- Add netherProbability parameter to the random dungeon function, and set it to depth/50 for now (I'll make it non-linear in a future version)
- Add a reusable weightedRandom method to MathUtils
- Make config option to allow for random public pocket size, modify random template code to be able to add variations for "singular" templates
- Load all pocket sizes but only create ones smaller than maxPocketSize naturally. This way an admin can still manually create a pocket larger than the max size using /dimpocket
- Javadocs
- Null checks for a few methods
- Load schematics when plugin loads rather than when world loads
does adding to groups work?
-Enabled Door opening and closing sounds (BlockDimDoorBase L66)
-Repaired Double placement of doors and Doors swinging open upon
placement (ItemDoorBase L78)
-Added Forge version dependency
-Made sure that Warp Doors always lead to a non-pocket dimension if they
lead anywhere at all
-Added Event checks on Players entering chunks in/and pocket dimensions
-Changed the Pocket placement algorithm. Instead of following a
rectangular spiral path expanding outwards from (0;0), Pockets now get
placed in a fan-shaped area expanding from (0;0) to (infinity;infinity).
-Changed maximum configurable grid size and defaulted to that
-Added a way to retrieve the Pocket ID from a Location
-Schematic loading streams are only closed if they were opened to begin
-Added some easier ways of testing if a Dimension is a Pocket dimension
-Added tab completions to the teleport command
-Made tab completions for the pocket command actually complete what is
already typed
-Added some String utilities to support the previous two changes
-Added Try- Catch block to prevent a TileEntity not getting loaded right
from causing the Pocket from registering (which caused respective
Schematic placements on the same position, which replaced unregistered
Doors, to crash as well)
-Completed command to force-generate Dungeon Pocket Schematics using
their directory (/group) and name
-Schematics now inherrit their name from their file name if it's not set
in their NBT
-Quite a few of the pockets themselves show errouneous behaviour when
you try to generate them.
-Added crude json files to load in all Dungeon schematics from previous
versions of DimDoors, into the game
-Added an extra failsafe before Teleporting to a newly generated
Dungeon, checking if the Location is not-null instead of crashing
-Rather often, a door to a Dungeon will say that "Teleportation failed".
I think this is because the Dungeon Schematic in question fails to
include a list of its Tile-Entities and their corresponding data.
-Changed build number
-The properties of rifts do not get read from the schematic
-Added the start of what is going to be a system to force-generate a
particular Dungeon Pocket schematic
-Repaired a fault in choosing a random Dungeon Template
-Restructured the loading of Schematic files from disk, to make the code
more concise and less repetitive.
-Remedied bug where Rifts in Dungeon Schematics did not get registered,
because their ID was not -1 from the start.
-Corrected naming of Chaos Door Block in the American localization
-Added Dutch localisation
-Added json file that loads 2 of the Dungeon Schematics (for now for
testing purposes)
-Apparently, DimDoors in the schematics don't have the right orientation
until they get rendered. Maybe they should update their orientation for
teleportation from the bottom block of the door
-Add a command to generate a specific schematic as a Dungeon Pocket.
-Repaired Chaos Doors teleporting players to Personal Dimensions, by
*actually saving* the personal-door-ids list in the riftregistry to
-Added rough method to use GradleStart in Netbeans, however this starts
Minecraft in the wrong root directory, so I commented it out for now
-Merged BlockDimWall and BlockLimbo classes into one
-Added a setup for teleportation to the overworld by Eternal Fabric
-Rename BlockDimWall to BlockFabric
-Redo the Eternal and Unraveled Fabric textures
-Make Eternal Fabric teleportation actually work on impact
-Delayed teleporting so it gets executed on DDTileEntityBase.update() to
prevent players from randomly not being moved
-Added some fields that need to be saved on worldSave
-Made Personal Pockets and Doors work
-Pockets don't register in their constructor anymore
-Repaired eternal loops in Pocket and Rift Registries
-Made the getX and getZ methods truly recursive
-Fixed TileEntity blockPos mismatch after reading from schematic.
-Tried a lot of stuff in the TeleporterDimDoors class, to finetune
-Teleportation doesn't seem to work flawlessly anymore (if it ever did
at all)
-included flow-math library in the jar file on "build"
-fix for public pockets' depthZeroLocation's calculation
-TeleportCommand got weakened a little
-Repaired Survival and inter-dimensional (non vanilla dimension)
-Added some missing javadoc to utility classes
-Corrected transformLocationRandomly
-Made Location serializable
-Corrected mistake in commented out generation of and generated default
private and public pockets.
-Loading a world with a generated pocket, crashes the game with an
infinite loop. Ergo, the registering of Pockets needs to be done
somewhere else than in their constructor.
-Implemented different variations for determining where different doors
teleport the player, if they link at all, etc.
-Implemented different variations for determining the teleport location
in case of a player teleporting to a door, rift, trapdoor, etc.
-Rifts now unregister and unpair if the doors are broken.
-Players' UUIDs now get registered to a Pocket if a player enters them
via any rift.
-Riftblade now works instantaneously, instead of placing a transient
-Maybe the Transient door does not work correctly right now
-Added (auto-generated) default private and public pockets and changed
the jsons,
-Commented out auto-generation code at the bottom of Schematic.java.
-Fixed a stupid method call mistake in PocketRegistry that made stuff
fail miserably.
-Made sure that a size 0 pocket schematic can be 16 blocks.
-Added an "OverWorld location reference" to each door (that offsets more
if you go deeper into dungeon pockets)
-Made sure that the entrance door of a Pocket is a Warp Door if the
Pocket has one
-Made sure that the depth of Dungeon Pockets is always at least 1
-Added some separate teleportation behaviours for different types of
-Minor bug fixes
-Added separate Block class for Chaos Door
-Set up Personal DimDoor to create its own type of tile-entity
-Added flag "2" to update blocks upon PocketTemplate placement to
prevent non-defaultstate doors from breaking upon placement.
-Used write- and read- Compressed instead of GZIP Streams
-Closed the output stream
-Added canRiftBePaired field to Rift tile entities
-Added Chaos- and Personal- Door Rift Tile Entities
-Removed statement where I falsely assumed that a meta of 0 meant that
the blockstate was the default.
-Corrected several other mistakes in Schematic.java
-Had to make sure that the blockstate of ancient fabric didn't get
turned into fabric of reality again...
-Prepared code accessibility for placement of Pockets
-Added method to save schematic nbt to a GZip file on disk.
-Discovered that Schematics don't get the correct names for their blocks
upon writing themselves to NBT.
-Made the PocketRegistry use the toString() values of the
EnumPocketTypes, to save its maps in an NBTTagCompound instead of using
the indexes of those Enums to store the maps in NBTTagLists
-Implemented Pockets' UID being determined by their EnumPocketType and
an integer ID
-Fixed some double and triple registering of Pockets
-Fixed a minor major typo in SchematicHandler that prevented
old-format-schematics from being loaded from disk
-Fixed an "index-out-of-bounds-like" typo and a [ character being read
as a special character in the Schematic class
-Restructured and moved dimension files (again)
-Edited the defaultPublic- and -Personal.json files to a final-ish form
-Added another dummy schematic, but now in the new schematic format
-Added the old dungeon pocket schematics to the assets
-Tested loading of .schem and .schematic files from disk as well as from
the mod jar (successful, btw)
-Added a boolean to the config class, that shows the player a message
upon joining the world, if it is false and the mod version is not alpha.
Meant to assure that config defaults are set correctly (in code) upon
beta- or release- distribution of the mod.
# Conflicts:
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/DDProxyCommon.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/PocketPlacer.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/SchematicHandler.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/TeleportHelper.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/world/PocketProvider.java
-Resolved all merge conflicts.
-Removed a few unused imports
-Refractored (moved) new classes from the Worlds branch to the new
package structure that came from the Pockets branch
-Changed variant size values of the default empty pocket jsons, because
otherwise they would crash the game on default config pers/pub pocket
-BlockRift doesn't cause suffocation damage anymore
-Added config option for Dimension ID's
-Added correct method for opening schematic files from File
-Finished "dictionary" for converting dimdoors blocks from the old
schematics to new schematics.
-Added a special "translation-case" for Ancient Fabric, because I am not
going to write a complete method just because one block deviates.
-Added "null-checks" for each non-required field in schematics (new
format) while reading them from NBT and set some corresponding default
values for the fields that can be "null"
-Added a few default pocket jsons
-Errors on world-load were because the above were missing.
-Added a testing schematic (old schematic format)
-Made everything work somehow
-Implemented a way to write a schematic to NBT
-Implemented a way to read an old DD schematic from NBT
-Complete the lists of old DD block names and map them to new ones.
-Implement a method to read schematics and jsons from jar as well as
from config directory
-Made sure that a BlockRift is not replacable and that you can walk
through them. (It hurts though, but we can say that that's a feature)
-Player now gets teleported on the ground in front of the rift, instead
of 1 block in the air.
-Implemented methods to register unpaired rifts at their pockets'
respective depth
-Added ItemDimDoorTrancient to make the riftblade's functionality
consistent with the placement of dimdoors on rifts
# Conflicts:
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/items/ItemDoorBase.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/tileentities/DDTileEntityBase.java
Conflicts were small and are resolved
-Implemented a way to load these schematics
-Implemented a way to place these schematics
-Removed "ye olde ways" (Pillar-ways)
-Finding out how and where TileEntities are being created wrongly.
-Make pocket-generation a lot less "coupled". Just store the RiftIDs in
the Pocket and afterwards ask the pocket for a random RiftID
-Do some code cleanup in the SchematicHandler class
-Config Dim ID def: 684
-Added dependency on Vazkii's Pillar mod for "schematic" loading
-Added config directory for DimDoors
-Fixed entrance door placement coords
-Refractored some methods
-Added json-reader functionality
-Code compiles now
-Make code added in SchematicHandler more modular
-Game gets stuck on world-load. Probably because the default json file
for "defaultPersonal" is not available yet at the saves directory.
-Changed some method names
-Fixed a mistake in registering a new pocket upon generation
-Added some get functions for privates
-Implemented functionality for randomising what dungeon pocket may be
generated upon entering an unlinked DimDoor.
-Still the same