Ignacio Roldán Etcheverry 50b603c7dc C#: Begin move to .NET Core
We're targeting .NET 5 for now to make development easier while
.NET 6 is not yet released.


Assembly unloading is not implemented yet. As such, many Godot
resources are leaked at exit. This will be re-implemented later
together with assembly hot-reloading.
2021-09-22 08:27:12 +02:00

94 lines
3.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Godot.Bridge;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
namespace Godot.NativeInterop
internal static class InteropUtils
public static Object UnmanagedGetManaged(IntPtr unmanaged)
// The native pointer may be null
if (unmanaged == IntPtr.Zero)
return null;
IntPtr gcHandlePtr;
godot_bool has_cs_script_instance = false.ToGodotBool();
// First try to get the tied managed instance from a CSharpInstance script instance
gcHandlePtr = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_internal_unmanaged_get_script_instance_managed(
unmanaged, &has_cs_script_instance);
if (gcHandlePtr != IntPtr.Zero)
return (Object)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gcHandlePtr).Target;
// Otherwise, if the object has a CSharpInstance script instance, return null
if (has_cs_script_instance.ToBool())
return null;
// If it doesn't have a CSharpInstance script instance, try with native instance bindings
gcHandlePtr = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_internal_unmanaged_get_instance_binding_managed(unmanaged);
object target = gcHandlePtr != IntPtr.Zero ? GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gcHandlePtr).Target : null;
if (target != null)
return (Object)target;
// If the native instance binding GC handle target was collected, create a new one
gcHandlePtr = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_internal_unmanaged_instance_binding_create_managed(
unmanaged, gcHandlePtr);
return gcHandlePtr != IntPtr.Zero ? (Object)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(gcHandlePtr).Target : null;
public static void TieManagedToUnmanaged(Object managed, IntPtr unmanaged,
StringName nativeName, bool refCounted, Type type, Type nativeType)
var gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(managed, refCounted ? GCHandleType.Weak : GCHandleType.Normal);
if (type == nativeType)
godot_string_name nativeNameAux = nativeName.NativeValue;
GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gcHandle), unmanaged, &nativeNameAux, refCounted.ToGodotBool());
IntPtr scriptPtr = NativeFuncs.godotsharp_internal_new_csharp_script();
ScriptManagerBridge.AddScriptBridgeWithType(scriptPtr, type);
// IMPORTANT: This must be called after AddScriptWithTypeBridge
GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gcHandle), unmanaged, scriptPtr, refCounted.ToGodotBool());
public static void TieManagedToUnmanagedWithPreSetup(Object managed, IntPtr unmanaged)
var strongGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(managed, GCHandleType.Normal);
GCHandle.ToIntPtr(strongGCHandle), unmanaged);
public static unsafe Object EngineGetSingleton(string name)
using godot_string src = Marshaling.mono_string_to_godot(name);
return UnmanagedGetManaged(NativeFuncs.godotsharp_engine_get_singleton(&src));