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package mekanism.common.tile;
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import java.util.ArrayList;
2013-12-01 06:03:40 +01:00
import mekanism.api.EnumColor;
import mekanism.api.gas.Gas;
import mekanism.api.gas.GasStack;
import mekanism.api.gas.GasTank;
import mekanism.api.gas.IGasHandler;
import mekanism.api.gas.ITubeConnection;
import mekanism.api.transmitters.TransmissionType;
import mekanism.common.MekanismBlocks;
import mekanism.common.MekanismItems;
import mekanism.common.SideData;
import mekanism.common.Tier.BaseTier;
import mekanism.common.Upgrade;
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
import mekanism.common.base.IFactory.RecipeType;
import mekanism.common.base.ITierUpgradeable;
import mekanism.common.recipe.RecipeHandler;
2014-09-05 19:32:54 +02:00
import mekanism.common.recipe.inputs.AdvancedMachineInput;
import mekanism.common.recipe.machines.AdvancedMachineRecipe;
import mekanism.common.recipe.outputs.ItemStackOutput;
2015-03-21 19:16:42 +01:00
import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentAdvancedUpgrade;
import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentConfig;
import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentEjector;
import mekanism.common.tile.component.TileComponentUpgrade;
import mekanism.common.util.ChargeUtils;
2013-12-16 05:01:36 +01:00
import mekanism.common.util.InventoryUtils;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils;
import mekanism.common.util.MekanismUtils.ResourceType;
import mekanism.common.util.StatUtils;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
public abstract class TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine<RECIPE extends AdvancedMachineRecipe<RECIPE>> extends TileEntityBasicMachine<AdvancedMachineInput, ItemStackOutput, RECIPE> implements IGasHandler, ITubeConnection, ITierUpgradeable
/** How much secondary energy (fuel) this machine uses per tick, not including upgrades. */
/** How much secondary energy this machine uses per tick, including upgrades. */
public double secondaryEnergyPerTick;
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
public int secondaryEnergyThisTick;
public static int MAX_GAS = 210;
2022-12-20 12:25:40 +01:00
public int maxGas;
public GasTank gasTank;
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
public Gas prevGas;
2022-12-20 12:25:40 +01:00
public TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine(String soundPath, String name, double perTick, int secondaryPerTick, int ticksRequired, double maxEnergy) {
this(soundPath, name, perTick, secondaryPerTick, ticksRequired, maxEnergy, MAX_GAS);
* Advanced Electric Machine -- a machine like this has a total of 4 slots. Input slot (0), fuel slot (1), output slot (2),
* energy slot (3), and the upgrade slot (4). The machine will not run if it does not have enough electricity, or if it doesn't have enough
* fuel ticks.
* @param soundPath - location of the sound effect
* @param name - full name of this machine
* @param perTick - how much energy this machine uses per tick.
* @param secondaryPerTick - how much secondary energy (fuel) this machine uses per tick.
* @param ticksRequired - how many ticks it takes to smelt an item.
* @param maxEnergy - maximum amount of energy this machine can hold.
2022-12-20 12:25:40 +01:00
public TileEntityAdvancedElectricMachine(String soundPath, String name, double perTick, int secondaryPerTick, int ticksRequired, double maxEnergy, int maxGas)
super(soundPath, name, MekanismUtils.getResource(ResourceType.GUI, "GuiAdvancedMachine.png"), perTick, ticksRequired, maxEnergy);
configComponent = new TileComponentConfig(this, TransmissionType.ITEM, TransmissionType.ENERGY);
2015-03-08 19:27:34 +01:00
configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData("None", EnumColor.GREY, InventoryUtils.EMPTY));
configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData("Input", EnumColor.DARK_RED, new int[] {0}));
configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData("Output", EnumColor.DARK_BLUE, new int[] {2}));
configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData("Energy", EnumColor.DARK_GREEN, new int[] {3}));
configComponent.addOutput(TransmissionType.ITEM, new SideData("Extra", EnumColor.PURPLE, new int[] {1}));
configComponent.setConfig(TransmissionType.ITEM, new byte[] {4, 1, 0, 3, 0, 2});
2022-12-20 12:25:40 +01:00
this.maxGas = maxGas;
gasTank = new GasTank(maxGas);
inventory = new ItemStack[5];
secondaryEnergyPerTick = secondaryPerTick;
2015-03-21 19:16:42 +01:00
upgradeComponent = upgradeableSecondaryEfficiency() ? new TileComponentAdvancedUpgrade(this, 4) : new TileComponentUpgrade(this, 4);
ejectorComponent = new TileComponentEjector(this);
ejectorComponent.setOutputData(TransmissionType.ITEM, configComponent.getOutputs(TransmissionType.ITEM).get(2));
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
public boolean upgrade(BaseTier upgradeTier)
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
if(upgradeTier != BaseTier.BASIC)
return false;
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
worldObj.setBlockToAir(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
worldObj.setBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, MekanismBlocks.MachineBlock, 5, 3);
TileEntityFactory factory = (TileEntityFactory)worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
RecipeType type = RecipeType.getFromMachine(getBlockType(), getBlockMetadata());
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
factory.facing = facing;
factory.clientFacing = clientFacing;
factory.ticker = ticker; = redstone;
factory.redstoneLastTick = redstoneLastTick;
factory.doAutoSync = doAutoSync;
factory.electricityStored = electricityStored;
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
factory.soundURL = soundURL;
factory.progress[0] = operatingTicks;
factory.updateDelay = updateDelay;
factory.isActive = isActive;
factory.clientActive = clientActive;
factory.controlType = controlType;
factory.prevEnergy = prevEnergy;
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
factory.ejectorComponent.setOutputData(TransmissionType.ITEM, factory.configComponent.getOutputs(TransmissionType.ITEM).get(2));
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
factory.recipeType = type;
2015-03-21 20:07:24 +01:00
factory.upgradeComponent.setSupported(Upgrade.GAS, type.fuelEnergyUpgrades());
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
for(TransmissionType transmission : configComponent.transmissions)
factory.configComponent.setConfig(transmission, configComponent.getConfig(transmission));
factory.configComponent.setEjecting(transmission, configComponent.isEjecting(transmission));
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
//Advanced Machine
factory.inventory[5] = inventory[0];
factory.inventory[4] = inventory[1];
factory.inventory[5+3] = inventory[2];
factory.inventory[1] = inventory[3];
factory.inventory[0] = inventory[4];
for(Upgrade upgrade : factory.upgradeComponent.getSupportedTypes())
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
factory.upgraded = true;
return true;
2015-03-05 14:24:00 +01:00
* Gets the amount of ticks the declared itemstack can fuel this machine.
* @param itemstack - itemstack to check with
* @return fuel ticks
public abstract GasStack getItemGas(ItemStack itemstack);
public abstract boolean isValidGas(Gas gas);
public void onUpdate()
ChargeUtils.discharge(3, this);
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
boolean inactive = false;
RECIPE recipe = getRecipe();
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
secondaryEnergyThisTick = useStatisticalMechanics() ? StatUtils.inversePoisson(secondaryEnergyPerTick) : (int)Math.ceil(secondaryEnergyPerTick);
if(canOperate(recipe) && MekanismUtils.canFunction(this) && getEnergy() >= energyPerTick && gasTank.getStored() >= secondaryEnergyThisTick)
if(operatingTicks >= ticksRequired)
operatingTicks = 0;
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
gasTank.draw(secondaryEnergyThisTick, true);
electricityStored -= energyPerTick;
else {
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
inactive = true;
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
if(inactive && getRecipe() == null)
operatingTicks = 0;
prevEnergy = getEnergy();
2015-04-10 14:34:02 +02:00
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
if(!(gasTank.getGasType() == null || gasTank.getStored() == 0))
prevGas = gasTank.getGasType();
public void handleSecondaryFuel()
if(inventory[1] != null && gasTank.getNeeded() > 0)
GasStack stack = getItemGas(inventory[1]);
int gasNeeded = gasTank.getNeeded();
if(stack != null && gasTank.canReceive(stack.getGas()) && gasNeeded >= stack.amount)
gasTank.receive(stack, true);
if(inventory[1].stackSize == 0)
inventory[1] = null;
public boolean upgradeableSecondaryEfficiency()
return false;
public boolean useStatisticalMechanics()
return false;
2013-07-20 18:10:14 +02:00
public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int slotID, ItemStack itemstack)
if(slotID == 2)
return false;
else if(slotID == 4)
return itemstack.getItem() == MekanismItems.SpeedUpgrade || itemstack.getItem() == MekanismItems.EnergyUpgrade;
else if(slotID == 0)
for(AdvancedMachineInput input : getRecipes().keySet())
2015-06-05 15:56:21 +02:00
return true;
else if(slotID == 3)
return ChargeUtils.canBeDischarged(itemstack);
else if(slotID == 1)
return getItemGas(itemstack) != null;
return false;
public AdvancedMachineInput getInput()
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
return new AdvancedMachineInput(inventory[0], prevGas);
public RECIPE getRecipe()
AdvancedMachineInput input = getInput();
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
if(cachedRecipe == null || !input.testEquality(cachedRecipe.getInput()))
cachedRecipe = RecipeHandler.getRecipe(input, getRecipes());
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
return cachedRecipe;
public void operate(RECIPE recipe)
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
recipe.operate(inventory, 0, 2, gasTank, secondaryEnergyThisTick);
public boolean canOperate(RECIPE recipe)
2015-03-21 18:21:02 +01:00
return recipe != null && recipe.canOperate(inventory, 0, 2, gasTank, secondaryEnergyThisTick);
v5 Beta #9 *Bumped animation textures to 32x32. *Added default parameter to TabProxy.tabMekanism(). *Added additional info to Machine/GeneratorType for better handling of metadata. *Added Reinforced Iron, a stronger version of an Iron Block. *Updated onBlockActivated() code to function correctly. *Added feature for a generator or power unit to be placed facing up or down. *Cleaned up GUI access/handler code. *Fixed electric machine shift-click bug. *Added Diamond Dust. *Fixed Energized Bow continuing to fire after it's energy is depleted. *Added HP information to armor and tools. *Fixed slot parameters. *Overhauled packet system. *Cleaned up tile entity hierarchy. *Added BuildCraft liquid support to Heat Generator to allow energy generation with both BuildCraft's fuel buckets and liquid fuel. *Fixed texture preloads. *Added Electolytic Separator -- a machine that separates hydrogen and oxygen molecules from water. It accepts water from BuildCraft pipes. *Added Hydrogen Generator -- a generator that by default generates 128 u/t, but has boosts by the block's height of up to 512 u/t. *Added Solar Generator, a generator that produces 32 u/t when it can see the sun. *Added Gas API! Simple gas management that allows for both storage of gas in items, blocks, and transfer between themselves. So far implemented gasses are oxygen and hydrogen. *Added LiquidSlot for easy management of liquid in tile entities. *Added Hydrogen Tank and Oxygen Tank items. *Added BuildCraft hooks. *Fixed zombies and skeletons spawning with Obsidian Armor, and lowered chances of spawning with any armor. *More OreDictionary registrations to fix IC2's different dust names. *Fixed some javadocs. *Added 'Solar Panel' item as a crafting element for a Solar Generator. *Minor bugfixes.
2012-11-15 21:04:12 +01:00
public void handlePacketData(ByteBuf dataStream)
2016-05-17 19:49:55 +02:00
2016-05-17 19:49:55 +02:00
gasTank.setGas(new GasStack(dataStream.readInt(), dataStream.readInt()));
else {
public ArrayList getNetworkedData(ArrayList data)
if(gasTank.getGas() != null)
else {
return data;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
2022-12-20 12:25:40 +01:00
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbtTags)
nbtTags.setTag("gasTank", gasTank.write(new NBTTagCompound()));
* Gets the scaled secondary energy level for the GUI.
* @param i - multiplier
* @return scaled secondary energy
public int getScaledGasLevel(int i)
return gasTank.getStored()*i / gasTank.getMaxGas();
public boolean canExtractItem(int slotID, ItemStack itemstack, int side)
if(slotID == 3)
return ChargeUtils.canBeOutputted(itemstack, false);
else if(slotID == 2)
return true;
return false;
public boolean canTubeConnect(ForgeDirection side)
return false;
public int receiveGas(ForgeDirection side, GasStack stack, boolean doTransfer)
return 0;
public int receiveGas(ForgeDirection side, GasStack stack)
return receiveGas(side, stack, true);
public GasStack drawGas(ForgeDirection side, int amount, boolean doTransfer)
return null;
public GasStack drawGas(ForgeDirection side, int amount)
return drawGas(side, amount, true);
public boolean canReceiveGas(ForgeDirection side, Gas type)
return false;
public boolean canDrawGas(ForgeDirection side, Gas type)
return false;
public void recalculateUpgradables(Upgrade upgrade)
2015-03-21 20:44:17 +01:00
if(upgrade == Upgrade.SPEED || (upgradeableSecondaryEfficiency() && upgrade == Upgrade.GAS))
2015-03-21 19:16:42 +01:00
secondaryEnergyPerTick = MekanismUtils.getSecondaryEnergyPerTickMean(this, BASE_SECONDARY_ENERGY_PER_TICK);
private static final String[] methods = new String[] {"getEnergy", "getSecondaryStored", "getProgress", "isActive", "facing", "canOperate", "getMaxEnergy", "getEnergyNeeded"};
public String[] getMethods()
return methods;
public Object[] invoke(int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception
case 0:
return new Object[] {getEnergy()};
case 1:
return new Object[] {gasTank.getStored()};
case 2:
return new Object[] {operatingTicks};
case 3:
return new Object[] {isActive};
case 4:
return new Object[] {facing};
case 5:
return new Object[] {canOperate(RecipeHandler.getRecipe(getInput(), getRecipes()))};
case 6:
return new Object[] {maxEnergy};
case 7:
return new Object[] {maxEnergy-getEnergy()};
throw new NoSuchMethodException();