Added: Item Render for Pipe
Added: Item Render for Tank
Changed: Improve motor model
Changed: Tank vol to use global var
Disabled: Motor rotation( tempary)
Fixed: Pick Block for all blocks except pipe which picks to steam pipe
etc etc normal cleanup and derps
Nothing really change for updating to 1.4.5 to 1.4.6 only had to fix 3
errors related to UE Vector3. However i did correct a config file bug as
well as fix pump wire connect to work better.
Did some file changes to make finding things easier
Added: Custom creative tab
Changed: File root system, :p to many files
Changed: Tank liquid trade method to balance out instead of full trade
Changed: the packet update rate of the Tank to try to fix Render Lag
Fixed: Tank Render so Liquid levels can be seen
BugIgnorable: uneven levels of liquid will not show up on tank render
but are present
BugIgnorable: eValve names sometime glitch and call all instances Empty
TODO: Fix Textures, and add model for eValve
TODO: Finish One way valve
TODO: Finish OIL,STEAM,FUEL liquid/gas blocks
Fixed: the pipes having the same name as eValves
Fixed: Liquid tank trading system
Fixed: Tank being full and not filling next tank
Fixed: empty version of things showing up for Liquid type default
Added: eValve recipes
CleanedUP: Recipes, and convered most # to enum data to make things
easier to read
Everything is now converted to Forge Liquid API system. Everything also
works too some degree, but more bug testing is need.
Fixed: Issue with pump pumping none still sources
Fixed: Issue with EValve no getting powered on map load
ReAdded: StorageTank
etc etc minor cleanup, changes, stuff
Update to 1.4.5 as well forge's merged folder system
also a part update to using forge's liquid api, the
rest will be updated later after basic pipes is finished
and can be used as a jar to prevent import issues