corrected sink item stack lose plus fixed potion to have a volume of 250
when used with my machines. Will take this a step better later to fix it
for all mods installed with my mod to correct the volume diffrence.
version bump just due to api changes.
Also i made a fix for the sink but have yet to test it should work since
its exactly the same as the cauldran but with meta turned into
liquidstack volume
Since oilcraft died and it was going to provid Oil/Fuel support i will
now be adding that to this mod. Other features like burning the fules
for energy will be added to steampower on a later date.
*reoginized api, will do some more of this later to make things easier
*added finite still and flowing liquid prefab class to the api folder
*added: oil, still ahve to add it in game
*added: milk, still have to add it in game
forgot to remove a debug message for placement of meta for the pump
*Added: wrench rotation support for sink
*Added: wrench rotation support for pump
*Fixed: pump delay and reduce its time
*Set a new model for the water pump
*removed other liquid types from the pump, will change this back later
*removed the pumps liquid storage ablity, it will now directly pump
water to a container behind it
*changed wire connection to two side
*changed pipe connections to one side
*fixed infinite water glitch were you could pump a flowing block
*corrected pipes connection issue with generic tanks
*corrected liquid lose when tank would try to create flow in pipes on
top or bottom side depending on liquid type.
*corrected the release valve crafting receipe
Last few release due to my fail to bug check to most simple of things
the pipe nothing would function. Turns out that i fliped the checks on
the fill liquid method.
Also fixed more issues with crafting recipes, i really need someone to
sit and bug test my mods for me. It always seem i'm too focused on the
current part to check the rest for failures.
took me all week too get the name to work for the lang file but now
there done. Still not sure why they didn't work, most likely i should
find out but meh. Also:
*Added a way to ID Milk if someone adds it to minecraft as a liquid
block, might make it into a block later if not don by LiQuid.
*Change: ColorCode and LiquidHandler method to work a little better so i
don't have to manual change each liquid that is added to the LiquidData
Model is not fully done since i want to get the valve to set on diffrent
faces when the top is in use. Also want it to rotate a bit when powered
by redstone.
Also worked on connectionHelper and switch a few of the itemRenders to
an actual itemRenderHelper so they look nice in the inventory and in the
players hand.
Moved some stuff around, and made LiquidHandler able to be used in the
api folder to help other people work with this mod. The api is not
actual needed to work with this mod but it contains helpers to make life
Also added a method to LiquidHandler to get the name of a LiquidStack
which for some reason can't be directly gotten from the liquidStack
itself. Too get it i had to iterate over the hashMap used to store
liquids. If the LiquidStack is linked to a LiquidData it will use the
LiquidData name first.
Also removed PipeInstance since its not actual needed anymore now that
PipeColor is directly linked the pipe as well as the PipeBlock metadata.
I'm getting closer to making this mod more universal for all liquids.
Right now after a bit of coding i can say i have:
*Fixed Pipes
*Fixed Tanks
*Removed Mengenta as a color(no need for another simi red/pinkish color)
*Create a IColor interface for future use with other color selective
*Created a object feed version of get for PipeColor so you can use
numbers, Strings, or LiquidData to ID a color. Useful for
setColor(Object obj)
*Worked on some textures however i need to either make a better model
for tanks or find a texture artist for help
*Found the tank model files so they can be edited
Issues still to be worked on
*Lang file, still item names are not working
*Release Valve
*Pipe Changer tool, not sure if i should use a GUI with the tool or have
15 color brushs. The ladder seems wasteful
*Block, and bucket for Waste Liquid
*Textures need some help, especial Tanks so i can add the rest of the
colored version to the creative menu
*Crafting for all Pipes, Tanks, and items need redone or added for the
new system
*Pumps needs reworked to have a diffrent version for lava,water, and
large area pumping. Small version for filling system, large for draining
source pools for constuction. Lava pump will fall under large. Might add
an oil pump, or create one for oil craft using the same design.
*Tanks still need to be tested and fixed to create pressure for Pipes if
side == down and liquid || side == up and gas
*LiquidHandler needs worked on to pre catch and add liquids to the
allowed List similar to how e methain, oil, fuel are register.
*added Name to the color Enum
*added a new liquid call Waste liquid
*added effect for mixing liquids in pipes
*lava+water = obby
*other+other=waste liquid
*Improve pipe render and create 14 new pipe textures
*Improved Tank render and creates some new textures
*Fixed lang file for all Blocks, items still don't work
*Fixed save issue using Compent Tags to save liquids
*Fixed Universal Pipe working with pumps
*Removed: Some crafting recipes plus fixed others
*Removed: Item version of pipe,tank, though a similar version is used
just for naming as a BlockItem
*Bug: Tanks don't work at all
Still working on moving everything over to my new system. So far i've
got it mostly done for the tank and pipe though i have no way to test
them yet.
I would list the change but meh its break time, i'm tired and the code
says everything
Things that are still broken
*Lang file
*release Valve
*Some crafting
Still working on converting to a more universal liquid system.
*Added a enum to tack colors without having to use strings or #s
*Fixed LiquidData to not need to feed a LiquidData to get vars of itself
*Started Converting Pipes to new system. They will use metadata now to
select colors, this will remove any need to use packets.
*Created a Update Converter so that older version pipe/tank/etc will be
converted to the new system automaticly
Issues with push
*Just about everything is broken at the moment just backing code up
Starting down the long road of making my mod even more compatable with
other mod's liquids. This will take some time, patience, and pain
Plan of action
*Release Valve will not store any liquids but rather direction output to
pipes from other TileEntities
*Release Valve will have a gui to restrict it to outputing one or more
types of Liquids that are predefined
*Pipes will go from being fully liquid restricted to color based(0-15)
and have a universal uncolor pipe that can accept all liquids
*Once a pipe is place a tool can be used to change its color just like
in other mods.
*Some colors will be restricted to select liquids for example Blue is
water, Red is Lava, Black is oil, Yellow Fuel, White Milk,
*Steam will have its own pipe made out of bronze to fit the machines it
goes too.
*Tanks will go in the same direction
*Pumps will still be liquid restricted but come with unique textures,
models, and animation per liquid type
Current issues to resolve that are broken with push
*Release valve doesn't work at all due to changes in progress
*back compatable must be added for pipes and old release valves
Can't find the pump model but that doesn't mater its getting redone.
LargePipe is the current pipe model
Pipe is the old crappy one
EValve was a rough idea for a model for the release valve
Generator is the current, old one is missing
What i have is not much diffrent but its a start to allowing more liquid
types without having to add them myself. The current method has 3
defualt liquids that are preset. The new system also uses String names
to ID liquid instead of Enums. A new class Called LiquidData will keep
track of the data need to ID, and use the Liquids.
In the process i also fixed a few crafting recipes that were
removed/messed up in a patch a while back.
Plan for new system
*Have default liquid type that come with textures/renders
*Have several univeral pipes that can accept all Liquid types
*Have a way of placeing a universal pipe and then converting to a
regulated pipe, pipe that only take one liquid type
*Have a tool for doing the above
*Change the release Valve to be univeral with a GUI to restrict flow and
Liquid type extracted
Though it was the release valve but it turns out the Storage tanks
needed coding to drain themselves after giving the release valve the
liquid ammount present.
Other than that the rest of the changes are just renaming from past push
Added: Item Render for Pipe
Added: Item Render for Tank
Changed: Improve motor model
Changed: Tank vol to use global var
Disabled: Motor rotation( tempary)
Fixed: Pick Block for all blocks except pipe which picks to steam pipe
etc etc normal cleanup and derps
Nothing really change for updating to 1.4.5 to 1.4.6 only had to fix 3
errors related to UE Vector3. However i did correct a config file bug as
well as fix pump wire connect to work better.
Did some file changes to make finding things easier
Added: Custom creative tab
Changed: File root system, :p to many files
Changed: Tank liquid trade method to balance out instead of full trade
Changed: the packet update rate of the Tank to try to fix Render Lag
Fixed: Tank Render so Liquid levels can be seen
BugIgnorable: uneven levels of liquid will not show up on tank render
but are present
BugIgnorable: eValve names sometime glitch and call all instances Empty
TODO: Fix Textures, and add model for eValve
TODO: Finish One way valve
TODO: Finish OIL,STEAM,FUEL liquid/gas blocks
Fixed: the pipes having the same name as eValves
Fixed: Liquid tank trading system
Fixed: Tank being full and not filling next tank
Fixed: empty version of things showing up for Liquid type default
Added: eValve recipes
CleanedUP: Recipes, and convered most # to enum data to make things
easier to read
Everything is now converted to Forge Liquid API system. Everything also
works too some degree, but more bug testing is need.
Fixed: Issue with pump pumping none still sources
Fixed: Issue with EValve no getting powered on map load
ReAdded: StorageTank
etc etc minor cleanup, changes, stuff
fixed some issues with pipes but the main change is the addition of the
extractor valve(better name to come). This valve cause a machine to
start to output liqiud to basic Utilities pipes at a pressure so they
work. The Valve can also be turned off by redstone input to act as a
output control of storage tanks.
I've made a mess of changes since last upload. Main big change is change
in forge file formate that merged minecraft and common folder. The other
is the complete rewrite to Forge Liquid api. So far only the pump,
boiler, and pipe are converted to the new system. The pipe will actual
not fully work with most machines since it can't drain liquids out of
machines. In future update there will be a block to do this called a
pipe pump. Other than those changes nothing much is diffrent.