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package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim;
2013-06-02 03:43:56 +02:00
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.DungeonSchematic;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.pack.DungeonPackConfig;
2013-06-13 21:44:11 +02:00
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.DungeonHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.dimHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.InvalidSchematicException;
public class SchematicLoader
private SchematicLoader() { }
public static boolean generateDungeonPocket(LinkData link, DDProperties properties)
if (link == null || properties == null)
2013-06-26 04:10:15 +02:00
return false;
String schematicPath;
int originDimID = link.locDimID;
int destDimID = link.destDimID;
HashMap<Integer, DimData> dimList = dimHelper.dimList;
DungeonHelper dungeonHelper = DungeonHelper.instance();
World world;
if (dimList.containsKey(destDimID))
dimList.get(destDimID).hasBeenFilled = true;
if (dimHelper.getWorld(destDimID) == null)
world = dimHelper.getWorld(destDimID);
if (dimList.get(destDimID).dungeonGenerator == null)
//TODO: We should centralize RNG initialization and world-seed modifiers for each specific application.
final long localSeed = world.getSeed() ^ 0x2F50DB9B4A8057E4L ^ calculateDestinationSeed(link);
final Random random = new Random(localSeed);
dungeonHelper.generateDungeonLink(link, dungeonHelper.getDimDungeonPack(originDimID), random);
schematicPath = dimList.get(destDimID).dungeonGenerator.schematicPath;
return false;
DungeonSchematic dungeon = checkSourceAndLoad(schematicPath);
boolean valid;
//Validate the dungeon's dimensions
if (hasValidDimensions(dungeon))
//Check that the dungeon has an entrance or we'll have a crash
if (dungeon.getEntranceDoorLocation() != null)
valid = true;
System.err.println("The following schematic file does not have an entrance: " + schematicPath);
valid = false;
System.err.println("The following schematic file has dimensions that exceed the maximum permitted dimensions for dungeons: " + schematicPath);
valid = false;
if (!valid)
//TODO: In the future, remove this dungeon from the generation lists altogether.
//That will have to wait until our code is updated to support that more easily.
System.err.println("The dungeon will not be loaded.");
DungeonGenerator defaultError = dungeonHelper.getDefaultErrorDungeon();
dimList.get(destDimID).dungeonGenerator = defaultError;
dungeon = checkSourceAndLoad(defaultError.schematicPath);
2013-06-30 06:24:44 +02:00
//Adjust the height at which the dungeon is placed to prevent vertical clipping
int fixedY = adjustDestinationY(world, link.destYCoord, dungeon);
if (fixedY != link.destYCoord)
dimHelper helperInstance = dimHelper.instance;
helperInstance.moveLinkDataDestination(link, link.destXCoord, fixedY, link.destZCoord, link.destDimID, true);
DungeonPackConfig packConfig = dungeonHelper.getDimDungeonPack(destDimID).getConfig();
dungeon.copyToWorld(world, new Point3D(link.destXCoord, link.destYCoord, link.destZCoord),
link.linkOrientation, originDimID, destDimID, packConfig.doDistortDoorCoordinates());
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
private static int adjustDestinationY(World world, int y, DungeonSchematic dungeon)
//The goal here is to guarantee that the dungeon fits within the vertical bounds
//of the world while shifting it as little as possible.
int destY = y;
//Is the top of the dungeon going to be at Y < worldHeight?
int entranceY = dungeon.getEntranceDoorLocation().getY();
int pocketTop = (dungeon.getHeight() - 1) + destY - entranceY;
int worldHeight = world.getHeight();
if (pocketTop >= worldHeight)
destY = (worldHeight - 1) - (dungeon.getHeight() - 1) + entranceY;
//Is the bottom of the dungeon at Y >= 0?
if (destY < entranceY)
destY = entranceY;
return destY;
private static boolean hasValidDimensions(DungeonSchematic dungeon)
return (dungeon.getWidth() <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH &&
dungeon.getHeight() <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_HEIGHT &&
dungeon.getLength() <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_LENGTH);
private static DungeonSchematic checkSourceAndLoad(String schematicPath) throws FileNotFoundException, InvalidSchematicException
//FIXME: Change this code once we introduce an isInternal flag in dungeon data
DungeonSchematic dungeon;
if ((new File(schematicPath)).exists())
dungeon = DungeonSchematic.readFromFile(schematicPath);
dungeon = DungeonSchematic.readFromResource(schematicPath);
return dungeon;
private static long calculateDestinationSeed(LinkData link)
//Time for some witchcraft.
//The code here is inspired by a discussion on Stack Overflow regarding hash codes for 3D.
//Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9858376/hashcode-for-3d-integer-coordinates-with-high-spatial-coherence
//Use 8 bits from Y and 16 bits from X and Z. Mix in 8 bits from the destination dim ID too - that means
//even if you aligned two doors perfectly between two pockets, it's unlikely they would lead to the same dungeon.
//We map bits in reverse order to produce more varied RNG output for nearly-identical points. The reason is
//that Java's Random outputs the 32 MSBs of its internal state to produce its output. If the differences
//between two seeds are small (i.e. in the LSBs), then they will tend to produce similar random outputs anyway!
//Only bother to assign the 48 least-significant bits since Random only takes those bits from its seed.
//NOTE: The casts to long are necessary to get the right results from the bit shifts!!!
int bit;
int index;
long hash;
final int w = link.destDimID;
final int x = link.destXCoord;
final int y = link.destYCoord;
final int z = link.destZCoord;
hash = 0;
index = 48;
for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
hash |= (long) ((w >> bit) & 1) << index;
hash |= (long) ((x >> bit) & 1) << index;
hash |= (long) ((y >> bit) & 1) << index;
hash |= (long) ((z >> bit) & 1) << index;
for (; bit < 16; bit++)
hash |= (long) ((x >> bit) & 1) << index;
hash |= (long) ((z >> bit) & 1) << index;
return hash;