.DynamicValve=A valve that can be placed on a Dynamic Tank multiblock, allowing for fluids to be inserted and extracted via external piping.
tooltip.ThermalEvaporationController=The controller for a Thermal Evaporation Plant, acting as the master block of the structure. Only one of these should be placed on a multiblock.
tooltip.ThermalEvaporationValve=A valve that can be placed on a Thermal Evaporation Plant multiblock, allowing for fluids to be inserted and extracted via external piping.
tooltip.ThermalEvaporationBlock=A copper-alloyed casing used in the structure of a Thermal Evaporation Plant, using its advanced material to conduct the great amounts of heat necessary for processing.
tooltip.InductionCasing=A type of energy-resistant casing used in the creation of an Energized Induction Matrix multiblock.
tooltip.InductionPort=A port that can be placed on an Energized Induction Matrix multiblock, allowing for energy to be inserted from and output to external cabling.
tooltip.InductionCell=A highly conductive energy capacitor capable of storing massive amounts of energy in a single block. Housed in an Energized Induction Matrix to expand the multiblock's energy storage.
tooltip.InductionProvider=An advanced complex of coolant systems, conductors and transformers capable of expanding the Energized Induction Matrix's maximum rate of energy transfer.
tooltip.SuperheatingElement=A modular, somewhat dangerous radiator that is capable of emitting massive amounts of heat to its surroundings.
tooltip.PressureDisperser=A block used disperse steam throughout a multiblock structure. These should form a gapless, horizontal plane in order to properly control steam flow.
tooltip.BoilerCasing=A pressure-resistant, dense casing used in the creation of a Thermoelectric Boiler multiblock.
tooltip.BoilerValve=A valve that can be placed on a Thermoelectric Boiler multiblock, allowing for the insertion of energy and water along with the extraction of produced steam.
tooltip.SecurityDesk=A central control hub for managing the security of all your owned machinery.
#tooltip.ReactorGlass=Reinforced glass that can be used in !nthe Fusion Reactor multiblock. tooltip.EnrichmentChamber=A simple machine used to enrich ores into !ntwo of their dust counterparts, as well as !nperform many other operations.
#tooltip.ReactorLaserFocusMatrix=A panel of Reactor Glass that !nis capable of absorbing optical energy and !nthereby heating up the Fusion Reactor. tooltip.OsmiumCompressor=A fairly advanced machine used to compress !nosmium into various dusts in order to create !ntheir ingot counterparts.
#tooltip.ReactorController=The controlling block for the entire !nFusion Reactor structure. tooltip.Combiner=A machine used to combine dusts and cobblestone !nto form their ore counterparts.
#tooltip.ReactorFrame=Reinforced framing that can be used in !nthe Fusion Reactor multiblock. tooltip.Crusher=A machine used to crush ingots into their dust counterparts, !nas well as perform many other operations.
#tooltip.ReactorNeutronCapturePlate=A block that can be used to !nboth block Fusion Reactor radiation and assist !nin the production of Tritium. tooltip.DigitalMiner=A highly-advanced, filter-based, auto-miner !nthat can mine whatever block you tell it to !nwithin a 32 block (max) radius.
#tooltip.ReactorPort=A block of reinforced framing that is capable !nof managing both the gas and energy transfer !nof the Fusion Reactor. tooltip.MetallurgicInfuser=A machine used to infuse various materials !ninto (generally) metals to create metal alloys !nand other compounds.
tooltip.PurificationChamber=An advanced machine capable of processing !nores into three clumps, serving as the initial !nstage of 300% ore processing.
tooltip.EnergizedSmelter=A simple machine that serves as a Mekanism-based !nfurnace that runs off of energy.
tooltip.Teleporter=A machine capable of teleporting players to various !nlocations defined by another teleporter.
tooltip.ElectricPump=An advanced pump capable of pumping !nout an entire lava lake.
tooltip.PersonalChest=A 54-slot chest that can be opened anywhere- even from your own inventory.
tooltip.Chargepad=A universal chargepad that can charge !nany energized item from any mod.
tooltip.LogisticalSorter=A filter-based, advanced sorting machine that !ncan auto-eject specified items out of and into !nadjacent inventories and Logistical Transporters.
tooltip.RotaryCondensentrator=A machine capable of converting gasses into !ntheir fluid form and vice versa.
tooltip.ChemicalInjectionChamber=An elite machine capable of processing !nores into four shards, serving as the initial !nstage of 400% ore processing.
tooltip.ElectrolyticSeparator=A machine that uses the process of !nelectrolysis to split apart a certain !ngas into two different gasses.
tooltip.PrecisionSawmill=A machine used to process logs and other !nwood-based items more efficiently, as well !nas to obtain sawdust.
tooltip.ChemicalDissolutionChamber=An ultimate machine used to chemically !ndissolve all impurities of an ore, !nleaving an unprocessed slurry behind.
tooltip.ChemicalWasher=An ultimate machine that cleans unprocessed !nslurry and prepares it for crystallization.
tooltip.ChemicalCrystallizer=An ultimate machine used to crystallize !npurified ore slurry into ore crystals.
tooltip.ChemicalOxidizer=A machine capable of oxidizing !nsolid materials into gas phase.
tooltip.ChemicalInfuser=A machine that produces a new !ngas by infusing two others.
tooltip.SeismicVibrator=A machine that uses seismic vibrations to !nprovide information on differing layers !nof the world.
tooltip.PressurizedReactionChamber=An advanced machine that processes a !nsolid, liquid and gaseous mixture and !ncreates both a gaseous and solid product.
tooltip.PortableTank=A handy, portable tank that lets you !ncarry 14 buckets of fluid wherever you !nplease. Also doubles as a bucket!
tooltip.FluidicPlenisher=A machine that is capable of creating entire !nlakes by filling ravines with fluids.
tooltip.Laser=An advanced form of linear energy!ntransfer that utilizes an extremely!ncollimated beam of light.
tooltip.LaserAmplifier=A block that can be used to merge,!nredirect and amplify laser beams,!nwith fine controls over when to fire
tooltip.LaserTractorBeam=A block used to merge and!nredirect laser beams. Collects!ndrops from blocks it has broken.
tooltip.SolarNeutronActivator=A machine that directs the neutron radiation !nof the sun into its internal reservoir, allowing !nfor the slow creation of various isotopes.
tooltip.Oredictionificator=A machine used to unify and translate between various items !nand blocks using the Ore Dictionary.
tooltip.Factory=A machine that serves as an upgrade to regular machinery, allowing for multiple processing operations to occur at once.
tooltip.ResistiveHeater=A condensed, coiled resistor capable of converting electrical energy directly into heat energy.
tooltip.FormulaicAssemblicator=A machine that uses energy to rapidly craft items and blocks from Crafting Formulas. Doubles as an advanced crafting bench.
tooltip.FuelwoodHeater=A machine that is capable of producing large quantities of heat energy by burning combustible items.
#tooltip.OsmiumOre=A strong mineral that can be found !nat nearly any height in the world. !nIt is known to have many uses in !nthe construction of machinery. tooltip.HeatGenerator=A generator that uses the heat of lava or !nother burnable resources to produce energy.
#tooltip.CopperOre=A common, conductive material that !ncan be used in the production of !nwires. Its ability to withstand !nhigh heats also makes it essential !nto advanced machinery. tooltip.SolarGenerator=A generator that uses the power !nof the sun to produce energy.
#tooltip.TinOre=A lightweight, yet sturdy, conductive !nmaterial that is found slightly less !ncommonly than Copper. tooltip.GasGenerator=A generator that harnesses the molecular !nvarying gasses to produce energy.
tooltip.BioGenerator=A generator that burns organic materials of !nthe world to produce energy.
tooltip.AdvancedSolarGenerator=An advanced generator that directly !nabsorbs the sun's rays with little loss !nto produce energy.
tooltip.WindTurbine=A generator that uses the strength of the wind !nto produce energy, with greater efficiency !nat higher levels.
tooltip.TurbineRotor=The steel rod that is used to house Turbine Blades within an Industrial Turbine.
tooltip.RotationalComplex=A connector that is placed on the highest Turbine Rotor of an Industrial Turbine to carry kinetic energy into its Electromagnetic Coils.
tooltip.ElectromagneticCoil=A block that converts kinetic energy from a Rotational Complex into useable electricity. These can be placed in any arrangement above your Rotational Complex, as long as they are all touching each other and the complex itself.
tooltip.TurbineCasing=Pressure-resistant casing used in the creation of an Industrial Turbine.
tooltip.TurbineValve=A type of Turbine Casing that includes a port for the transfer of energy and steam.
tooltip.TurbineVent=A type of Turbine Casing with an integrated vent for the release of steam. These should be placed on the level of or above the turbine's Rotational Complex.
tooltip.ReactorGlass=Reinforced glass that can be used in !nthe Fusion Reactor multiblock.
tooltip.ReactorLaserFocusMatrix=A panel of Reactor Glass that !nis capable of absorbing optical energy and !nthereby heating up the Fusion Reactor.
tooltip.ReactorController=The controlling block for the entire !nFusion Reactor structure.
tooltip.ReactorFrame=Reinforced framing that can be used in !nthe Fusion Reactor multiblock.
tooltip.ReactorNeutronCapturePlate=A block that can be used to !nboth block Fusion Reactor radiation and assist !nin the production of Tritium.
tooltip.ReactorPort=A block of reinforced framing that is capable !nof managing both the gas and energy transfer !nof the Fusion Reactor.
tooltip.ReactorLogicAdapter=A block that can be used to allow basic monitoring of a reactor using redstone.
tooltip.OsmiumOre=A strong mineral that can be found !nat nearly any height in the world. !nIt is known to have many uses in !nthe construction of machinery.
tooltip.CopperOre=A common, conductive material that !ncan be used in the production of !nwires. Its ability to withstand !nhigh heats also makes it essential !nto advanced machinery.
tooltip.TinOre=A lightweight, yet sturdy, conductive !nmaterial that is found slightly less !ncommonly than Copper.
//Side data //Side data
#sideData.None=None sideData.None=なし
#sideData.Input=Input sideData.Input=インプット
#sideData.Output=Output sideData.Output=アウトプット
#sideData.Energy=Energy sideData.Energy=エネルギー
#sideData.Gas=Gas sideData.Gas=ガス
#sideData.Extra=Extra sideData.Extra=その他
#sideData.Infuse=Infuse sideData.Infuse=Infuse
#sideData.Fluid=Fluid sideData.Fluid=液体
//Redstone control //Redstone control
control.disabled=無効 control.disabled=無効
#control.high=High control.high=High
#control.low=Low control.low=Low
#control.pulse=Pulse control.pulse=Pulse
#control.disabled.desc= control.disabled.desc=
#control.high.desc=Active with signal control.high.desc=Active with signal
#control.low.desc=Active without signal control.low.desc=Active without signal
#control.pulse.desc=Only active upon first receiving signal control.pulse.desc=Only active upon first receiving signal
//Container edit modes //Container edit modes
fluidedit.both=両方 fluidedit.both=両方
@ -784,44 +886,54 @@ fluidedit.fill=埋める
fluidedit.empty=空 fluidedit.empty=空
//Colors //Colors
#color.black=Black color.black=黒色
#color.darkBlue=Dark Blue color.darkBlue=暗い青色
#color.darkGreen=Dark Green color.darkGreen=暗い緑色
#color.darkAqua=Dark Aqua color.darkAqua=暗い水色
#color.darkRed=Dark Red color.darkRed=暗い赤色
#color.purple=Purple color.purple=紫色
#color.orange=Orange color.orange=橙色
#color.grey=Grey color.grey=薄灰色
#color.darkGrey=Dark Grey color.darkGrey=灰色
#color.indigo=Indigo color.indigo=藍色
#color.brightGreen=Bright Green color.brightGreen=黄緑色
#color.aqua=Aqua color.aqua=水色
#color.red=Red color.red=赤
#color.pink=Pink color.pink=ピンク
#color.yellow=Yellow color.yellow=黄色
#color.white=White color.white=白
#color.brown=Brown color.brown=茶色
#color.brightPink=Bright Pink color.brightPink=明るいピンク
//Dyes //Dyes
#dye.black=Black dye.black=黒色
#dye.darkBlue=Blue dye.darkBlue=青色
#dye.brown=Brown dye.brown=茶色
#dye.darkGreen=Green dye.darkGreen=緑色
#dye.darkAqua=Cyan dye.darkAqua=暗い水色
#dye.darkRed=Dark Red dye.darkRed=暗い赤色
#dye.purple=Purple dye.purple=紫色
#dye.orange=Orange dye.orange=橙色
#dye.grey=Light Grey dye.grey=薄灰色
#dye.darkGrey=Grey dye.darkGrey=灰色
#dye.indigo=Light Blue dye.indigo=空色
#dye.brightGreen=Lime dye.brightGreen=黄緑色
#dye.aqua=Aqua dye.aqua=水色
#dye.red=Red dye.red=赤色
#dye.brightPink=Pink dye.brightPink=ピンク
#dye.pink=Magenta dye.pink=赤紫色
#dye.yellow=Yellow dye.yellow=黄色
#dye.white=White dye.white=白色
//Reactor Logic modes
reactor.capacity=Heat Capacity Met
reactor.capacity.desc=The reactor's core heat capacity has been met
reactor.depleted=Insufficient Fuel
reactor.depleted.desc=The reactor has insufficient fuel to sustain a reaction
//Creative tab //Creative tab
itemGroup.tabMekanism=Mekanism itemGroup.tabMekanism=Mekanism
@ -875,8 +987,8 @@ gui.minInject=最低誘導レート
gui.ignition=最低点火温度 gui.ignition=最低点火温度
gui.maxPlasma=最高プラズマ温度 gui.maxPlasma=最高プラズマ温度
gui.maxCasing=最高炉内温度 gui.maxCasing=最高炉内温度
#gui.passiveGeneration=Passive Generation gui.passiveGeneration=熱平衡状態時の発電量
#gui.steamProduction=Steam Production gui.steamProduction=蒸気の生成量
//*****// //*****//
@ -963,11 +1075,11 @@ item.SteelHoe.name=鋼鉄のクワ
item.SteelSword.name=鋼鉄の剣 item.SteelSword.name=鋼鉄の剣
//Config Gui //Config Gui
#mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.general=General mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.general=General
#mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.armor=Armor Balance mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.armor=Armor Balance
#mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.tools=Tools Balance mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.tools=Tools Balance
//Config Tooltips //Config Tooltips
#mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.general.tooltip=Settings regarding MekanismTools' general configuration mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.general.tooltip=Settings regarding MekanismTools' general configuration
#mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.armor.tooltip=Settings regarding the protection values and balance of MekanismTools armor sets mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.armor.tooltip=Settings regarding the protection values and balance of MekanismTools armor sets
#mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.tools.tooltip=Settings regarding the efficiency values and balance of MekanismTools tool sets mekanism.configgui.ctgy.tools.tools.tooltip=Settings regarding the efficiency values and balance of MekanismTools tool sets