Commit graph

244 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Niksa 8ea9b327f3
Adjusts High DPI scaling to enable differential rendering (#5345)
## Summary of the Pull Request
- Adjusts scaling practices in `DxEngine` (and related scaling practices in `TerminalControl`) for pixel-perfect row baselines and spacing at High DPI such that differential row-by-row rendering can be applied at High DPI.

## References
- #5185 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5320, closes #3515, closes #1064
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Manually tested.
* [x] No doc.
* [x] Am core contributor. Also discussed with some of them already via Teams.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

- We were using implicit DPI scaling on the `ID2D1RenderTarget` and running all of our processing in DIPs (Device-Independent Pixels). That's all well and good for getting things bootstrapped quickly, but it leaves the actual scaling of the draw commands up to the discretion of the rendering target.
- When we don't get to explicitly choose exactly how many pixels tall/wide and our X/Y placement perfectly, the nature of floating point multiplication and division required to do the presentation can cause us to drift off slightly out of our control depending on what the final display resolution actually is.
- Differential drawing cannot work unless we can know the exact integer pixels that need to be copied/moved/preserved/replaced between frames to give to the `IDXGISwapChain1::Present1` method. If things spill into fractional pixels or the sizes of rows/columns vary as they are rounded up and down implicitly, then we cannot do the differential rendering.

- When deciding on a font, the `DxEngine` will take the scale factor into account and adjust the proposed height of the requested font. Then the remainder of the existing code that adjusts the baseline and integer-ifies each character cell will run naturally from there. That code already works correctly to align the height at normal DPI and scale out the font heights and advances to take an exact integer of pixels.
- `TermControl` has to use the scale now, in some places, and stop scaling in other places. This has to do with how the target's nature used to be implicit and is now explicit. For instance, determining where the cursor click hits must be scaled now. And determining the pixel size of the display canvas must no longer be scaled.
- `DxEngine` will no longer attempt to scale the invalid regions per my attempts in #5185 because the cell size is scaled. So it should work the same as at 96 DPI.
- The block is removed from the `DxEngine` that was causing a full invalidate on every frame at High DPI.
- A TODO was removed from `TermControl` that was invalidating everything when the DPI changed because the underlying renderer will already do that.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Check at 150% DPI. Print text, scroll text down and up, do selection.
* [x] Check at 100% DPI. Print text, scroll text down and up, do selection.
* [x] Span two different DPI monitors and drag between them.
* [x] Giant pile of tests in

Co-authored-by: Dustin Howett <>
Co-authored-by: Mike Griese <>
2020-04-22 14:59:51 -07:00
Dustin Howett 13e31a0056 Merged PR 4585873: conhost: ingest OSS up to 8a976c0d2
Improve wide glyph support in UIA (GH-4946)
Add enhanced key support for ConPty (GH-5021)
Set DxRenderer non-text alias mode (GH-5149)
Reduce CursorChanged Events for Accessibility (GH-5196)
Add more object ID tracing for Accessibility (GH-5215)
Add SS3 cursor key encoding to ConPty (GH-5383)
UIA: Prevent crash from invalid UTR endpoint comparison (GH-5399)
Make CodepointWidthDetector::GetWidth faster (CC-3727)
add til::math, use it for float conversions to point, size (GH-5150)
Add support for renderer backoff, don't FAIL_FAST on 3x failures, add UI (GH-5353)
Fix a deadlock and a bounding rects issue in UIA (GH-5385)
Don't duplicate spaces from potentially-wrapped EOL-deferred lines (GH-5398)
Reimplement the VT tab stop functionality (CC-5173)
Clamp parameter values to a maximum of 32767. (CC-5200)
Prevent the cursor type being reset when changing the visibility (CC-5251)
Make RIS switch back to the main buffer (CC-5248)
Add support for the DSR-OS operating status report (CC-5300)
Update the virtual bottom location if the cursor moves below it (CC-5317)
ci: run spell check in CI, fix remaining issues (CC-4799) (CC-5352)
Set Cascadia Code as default font (GH-5121)
Show a double width cursor for double width characters (GH-5319)
Delegate all character input to the character event handler (CC-4192)
Update til::bitmap to use dynamic_bitset<> + libpopcnt (GH-5092)
Merged PR 4465022: [Git2Git] Merged PR 4464559: Console: Ingest OSS changes up to e0550798
Correct scrolling invalidation region for tmux in pty w/ bitmap (GH-5122)
Render row-by-row instead of invalidating entire screen (GH-5185)
Make conechokey use ReadConsoleInputW by default (GH-5148)
Manually pass mouse wheel messages to TermControls (GH-5131)
This fixes C-M-space for WSL but not for Win32, but I'm not sure there's a problem in Win32 quite yet. (GH-5208)
Fix copying wrapped lines by implementing better scrolling (GH-5181)
Emit lines wrapped due to spaces at the end correctly (GH-5294)
Remove unneeded whitespace (CC-5162)
2020-04-21 17:52:10 +00:00
Michael Niksa 252c7d36a4 Merged PR 4560408: [Git2Git] LKG9 optimizer workaround
[Git2Git] Git Train: Merge of building/rs_onecore_dep_uxp/200414-1630 into official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 90031afa8114b7d95e3993573fc8449a1524a7fd

Related work items: #25439646
2020-04-21 17:44:56 +00:00
Leon Liang fe3f528827
Show a double width cursor for double width characters (#5319)
# Summary of the Pull Request
This PR will allow the cursor to be double width when on top of a double width character. This required changing `IsCursorDoubleWidth` to check whether the glyph the cursor's on top of is double width. This code is exactly the same as the original PR that addressed this issue in #2932. That one got reverted at some point due to the crashes related to it, but due to a combination of Terminal having come further since that PR and other changes to address use-after-frees, some of the crashes may/may not be relevant now. The ones that seemed to be relevant/repro-able, I attempt to address in this PR.

The `IsCursorDoubleWidth` check would fail during the `TextBuffer::Reflow` call inside of `Terminal::UserResize` occasionally, particularly when `newCursor.EndDeferDrawing()` is called. This is because when we tell the newCursor to `EndDefer`, the renderer will attempt to redraw the cursor. As part of this redraw, it'll ask if `IsCursorDoubleWidth`, and if the renderer managed to ask this before `UserResize` swapped out the old buffer with the new one from `Reflow`, the renderer will be asking the old buffer if its out-of-bounds cursor is double width. This was pretty easily repro'd using `cmatrix -u0` and resizing the window like a madman.

As a solution, I've moved the Start/End DeferDrawing calls out of `Reflow` and into `UserResize`. This way, I can "clamp" the portion of the code where the newBuffer is getting created and reflowed and swapped into the Terminal buffer, and only allow the renderer to draw once the swap is done. This also means that ConHost's `ResizeWithReflow` needed to change slightly.

In addition, I've added a WriteLock to `SetCursorOn`. It was mentioned as a fix for a crash in #2965 (although I can't repro), and I also figured it would be good to try to emulate where ConHost locks with regards to Cursor operations, and this seemed to be one that we were missing.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2713
* [x] CLA signed
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed
Manual validation that the cursor is indeed chonky, added a test case to check that we are correctly saying that the cursor is double width (not too sure if I put it in the right place). Also open to other test case ideas and thoughts on what else I should be careful for since I am quite nervous about what other crashes might occur.
2020-04-15 19:23:06 +00:00
Mike Griese dc43524eb2
Emit lines wrapped due to spaces at the end correctly (#5294)
## Summary of the Pull Request

When WSL vim prints the initial empty buffer (the one that's just a bunch of '\~'s), it prints this by doing the following:
* Print '\~' followed by enough spaces to clear the line
* Use CUP (`^[[H`) to move the cursor to the start of the next line
* repeat until the buffer is full

When we'd get the line of "\~     "... in conhost, we'd mark that line as wrapped. 

Logically, it doesn't really make any sense that when we follow that up by moving the cursor, the line is wrapped. However, this is just how conhost is right now. 
This wasn't ever a problem in just conhost before, because we really didn't care if lines in the alt buffer were "wrapped" or not. Plus, when vim would get resized, it would just reprint it's own buffer anyways. Nor was this a problem in conpty before this year (2020). We've only just recently added logic to conpty to try and preserve wrapped lines. 

Initially, I tried fixing this by breaking the line manually when the cursor was moved. This seemed to work great, except for the win32 vim.exe. Vim.exe doesn't emit a newline or a CUP to get to the next line. It just _goes for it_ and keeps printing. So there's _no way_ for us to know the line broke, because they're essentially just printing one long line, assuming we'll automatically move the cursor.

So instead, I'm making sure to emit the proper number of spaces at the end of a line when the line is wrapped. We won't do any funny business in that scenario and try to optimize for them, we'll _just print the spaces_.

## References

* #5181 - This change regressed this
* #4415 - Actually implemented wrapped lines in conpty

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5291
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Validation Steps Performed
* Wrote a unittest first and foremost
* Checked vtpipeterm to make sure vim still works
* checked Terminal to make sure vim still works
2020-04-15 15:52:11 +00:00
James Holderness 348f46866a
Update the virtual bottom location if the cursor moves below it (#5317)
If an application writes to the screen while not in VT mode, and the
user has scrolled forward in the screen buffer, the _virtual bottom_
location is not updated to take that new content into account. As a
result, the viewport can later jump back to the previous _virtual
bottom_, making the content disappear off screen. This PR attempts to
fix that issue by updating the _virtual bottom_ location whenever the
cursor moves below that point.

## PR Checklist
* [x] CLA signed. 
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

This simply adds a condition in the
`SCREEN_INFORMATION::SetCursorPosition` to check if the new _Y_
coordinate is below the current _virtual bottom_, and if so, updates the
_virtual bottom_ to that new value.

I considered trying to make it only update when something is actually
written to the screen, but this seemed like a cleaner solution, and is
less likely to miss out on a needed update.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've manually tested the case described in issue #5302, and confirmed
that it now works as expected. I've also added a unit test that checks
the virtual bottom is updated correctly under similar conditions.

Closes #5302
2020-04-14 13:20:30 -07:00
Mike Griese 6fabc4abb7
Fix copying wrapped lines by implementing better scrolling (#5181)
Now that the Terminal is doing a better job of actually marking which
lines were and were not wrapped, we're not always copying lines as
"wrapped" when they should be. We're more correctly marking lines as not
wrapped, when previously we'd leave them marked wrapped.

The real problem is here in the `ScrollFrame` method - we'd manually
newline the cursor to make the terminal's viewport shift down to a new
line. If we had to scroll the viewport for a _wrapped_ line, this would
cause the Terminal to mark that line as broken, because conpty would
emit an extra `\n` that didn't actually exist.

This more correctly implements `ScrollFrame`. Now, well move where we
"thought" the cursor was, so when we get to the next `PaintBufferLine`,
if the cursor needs to newline for the next line, it'll newline, but if
we're in the middle of a wrapped line, we'll just keep printing the
wrapped line.

A couple follow up bugs were found to be caused by the same bad logic.
See #5039 and #5161 for more details on the investigations there.

## References

* #4741 RwR, which probably made this worse
* #5122, which I branched off of 
* #1245, #357 - a pair of other conpty wrapped lines bugs
* #5228 - A followup issue for this PR

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5113
* [x] Closes #5180 (by fixing DECRST 25)
* [x] Closes #5039
* [x] Closes #5161 (by ensuring we only `removeSpaces` on the actual
  bottom line)
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Validation Steps Performed

* Checked the cases from #1245, #357 to validate that they still work
* Added more and more tests for these scenarios, and then I added MORE
* The entire team played with this in selfhost builds
2020-04-09 00:06:25 +00:00
James Holderness 38803d7d05
Make RIS switch back to the main buffer (#5248)
## Summary of the Pull Request

If we receive a _Reset to Initial State_ (`RIS`) sequence while in the alternate screen buffer, we should be switching back to the main buffer. This PR fixes that behavior.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3685
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I've added a condition at the start of the `AdaptDispatch::HardReset` method to check whether we're using the alt buffer, and if so, call the `ConGetSet::PrivateUseMainScreenBuffer` API to switch back to the main buffer.

Calling `AdaptDispatch::UseMainScreenBuffer` would probably be neater for this, but it would also attempt to restore the cursor state, which seems pointless when we're in the process of resetting everything anyway.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've added a screen buffer test to confirm that the `RIS` sequence does actually switch back to the main buffer. I've also manually confirmed that the test case in issue #3685 does now behave as expected.
2020-04-06 23:44:55 +00:00
James Holderness 6d4c44f3a4
Prevent the cursor type being reset when changing the visibility (#5251)
A side effect of the `SetConsoleCursorInfo` API is that it resets the
cursor type to _Legacy_. This makes it impossible to change the cursor
visibility via the console APIs without also resetting the user's
preferred cursor type. This PR attempts to fix that limitation, by only
resetting the cursor type if the size has also been changed.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4124
* [x] CLA signed
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I suspect the reason for the original behaviour was because the
`SetConsoleCursorInfo` API sets both the visibility and the size, and if
you're setting the size, it's assumed you'd want the _Legacy_ cursor
type, because that's the only style for which the size is applicable.

So my solution was to only reset the cursor type if the requested cursor
size was actually different from the current size. That should be
reasonably backwards compatible with most size-changing code, but also
allow for changing the visibility without resetting the cursor type.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've tested the example code from issue #4124, and confirmed that it now
works correctly without resetting the cursor type.

I've also tested the console's _mark mode_, which temporarily changes
the cursor size while selecting. I've confirmed that the size still
changes, and that the original cursor type is restored afterwards.
2020-04-06 16:00:40 -07:00
James Holderness 9a0b6e3b69
Reimplement the VT tab stop functionality (#5173)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This is essentially a rewrite of the VT tab stop functionality, implemented entirely within the `AdaptDispatch` class. This significantly simplifies the `ConGetSet` interface, and should hopefully make it easier to share the functionality with the Windows Terminal VT implementation in the future.

By removing the dependence on the `SCREEN_INFORMATION` class, it fixes the problem of the the tab state not being preserved when switching between the main and alternate buffers. And the new architecture also fixes problems with the tabs not being correctly initialized when the screen is resized.

## References

This fixes one aspect of issue #3545.
It also supersedes the fix for #411 (PR #2816).
I'm hoping the simplification of `ConGetSet` will help with #3849.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4669
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

In the new tab architecture, there is now a `vector<bool>` (__tabStopColumns_), which tracks whether any particular column is a tab stop or not. There is also a __initDefaultTabStops_ flag indicating whether the default tab stop positions need to be initialised when the screen is resized.

The way this works, the vector is initially empty, and only initialized (to the current width of the screen) when it needs to be used. When the vector grows in size, the __initDefaultTabStops_ flag determines whether the new columns are set to false, or if every 8th column is set to true.

By default we want the latter behaviour - newly revealed columns should have default tab stops assigned to them - so __initDefaultTabStops_ is set to true. However, after a `TBC 3` operation (i.e. we've cleared all tab stops), there should be no tab stops in any newly revealed columns, so __initDefaultTabStops_ is set to false.

Note that the __tabStopColumns_ vector is never made smaller when the window is shrunk, and that way it can preserve the state of tab stops that are off screen, but which may come into range if the window is made bigger again.

However, we can can still reset the vector completely after an `RIS` or `TBC 3` operation, since the state can then be reconstructed automatically based on just the __initDefaultTabStops_ flag.

## Validation Steps Performed

The original screen buffer tests had to be rewritten to set and query the tab stop state using escape sequences rather than interacting with the `SCREEN_INFORMATION` class directly, but otherwise the structure of most tests remained largely the same.

However, the alt buffer test was significantly rewritten, since the original behaviour was incorrect, and the initialization test was dropped completely, since it was no longer applicable. The adapter tests were also dropped, since they were testing the `ConGetSet` interface which has now been removed.

I also had to make an addition to the method setup of the screen buffer tests (making sure the viewport was appropriately initialized), since there were some tests (unrelated to tab stops) that were previously dependent on the state being set in the tab initialization test which has now been removed.

I've manually tested the issue described in #4669 and confirmed that the tabs now produce the correct spacing after a resize.
2020-04-01 12:49:27 +00:00
pi1024e 2872f147f8
Remove unneeded whitespace (#5162)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Every single time a PR is run, there are a bunch of warnings about whitespace in the .cs files, so I ran the code format on those files, without changing their contents, so it won't be flagged anymore.
<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [X] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [X] Tests added/passed

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
Ran the code-format utility on the .cs files
2020-03-30 14:33:32 +00:00
Michael Niksa ef80f665d3
Correct scrolling invalidation region for tmux in pty w/ bitmap (#5122)
Correct scrolling invalidation region for tmux in pty w/ bitmap

Add tracing for circling and scrolling operations. Fix improper
invalidation within AdjustCursorPosition routine in the subsection about
scrolling down at the bottom with a set of margins enabled.

## References
- Introduced with #5024 

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- This occurs when there is a scroll region restriction applied and a
  newline operation is performed to attempt to spin the contents of just
  the scroll region. This is a frequent behavior of tmux.
- Right now, the Terminal doesn't support any sort of "scroll content"
  operation, so what happens here generally speaking is that the PTY in
  the ConHost will repaint everything when this happens.
- The PTY when doing `AdjustCursorPosition` with a scroll region
  restriction would do the following things:

1. Slide literally everything in the direction it needed to go to take
   advantage of rotating the circular buffer. (This would force a
   repaint in PTY as the PTY always forces repaint when the buffer
2. Copy the lines that weren't supposed to move back to where they were
   supposed to go.
3. Backfill the "revealed" region that encompasses what was supposed to
   be the newline.

- The invalidations for the three operations above were:

1. Invalidate the number of rows of the delta at the top of the buffer
   (this part was wrong)
2. Invalidate the lines that got copied back into position (probably
   unnecessary, but OK)
3. Invalidate the revealed/filled-with-spaces line (this is good).

- When we were using a simple single rectangle for invalidation, the
  union of the top row of the buffer from 1 and the bottom row of the
  buffer from 2 (and 3 was irrelevant as it was already unioned it)
  resulted in repainting the entire buffer and all was good.

- When we switched to a bitmap, it dutifully only repainted the top line
  and the bottom two lines as the middle ones weren't a consequence of

- The logic was wrong. We shouldn't be invalidating rows-from-the-top
  for the amount of the delta. The 1 part should be invalidating
  everything BUT the lines that were invalidated in parts 2 and 3.
  (Arguably part 2 shouldn't be happening at all, but I'm not optimizing
  for that right now.)

- So this solves it by restoring an entire screen repaint for this sort
  of slide data operation by giving the correct number of invalidated
  lines to the bitmap.

## Validation Steps Performed
- Manual validation with the steps described in #5104
- Automatic test `ConptyRoundtripTests::ScrollWithMargins`.

Closes #5104
2020-03-27 22:37:23 +00:00
Josh Soref 5de9fa9cf3
ci: run spell check in CI, fix remaining issues (#4799)
This commit introduces a github action to check our spelling and fixes
the following misspelled words so that we come up green.

It also renames TfEditSes to TfEditSession, because Ses is not a word.

currently, excerpt, fallthrough, identified, occurred, propagate,
provided, rendered, resetting, separate, succeeded, successfully,
terminal, transferred, adheres, breaks, combining, preceded,
architecture, populated, previous, setter, visible, window, within,
appxmanifest, hyphen, control, offset, powerpoint, suppress, parsing,
prioritized, aforementioned, check in, build, filling, indices, layout,
mapping, trying, scroll, terabyte, vetoes, viewport, whose
2020-03-25 11:02:53 -07:00
Carlos Zamora a3382276d7
Improve wide glyph support in UIA (#4946)
## Summary of the Pull Request
- Added better wide glyph support for UIA. We used to move one _cell_ at a time, so wide glyphs would be read twice.
- Converted a few things to use til::point since I'm already here.
- fixed telemetry for UIA

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1354

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
The text buffer has a concept of word boundaries, so it makes sense to have a concept of glyph boundaries too.

_start and _end in UiaTextRange are now til::point

## Validation Steps Performed
Verified using Narrator
2020-03-23 23:50:17 +00:00
pi1024e 27b28edcee
Replace casting 0 to a pointer with nullptr (#5062)
## Summary of the Pull Request
When I did my last PR that was merged, the PR #4960, there were two more cases I forgot to include, so I included them here, for the sake of consistency and completion

## References
PR #4690

## PR Checklist
* [X] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [X] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Replacing pointer casts to 0 with nullptr in two tests.

## Validation Steps Performed
Manual Testing
Automated Testing
2020-03-23 09:38:39 -07:00
Michael Niksa ca33d895a3
Move ConPTY to use til::bitmap (#5024)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Moves the ConPTY drawing mechanism (`VtRenderer`) to use the fine-grained `til::bitmap` individual-dirty-bit tracking mechanism instead of coarse-grained rectangle unions to improve drawing performance by dramatically reducing the total area redrawn.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Part of #778 and #1064 
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added and updated.
* [x] I'm a core contributor

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- Converted `GetDirtyArea()` interface from `IRenderEngine` to use a vector of `til::rectangle` instead of the `SMALL_RECT` to banhammer inclusive rectangles.
- `VtEngine` now holds and operates on the `til::bitmap` for invalidation regions. All invalidation operation functions that used to be embedded inside `VtEngine` are deleted in favor of using the ones in `til::bitmap`.
- Updated `VtEngine` tracing to use new `til::bitmap` on trace and the new `to_string()` methods detailed below.
- Comparison operators for `til::bitmap` and complementary tests.
- Fixed an issue where the dirty rectangle shortcut in `til::bitmap` was set to 0,0,0,0 by default which means that `|=` on it with each `set()` operation was stretching the rectangle from 0,0. Now it's a `std::optional` so it has no value after just being cleared and will build from whatever the first invalidated rectangle is. Complementary tests added.
- Optional run caching for `til::bitmap` in the `runs()` method since both VT and DX renderers will likely want to generate the set of runs at the beginning of a frame and refer to them over and over through that frame. Saves the iteration and creation and caches inside `til::bitmap` where the chance of invalidation of the underlying data is known best. It is still possible to iterate manually with `begin()` and `end()` from the outside without caching, if desired. Complementary tests added.
- WEX templates added for `til::bitmap` and used in tests.
- `translate()` method for `til::bitmap` which will slide the dirty points in the direction specified by a `til::point` and optionally back-fill the uncovered area as dirty. Complementary tests added.
- Moves all string generation for `til` types `size`, `point`, `rectangle`, and `some` into a `to_string` method on each object such that it can be used in both ETW tracing scenarios AND in the TAEF templates uniformly. Adds a similar method for `bitmap`.
- Add tagging to `_bitmap_const_iterator` such that it appears as a valid **Input Iterator** to STL collections and can be used in a `std::vector` constructor as a range. Adds and cleans up operators on this iterator to match the theoretical requirements for an **Input Iterator**. Complementary tests added.
- Add loose operators to `til` which will allow some basic math operations (+, -, *, /) between `til::size` and `til::point` and vice versa. Complementary tests added. Complementary tests added.
- Adds operators to `til::rectangle` to allow scaling with basic math operations (+, -, *) versus `til::size` and translation with basic math operations (+, -) against `til::point`. Complementary tests added.
- In-place variants of some operations added to assorted `til` objects. Complementary tests added.
- Update VT tests to compare invalidation against the new map structure instead of raw rectangles where possible.

## Validation Steps Performed
- Wrote additional til Unit Tests for all additional operators and functions added to the project to support this operation
- Updated the existing VT renderer tests
- Ran perf check
2020-03-23 15:57:54 +00:00
pi1024e 9f95b54f2c
Change NULL to nullptr since they are pointers (#4960)
Some functions and variables are having NULL assigned to them when they are in fact pointers, so nullptr might be more accurate here.
2020-03-20 20:35:12 +00:00
Dustin Howett a68fa47e52 Merge branch 'inbox' into master 2020-03-19 11:17:08 -07:00
Michael Niksa f141d86280 Merged PR 4447792: Fix two bugs with DOSKEY
The first issue is in the console host: when we erase a command history,
we also clear its _allocated_ flag. It's supposed to remain allocated
but become "reset". When we later check that a command history that
exists in the list is allocated, we fail loudly because allocated has
been cleared.

The second is that in Windows Server 2003, we rewrote the console client
APIs (in kernelbase!) regarding command history and changed one internal
function from taking char** to taking char*. Since the signature was
_actually_ void** and that changed to void*, the compiler didn't notice
when in only one single place we continued to pass a char** instead of a
char*.  This caused us to send the wrong filename length for the ExeName
in SetConsoleNumberOfCommands.

Fixes MSFT:25265854
Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp b493fb5a06975c53b2fbb7b9fc0546244b551fa9
2020-03-19 18:14:52 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 862793299a
Properly represent block selections in UIA (#4991)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Block selections were always read and displayed as line selections in UIA. This fixes that.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4509 

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
1. Expose `IsBlockSelection()` via IUiaData
2. Update the constructor to be able to take in a block selection parameter
3. Make ScreenInfoUiaProviders pass step 1 output into step 2 constructor
4. Update all instances of `UiaTextRange::GetTextRects()` to include this new flag

## Validation Steps Performed
Manually tested.
Additional tests would be redundant as GetTextRects() is tested in the text buffer.
2020-03-18 21:03:51 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) d392a48857
Fix an off-by-one that made us use EL instead of ECH (#4994)
When we painted spaces up until the character right before the right
edge of the screen, we would erroneously use Erase in Line instead of
Erase Character due to an off-by-one.

Fixes #4727
2020-03-18 13:24:20 -07:00
Mike Griese f1d3136a24
Maintain scrollbar position during a resize operation (#4903)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Currently, when the user resizes the Terminal, we'll snap the visible viewport back to the bottom of the buffer. This PR changes the visible viewport of the Terminal to instead remain in the same relative location it was before the resize.  

## References
Made possible by our sponsors at #4741, and listeners like you. 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3494
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

We already hated the `std::optional<short>&` thing I yeet'd into #4741 right at the end to replace a `short*`. So I was already going to change that to a `std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<short>>`, which is more idomatic. But then I was looking through the list of bugs and #3494 caught my eye. I realized it would be trivial to not only track the top of the `mutableViewport` during a resize, but we could use the same code path to track the _visible_ viewport's start as well. 

So basically I'm re-using that bit of code in `Reflow` to calculate the visible viewport's position too.

## Validation Steps Performed

Gotta love just resizing things all day, errday
2020-03-16 12:55:25 +00:00
Mike Griese 57a80aa531
Only passthrough input changes if the client's in VT input mode (#4913)
Closes #4911.
2020-03-13 15:44:17 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) f919a46caf
Optimize rendering runs of spaces when there is no visual change (#4877)
cmatrix is somewhat of a pathological case for our infrastructure: it
prints out a bunch of green and white characters and then updates them a
million times a second.

It also maintains a column of space between every green character. When
it prints this column, it prints it in "default" or "white". This ends
up making runs of text that look like this:

(def: G=green B=bright white W=white *=matrix char  =space)


As characters trickle in:


Every one of those color transitions causes us to break up the run of
text and start rendering it again. This impacts GDI, Direct2D *and*
ConPTY. In the example above, there are 120 runs.

The problem is, printing a space doesn't **use** the foreground color!

This commit introduces an optimization. When we're about to break a text
cluster because its attributes changed, we make sure that it's not just
filled with spaces and doesn't differ in any visually-meaningful way
(like underline or strikethrough, considering global invert state).

This lets us optimize both the rendering _and_ the PTY output to look
like this:

G*   *   *   *   *   *   *  B*G
G*   *   *   *   *   *   *
G*   *   *  B*G  *   *   *
G*  B*G  *       *   *   *   *
G*       *       *  B*G  *   *
B*G      *       *      B*G  *
G        *       *          B*G
G       B*G      *

Text will be printed at best line-by-line and at worst only when the
visible properties of the screen actually change. In the example
above, there are only 21 runs.

This speeds up cmatrix remarkably.

Refs #1064
2020-03-12 17:54:43 -07:00
Mike Griese 93b31f6e3f
Add support for "reflow"ing the Terminal buffer (#4741)
This PR adds support for "Resize with Reflow" to the Terminal. In
conhost, `ResizeWithReflow` is the function that's responsible for
reflowing wrapped lines of text as the buffer gets resized. Now that
#4415 has merged, we can also implement this in the Terminal. Now, when
the Terminal is resized, it will reflow the lines of it's buffer in the
same way that conhost does. This means, the terminal will no longer chop
off the ends of lines as the buffer is too small to represent them. 

As a happy side effect of this PR, it also fixed #3490. This was a bug
that plagued me during the investigation into this functionality. The
original #3490 PR, #4354, tried to fix this bug with some heavy conpty
changes. Turns out, that only made things worse, and far more
complicated. When I really got to thinking about it, I realized "conhost
can handle this right, why can't the Terminal?". Turns out, by adding
resize with reflow, I was also able to fix this at the same time.
Conhost does a little bit of math after reflowing to attempt to keep the
viewport in the same relative place after a reflow. By re-using that
logic in the Terminal, I was able to fix #3490.

I also included that big ole test from #3490, because everyone likes
adding 60 test cases in a PR.

## References
* #4200 - this scenario
* #405/#4415 - conpty emits wrapped lines, which was needed for this PR
* #4403 - delayed EOL wrapping via conpty, which was also needed for
* #4354 - we don't speak of this PR anymore

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1465
* [x] Closes #3490
* [x] Closes #4771
* [x] Tests added/passed

## EDIT: Changes to this PR on 5 March 2020

I learned more since my original version of this PR. I wrote that in
January, and despite my notes that say it was totally working, it
_really_ wasn't.

Part of the hard problem, as mentioned in #3490, is that the Terminal
might request a resize to (W, H-1), and while conpty is preparing that
frame, or before the terminal has received that frame, the Terminal
resizes to (W, H-2). Now, there aren't enough lines in the terminal
buffer to catch all the lines that conpty is about to emit. When that
happens, lines get duplicated in the buffer. From a UX perspective, this
certainly looks a lot worse than a couple lost lines. It looks like
utter chaos.

So I've introduced a new mode to conpty to try and counteract this
behavior. This behavior I'm calling "quirky resize". The **TL;DR** of
quirky resize mode is that conpty won't emit the entire buffer on a
resize, and will trust that the terminal is prepared to reflow it's
buffer on it's own.

This will enable the quirky resize behavior for applications that are
prepared for it. The "quirky resize" is "don't `InvalidateAll` when the
terminal resizes". This is added as a quirk as to not regress other
terminal applications that aren't prepared for this behavior
(gnome-terminal, conhost in particular). For those kinds of terminals,
when the buffer is resized, it's just going to lose lines. That's what
currently happens for them.  

When the quirk is enabled, conpty won't repaint the entire buffer. This
gets around the "duplicated lines" issue that requesting multiple
resizes in a row can cause. However, for these terminals that are
unprepared, the conpty cursor might end up in the wrong position after a
quirky resize.

The case in point is maximizing the terminal. For maximizing
(height->50) from a buffer that's 30 lines tall, with the cursor on
y=30, this is what happens: 

  * With the quirk disabled, conpty reprints the entire buffer. This is
    60 lines that get printed. This ends up blowing away about 20 lines
    of scrollback history, as the terminal app would have tried to keep
    the text pinned to the bottom of the window. The term. app moved the
    viewport up 20 lines, and then the 50 lines of conpty output (30
    lines of text, and 20 blank lines at the bottom) overwrote the lines
    from the scrollback. This is bad, but not immediately obvious, and
    is **what currently happens**. 

  * With the quirk enabled, conpty doesn't emit any lines, but the
    actual content of the window is still only in the top 30 lines.
    However, the terminal app has still moved 20 lines down from the
    scrollback back into the viewport. So the terminal's cursor is at
    y=50 now, but conpty's is at 30. This means that the terminal and
    conpty are out of sync, and there's not a good way of re-syncing
    these. It's very possible (trivial in `powershell`) that the new
    output will jump up to y=30 override the existing output in the
    terminal buffer. 

The Windows Terminal is already prepared for this quirky behavior, so it
doesn't keep the output at the bottom of the window. It shifts it's
viewport down to match what conpty things the buffer looks like.

What happens when we have passthrough mode and WT is like "I would like
quirky resize"? I guess things will just work fine, cause there won't be
a buffer behind the passthrough app that the terminal cares about. Sure,
in the passthrough case the Terminal could _not_ quirky resize, but the
quirky resize won't be wrong.
2020-03-12 17:43:37 -07:00
Carlos Zamora 23f742061f
Move MouseInput from TermAdapter to TermInput (#4848)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Move the contents and functionality of MouseInput from TerminalAdapter
to TerminalInput.

## References
#545 - VT Mouse Mode (Terminal)
#376 - VT Mouse Mode (ConPty)

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Pretty straightforward. The MouseInput class was a bit large though so I
split it up into a few files. This should make TerminalInput a bit
easier to manage.
- `mouseInputState`: enable some of the modes for mouse input. All saved
  to `_mouseInputState`.
- `mouseInput`: basically just `HandleMouse()` and any helper functions

## Validation Steps Performed
Tests should still pass.
2020-03-12 22:25:43 +00:00
Michael Niksa cd87db6713
Use estimated formatted lengths to optimize performance of VT rendering (#4890)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Allows VT engine methods that print formatted strings (cursor movements, color changes, etc.) to provide a guess at the max buffer size required eliminating the double-call for formatting in the common case.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Found while working on #778
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x] Am core contributor. 

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- The most common case for VT rendering is formatting a few numbers into a sequence. For the most part, we can already tell the maximum length that the string could be based on the number of substitutions and the size of the parameters.
- The existing formatting method would always double-call. It would first call for how long the string was going to be post-formatting, allocate that memory, then call again and fill it up. This cost two full times of running through the string to find a length we probably already knew for the most part.
- Now if a size is provided, we allocate that first and attempt the "second pass" of formatting directly into the buffer. This saves the count step in the common case.
- If this fails, we fall back and do the two-pass method (which theoretically means the bad case is now 3 passes.)
- The next biggest waste of time in this method was allocating and freeing strings for every format pass. Due to the nature of the VT renderer, many things need to be formatted this way. I've now instead moved the format method to hold a static string that really only grows over the course of the session for all of these format operations. I expect a majority of the time, it will only be consuming approximately 5-15 length of a std::string of memory space. I cannot currently see a circumstance where it would use more than that, but I'm consciously trading memory usage when running as a PTY for overall runtime performance here.

## Validation Steps Performed
- Ran the thing manually and checked it out with wsl and cmatrix and Powershell and such attached to Terminal
- Wrote and ran automated tests on formatting method
2020-03-11 22:12:25 +00:00
Carlos Zamora a5297fac3e
Enable Passthrough for VT Input Mode in ConPty (#4856)
This commit enables passthrough mode for VT Input Mode in ConPty. This
will be used to pass VT Input from Mouse Mode directly to the app on the
other side.

## References
#545 - VT Mouse Mode (Terminal)
#376 - VT Mouse Mode (ConPty)

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

### ConHost
- Set the callback for the InputEngine.
- Retrieve `IsInVirtualTerminalInputMode` from the InputBuffer

### Adapter (Dispatch)
Retrieve `VTInputMode` setting from ConHost

### Parser
- Add a callback to passthrough unknown input sequences directly to the
  input queue.
- If we're in VTInputMode, use the callback

## Validation Steps Performed
Tests should still pass.
2020-03-10 22:07:14 +00:00
Carlos Zamora e79a421f3a
Abstract GetTextForClipboard() for UIA (#4578)
## Summary of the Pull Request
`GetTextForClipboard` already exists in the TextBuffer. It makes sense to use that for UIA as well. This changes the behavior or `GetText()` such that it does not remove leading/trailing whitespace anymore. That is more of an expected behavior.

## References
This also contributes to...
- #4509: UIA Box Selection
- #2447: UIA Signaling for Selection
- #1354: UIA support for Wide Glyphs
Now that the expansion occurs at before render-time, the selection anchors are an accurate representation of what is selected. We just need to move GetText to the TextBuffer. Then we can have those three issues just rely on code from the text buffer. This also means ConHost gets some of this stuff for free 😀

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- `TextBuffer::GetTextForClipboard()` --> `GetText()`
- `TextBuffer::GetText()` no longer requires GetForegroundColor/GetBackgroundColor. If either of these are not defined, we return a `TextAndColor` with only the `text` field populated.
- renamed a few parameters for copying text to the clipboard for clarity
- Updated `UiaTextRange::GetText()` to use `TextBuffer::GetText()`

## Validation Steps Performed
Manual tests for UIA using accessibility insights and Windows Terminal's copy action (w/ and w/out shift)

Added tests as well.
2020-03-09 08:17:34 -07:00
Carlos Zamora 0e672fac08
Move rect expansion to textbuffer; refactor selection code (#4560)
- When performing chunk selection, the expansion now occurs at the time
  of the selection, not the rendering of the selection
- `GetSelectionRects()` was moved to the `TextBuffer` and is now shared
  between ConHost and Windows Terminal
- Some of the selection variables were renamed for clarity
- Selection COORDs are now in the Text Buffer coordinate space
- Fixes an issue with Shift+Click after performing a Multi-Click

## References
This also contributes to...
- #4509: UIA Box Selection
- #2447: UIA Signaling for Selection
- #1354: UIA support for Wide Glyphs

Now that the expansion occurs at before render-time, the selection
anchors are an accurate representation of what is selected. We just need
to move `GetText` to the `TextBuffer`. Then we can have those three
issues just rely on code from the text buffer. This also means ConHost
gets some of this stuff for free 😀

### TextBuffer
- `GetTextRects` is the abstracted form of `GetSelectionRects`
- `_ExpandTextRow` is still needed to handle wide glyphs properly

### Terminal
- Rename...
    - `_boxSelection` --> `_blockSelection` for consistency with ConHost
    - `_selectionAnchor` --> `_selectionStart` for consistency with UIA
    - `_endSelectionPosition` --> `_selectionEnd` for consistency with
- Selection anchors are in Text Buffer coordinates now
- Really rely on `SetSelectionEnd` to accomplish appropriate chunk
  selection and shift+click actions

## Validation Steps Performed
- Shift+Click
- Multi-Click --> Shift+Click
- Chunk Selection at...
    - top of buffer
    - bottom of buffer
    - random region in scrollback

Closes #4465
Closes #4547
2020-02-27 16:42:26 -08:00
Mike Griese e5182fb3e8
Make Conpty emit wrapped lines as actually wrapped lines (#4415)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Changes how conpty emits text to preserve line-wrap state, and additionally adds rudimentary support to the Windows Terminal for wrapped lines.

## References

* Does _not_ fix (!) #3088, but that might be lower down in conhost. This makes wt behave like conhost, so at least there's that
* Still needs a proper deferred EOL wrap implementation in #780, which is left as a todo
* #4200 is the mega bucket with all this work
* MSFT:16485846 was the first attempt at this task, which caused the regression MSFT:18123777 so we backed it out.
* #4403 - I made sure this worked with that PR before I even sent #4403

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #405
* [x] Closes #3367 
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I started with the following implementation:
When conpty is about to write the last column, note that we wrapped this line here. If the next character the vt renderer is told to paint get is supposed to be at the start of the following line, then we know that the previous line had wrapped, so we _won't_ emit the usual `\r\n` here, and we'll just continue emitting text.

However, this isn't _exactly_ right - if someone fills the row _exactly_ with text, the information that's available to the vt renderer isn't enough to know for sure if this line broke or not. It is possible for the client to write a full line of text, with a `\n` at the end, to manually break the line. So, I had to also add the `lineWrapped` param to the `IRenderEngine` interface, which is about half the files in this changelist.

## Validation Steps Performed
* Ran tests
* Checked how the Windows Terminal behaves with these changes
* Made sure that conhost/inception and gnome-terminal both act as you'd expect with wrapped lines from conpty
2020-02-27 16:40:11 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 360c655acc
UIA: Fix GetVisibleRanges() and add Tracing (#4495)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Debugging our custom UIA providers has been a painful experience because outputting content to VS may result in UIA Clients getting impatient and giving up on extracting data.

Adding tracing allows us to debug these providers without getting in the way of reproducing a bug. This will help immensely with developing accessibility features on Windows Terminal and Console.

This pull request additionally contains payload from #4526:
* Make GetVisibleRanges() return one range (and add tracing for it).
`ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetVisibleRanges()` used to return one range per line of visible text. The documentation for this function says that we should return one per contiguous span of text. Since all of the text in the TermControl will always be contiguous (at least by our standards), we should only ever be returning one range.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1914. Closes #4507.
* [x] CLA signed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
`UiaTracing` is a singleton class that is in charge of registration for trace logging. `TextRange` is used to trace `UiaTextRange`, whereas `TextProvider` is used to trace `ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase`.

`_getValue()` is overloaded to transform complex objects and enums into a string for logging.

`_getTextValue()` had to be added to be able to trace the text a UiaTextRange included. This makes following UiaTextRanges much simpler.

## Validation Steps Performed
Performed a few operations when under NVDA/Narrator and manually checked the results.
2020-02-20 23:50:43 +00:00
Carlos Zamora d0c8221c6e
Make ScreenInfoUiaProvider::GetSelection() Return One Selection (#4466)
## Summary of the Pull Request
We used to return multiple text ranges to represent one selection. We only support one selection at a time, so we should only return one range.

Additionally, I moved all TriggerSelection() calls to the renderer from Terminal to TermControl for consistency. This ensures we only call it _once_ when we make a change to our selection state.

## References
#2447 - helps polish Signaling for Selection
#4465 - This is more apparent as the problem holding back Signaling for Selection

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4452 

Tested using Accessibility Insights.
2020-02-20 23:03:50 +00:00
Michael Kitzan 65bd4e327c
Fix FillConsoleOutputCharacterA crash (#4309)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Despite being specified as `noexcept`, `FillConsoleOutputCharacterA` emits an exception when a call to `ConvetToW` is made with an argument character which can't be converted. This PR fixes this throw, by wrapping `ConvertToW` in a try-catch_return.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4258
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed: thanks @miniksa 

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Following the semantics of other `FillConsoleOutputCharacter*` the output param `cellsModified` is set to `0`. The try-catch_return is also what other functions of this family perform in case of errors.

## Validation Steps Performed
Original repro no longer crashes.
2020-02-10 14:09:08 -08:00
Josh Soref a13ccfd0f5
Fix a bunch of spelling errors across the project (#4295)
Generated by `f`; to maintain your repo, please consider `fchurn`

I generally try to ignore upstream bits. I've accidentally included some items from the `deps/` directory. I expect someone will give me a list of items to drop, I'm happy to drop whole files/directories, or to split the PR into multiple items (E.g. comments/locals/public).

Closes #4294
2020-02-10 20:40:01 +00:00
Michael Niksa 86706d7698
Move tests to invoke te.exe directly instead of using VSTest runner (#4490)
Moves the tests from using the `vstest.console.exe` route to just using `te.exe`.

- `te.exe` is significantly faster for running tests because the TAEF/VSTest adapter isn't great.
- Running through `te.exe` is closer to what our developers are doing on their dev boxes
- `te.exe` is how they run in the Windows gates.
- `te.exe` doesn't seem to have the sporadic `0x6` error code thrown during the tests where somehow the console handles get lost
- `te.exe` doesn't seem to repro the other intermittent issues that we have been having that are inscrutable. 
- Fewer processes in the tree (te is running anyway under `vstest.console.exe`, just indirected a lot
- The log outputs scroll live with all our logging messages instead of suppressing everything until there's a failure
- The log output is actually in the order things are happening versus vstest.

- No more code coverage.
- No more test records in the ADO build/test panel.
- Tests really won't work inside Visual Studio at all.
- The log files are really big now
- Testing is not a test task anymore, just another script.

Refuting each CON:
- We didn't read the code coverage numbers
- We didn't look at the ADO test panel results or build-over-build velocities
- Tests didn't really work inside Visual Studio anyway unless you did the right incantations under the full moon.
- We could tone down the logging if we wanted at either the te.exe execution time (with a switch) or by declaring properties in the tests/classes/modules that are very verbose to not log unless it fails.
- I don't think anyone cares how they get run as long as they do.
2020-02-10 19:14:06 +00:00
Steffen 06b3931418
Unify UTF-8 handling using til::u8u16 & revise WriteConsoleAImpl (#4422)
Replace `utf8Parser` with `til::u8u16` in order to have the same
conversion algorithms used in terminal and conhost.

This PR addresses item 2 in this list:
1. ✉ Implement `til::u8u16` and `til::u16u8` (done in PR #4093)
2. ✔ **Unify UTF-8 handling using `til::u8u16` (this PR)**
    2.1. ✔ **Update VtInputThread::_HandleRunInput()**
    2.2. ✔ **Update ApiRoutines::WriteConsoleAImpl()**
    2.3.  (optional / ask the core team) Remove Utf8ToWideCharParser from the code base to avoid further use
3.  Enable BOM discarding (follow up)
    3.1.  extend `til::u8u16` and `til::u16u8` with a 3rd parameter to enable discarding the BOM
    3.2.  Make use of the 3rd parameter to discard the BOM in all current function callers, or (optional / ask the core team) make it the default for  `til::u8u16` and `til::u16u8` 
4.  Find UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversions and examine if they can be unified, too (follow up)

Closes #4086
Closes #3378
2020-02-03 18:06:55 -08:00
James Holderness 0d92f71e45
Add support for VT100 Auto Wrap Mode (DECAWM) (#3943)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds support for the [`DECAWM`]( private mode escape sequence, which controls whether or not the output wraps to the next line when the cursor reaches the right edge of the screen. Tested manually, with [Vttest](, and with some new unit tests.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3826
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #3826

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The idea was to repurpose the existing `ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT` mode, but the problem with that was it didn't work in VT mode - specifically, disabling it didn't prevent the wrapping from happening. This was because in VT mode the `WC_DELAY_EOL_WRAP` behaviour takes affect, and that bypasses the usual codepath where `ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT` is checked,

To fix this, I had to add additional checks in the `WriteCharsLegacy` function (7dbefe06e41f191a0e83cfefe4896b66094c4089) to make sure the `WC_DELAY_EOL_WRAP` mode is only activated when `ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT`  is also set.

Once that was fixed, though, another issue came to light: the `ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT` mode doesn't actually work as documented. According to the docs, "if this mode is disabled, the last character in the row is overwritten with any subsequent characters". What actually happens is the cursor jumps back to the position at the start of the write, which could be anywhere on the line.

This seems completely broken to me, but I've checked in the Windows XP, and it has the same behaviour, so it looks like that's the way it has always been. So I've added a fix for this (9df98497ca38f7d0ea42623b723a8e2ecf9a4ab9), but it is only applied in VT mode.

Once that basic functionality was in place, though, we just needed a private API in the `ConGetSet` interface to toggle the mode, and then that API could be called from the `AdaptDispatch` class when the `DECAWM` escape sequence was received.

One last thing was to reenable the mode in reponse to a `DECSTR` soft reset. Technically the auto wrap mode was disabled by default on many of the DEC terminals, and some documentation suggests that `DECSTR` should reset it to that state, But most modern terminals (including XTerm) expect the wrapping to be enabled by default, and `DECSTR` reenables that state, so that's the behaviour I've copied.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've add a state machine test to confirm the `DECAWM` escape is dispatched correctly, and a screen buffer test to make sure the output is wrapped or clamped as appropriate for the two states.

I've also confirmed that the "wrap around" test is now working correctly in the _Test of screen features_ in Vttest.
2020-02-04 00:20:21 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 790277c909
Update TAEF to 10.51 and remove the private dep on Taef.TestAdapter (#4450)
This removes some longstanding debt we've been carrying around.
2020-02-03 22:14:43 +00:00
Dustin Howett e9f2d034de Merge inbox changes up to eb480b6bb
Fixes #4427
2020-02-03 11:49:42 -08:00
Michael Niksa 55a90e03fc Merged PR 4235821: [Git2Git] Reflect some sources.dep changes from OS
Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 824b3437553bebaf00a4af6275ca3e035e3cf2ca

Related work items: #18974333
2020-01-31 21:27:33 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 29df540174
Refactor UiaTextRange For Improved Navigation and Reliability (#4018)
## Summary of the Pull Request
This pull request is intended to achieve the following goals...
1) reduce duplicate code
2) remove static functions
3) improve readability
4) improve reliability
5) improve code-coverage for testing
6) establish functioning text buffer navigation in Narrator and NVDA

This also required a change to the wrapper class `XamlUiaTextRange` that has been causing issues with Narrator and NVDA.

See below for additional context.

## References
#3976 - I believe this might have been a result of improperly handling degenerate ranges. Fixed here.
#3895 - reduced the duplicate code. No need to separate into different files
#2160 - same as #3976 above
#1993 - I think just about everything is no longer static

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3895, Closes #1993, Closes #3976, Closes #2160 
* [x] CLA signed
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

### UiaTextRange
- converted endpoints into the COORD system in the TextBuffer coordinate space
- `start` is inclusive, `end` is exclusive. A degenerate range is when start == end.
- all functions are no longer static
- `MoveByUnit()` functions now rely on `MoveEndpointByUnit()` functions
- removed unnecessary typedefs like `Endpoint`, `ScreenInfoRow`, etc..
- relied more heavily on existing functionality from `TextBuffer` and `Viewport`

### XamlUiaTextRange
- `GetAttributeValue()` must return a special HRESULT that signifies that the requested attribute is not supported. This was the cause of a number of inconsistencies between Narrator and NVDA.
- `FindText()` should return `nullptr` if nothing was found. #4373 properly fixes this functionality now that Search is a shared module

### TextBuffer
- Word navigation functionality is entirely in `TextBuffer` for proper abstraction
- a total of 6 functions are now dedicated to word navigation to get a good understanding of the differences between a "word" in Accessibility and a "word" in selection

As an example, consider a buffer with this text in it:
"  word   other  "
In selection, a "word" is defined as the range between two delimiters, so the words in the example include ["  ", "word", "   ", "other", "  "].
In accessibility , a "word" includes the delimiters after a range of readable characters, so the words in the example include ["word   ", "other  "].

Additionally, accessibility word navigation must be able to detect if it is on the first or last word. This resulted in a slight variant of word navigation functions that return a boolean instead of a COORD.

Ideally, these functions can be consolidated, but that is too risky for a PR of this size as it can have an effect on selection.

### Viewport
- the concept of `EndExclusive` is added. This is used by UiaTextRange's `end` anchor as it is exclusive. To signify that the last character in the buffer is included in this buffer, `end` must be one past the end of the buffer. This is `EndExclusive`
- Since many functions check if the given `COORD` is in bounds, a flag must be set to allow `EndExclusive` as a valid `COORD` that is in bounds.

### Testing
- word navigation testing relies more heavily on TextBuffer tests
- additional testing was created for non-movement focused functions of UiaTextRange
- The results have been compared to Microsoft Word and some have been verified by UiAutomation/Narrator contacts as expected results.

## Validation Steps Performed
Tests pass
Narrator works
NVDA works
2020-01-31 20:59:39 +00:00
Mike Griese 7e2f51face
A pair of fixes related to cursor movement in conpty (#4372)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This is a pair of related fixes to conpty. For both of these bugs, the root cause was that the cursor was getting set to Off in conpty. Without the `CursorBlinkerTimer`, the cursor would remain off, and frames that only had cursor movements would not update the cursor position in the terminal.

## References

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4102 
* [x] Closes #2642
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Recall that there's a bunch of cursor state that's hard to parse without looking up:
* `Visibility` This controls whether the cursor is visible _at all_, regardless if it's been blinked on or off
* `Blinking` controls whether the blinker timer should do something, or leave the cursor alone.
* `IsOn`: When the cursor is blinking, this alternates between true and false. 

The trick here is that we only `TriggerCursorMoved` when the cursor is `On`, and there are some scenarios where the cursor is manually set to off. 

Fundamentally, these two bugs are similar cases, but they are triggered by different things:
* #2642 was caused by `DoSrvPrivateAllowCursorBlinking(false)` (`^[[?12l`) also manually turning the cursor off.
* #4102 was caused by the client calling `SetConsoleScreenBuffer` to change the active buffer. `win-curses` actually uses that API instead of the alt buffer.
2020-01-30 20:14:16 +00:00
James Holderness c69757ec9e
Remove unneeded VT-specific control character handling (#4289)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This PR removes all of the VT-specific functionality from the `WriteCharsLegacy` function that dealt with control characters, since those controls are now handled in the state machine when in VT mode. It also removes most of the control character handling from the `Terminal::_WriteBuffer` method for the same reason.

## References

This is a followup to PR #4171

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3971
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place:

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

There are four changes to the `WriteCharsLegacy` implementation:

1. The `TAB` character had special case handling in VT mode which is now no longer required. This fixes a bug in the Python REPL editor (when run from a cmd shell in Windows Terminal), which would prevent you tabbing past the end of the line. It also fixes #3971.

2. Following on from point 1, the `WC_NONDESTRUCTIVE_TAB` flag could also now be removed. It only ever applied in VT mode, in which case the `TAB` character isn't handled in `WriteCharsLegacy`, so there isn't a need for a non-destructive version.

3. There used to be special case handling for a `BS` character at the beginning of the line when in VT mode, and that is also no longer required. This fixes an edge-case bug which would prevent a glyph being output for code point 8 when `ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT` was disabled. 

4. There was quite a lot of special case handling for control characters in the "end-of-line wrap" implementation, which is no longer required. This fixes a bug which would prevent "low ASCII" characters from wrapping when output at the end of a line.

Then in the `Terminal::_WriteBuffer` implementation, I've simply removed all control character handling, except for `LF`. The Terminal is always in VT mode, so the control characters are always handled by the state machine. The exception for the `LF` character is simply because it doesn't have a proper implementation yet, so it still passes the character through to `_WriteBuffer`. That will get cleaned up eventually, but I thought that could wait for a later PR.

Finally, with the removal of the VT mode handling in `WriteCharsLegacy`, there was no longer a need for the `SCREEN_INFORMATION::InVTMode` method to be publicly accessible. That has now been made private.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've only tested manually, making sure the conhost and Windows Terminal still basically work, and confirming that the above-mentioned bugs are fixed by these changes.
2020-01-29 19:18:46 +00:00
Mike Griese 685720a767
Add just the test infrastructure bits from #4354 (#4382)
## Summary of the Pull Request

#4354 is a pretty complicated PR. It's got a bunch of conpty changes, but what it also has was some critical improvements to the roundtrip test suite. I'm working on some other bugfixes in the same area currently, and need these tests enhancements in those branches _now_. The rest of #4354 is complex enough that I don't trust it will get merged soon (if ever). However, these fixes _should_ be in regardless.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Taken directly from #4354
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

This is four main changes:
* Enable conpty to be fully enabled in unittests. Just setting up a VT renderer isn't enough to trick the host into being in conpty mode - it also needs to have some other flags set.
* Some minor changes to `CommonState` to better configure the common test state for conpty
* Move some of the verify helpers from `ConptyRoundtripTests` into their own helper class, to be shared in multiple tests
* Add a `TerminalBufferTests` class, for testing the Terminal buffer directly (without conpty).

This change is really easier than 
would suggest, I promise.
2020-01-29 16:33:06 +00:00
Michael Niksa 51cf02c6f9 Merged PR 4182306: [Git2Git] Merged PR 4182266: conhost: don't use D3DCompiler on inside-windows builds (and delete the shaders)
[Git2Git] Merged PR 4182266: conhost: don't use D3DCompiler on inside-windows builds (and delete the shaders)

Related work items: #24424432, #24424534, #24543695 Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp b5d1859452a94e446a3be3f97eb638e13e26496e

Related work items: #24424432, #24424534, #24543695
2020-01-23 00:42:56 +00:00
James Holderness e675de3a88 Add support for the DECSCNM screen mode (#3817)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds support for the [`DECSCNM`]( private mode escape sequence, which toggles the display between normal and reverse screen modes. When reversed, the background and foreground colors are switched. Tested manually, with [Vttest](, and with some new unit tests.

## References

This also fixes issue #72 for the most part, although if you toggle the mode too fast, there is no discernible flash.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3773
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I've implemented this as a new flag in the `Settings` class, along with updates to the `LookupForegroundColor` and `LookupBackgroundColor` methods, to switch the returned foreground and background colors when that flag is set. 

It also required a new private API in the `ConGetSet` interface to toggle the setting. And that API is then called from the `AdaptDispatch` class when the screen mode escape sequence is received.

The last thing needed was to add a step to the `HardReset` method, to reset the mode back to normal, which is one of the `RIS` requirements.

Note that this does currently work in the Windows Terminal, but once #2661 is implemented that may no longer be the case. It might become necessary to let the mode change sequences pass through conpty, and handle the color reversing on the client side.
## Validation Steps Performed

I've added a state machine test to make sure the escape sequence is dispatched correctly, and a screen buffer test to confirm that the mode change does alter the interpretation of colors as expected.

I've also confirmed that the various "light background" tests in Vttest now display correctly, and that the `tput flash` command (in a bash shell) does actually cause the screen to flash.
2020-01-22 22:29:50 +00:00
James Holderness cbb87b98b7 Add support for the HPR and VPR escape sequences (#4297)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This PR adds support for the `HPR` and `VPR`  escape sequences from the VT510 terminal. `HPR` moves the cursor position forward by a given number of columns, and `VPR` moves the cursor position downward by a given number of rows. They're similar in function to the `CUF` and `CUD` escape sequences, except that they're not constrained by the scrolling margins.

## References

#3628 provided the new `_CursorMovePosition` method that made these operations possible

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3428
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Most of the implementation is in the new `_CursorMovePosition` method that was created in PR #3628, so all we're really doing here is hooking up the escape sequences to call that method with the appropriate parameters.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've extended the existing state machine tests for CSI cursor movement to confirm that the `HPR` and `VPR` sequences are dispatched correctly, and also added screen buffer tests to make sure the movement is clamped by the screen boundaries and not the scrolling margins (we don't yet support horizontal margins, but the test is at least in place for when we do eventually add that support).

I've also checked the `HPR` and `VPR` tests in Vttest (under _Test non-VT100 / ISO-6429 cursor-movement_) and confirmed that they are now working as expected.
2020-01-21 22:39:15 +00:00
Mike Griese 62765f152e Create tests that roundtrip output through a conpty to a Terminal (#4213)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This PR adds two tests:
* First, I started by writing a test where I could write output to the console  host and inspect what output came out of conpty. This is the `ConptyOutputTests` in the host unit tests.
* Then I got crazy and thought _"what if I could take that output and dump it straight into the `Terminal`"_? Hence, the `ConptyRoundtripTests` were born, into the TerminalCore unit tests.

## References

Done in pursuit of #4200, but I felt this warranted it's own atomic PR

## PR Checklist
* [x] Doesn't close anything on it's own.
* [x] I work here
* [x] you better believe this adds tests
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

From the comment in `ConptyRoundtripTests`:
> This test class creates an in-proc conpty host as well as a Terminal, to
> validate that strings written to the conpty create the same resopnse on the
> terminal end. Tests can be written that validate both the contents of the
> host buffer as well as the terminal buffer. Everytime that
> `renderer.PaintFrame()` is called, the tests will validate the expected
> output, and then flush the output of the VtEngine straight to th

Also, some other bits had to be updated:
* The renderer needed to be able to survive without a thread, so I hadded a simple check that it actually had a thread before calling `pThread->NotifyPaint`
* Bits in `CommonState` used `NTSTATUS_FROM_HRESULT` which did _not_ work outside the host project. Since the `NTSTATUS` didn't seem that important, I replaced that with a `HRESULT`
* `CommonState` likes to initialize the console to some _weird_ defaults. I added an optional param to let us just use the defaults.
2020-01-17 16:40:12 +00:00
James Holderness 0586955c88 Dispatch more C0 control characters from the VT state machine (#4171)
This commit moves the handling of the `BEL`, `BS`, `TAB`, and `CR`
controls characters into the state machine (when in VT mode), instead of
forwarding them on to the default string writer, which would otherwise
have to parse them out all over again.

This doesn't cover all the control characters, but `ESC`, `SUB`, and
`CAN` are already an integral part of the `StateMachine` itself; `NUL`
is filtered out by the `OutputStateMachineEngine`; and `LF`, `FF`, and
`VT`  are due to be implemented as part of PR #3271.

Once all of these controls are handled at the state machine level, we
can strip out all the VT-specific code from the `WriteCharsLegacy`
function, which should simplify it considerably. This would also let us
simplify the `Terminal::_WriteBuffer` implementation, and the planned
replacement stream writer for issue #780.

On the conhost side, the implementation is handled as follows:

* The `BS` control is dispatched to the existing `CursorBackward`
  method, with a distance of 1.
* The `TAB` control is dispatched to the existing `ForwardTab` method,
  with a tab count of 1.
* The `CR` control required a new dispatch method, but the
  implementation was a simple call to the new `_CursorMovePosition` method
  from PR #3628.
* The `BEL` control also required a new dispatch method, as well as an
  additional private API in the `ConGetSet` interface. But that's mostly
  boilerplate code - ultimately it just calls the `SendNotifyBeep` method.

On the Windows Terminal side, not all dispatch methods are implemented.

* There is an existing `CursorBackward` implementation, so `BS` works
* There isn't a `ForwardTab` implementation, but `TAB` isn't currently
  required by the conpty protocol.
* I had to implement the `CarriageReturn` dispatch method, but that was
  a simple call to `Terminal::SetCursorPosition`.
* The `WarningBell` method I've left unimplemented, because that
  functionality wasn't previously supported anyway, and there's an
  existing issue for that (#4046).

## Validation Steps Performed

I've added a state machine test to confirm that the updated control
characters are now forwarded to the appropriate dispatch handlers. But
since the actual implementation is mostly relying on existing
functionality, I'm assuming that code is already adequately tested
elsewhere. That said, I have also run various manual tests of my own,
and confirmed that everything still worked as well as before.

References #3271
References #780
References #3628
References #4046
2020-01-16 17:43:21 -08:00
James Holderness 2fec1787a0 Improve the VT cursor movement implementation (#3628)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Originally there were 3 different methods for implementing VT cursor movement, and between them they still couldn't handle some of the operations correctly. This PR unifies those operations into a single method that can handle every type of cursor movement, and which fixes some of the issues with the existing implementations. In particular it fixes the `CNL` and `CPL` operations, so they're now correctly constrained by the `DECSTBM` margins.

## References

If this PR is accepted, the method added here should make it trivial to implement the `VPR` and `HPR` commands in issue #3428.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2926
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The new [`AdaptDispatch::_CursorMovePosition`](d6c4f35cf6/src/terminal/adapter/adaptDispatch.cpp (L169)) method is based on the proposal I made in issue #3428 for the `VPR` and `HPR` comands. It takes three arguments: a row offset (which can be absolute or relative), a column offset (ditto), and a flag specifying whether the position should be constrained by the `DECSTBM` margins.

To make the code more readable, I've implemented the offsets using [a `struct` with some `constexpr` helper functions for the construction](d6c4f35cf6/src/terminal/adapter/adaptDispatch.hpp (L116-L125)). This lets you specify the parameters with expressions like `Offset::Absolute(col)` or `Offset::Forward(distance)` which I think makes the calling code a little easier to understand.

While implementing this new method, I noticed a couple of issues in the existing movement implementations which I thought would be good to fix at the same time.

1. When cursor movement is constrained horizontally, it should be constrained by the buffer width, and not the horizontal viewport boundaries. This is an issue I've previously corrected in other parts of the codebase, and I think the cursor movement was one of the last areas where it was still a problem.

2. A number of the commands had range and overflow checks for their parameters that were either unnecessary (testing for a condition that could never occur) or incorrect (if an operation overflows, the correct behavior is to clamp it, and not just fail). The new implementation handles legitimate overflows correctly, but doesn't check for impossible ranges.

Because of the change of behavior in point 1, I also had to update the implementations of [the `DECSC` and `CPR` commands](9cf7a9b577) to account for the column offset now being relative to the buffer and not the viewport, otherwise those operations would no longer work correctly.

## Validation Steps Performed

Because of the two changes in behavior mentioned above, there were a number of adapter tests that stopped working and needed to be updated. First off there were those that expected the column offset to be relative to the left viewport position and constrained by the viewport width. These now had to be updated to [use the full buffer width](49887a3589) as the allowed horizontal extent.

Then there were all the overflow and out-of-range tests that were testing conditions that could never occur in practice, or where the expected behavior that was tested was actually incorrect. I did spend some time trying to see if there was value in updating these tests somehow, but in the end I decided it was best to just [drop them](6e80d0de19) altogether.

For the `CNL` and `CPL` operations, there didn't appear to be any existing tests, so I added some [new screen buffer tests](d6c4f35cf6) to check that those operations now work correctly, both with and without margins.
2020-01-16 22:33:35 +00:00
James Holderness 701b421286 Add support for all the line feed control sequences (#3271)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds support for the `FF` (form feed) and `VT` (vertical tab) [control characters](, as well as the [`NEL` (Next Line)]( and [`IND` (Index)]( escape sequences.

## References

#976 discusses the conflict between VT100 Index sequence and the VT52 cursor back sequence.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3189
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #3189

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I've added a `LineFeed` method to the `ITermDispatch` interface, with an enum parameter specifying the required line feed type (i.e. with carriage return, without carriage return, or dependent on the [`LNM` mode]( The output state machine can then call that method to handle the various line feed control characters (parsed in the `ActionExecute` method), as well the `NEL` and `IND` escape sequences (parsed in the `ActionEscDispatch` method).

The `AdaptDispatch` implementation of `LineFeed` then forwards the call to a new `PrivateLineFeed` method in the `ConGetSet` interface, which simply takes a bool parameter specifying whether a carriage return is required or not. In the case of mode-dependent line feeds, the `AdaptDispatch` implementation determines whether the return is necessary or not, based on the existing _AutoReturnOnNewLine_ setting (which I'm obtaining via another new `PrivateGetLineFeedMode` method).

Ultimately we'll want to support changing the mode via the [`LNM` escape sequence](, but there's no urgent need for that now. And using the existing _AutoReturnOnNewLine_ setting as a substitute for the mode gives us backwards compatible behaviour, since that will be true for the Windows shells (which expect a linefeed to also generate a carriage return), and false in a WSL bash shell (which won't want the carriage return by default).

As for the actual `PrivateLineFeed` implementation, that is just a simplified version of how the line feed would previously have been executed in the `WriteCharsLegacy` function. This includes setting the cursor to "On" (with `Cursor::SetIsOn`), potentially clearing the wrap property of the line being left (with `CharRow::SetWrapForced` false), and then setting the new position using `AdjustCursorPosition` with the _fKeepCursorVisible_ parameter set to false.

I'm unsure whether the `SetIsOn` call is really necessary, and I think the way the forced wrap is handled needs a rethink in general, but for now this should at least be compatible with the existing behaviour.

Finally, in order to make this all work in the _Windows Terminal_ app, I also had to add a basic implementation of the `ITermDispatch::LineFeed` method in the `TerminalDispatch` class. There is currently no need to support mode-specific line feeds here, so this simply forwards a `\n` or `\r\n` to the `Execute` method, which is ultimately handled by the `Terminal::_WriteBuffer` implementation.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've added output engine tests which confirm that the various control characters and escape sequences trigger the dispatch method correctly. Then I've added adapter tests which confirm the various dispatch options trigger the `PrivateLineFeed` API correctly. And finally I added some screen buffer tests that check the actual results of the `NEL` and `IND` sequences, which covers both forms of the `PrivateLineFeed` API (i.e. with and without a carriage return).

I've also run the _Test of cursor movements_ in the [Vttest]( utility, and confirmed that screens 1, 2, and 5 are now working correctly. The first two depend on `NEL` and `IND` being supported, and screen 5 requires the `VT` control character.
2020-01-15 13:41:55 +00:00
Mike Griese cc9d2ca9e3 Move reflowing the buffer to TextBuffer (#4197)
## Summary of the Pull Request

In pursuit of reflowing the terminal buffer on resize, move the reflow algorithm to the TextBuffer. This does _not_ yet add support for reflowing in the Windows Terminal.

## References

## PR Checklist
* [ ] There's not really an issue for this yet, I'm just breaking this work up into as many PRs as possible to help the inevitable bisect.
* [x] I work here
* [x] Ideally, all the existing tests will pass
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

In `SCREEN_INFORMATION::ResizeScreenBuffer`, the screenbuffer needs to create a new buffer, and copy the contents of the old buffer into the new one. I'm moving that "copy contents from the old buffer to the new one" step to it's own helper, as a static function on `TextBuffer`. That way, when the time comes to implement this for the Terminal, the hard part of the code will already be there.

## Validation Steps Performed

Ideally, all the tests will still pass.
2020-01-14 21:34:43 +00:00
James Holderness bf86a961f0 Reverse the behavior of the IS_GLYPH_CHAR macro so its function now matches its name. (#4209)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This PR reverses the behaviour of the `IS_GLYPH_CHAR` macro, so it now actually returns true if the given char is a glyph, and false if it isn't. Previously it returned the opposite of that, which meant it had to be called as `!IS_GLYPH_CHAR` to get the correct result.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4185
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #4185

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The original implementation returned true if the given character was a C0 control, or a DEL:

    #define IS_GLYPH_CHAR(wch) (((wch) < L' ') || ((wch) == 0x007F))

It's now the exact opposite, so returns true for characters that are _not_ C0 controls, and are not the DEL character either: 

    #define IS_GLYPH_CHAR(wch) (((wch) >= L' ') && ((wch) != 0x007F))

The macro was only used in one place, where is was being called as `!IS_GLYPH_CHAR` when the intent was actually to test whether the char _was_ a glyph. That code could now be updated to remove the `!`, so it makes more sense.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've just tested manually and confirmed that basic output of text and control chars still worked as expected in a conhost shell.
2020-01-14 16:43:38 +00:00
Mike Griese 3fcc935782 Fix unittesting our .xaml classes (#4105)
## Summary of the Pull Request

New year, new unittests.

This PR introduces a new project, `TestHostApp`. This project is largely taken from the TAEF samples, and allows us to easily construct a helper executable and `resources.pri` for running TerminalApp unittests.

## References

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3986
* [x] I work here
* [x] is Tests
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] **Waiting for an updated version of TAEF to be available**

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Unittesting for the TerminalApp project has been a horrifying process to try getting everything pieced together just right. Dependencies need to get added to manifests, binplaced correctly, and XAML resources need to get compiled together as well. In addition, using a MUX `Application` (as opposed to the Windows.UI.Xaml `Application`) has led to additional problems. 

This was always a horrifying house of cards for us. Turns out, the reason this was so horrible is that the test infrastructure for doing what we're doing _literally didn't exist_ when I started doing all that work last year.

So, with help from the TAEF team, I was able to get rid of our entire house of cards, and use a much simpler project to build and run the tests.

Unfortunately, the latest TAEF release has a minor bug in it's build rules, and only publishes the x86 version of a dll we need from them. But, the rest of this PR works for x86, and I'll bump this when that updated version is available. We should be able to review this even in the state it's in.

## Validation Steps Performed
ran the tests yo
2020-01-10 18:55:31 +00:00
Chester Liu dd1dbf5780 Remove global namespaced min/max and replace it with STL min/max (#4173)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request

It's 2020 now. It's *about* time that we move on from 1990's macros.

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [X] Closes #4152 
* [X] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Remove global namespaced min/max and replace it with STL min/max.

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed

Run it.
2020-01-10 13:27:05 +00:00
Chester Liu 718d334ba5 Correct improper usage of THROW_IF_NULL_ALLOC (#4128)
Closes #4099
2020-01-07 13:27:18 -08:00
Mike Griese f6774a730f Fix a crash when calling SetConsoleScreenBufferSize in conpty (#4021) 2019-12-31 10:29:27 -08:00
Michael Niksa 6f667f48ae
Make the terminal parser/adapter and related classes use modern… (#3956)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Refactors parsing/adapting libraries and consumers to use safer and/or more consistent mechanisms for passing information.

## PR Checklist
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests still pass
* [x] Am a core contributor.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
This is in support of hopefully turning audit mode on to more projects. If I turned it on, it would immediately complain about certain classes of issues like pointer and size, pointer math, etc. The changes in this refactoring will eliminate those off the top.

Additionally, this has caught a bunch of comments all over the VT classes that weren't updated to match the parameters lists.

Additionally, this has caught a handful of member variables on classes that were completely unused (and now gone).

Additionally, I'm killing almost all hungarian and shortening variable names. I'm only really leaving 'p' for pointers.

Additionally, this is vaguely in support of a future where we can have "infinite scrollback" in that I'm moving things to size_t across the board. I know it's a bit of a memory cost, but all the casting and moving between types is error prone and unfun to save a couple bytes.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] build it
- [x] run all the tests
- [x] everyone looked real hard at it
2019-12-19 14:12:53 -08:00
Michael Niksa abfca60097 Merged PR 4130317: [Git2Git] Merged PR 4127538: [Git2Git] Migrate github changes up to dccb2979
This pull request also includes build break fixes for things that do not build in the OSS repo
and disables the retro terminal effect in conhost.

Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp f10445678e59197c1ae2ee29d8f009c9607c4e5d

Related work items: #24387718
2019-12-17 18:17:26 +00:00
James Holderness c0b8b85a47 Add support for the DECALN escape sequence (#3968)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds support for the [`DECALN`]( escape sequence, which produces a kind of test pattern, originally used on VT terminals to adjust the screen alignment. It's needed to pass several of the tests in the [Vttest]( suite.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #3671
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

To start with, the `ActionEscDispatch` method in the `OutputStateMachineEngine` needed to be extended to check for a new intermediate type (`#`). Then when that intermediate is followed by an `8`, it dispatches to a new `ScreenAlignmentPattern` method in the `ITermDispatch` interface.

The implementation of the `ScreenAlignmentPattern` itself is fairly simple. It uses the recently added `PrivateFillRegion` API to fill the screen with the character `E` using default attributes. Then in addition to that, a bunch of VT properties are reset:

* The meta/extended attributes are reset (although the active colors must be left unchanged).
* The origin mode is set to absolute positioning.
* The scrolling margins are cleared.
* The cursor position is moved to home.

## Validation Steps Performed

I've added a screen buffer test that makes sure the `DECALN` sequence fills the screen with the correct character and attributes, and that the above mentioned properties are all updated appropriately.

I've also tested in Vttest, and confirmed that the first two pages of the _Test of cursor movements_ are now showing the frame of E's that are expected there.
2019-12-17 18:11:52 +00:00
Kaiyu Wang d7ae8e6db9 Search - add search box control and implement search experience (#3590)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
This is the PR for feature Search: #605 
This PR includes the newly introduced SearchBoxControl in TermControl dir, which is the search bar for the search experience. And the codes that enable Search in Windows Terminal. 

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
The PR that migrates the Conhost search module:
Spec (still actively updating):
<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #605 
* [ ] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
These functionalities are included in the search experience. 
1. Search in Terminal text buffer. 
2. Automatic wrap-around. 
3. Search up or down switch by clicking different buttons.
4. Search case sensitively/insensitively by clicking a button.                                                                                                                                                S. Move the search box to the top/bottom by clicking a button. 
6. Close by clicking 'X'. 
7. Open search by ctrl + F.

When the searchbox is open, the user could still interact with the terminal by clicking the terminal input area. 

While I already have the search functionalities, currently there are still some known to-do works and I will keep updating my PR:

1. Optimize the search box UI, this includes:
                                                  1) Theme adaptation. The search box background and font color 
                                                       should change according to the theme, 
                                                  2) Add background. Currently the elements in search box are all
                                                      transparent. However, we need a background. 
                                                  3) Move button should be highlighted once clicked. 
2. Accessibility: search process should be able to performed without mouse. Once the search box is focused, the user should be able to navigate between all interactive elements on the searchbox using keyboard. 

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->

To test:
1. checkout this branch.
2. Build the project. 
3. Start Windows Terminal and press Ctrl+F
4. The search box should appear on the top right corner.
2019-12-17 15:52:37 +00:00
ironyman 9ae43377b0 Add experimental retro terminal effects (#3468)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Cool retro terminal effects
- glow
- scan lines
- cool
- will make terminal competitive with iterm2

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [ ] Closes #xxx
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
2019-12-12 13:44:01 +00:00
James Holderness 6f21f30951 Don't allow a linefeed to scroll when outside DECSTBM margins (#3704)
## Summary of the Pull Request

When the `DECSTBM` margins are set, scrolling should only allowed within
those margins. So if the cursor is below the bottom margin, it should
just be clamped when it tries to move down from the bottom line of the
viewport, instead of scrolling the screen up. This PR implements that
restriction, i.e. it prevents scrolling taking place outside the
`DECSTBM` margins, which was previously allowed.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2657
* [x] CLA signed.
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

This simply adds a condition in the `AdjustCursorPosition` function to
check if the cursor is moving below the bottom of the viewport when the
margins are set. If so, it clamps the y coordinate to the bottom line of
the viewport.

The only time it's acceptable for scrolling to happen when margins are
set, is if the scrolling is taking place within those margins. But those
cases would already have been handled earlier in the function (in the
`fScrollDown` or `scrollDownAtTop` conditions), and thus the y
coordinate would have already been prevented from moving out of the

## Validation Steps Performed

I've added some screen buffer tests to confirm this new behaviour, and
I've also checked the test case from the initial bug report (#2657) and
made sure it now matches the results in XTerm.
2019-12-11 22:59:27 +00:00
James Holderness 381b11521a Correct fill attributes when scrolling and erasing (#3100)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Operations that erase areas of the screen are typically meant to do so using the current color attributes, but with the rendition attributes reset (what we refer to as meta attributes). This also includes scroll operations that have to clear the area of the screen that has scrolled into view. The only exception is the _Erase Scrollback_ operation, which needs to reset the buffer with the default attributes. This PR updates all of these cases to apply the correct attributes when scrolling and erasing.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2553
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've not really discussed this with core contributors. I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. 

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

My initial plan was to use a special case legacy attribute value to indicate the "standard erase attribute" which could safely be passed through the legacy APIs. But this wouldn't cover the cases that required default attributes to be used. And then with the changes in PR #2668 and #2987, it became clear that our requirements could be better achieved with a couple of new private APIs that wouldn't have to depend on legacy attribute hacks at all.

To that end, I've added the `PrivateFillRegion` and `PrivateScrollRegion` APIs to the `ConGetSet` interface. These are just thin wrappers around the existing `SCREEN_INFORMATION::Write` method and the `ScrollRegion` function respectively, but with a simple boolean parameter to choose between filling with default attributes or the standard erase attributes (i.e the current colors but with meta attributes reset).

With those new APIs in place, I could then update most scroll operations to use `PrivateScrollRegion`, and most erase operations to use `PrivateFillRegion`.

The functions affected by scrolling included:
* `DoSrvPrivateReverseLineFeed` (the RI command)
* `DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl` (the IL and DL commands)
* `AdaptDispatch::_InsertDeleteHelper` (the ICH and DCH commands)
* `AdaptDispatch::_ScrollMovement` (the SU and SD commands)

The functions affected by erasing included:
* `AdaptDispatch::_EraseSingleLineHelper` (the EL command, and most ED variants)
* `AdaptDispatch::EraseCharacters` (the ECH command)

While updating these erase methods, I noticed that both of them also required boundary fixes similar to those in PR #2505 (i.e. the horizontal extent of the erase operation should apply to the full width of the buffer, and not just the current viewport width), so I've addressed that at the same time.

In addition to the changes above, there were also a few special cases, the first being the line feed handling, which required updating in a number of places to use the correct erase attributes:

* `SCREEN_INFORMATION::InitializeCursorRowAttributes` - this is used to initialise the rows that pan into view when the viewport is moved down the buffer.
* `TextBuffer::IncrementCircularBuffer` - this occurs when we scroll passed the very end of the buffer, and a recycled row now needs to be reinitialised.
* `AdjustCursorPosition` - when within margin boundaries, this relies on a couple of direct calls to `ScrollRegion` which needed to be passed the correct fill attributes.

The second special case was the full screen erase sequence (`ESC 2 J`), which is handled separately from the other ED sequences. This required updating the `SCREEN_INFORMATION::VtEraseAll` method to use the standard erase attributes, and also required changes to the horizontal extent of the filled area, since it should have been clearing the full buffer width (the same issue as the other erase operations mentioned above).

Finally, there was the `AdaptDispatch::_EraseScrollback` method, which uses both scroll and fill operations, which could now be handled by the new `PrivateScrollRegion` and `PrivateFillRegion` APIs. But in this case we needed to fill with the default attributes rather than the standard erase attributes. And again this implementation needed some changes to make sure the full width of the active area was retained after the erase, similar to the horizontal boundary issues with the other erase operations.

Once all these changes were made, there were a few areas of the code that could then be simplified quite a bit. The `FillConsoleOutputCharacterW`, `FillConsoleOutputAttribute`, and `ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW` were no longer needed in the `ConGetSet` interface, so all of that code could now be removed. The `_EraseSingleLineDistanceHelper` and `_EraseAreaHelper` methods in the `AdaptDispatch` class were also no longer required and could be removed.

Then there were the hacks to handle legacy default colors in the `FillConsoleOutputAttributeImpl` and `ScrollConsoleScreenBufferWImpl` implementations. Since those hacks were only needed for VT operations, and the VT code no longer calls those methods, there was no longer a need to retain that behaviour (in fact there are probably some edge cases where that behaviour might have been considered a bug when reached via the public console APIs). 

## Validation Steps Performed

For most of the scrolling operations there were already existing tests in place, and those could easily be extended to check that the meta attributes were correctly reset when filling the revealed lines of the scrolling region.

In the screen buffer tests, I made updates of that sort to  the `ScrollOperations` method (handling SU, SD, IL, DL, and RI), the `InsertChars` and `DeleteChars` methods (ICH and DCH), and the `VtNewlinePastViewport` method (LF). I also added a new `VtNewlinePastEndOfBuffer` test to check the case where the line feed causes the viewport to pan past the end of the buffer.

The erase operations, however, were being covered by adapter tests, and those aren't really suited for this kind of functionality (the same sort of issue came up in PR #2505). As a result I've had to reimplement those tests as screen buffer tests.

Most of the erase operations are covered by the `EraseTests` method, except the for the scrollback erase which has a dedicated `EraseScrollbackTests` method. I've also had to replace the `HardReset` adapter test, but that was already mostly covered by the `HardResetBuffer` screen buffer test, which I've now extended slightly (it could do with some more checks, but I think that can wait for a future PR when we're fixing other RIS issues).
2019-12-10 23:14:40 +00:00
Carlos Zamora 5bbf7e2650
Fix Reverse Walking in AttrRowIterator (#3566) 2019-12-10 14:46:08 -08:00
James Holderness 5c43f055c5 Prevent the horizontal tab character wrapping at the end of a line (#3197)
# Summary of the Pull Request
When a horizontal tab ('\t') is output on the last column of the screen, the current implementation moves the cursor position to the start of the next line. However, the DEC STD 070 manual specifies that a horizontal tab shouldn't move past the last column of the active line (or the right margin, if we supported horizontal margins). This PR updates the forward tab implementation, to prevent it wrapping onto a new line when it reaches the end of a line.

# Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Originally the SCREEN_INFORMATION::GetForwardTab method had a condition which handled a tab at the end of the line as a special case, moving the cursor to the start of the next line. I've simply removed that condition, so an end-of-line tab is handled the same way as any other position (in this case it will just leaves the cursor where it is).

While testing, though, I found that there were circumstances where you could have tab stops greater than the width of the screen, and when that happens, a tab can still end up wrapping onto the next line. To fix that I had to add an additional check to make sure the tab position was always clamped to the width of the buffer.

With these fixes in place, a tab control should now never move off the active line, so I realised that the DoPrivateTabHelper function could be optimized to calculate all of the tab movements in advance, and then only make a single call to AdjustCursorPosition with the final coordinates. This change is not strictly necessary, though, so it can easily be reverted if there are any objections.

Regarding backwards compatibility, note that the GetForwardTab method is only used in two places:

when handling a tab character in the WriteCharsLegacy function, but this only applies in VT mode (see here).
when handling the CHT escape sequence in the DoPrivateTabHelper function, and obviously an escape sequence would also only be applicable in VT mode.
So this change should have no effect on legacy console applications, which wouldn't have VT mode activated.

# Validation Steps Performed
I've added another step to the TestGetForwardTab test which makes sure that a horizontal tab won't wrap at the end of a line.

I've also confirmed that this fixes the last remaining issue in the Test of autowrap in Vttest (pages 3 and 4 of the Test of cursor movements). Although I should note that this only works in conhost.
2019-12-04 13:48:09 -05:00
Michael Niksa b4673bd475 Integrate inbox changes up to 68d3b53286dd
sources files and testmd changes

(cherry picked from commit 41b3b2a49d2d4510cd046101616f8a561bd28ceb)
2019-12-02 17:24:26 -08:00
Kaiyu Wang ebdcfbd940
Migrate Search module as a shared component for Terminal Search (#3279)
* Make search a shared component for conhost and terminal

* Remove inclusion of deprecated interface file

* Code review changes, remove text buffer modification in Terminal

* remove unreferenced objects to fix build errors

* Fix test failure, guarantee uiaData object is correctly initialized in Search

* minor comment typo fix and format fix

* minor PR comments change

* ColorSeclection directly throw and return

* remove coordAnchor initialization

* minor method signature change
2019-11-14 14:36:41 -08:00
Michael Niksa ddcc06e911
Move project to app CRTs in preparation to run Universal (#3474)
* Change to use App CRT in preparation for universal.
* Try to make project build again by setting winconpty to static lib so it'll use the CRT inside TerminalConnection (or its other consumers) instead of linking its own.
* Remove test for conpty dll, it's a lib now. Add additional commentary on how CRT linking works for future reference. I'm sure this will come up again.
* use the _apiset variant until proven otherwise to match the existing one.
* Clarification in the comments for linking.
2019-11-08 14:09:39 -08:00
Michael Niksa 4dd476ecbd
Revert locking changes (#3488)
This reverts commit 56c35945b9.

Also patches up some build fixes made after it and corrects a VtRendererTest that was dependent on the locks.
2019-11-08 13:44:52 -08:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 9dc922fc37
Unify and clean up the common build properties (#3429)
This commit cleans up and deduplicates all of the common build
preamble/postamble across exe, dll, lib and c++/winrt projects.

The following specific changes have been made:
* All projects now define their ConfigurationType
* All projects now set all their properties *before* including a common
  build file (or any other build files)
* cppwinrt.pre and now delegate most of their
  configuration to common.pre and
* (becuase of the above,) all build options are conserved between
  console and c++/winrt components, including specific warnings and
  preprocessor definitions.
* More properties that are configurable per-project are now
  conditioned so the common props don't override them.
* The exe, dll, exe.or.dll, and lib postincludes have been merged into
  pre or post and switched based on condition as required
* Shared items (-shared, -common) are now explicitly vcxitems instead of
  vcxproj files.
* The link line is now manipulated after Microsoft.Cpp sets it, so the
  libraries we specify "win". All console things link first against
* Fix all compilation errors caused by build unification
* Move CascadiaPackage's resources into a separate item file

Fixes #922.
2019-11-05 14:29:11 -08:00
Michael Niksa 52d7de38b1
Prevent cleanup of object given to handle that failed access check (#3414)
* Ensure rights check and increments pass before assigning an object to a handle (since deallocation of handles will automatically attempt to cleanup).
2019-11-05 14:22:55 -08:00
James Holderness 53b6f143b3 Improve the DECSC/DECRC implementation (#3160)
The current DECSC implementation only saves the cursor position and
origin mode. This PR improves that functionality with additional support
for saving the SGR attributes, as well as the active character set.

It also fixes the way the saved state interacts with the alt buffer
(private mode 1049), triggering a save when switching to the alt buffer,
and a restore when switching back, and tracking the alt buffer state
independently from the main state.

In order to properly save and restore the SGR attributes, we first
needed to add a pair of APIs in the `ConGetSet` interface which could
round-trip the attributes with full 32-bit colors (the existing methods
only work with legacy attributes).

I then added a struct in the `AdaptDispatch` implementation to make it
easier to manage all of the parameters that needed to be saved. This
includes the cursor position and origin mode that we were already
tracking, and now also the SGR text attributes and the active character
set (via the `TermOutput` class).

Two instances of this structure are required, since changes made to the
saved state in the alt buffer need to be tracked separately from changes
in the main buffer. I've added a boolean property that specifies whether
we're in the alt buffer or not, and use that to decide which of the two
instances we're working with.

I also needed to explicitly trigger a save when switching to the alt
buffer, and a restore when switching back, since we weren't already
doing that (the existing implementation gave the impression that the
state was saved, because each buffer has its own cursor position, but
that doesn't properly match the XTerm behaviour).

For the state tracking itself, we've now got two additional properties -
the SGR attributes, which we obtain via the new private API, and the
active character set, which we get from a local `AdaptDispatch` field.
I'm saving the whole `TermOutput` class for the character set, since I'm
hoping that will make it automatically supports future enhancements. 

When restoring the cursor position, there is also now a fix to handle
the relative origin mode correctly. If the margins are changed between
the position being saved and restored, it's possible for the cursor to
end up outside of the new margins, which would be illegal. So there is
now an additional step that clamps the Y coordinate within the margin
boundaries if the origin mode is relative.

# Validation

I've added a couple of screen buffer tests which check that the various
parameters are saved and restored as expected, as well as checking that
the Y coordinate is clamped appropriately when the relative origin mode
is set.

I've also tested manually with vttest and confirmed that the
_SAVE/RESTORE CURSOR_ test (the last page of the _Test of screen
features_)) is now working a lot better than it used to.

Closes #148.
2019-11-05 13:35:50 -08:00
Chester Liu de9231a88b Replace macros with constexpr part 2 (#3416) 2019-11-04 07:37:47 -06:00
Chester Liu 86e0ea73e2 Replace some macros with constexpr (#3362) 2019-11-01 10:33:09 -07:00
Michael Niksa 126d489af9
Compensate for non-minimal UTF-8 encodings (#3380)
* Allow Mb2Wc to substitute U+FFFD (unicode replacement) for non-minimal forms of characters that get past our initial invalid-sequence screening.
2019-10-31 10:50:34 -07:00
James Holderness c0399b2c2e Get rid of the SCREEN_INFORMATION::LineChar array (#3371) 2019-10-31 10:12:41 -05:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) f2a99c56c9
Manipulate Xterm256Engine's extended attr state properly (#3282)
We should be clearing the bits when they're different, not just always
setting them.
This commit also adds a test for extended attributes.

Fixes #3281.
2019-10-24 11:52:36 -07:00
gittrain 73462c3986 Sync with latest inbox changes
[Git2Git] Git Train: Merge of building/rs_onecore_dep_uxp/191011-1234 into official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp b80345479891d1e7a9f7e38b6b5f40083c6a564a

sources changes from 21H1

Merged PR 3896217: [Git2Git] Changes from vb_release_dep_dev1

server init changes from 20H1 (onecore headless mode)
2019-10-17 15:11:07 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 9e5792ba51 Always use a VK in MapVirtualKeyW(..., MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC) (#3199)
Fixes #2873.
2019-10-17 14:58:41 -07:00
Chester Liu 12c2819e6a Replace ExpandEnvironmentStrings double calling with wil helper (#3198)
Closes #2097
2019-10-15 14:51:33 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett b664761c79 Allow FontInfo{,Base,Desired} to store a font name > 32 wch (#3107)
We now truncate the font name as it goes out to GDI APIs, in console API
servicing, and in the propsheet.

I attempted to defer truncating the font to as far up the stack as
possible, so as to make FontInfo usable for the broadest set of cases.

There were a couple questions that came up: I know that `Settings` gets
memset (memsat?) by the registry deserializer, and perhaps that's
another place for us to tackle. Right now, this pull request enables
fonts whose names are >= 32 characters _in Windows Terminal only_, but
the underpinnings are there for conhost as well. We'd need to explicitly
break at the API, or perhaps return a failure or log something to

* Should we log truncation at the API boundary to telemetry?
-> Later; followup filed (#3123)

* Should we fix Settings here, or later?
-> Later; followup filed (#3123)

* `TrueTypeFontList` is built out of things in winconp, the private
console header. Concern about interop structures.
-> Not used for interop, followup filed to clean it up (#3123)

* Is `unsigned int` right for codepage? For width?
-> Yes: codepage became UINT (from WORD) when we moved from Win16 to

This commit also includes a workaround for #3170. Growing
CONSOLE_INFORMATION made us lose the struct layout lottery during
release builds, and this was an expedient fix.

Closes #602.
Related to #3123.
2019-10-14 21:23:45 -07:00
Mike Griese dec5c11e19
Add support for passing through extended text attributes, like… (#2917)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Adds support for Italics, Blinking, Invisible, CrossedOut text, THROUGH CONPTY. This does **NOT** add support for those styles to conhost or the terminal.

We will store these "Extended Text Attributes" in a `TextAttribute`. When we go to render a line, we'll see if the state has changed from our previous state, and if so, we'll appropriately toggle that state with VT. Boldness has been moved from a `bool` to a single bit in these flags.

Technically, now that these are stored in the buffer, we only need to make changes to the renderers to be able to support them. That's not being done as a part of this PR however.

## References
See also #2915 and #2916, which are some follow-up tasks from this fix. I thought them too risky for 20H1.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2554
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated


* store text with extended attributes too

* Plumb attributes through all the renderers

* parse extended attrs, though we're not renderering them right

* Render these states correctly

* Add a very extensive test

* Cleanup for PR

* a block of PR feedback

* add 512 test cases

* Fix the build

* Fix @carlos-zamora's suggestions

* @miniksa's PR feedback
2019-10-04 15:53:54 -05:00
Mike Griese a82d6b8c69
Don't put NUL in the buffer in VT mode (#3015)
* Potentially fixes #1825

  I haven't had a chance to test this fix on my machine with a CentOS VM quite yet, but this _should_ work

  Also adds a test

* add a comment

* woah hey this test was wrong

* Revert bx.ps1
2019-10-03 16:04:48 -05:00
Mike Griese a9f384931e Render the cursor state to VT (#2829)
* Render the cursor state to VT
* Remove TestPaintXterm entirely, as it's unused now
2019-10-02 16:11:27 -07:00
Mike Griese 0ce08aff32 do not allow CUU and CUD to move "across" margins. (#2996)
If we're moving the cursor up, its vertical movement should be stopped
at the top margin. It should not magically jump up to the bottom margin.
Similarly, this applies to moving down and the bottom margin.
Furthermore, this constraint should always apply, not just when the
start position is within BOTH margins

Fixes #2929.
2019-10-01 10:42:33 -07:00
Mike Griese 847d6b56ad
When reverse indexing, preserve RGB/256 attributes (#2987) 2019-10-01 10:56:06 -05:00
Carlos Zamora 4dd9f9c180 make filling chars (and, thus, erase line/char) unset wrap (#2831)
EraseInLine calls `FillConsoleOutputCharacterW()`. In filling the row with
chars, we were setting the wrap flag. We need to specifically not do this on
ANY _FILL_ operation. Now a fill operation UNSETS the wrap flag if we fill to
the end of the line.

Originally, we had a boolean `setWrap` that would mean...
- **true**: if writing to the end of the row, SET the wrap value to true
- **false**: if writing to the end of the row, DON'T CHANGE the wrap value

Now we're making this bool a std::optional to allow for a ternary state. This
allows for us to handle the following cases completely. Refer to the table

,- current wrap value
|     ,- are we filling the last cell in the row?
|     |     ,- new wrap value
|     |     |     ,- comments
|--   |--   |--   |
| 0   | 0   | 0   |
| 0   | 1   | 0   |
| 1   | 0   | 0   | THIS CASE WAS UNHANDLED
| 1   | 0   | 1   |
| 1   | 1   | 1   |

To handle that special case (1-0-0), we need to UNSET the wrap. So now, we have
~setWrap~ `wrap` mean the following:
- **true**: if writing to the end of the row, SET the wrap value to TRUE
- **false**: if writing to the end of the row, SET the wrap value to FALSE
- **nullopt**: leave the wrap value as it is

Closes #1126
2019-09-30 18:16:31 -07:00
Michael Niksa 52534c94cc Combined changes to make the build work again (see inside) (#2945)
* Revert "Add source linking information during the build (#2857)"

This reverts commit 6b728cd6d0.

* Need reference to renderer base inside UnitTests_TerminalCore
* add dependency for TerminalControl to Types project.
* Set build to single threaded as parallel build is broken by 16.3 build toolchain.
* Disable new rule C26814 as it's breaking builds
   Wrote a follow up task #2941 to roll it out later.
* Add noexcept to dx header.
2019-09-30 10:39:55 -07:00
Michael Niksa 0dc1c5b163 inbox: console: consolidated build break fixes from vb_release_dep_dev1
- Merged PR 3815980: FIX BUILD BREAK - console: propagate input eventing changes to onecore interactivity
- Merged PR 3816007: FIX BUILD BREAK - console: api_ptytests must use SIZE_T for InitProcThreadAttrList

Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp c06af1c985955b67b8b6824e264064a6244f8d34

(cherry picked from commit cc46a618ff27b8fb866be660fcad3b043681e5f8)
2019-09-27 11:24:09 -07:00
Mike Griese 6f4b98acb4
Fix snapping to the cursor in "Terminal Scrolling" mode (#2705)
fixes #1222

  PSReadline calls SetConsoleCursorPosition on each character they emit (go
  figure). When that function is called, and we set the cursor position, we'll
  try and "snap" the viewport to the location of the cursor, so that the cursor
  remains visible.

  However, we'd only ever do this with the visible viewport, the viewport
  defined by `SCREEN_INFORMATION::_viewport`. When there's a virtual viewport in
  Terminal Scrolling mode, we actually need to snap the virtual viewport, so
  that this behavior looks more regular.
2019-09-27 11:21:37 -05:00
Michael Niksa 86c9e586fe inbox: merge rs_onecore_dep_uxp b4fc3a535 2019-09-26 11:44:54 -07:00
Michael Niksa 6b728cd6d0
Add source linking information during the build (#2857)
Copies source linking scripts and processes from Microsoft/Microsoft-UI-XAML. This embeds source information inside the PDBs in two formats: One for WinDBG using a PowerShell script that runs during the build, and one for Visual Studio using the Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub NuGet pacakge. Sources are automatically pulled from when debugging a release build inside either of these utilities as of this change.
2019-09-26 09:31:09 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) a1bd7967e2 conhost: if we start with invalid terminal colors, reset them to sanity (#2855)
* conhost: if we start with invalid terminal colors, reset them to sanity

We've seen a number of cases where the user's settings can get corrupted
and their default foreground/background and cursor color get set to all
black (black on black). This results in a fairly unhappy user and
probably a great number of support incidents.

Let's declare that an invalid state.

* Add some comments to the comments
2019-09-23 18:35:53 -07:00
James Holderness 0c8a4df963 Remove unwanted DECSTBM clipping (#2764)
The `DECSTBM` margins are meant to define the range of lines within which
certain vertical scrolling operations take place. However, we were applying
these margin restrictions in the `ScrollRegion` function, which is also used in
a number of places that shouldn't be affected by `DECSTBM`.

This includes the `ICH` and `DCH` escape sequences (which are only affected by
the horizontal margins, which we don't yet support), the
`ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer` API (which is public Console API, not meant to be
affected by the VT terminal emulation), and the `CSI 3 J` erase scrollback
extension (which isn't really scrolling as such, but uses the `ScrollRegion`
function to manipulate the scrollback buffer).

This commit moves the margin clipping out of the `ScrollRegion` function, so it
can be applied exclusively in the places that need it.

With the margin clipping removed from the `ScrollRegion` function, it now had
to be applied manually in the places it was actually required. This included:

* The `DoSrvPrivateReverseLineFeed` function (for the `RI` control): This was
* just a matter of updating the bottom of the scroll rect to the bottom margin
* (at least when the margins were actually set), since the top of the scroll
* rect would always be the top of the viewport.  The
* `DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl` function (for the `IL` and `DL` commands):
* Again this was just a matter of updating the bottom of the scroll rect, since
* the cursor position would always determine the top of the scroll rect.  The
* `AdaptDispatch::_ScrollMovement` method (for the `SU` and `SD` commands):
* This required updating both the top and bottom coordinates of the scroll
* rect, and also a simpler destination Y coordinate (the way the `ScrollRegion`
* function worked before, the caller was expected to take the margins into
* account when determining the destination).

On the plus side, there was now no longer a need to override the margins when
calling `ScrollRegion` in the `AdjustCursorPosition` function. In the first
case, the margins had needed to be cleared (_stream.cpp 143-145), but that is
now the default behaviour. In the second case, there had been a more
complicated adjustment of the margins (_stream.cpp 196-209), but that code was
never actually used so could be removed completely (to get to that point either
_fScrollUp_ was true, so _scrollDownAtTop_ couldn't also be true, or
_fScrollDown_ was true, but in that case there is a check to make sure
_scrollDownAtTop_ is false).

While testing, I also noticed that one of the `ScrollRegion` calls in the
`AdjustCursorPosition` function was not setting the horizontal range correctly
- the scrolling should always affect the full buffer width rather than just the
  viewport width - so I've fixed that now as well.

## Validation Steps Performed

For commands like `RI`, `IL`, `DL`, etc. where we've changed the implementation
but not the behaviour, there were already unit tests that could confirm that
the new implementation was still producing the correct results.

Where there has been a change in behaviour - namely for the `ICH` and `DCH`
commands, and the `ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer` API - I've extended the existing
unit tests to check that they still function correctly even when the `DECSTBM`
margins are set (which would previously have caused them to fail).

I've also tested manually with the test cases in issues #2543 and #2659, and
confirmed that they now work as expected.

Closes #2543
Closes #2659
2019-09-23 16:16:54 -07:00
Mike Griese 1c412d42b3 Enable VT processing by default for ConPTY (#2824)
This change enables VT processing by default for _all_ conpty clients. See #1965 for a discussion on why we believe this is a righteous change.

Also mentioned in the issue was the idea of only checking the `VirtualTerminalLevel` reg key in the conpty startup. I don't think this would be a more difficult change, looks like all we'd need is a simple `reg.LoadGlobalsFromRegistry();` call instead of this change.

# Validation Steps Performed
Manually launched a scratch app in both the terminal and the console. The console launch's output mode was 0x3, and the terminal's was 0x7. 0x4 is the ` ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING` flag, which the client now had by default in the Terminal.

Closes #1965
2019-09-23 15:07:47 -07:00
Michael Niksa 56c35945b9
Rework locking and eventing during startup and shutdown to alleviate some VT issues (#2525)
Adjusts the startup and shutdown behavior of most threads in the console host to alleviate race conditions that are either exacerbated or introduced by the VT PTY threads.
2019-09-20 15:43:11 -07:00
James Holderness 9102c5d030 Fix display of the "low ASCII" glyphs in PC code pages (#1964)
In the legacy console, it used to be possible to write out characters
from the C0 range of a PC code page (e.g. CP437), and get the actual
glyphs defined for those code points (at least those that weren't
processed as control codes). In the v2 console this stopped working so
you'd get an FFFD replacement glyph (�) for those characters instead.
This PR fixes the issue so the correct glyphs are displayed again.

There was already code in place to achieve this in the
`WriteCharsLegacy` method. It used the `GetStringTypeW` method to
determine the character type of the value being output, and if it was a
`C1_CNTRL` character it performed the appropriate mapping. The problem
was that the test of the character type flag was done as a direct
comparision, when it should have been a bit test, so the condition was
never met.

With this condition fixed, the code also needed to be reordered slightly
to handle the null character. That had a special-case mapping to space,
which was previously performed after the control test, but since a null
character now successfully matches `C1_CNTRL`, it no longer falls
through to that special case. To address that, I've had to move the null
check above the control test.

I've tested this manually, by trying to output all the characters in the
affected range (ASCII values 0 to 31, and 127, excluding the actual
control codes 8,9,10 and 13). In all cases they now match the output
that the legacy console produced.

Note that this only applies to PC code pages that have glyphs defined
for the C0 range, so it won't work with the UTF-8 code page, but that
was to be expected - the legacy console behaved the same way.

Also, note that this only works when the `ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT`
console mode is set. That seems wrong to me (I'd expect the glyphs to
work in both cases), but that's the way the legacy console behaved as
well, so if that's a bug it's a separate issue.

I haven't added any unit tests, because I expect the behaviour of some
of these characters to change over time (as support is added for more
control codes), which could then cause the tests to fail. But if that's
not a concern, I could probably add something to the ScreenBufferTests
(perhaps with a comment warning that the tests might be expected to fail
in the future).

Closes #166.
2019-09-20 13:42:36 -07:00
Mike Griese dfaaa44789
Initialize the VT tab stops when a buffer is created in VT mode (#2816)
* fixes #411

* update this comment to actually match

* run this test in isolation so it doesn't break other tests, @dhowett-msft

* This fixes the test that's broken?

  Kinda raises more questions tbh
2019-09-19 15:23:07 -05:00
Carlos Zamora 3d35e396b2 Bugfix: CLS should clear current active buffer (#2729)
CLS calls two functions: 
- `SetConsoleCursorPositionImpl()`
- `ScrollConsoleScreenBufferWImpl()`
Both of these were not checking which buffer to apply to (main vs active buffer).

Now we get the active buffer and apply the changes to that one.

Also, we forgot to switch out of the alt buffer in the previous test. Added that in.

Closes #1189.
2019-09-13 14:36:01 -07:00
James Holderness 1fccbc5304 Move cursor to left margin for IL and DL controls (#2731)
* Move cursor position to the left margin after execution of the IL and DL escape sequences.
* Update IL and DL screen buffer tests to account for the cursor moving to the left margin.
2019-09-12 10:46:38 -07:00
James Holderness 12d2e170dd Correct the boundaries of the scrolling commands (#2505)
There are a number of VT escape sequences that rely on the `ScrollRegion`
function to scroll the viewport (RI, DL, IL, SU, SD, ICH, and DCH) , and all of
them have got the clipping rect or scroll boundaries wrong in some way,
resulting in content being scrolled off the screen that should have been
clipped, revealed areas not being correctly filled, or parts of the screen not
being moved that should have been. This PR attempts to fix all of those issues.

The `ScrollRegion` function is what ultimately handles the scrolling, but it's
typically called via the `ApiRoutines::ScrollConsoleScreenBufferWImpl` method,
and it's the callers of that method that have needed correcting.

One "mistake" that many of these operations made, was in setting a clipping
rect that was different from the scrolling rect. This should never have been
necessary, since the area being scrolled is also the boundary into which the
content needs to be clipped, so the easiest thing to do is just use the same
rect for both parameters.

Another common mistake was in clipping the horizontal boundaries to the width
of the viewport. But it's really the buffer width that represents the active
width of the screen - the viewport width and offset are merely a window on that
active area. As such, the viewport should only be used to clip vertically - the
horizontal extent should typically be the full buffer width.

On that note, there is really no need to actually calculate the buffer width
when we want to set any of the scrolling parameters to that width. The
`ScrollRegion` function already takes care of clipping everything within the
buffer boundary, so we can simply set the `Left` of the rect to `0` and the
`Right` to `SHORT_MAX`.

More details on individual commands:

* RI (the `DoSrvPrivateReverseLineFeed` function)
  This now uses a single rect for both the scroll region and clipping boundary,
  and the width is set to `SHORT_MAX` to cover the full buffer width. Also the
  bottom of the scrolling region is now the bottom of the viewport (rather than
  bottom-1), otherwise it would be off by one.

* DL and IL (the `DoSrvPrivateModifyLinesImpl` function)
  Again this uses a single rect for both the scroll region and clipping
  boundary, and the width is set to `SHORT_MAX` to cover the full width. The
  most significant change, though, is that the bottom boundary is now the
  viewport bottom rather than the buffer bottom. Using the buffer bottom
  prevented it clipping the content that scrolled off screen when inserting,
  and failed to fill the revealed area when deleting.

* SU and SD (the `AdaptDispatch::_ScrollMovement` method)
  This was already using a single rect for both the scroll region and clipping
  boundary, but it was previously constrained to the width of the viewport
  rather than the buffer width, so some areas of the screen weren't correctly
  scrolled. Also, the bottom boundary was off by 1, because it was using an
  exclusive rect while the `ScrollRegion` function expects inclusive rects.

* ICH and DCH (the `AdaptDispatch::_InsertDeleteHelper` method)
  This method has been considerably simplified, because it was reimplementing a
  lot of functionality that was already provided by the `ScrollRegion`
  function. And like many of the other cases, it has been updated to use a
  single rect for both the scroll region and clipping boundary, and clip to the
  full buffer width rather than the viewport width.

I should add that if we were following the specs exactly, then the SU and SD
commands should technically be panning the viewport over the buffer instead of
moving the buffer contents within the viewport boundary. So SU would be the
equivalent of a newline at the bottom of the viewport (assuming no margins).
And SD would assumedly do the opposite, scrolling the back buffer back into
view (an RI at the top of the viewport should do the same).

This doesn't seem to be something that is consistently implemented, though.
Some terminals do implement SU as a viewport pan, but I haven't seen anyone
implement SD or RI as a pan. If we do want to do something about this, I think
it's best addressed as a separate issue.

## Validation Steps Performed

There were already existing tests for the SU, SD, ICH, and DCH commands, but
they were implemented as adapter tests, which weren't effectively testing
anything - the `ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW` method used in those tests was just
a mock (an incomplete reimplementation of the `ScrollRegion` function), so
confirming that the mock produced the correct result told you nothing about the
validity of the real code.

To address that, I've now reimplemented those adapter tests as screen buffer
tests. For the most part I've tried to duplicate the functionality of the
original tests, but there are significant differences to account for the fact
that scrolling region now covers the full width of the buffer rather than just
the viewport width.

I've also extended those tests with additional coverage for the RI, DL, and IL
commands, which are really just a variation of the SU and SD functionality.

Closes #2174
2019-09-10 18:20:46 -07:00
Mike Griese bac69f7cab When inserting/deleting lines, preserve RGB/256 attributes (#2668)
* This fixes #832 by not mucking with roundtripping attributes. Still needs a test

* Add a test

* Lets just make this test test everything


* Remove dead code
2019-09-09 15:06:50 +00:00
Mike Griese c58033cda2
Don't crash when restore-down'ing the alt buffer (#2666)
## Summary of the Pull Request

When a user had "Disable Scroll Forward" enabled and switched to the alt buffer and maximized the console, then restored down, we'd crash. Now we don't.

## References

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1206 
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The problem is that we'd previously try to "anchor" the viewport to the virtual bottom when resizing like this. This would also cause us to move the top of the viewport down, into the buffer. However, if the alt buffer is getting smaller, we don't want to do this - if we anchor to the old _virtualBottom, the bottom of the viewport will actually be outside the current buffer.

This could theoretically happen with the main buffer too, but it's much easier to repro with the alt buffer.
2019-09-05 15:37:27 -05:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) e0762f6bb3
Open-source the PseudoConsole family of functions in a new DLL (#2611)
This pull request introduces a copy of the code from kernel32.dll that
implements CreatePseudoConsole, ClosePseudoConsole and
ResizePseudoConsole. Apart from some light modifications to fit into the
infrastructure in this project and support launching OpenConsole.exe, it
is intended to be 1:1 with the code that ships in Windows.

Any guideline violations in this code are likely intentional. Since this
was built into kernel32, it uses the STL only _very sparingly._

Consumers of this library must make sure that conpty.lib lives earlier
in the link line than onecoreuap_apiset, onecoreuap, onecore_apiset,
onecore or kernel32.

Refs #1130.
2019-09-04 12:03:44 -07:00
Michael Niksa 49ff36bfc3 Reflect inbox changes in 8c63dff
[Git2Git] Git Train: Merge of building/rs_onecore_dep_uxp/190820-1847 into official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp Retrieved from os OS official/rs_onecore_dep_uxp 73e964d4046c37df3030970cae1ae32e83103fb5

(cherry picked from commit 8c63dff982093db1af7e2bb46b49af884dfec0c5)
2019-09-03 13:32:31 -07:00
James Holderness 974e95ebf7 Make the RIS command clear the display and scrollback correctly (#2367)
When the scrollback buffer is empty, the RIS escape sequence (Reset to Initial
State) will fail to clear the screen, or reset any of the state. And when there
is something in the scrollback, it doesn't get cleared completely, and the
screen may get filled with the wrong background color (it should use the
default color, but it actually uses the previously active background color).
This commit attempts to fix those issues.

The initial failure is caused by the `SCREEN_INFORMATION::WriteRect` method
throwing an exception when passed an empty viewport. And the reason it's passed
an empty viewport is because that's what the `Viewport::Subtract` method
returns when the result of the subtraction is nothing.  The PR fixes the
problem by making the `Viewport::Subtract` method actually return nothing in
that situation. 

This is a change in the defined behavior that also required the associated
viewport tests to be updated. However, it does seem a sensible change, since
the `Subtract` method never returns empty viewports under any other
circumstances. And the only place the method seems to be used is in the
`ScrollRegion` implementation, where the previous behavior is guaranteed to
throw an exception.

The other issues are fixed simply by changing the order in which things are
reset in the `AdaptDispatch::HardReset` method. The call to `SoftReset` needed
to be made first, so that the SGR attributes would be reset before the screen
was cleared, thus making sure that the default background color would be used.
And the screen needed to be cleared before the scrollback was erased, otherwise
the last view of the screen would be retained in the scrollback buffer.

These changes also required existing adapter tests to be updated, but not
because of a change in the expected behaviour. It's just that certain tests
relied on the `SoftReset` happening later in the order, so weren't expecting it
to be called if say the scrollback erase had failed. It doesn't seem like the
tests were deliberately trying to verify that the SoftReset _hadn't_ been

In addition to the updates to existing tests, this PR also add a new screen
buffer test which verifies the display and scrollback are correctly cleared
under the conditions that were previously failing.

Fixes #2307.
2019-08-27 18:45:38 -07:00
Carlos Zamora 667c0286c1
Accessibility: Refactor Providers (#2414)
Refactors the accessibility providers (ScreenInfoUiaProvider and UiaTextRange) into a better separated model between ConHost and Windows Terminal.

ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase and UiaTextRangeBase are introduced. ConHost and Windows Terminal implement their own versions of ScreenInfoUiaProvider and UiaTextRange that inherit from their respective base classes.

WindowsTerminal's ScreenInfoUiaProvider --> TermControlUiaProvider
2019-08-20 16:32:44 -07:00
Carlos Zamora bd47dcc898
Accessibility: Refactor IRenderData with IUiaData (#2296)
* Refactor IRenderData with IUiaData
* remove duplicate tracking of active selection
2019-08-19 11:03:45 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 16e1e29a12
Replace CodepointWidthDetector's runtime table with a static one (#2368)
This commit replaces CodepointWidthDetector's
dynamically-generated map with a static constexpr one that's compiled
into the binary.

It also almost totally removes the notion of an `Invalid` width. We
definitely had gaps in our character coverage where we'd report a
character as invalid, but we'd then flatten that down to `Narrow` when
asked. By combining the not-present state and the narrow state, we get
to save a significant chunk of data.

I've tested this by feeding it all 0x10FFFF codepoints (and then some)
and making sure they 100% match the old code's outputs.

| Metric                       | Then          | Now            |
| disk space                   | 56k (`.text`) | 3k (`.rdata`)  |
| runtime memory (allocations) | 1088          | 0              |
| runtime memory (bytes)       | 51k           | ~0             |
| memory behavior              | not shared    | fully shared   |
| lookup time                  | ~31ns         | ~9ns           |
| first hit penalty            | ~170000ns     | 0ns            |
| lines of code                | 1088          | 285            |
| clarity                      | extreme       | slightly worse |

I also took a moment and cleaned up a stray boolean that we didn't need.
2019-08-16 10:54:17 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 89925ebe44
inbox: reflect changes from 20h1 branch (#2310) 2019-08-07 10:58:53 -07:00
James Holderness ff7fdbeab4 Don't log an error message when _DoGetConsoleInput returns CONSOLE_STATUS_WAIT. (#2244) 2019-08-06 17:24:00 +00:00
Mike Griese 7abcc35fdf
Fix a crash on restore down (#2149)
* Don't trigger a frame due to circling when in the middle of a resize operation

  This fixes #1795, and shined quite a bit of light on the whole conpty resize process.

* Move the Begin/End to ResizeScreenBuffer, to catch more cases.
2019-07-30 17:01:27 -05:00
Carlos Zamora 96496d8154
Accessibility: Set-up UIA Tree (#1691)
**The Basics of Accessibility**
- [What is a User Interaction Automation (UIA) Tree?](
- Other projects (i.e.: Narrator) can take advantage of this UIA tree and are used to present information within it.
- Some things like XAML already have a UIA Tree. So some UIA tree navigation and features are already there. It's just a matter of getting them hooked up and looking right.

**Accessibility in our Project**
There's a few important classes...
regarding Accessibility...
- **WindowUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a window. So this is the top-level for the UIA tree.
- **ScreenInfoUiaProvider**: This sets up the UIA tree for a terminal buffer.
- **UiaTextRange**: This is essential to interacting with the UIA tree for the terminal buffer. Actually gets portions of the buffer and presents them.

regarding the Windows Terminal window...
- **BaseWindow**: The foundation to a window. Deals with HWNDs and that kind of stuff.
- **IslandWindow**: This extends `BaseWindow` and is actually what holds our Windows Terminal
- **NonClientIslandWindow**: An extension of the `IslandWindow`

regarding ConHost...
- **IConsoleWindow**: This is an interface for the console window.
- **Window**: This is the actual window for ConHost. Extends `IConsoleWindow`

- `IConsoleWindow` changes:
  - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space)
  - Have `IslandWindow` extend it
- `WindowUiaProvider` changes:
  - move into `Microsoft::Console::Types` (a shared space)
- Hook up `WindowUiaProvider` to IslandWindow (yay! we now have a tree)

### Changes to the WindowUiaProvider
As mentioned earlier, the WindowUiaProvider is the top-level UIA provider for our projects. To reuse as much code as possible, I created `Microsoft::Console::Types::WindowUiaProviderBase`. Any existing functions that reference a `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` were virtual-ized.

In each project, a `WindowUiaProvider : WindowUiaProviderBase` was created to define those virtual functions. Note that that will be the main difference between ConHost and Windows Terminal moving forward: how many TextBuffers are on the screen.

So, ConHost should be the same as before, with only one `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`, whereas Windows Terminal needs to (1) update which one is on the screen and (2) may have multiple on the screen.

🚨 Windows Terminal doesn't have the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` hooked up yet. We'll have all the XAML elements in the UIA tree. But, since `TermControl` is a custom XAML Control, I need to hook up the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` to it. This work will be done in a new PR and resolve GitHub Issue #1352.

### Moved to `Microsoft::Console::Types`
These files got moved to a shared area so that they can be used by both ConHost and Windows Terminal.
This means that any references to the `ServiceLocator` had to be removed.

- `IConsoleWindow`
  - Windows Terminal: `IslandWindow : IConsoleWindow`
- `ScreenInfoUiaProvider`
  - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details.
- `UiaTextRange`
  - all references to `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION` were removed. `IRenderData` was used to accomplish this. Refer to next section for more details.
  - since most of the functions were `static`, that means that an `IRenderData` had to be added into most of them.

### Changes to IRenderData
Since `IRenderData` is now being used to abstract out `ServiceLocator` and `SCREEN_INFORMATION`, I had to add a few functions here:
- `bool IsAreaSelected()`
- `void ClearSelection()`
- `void SelectNewRegion(...)`
- `HRESULT SearchForText(...)`

`SearchForText()` is a problem here. The overall new design is great! But Windows Terminal doesn't have a way to search for text in the buffer yet, whereas ConHost does. So I'm punting on this issue for now. It looks nasty, but just look at all the other pretty things here. :)
2019-07-29 15:21:15 -07:00
Mike Griese c97cccb55c Initializes conhost's Campbell color scheme in conhost order instead of ANSI/VT order (#1237)
* Fix this

* Swap the elements instead of having two whole tables

* Add a unittest to make @miniksa happy
2019-07-25 22:03:00 +00:00
Force Charlie 3b96a84261 Fix conhost.exe detect os version (#2059)
* add openconsole.exe.manifest to fix detecting of os version
2019-07-22 17:49:35 -07:00
Mike Griese 0905140955
Refactor TerminalApp and Add Tests for Xaml Content (#1164)
* Refactors TerminalApp into two projects: 
  - TerminalAppLib, which builds a .lib, and includes all the code
  - TerminalApp, which builds a dll by linking the lib
* Adds a TerminalApp.Unit.Tests project
  - Includes the ability to test cppwinrt types we've authored using a SxS manifest for unpackaged winrt activation
  - includes the ability to test types with XAML content using an appxmanifest
* Adds a giant doc explaining how this was all done. Really, just go read that doc, it'll really help you understand what's going on in this PR.

These are some previous commit messages. They may be helpful to future readers.

* Start adding unittests for json parsing, end up creating a TerminalAppLib project to make a lib. See #1042

* VS automatically did this for me

* This is a dead end

  I tried including the idl-y things into the lib, but that way leads insanity

  If you want to make a StaticLibrary, then suddenly the winrt toolchain forgets
  that ProjectReferences can have winmd's in them, so it won't be able to
  compile any types from the referenced projects. If you instead try to manually
  reference the types, you'll get duplicate types up the wazoo, which of course
  is insane, since we're referencing them the _one_ time

* Yea just follow #1042 on github for status

  So current state:

  1. If you try to add a `Reference` to all of MUX.Markup, TerminalControl and
     TerminalSettings, then mdmerge will complain about all   the types from
     TerminalSettings being defined twice. In this magic scenario, the
     dependencies of TerminalControl are used directly   for some reason:

  12>    Load input metadata file ...OpenConsole\x64\Debug\TerminalSettings\Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.winmd.
  12>    Load input metadata file ...OpenConsole\x64\Debug\TerminalControl\Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.winmd.
  12>    Load input metadata file ...OpenConsole\x64\Debug\TerminalControl\Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalConnection.winmd.
  12>    Load input metadata file ...OpenConsole\x64\Debug\TerminalControl\Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.winmd.
  12>    Load input metadata file ...OpenConsole\x64\Debug\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Markup\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Markup.winmd.

  2. If you don't add a `Reference` TerminalControl, then it'll complain about
     being unable to find the type TitleChangedEventArgs,   which is defined in

  3. If you don't add a `Reference` TerminalSettings, then it'll complain about
     being unable to find the type KeyChord and other   types from
     TerminalSettings. In this scenario, it doesn't recurse on the other
     dependencies from TerminalControl for whatever   reason.

  4. If you instead try to add all 3 as a `ProjectReference`, then it'll
     complain about being unable to find TitleChangedEventArgs,   as in 2.
     Presumably, it;ll have troubles with the other types too, as none of the 3
     are actually included in the midlrt.rsp file.

  5. If you add all 3 as a `ProjectReference`, then also add TerminalControl as
     a `Reference`, you'll get a `MIDL2011: [msg]  unresolved type declaration

  6. If you add all 3 as a `ProjectReference`, then also add TerminalControl AND
     MUX.Markup as a `Reference`, you'll get the same   result as 3.

* what if we just don't idl

  This seems to compile

* This compiles but I broke the MUX resources

  look at the App.xaml change. in this changelist. That's what's broken right now. Lets fix that!

* lets do this

    If I leave the MUX nuget out of the project, I'll get a compile error in

    ...OpenConsole\src\cascadia\TerminalApp\App.xaml(21,40): XamlCompiler error WMC0001: Unknown type 'XamlControlsResources' in XML namespace 'using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls'

    If I add it back to the project, it works

* Some cleanup from the previous commit

* This is busted again.

  Doing a clean build didn't work.

    A clean rebuild of the project, paired with some removal of dead code
    revealed a problem with what I have so far.

    TerminalAppLib depends on the generation of two headers,
    `AppKeyBindings.g.h` and `App.g.h`, as those define some of bits of the
    winrt types. They're needed to be able to compile the implementations.
    Presumably that's not getting generated by the lib project, because the dll
    project is the one to generate that file.

    So we need to move the idl's to the lib project. This created maddness,
    because of course the Duplicate Type thing. The solution to that is to
    actually mark the winrt DLLs that we're chaining up through us as


    This will prevent them from getting double-included.

    This still doesn't work however, since
    app.cpp(40): error C2039: 'XamlMetaDataProvider': is not a member of 'winrt::TerminalApp'
    error C3861: 'XamlMetaDataProvider': identifier not found

    So we need to figure that out. The dll project is still generating the right
    header, so lets look there.

* Move the xaml stuff to the lib

  This compiles, but when we launch, we fail to load the tabviewcontrol
  resources again. So that's not what you want. Why is it not included?

* It works again!

  * Use the pri, xbf files from TerminalAppLib, not TerminalApp
  * Manually make TerminalApp include a reference to TerminalAppLib's
    TerminalApp.winmd. This will force the build to copy TerminalApp.winmd to
    TerminalApp/, which WindowsTerminal needs to be able to ProjectReference the
    TerminalApp project (it's expecting it to have a winmd)
  * Remove the module.g.cpp from TerminalApp, and move to TerminalAppLib. The
    dll doesn't do any codegen anymore.

* Agressively clean up these files

* Clean up unnecessary includes in the dll pch.h

* This does NOT work.

  The WindowsxamlManager call crashes. I'm thinking it has to do with activation
  of winrt types from a dll.

  Email out to @Austin-Lamb to see if he can assist

* This gets our cppwinrt types working, but xaml islands is still broken

* Split the tests apart, so they aren't insane

* These are the magic words to make xaml islands work

* All this witchcraft is necessary to make XAML+MUX work right

* Clean this up a bit and add comments

* Create an enormous doc explaining this madness

* Unsure how this got changed.

* Trying to get the CI build to work again.

  This resolves the MUX issue. We need to manually include it, because their package's target doesn't mark it as CopyLocalSatelliteAssemblies=false, Private=false.

  However, the TerminalApp project is still able to magically reason that the TerminalAppLib project should be included in the MdMerge step, because it think's it's a `GetCppWinRTStaticProjectReferences` reference.

* Update cppwinrt to the latest version - this fixes the MSBuild

  * I still need to re-add the KeyModifiers checks from TermControl. I think
    this update broke `operator&` for that enum.
  * There needs to be some cleanup obviously
  * The doc should be updated as well

* Clean up changes from cppwinrt update

* Try doing this, even though it seems wrong

* Lets try this (press x to doubt)

* Clean up vcxproj file, and remove appxmanifest change from previous commit

* Update to the latest TAEF release, maybe that'll work

* Let's try a prerelease version, shall we?

* Add notes about TAEF package, comment out tests

* Format the code

* Hopefully fix the arm64 and x86 builds

  also a typo

* Fix PR nits

* Fix some bad merge conflicts

* Some cleanup from the merge

* Well I was close to getting the merge right

* I believe this will fix CI

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-Authored-By: Carlos Zamora <>

* These definitely need to be fixed

* Try version detecting in the test

  IDK if this will build, I'm letting the CI try while I clean rebuild locally

* Try blindly updating to the newest nuget version

* Revert "Try blindly updating to the newest nuget version"

This reverts commit b72bd9eb73.

* We're just going to see if these work in CI with this change

* Comment the tests back out. Windows Server 2019 is 10.0.17763.557

* Remove the nuget package

  We don't need this package anymore now that we're hosting it

* Okay this _was_ important
2019-07-15 14:27:56 -05:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) c1599248d7
Force the use of v2 (non-legacy) conhost when in ConPTY mode (#1935)
Fixes #1838.
2019-07-12 15:20:45 -07:00
Force Charlie 02e8389518 Fix the conhost command line not being properly escaped (#1815)
This commit re-escapes the path to conhost's subprocess before it launches it.
2019-07-11 19:38:56 -07:00
Michael Niksa 29522c472e
Set utf-8 for the entire project (#1929)
* Set utf-8 for the entire project.
2019-07-11 13:13:10 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 3e5bb99478
inbox: reflect incoming changes up to uxp aa5182a2 (#1916) 2019-07-10 12:40:51 -07:00
James Holderness 0e6f290806 Fix margin boundary tests in the RI, DL, and IL escape sequences. (#1807)
* Fix margin boundary tests in the RI, DL, and IL sequences.
* Refactor the margin boundary tests into a reusable SCREEN_INFORMATION method.
* Add screen buffer unit tests for the RI, DL, and IL sequences.
2019-07-10 09:42:13 -07:00
James Holderness fe7fd332b0 Support VT100 DECOM Origin Mode (#1331)
* Add support for origin mode (DECOM).
* Added a state machine unit test for the origin mode.
* Prevent the cursor position moving below the bottom margin of the scrolling region if the origin mode is relative.
* Only adjust the relative cursor position for origin mode if the scrolling region is actually set.
* Add some screenbuffer unit tests for the origin mode.
* Enhance the soft reset screenbuffer tests to verify the origin mode is reset.
* Move the origin mode flag constructor assignments into the intializer list.
2019-07-02 11:17:04 -07:00
James Holderness 2e0e9628fc Enable DECCOLM support via a private mode escape sequence (#1709)
* Implement XTerm's private mode escape sequence for enabling DECCOLM support.
* Add output engine and screen buffer units test for the private mode 40 escape sequence.
2019-07-02 10:24:11 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 08464648f2
inbox: reflect incoming changes from Windows (#1359)
official/rs_onecore_dep_acioss 9638166d8c8374081a2aa8b8f9ecabf2bae0df0a
2019-06-20 17:51:04 -07:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) ecfaa76a89
inbox: merge refactoring payload from FI
`official/rs_onecore_dep_acioss 6fa4fbe485365ed72be2f557621fe58d4fc75197`
2019-06-11 17:01:26 -07:00
adiviness 9b92986b49
add clang-format conf to the project, format the c++ code (#1141) 2019-06-11 13:27:09 -07:00
Michael Niksa 6aac2c06e3
Change ParseNext function in UTF16 parser to never yield invalid data… (#1129)
…. It will return a replacement character at that point if it was given bad data. #788

<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request

This modifies the parser used while inserting text into the underlying data buffer to never return an empty sequence. The empty sequence is invalid as you can't insert a "nothing" into the buffer. The buffer asserted this with a fail fast crash. Now we will instead insert U+FFFD (the Unicode replacement character) � to symbolize that something was invalid and has been replaced.

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #788 and internal MSFT: 20990158
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #788

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The solution here isn't perfect and isn't going to solve all of our problems. I was basically trying to stop the crash while not getting in the way of the other things coming down the pipe for the input channels.

I considered the following:
1. Remove the fail fast assertion from the buffer
  - I didn't want to do this because it really is invalid to get all the way to placing the text down into the buffer and then request a string of 0 length get inserted. I feel the fail fast is a good indication that something is terribly wrong elsewhere that should be corrected.
2. Update the UTF16 parser in order to stop returning empty strings
  - This is what I ultimately did. If it would ever return just a lead, it returns �. If it would ever return just a trail, it returns �. Otherwise it will return them as a pair if they're both there, or it will return a single valid codepoint. I am now assuming that if the parse function is being called in an Output Iterator and doesn't contain a string with all pieces of the data that are needed, that someone at a higher level messed up the data, it is in valid, and it should be repaired into replacements.
  - This then will move the philosophy up out of the buffer layer to make folks inserting into the buffer identify half a sequence (if they're sitting on a stream where this circumstance could happen... one `wchar_t` at a time) and hold onto it until the next bit arrives. This is because there can be many different routes into the buffer from many different streams/channels. So buffering it low, right near the insertion point, is bad as it might pair loose `wchar_t` across stream entrypoints.
3. Update the iterator, on creating views, to disallow/transform empty strings. 
  - I considered this solution as well, but it would have required, under some circumstances, a second parsing of the string to identify lead/trail status from outside the `Utf16Parser` class to realize when to use the � character. So I avoided the double-parse.
4. Change the cooked read classes to identify that they pulled the lead `wchar_t` from a sequence then try to pull another one.
   - I was going to attempt this, but @adiviness said that he tried it and it made all sorts of other weirdness happen with the edit line.
   - Additionally, @adiviness has an outstanding series of effort to make cooked read significantly less horrible and disgusting. I didn't want to get in the way here.
5. Change the `GetChar` method off of the input buffer queue to return a `char32_t`, a `wstring_view`, transform a standalone lead/trail, etc.
    - The `GetChar` method is used by several different accessors and API calls to retrieve information off of the input queue, transforming the Key events into straight up characters. To change this at that level would change them all.  Long-term, it is probably warranted to do so as all of those consumers likely need to become aware of handling UTF-16 surrogates before we can declare victory. But two problems.
          1. This gets in the way of @adiviness work on cooked read data
          2. This goes WAY beyond the scope of what I want to accomplish here as the immediate goal is to stop the crash, not fix the world.

I've validated this by:
1. Writing some additional tests against the Utf16Parser to simulate some of the theoretical sequences that could arrive and need to be corrected into replacement characters per a verbal discussion and whiteboarding with @adiviness.
2. Manually triggered the emoji panel and inserted a bunch of emoji. Then seeked around left and right, deleted assorted points with the backspace key, pressed enter to commit, and used the up-arrow history to recommit them to see what happened. There were no crashes. The behavior is still weird and not great... but outside the scope of no crashy crashy.
2019-06-04 15:22:18 -07:00
Michael Niksa 107ea3c2e4
Flush input queue before running test. #1137 (#1139)
Flushes the input queue on RawReadUnpacksCoalescedInputRecords test to ensure that other tests cannot cause failure by leaving extraneous input records behind after they run.

This only failed in the core operating system gate tests. This is because those tests run a subset of the complete test suite (subtracting the ones that do not make sense in a core environment). Apparently one of the tests that was skipped that normally runs prior to the UnpacksCoalesced test ensured that the input queue was clean enough for this test to succeed. But in the core environment, the test that ran prior left stuff behind.

To resolve this, I'm making the Coalesced test more resilient by cleaning out the queue prior to performing its operations.

(Also, bonus, I'm fixing the typo in the name Coalesced.)

This is less complicated/expensive than tracking down the tests that are leaving garbage behind, should prevent issues in the future related to ordering (since the tests run alphabetically, by default), and isn't as expensive as running the test in isolation (with its own conhost stood up for just the one test.)

Validated by running te.exe Microsoft.Console.Host.FeatureTests.dll /name:*InputTests* against a core operating system variant. Prior to change, this test failed. After the change, this test succeeded.

This will be automatically double-checked by the gates run after check-in.
2019-06-04 15:16:09 -07:00
Michael Ratanapintha e6e316977d Clean up some misuses of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (fixes #427) (#1105)
Almost all functions in the Windows API that open or create objects and return HANDLEs to them return null on failure; only a few (mostly to do with the file system) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure. This PR scrubs the repo of a few, but not necessarily all, cases where INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE was mistakenly used or tested against instead of null. In particular, it fixes 2 cases reported in issue #427 where the return value of CreateThread() was compared against INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE against null, causing the error handling code to run at the wrong time.

There are a lot of other uses of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE I found that looked questionable, but which I left alone. Most of these were used to initialize HANDLE-typed variables and as a sentinel to see if those variables remained unset to a "real" value.

Fixes #427
2019-06-04 13:23:42 -07:00
MelulekiDube 1c16b2c06b Removed using namespace directive from header files (#955)
* Removed using namespace directive from header files and put these in cpp files where they are used

* Fixed tabbing issues by replacing them with spaces.
Also regrouped the using directives.

* Update src/host/exemain.cpp

Co-Authored-By: Mike Griese <>

* Update src/interactivity/win32/find.cpp

Co-Authored-By: Mike Griese <>
2019-05-30 11:14:21 -07:00
Shawn Walker-Salas e52170e2cf Apply [[nodiscard]] to functions returning error codes (#953)
* Apply [[nodiscard]] to functions returning error codes

- applied [[nodiscard]] for all HRESULT, LRESULT, and NTSTATUS functions
- fixed IntelliSense declaration complaints leading to function not
  implemented warnings
- deleted declared but never implemented functions
- fixed unused parameter warnings

How verified:
- bcz dbg
- opencon
- testcon
- VS2019 debug build

* - use LOG_IF_FAILED where applicable
- remove use of goto
- make MakeAltRasterFont return void

* - add missing [[nodiscard]]
- remove vestigal function declarations
- fix inconsistent function declaration
2019-05-30 16:20:42 +00:00
Flo56958 e2b5fecd48 Some Typo-Fixes in Comments (#1049)
* Typo fixes
2019-05-29 14:27:30 -07:00
Joel Bennett efd69990c6 Add support for OSC 10 and 11 to set the default colors (#891)
* Support OSC to set default background and foreground colors

* Update the Terminal theme when the background changes

* Fix whitespace per code-review

* Add Documentation Comments

Also fix a few outdated comments and whitespace

* Update Telemetry codes per code review

* Add Unit Tests for OSC ForegroundColor and BackgroundColor

* Add a couple additional test cases

* Minor doc and whitespace change per PR review

* Update comment help per code review

* Add another OSC 10 & 11 test case, improve output

* Comments and syntax cleanup per code reviews
2019-05-24 09:53:00 -07:00
Eric Budai 06a5583c86 Fix a bunch of static analysis issues (#553)
* static analysis fixes
* using C++ style casts
* explicit delete changed to reset(nullptr)
* fix for null apiMsg.OtherId during tracing in Compare()
* changed INVALID_ID macro to constexpr
* properly handle null ReplyMsg in ConsoleIoThread()
* Fixed wrong static_cast for State.InputBuffer
* compensate for null reply message to fix deref problem of ReplyMsg in srvinit.cpp by changing signature in DeviceComm.h
2019-05-23 10:35:30 -07:00
Maks Naumov 82e75ce3e2 Utf8ToWideCharParser: Fix memory leak in case of error (#836) 2019-05-23 11:05:57 -05:00
Mikael Olenfalk 6c7dfd2ce4 Use wstring_view for constants instead of wstring (#925) 2019-05-21 15:39:26 -07:00
Hermès BÉLUSCA - MAÏTO acabbe0459 Fix it's versus its typo. (#911) 2019-05-21 06:15:44 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) dd9bc6ee45
inbox PR 3285709: Add chafa resource into the DLL built by Windows Razzle (#912)
[Git2Git] Merged PR 3285709: Add chafa resource into the DLL built by Windows Razzle #21439265
2019-05-20 17:06:21 -07:00
Bartosz Brachaczek 73ad742c12 Fix signatures of some callback functions (#871)
* Fix signatures of callback functions

* Fix calling conventions of callback functions

* Remove now-unnecessary casts of pointers to callback functions
2019-05-17 20:32:51 +00:00
Dustin Howett 723ff47789 inbox: Reflect Windows inbox changes from 20190516 2019-05-16 16:21:33 -07:00
Michael Niksa 87e85603b9 Merged PR 3215853: Fix spacing/layout for block characters and many retroactively-recategorized emoji (and more!)
This encompasses a handful of problems with column counting.

The Terminal project didn't set a fallback column counter. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `DxEngine` as the fallback.

The `DxEngine` didn't implement its fallback method. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `CustomTextLayout` to figure out the advances based on the same font and fallback pattern as the real final layout, just without "rounding" it into cells yet.
- `CustomTextLayout` has been updated to move the advance-correction into a separate phase from glyph shaping. Previously, we corrected the advances to nice round cell counts during shaping, which is fine for drawing, but hard for column count analysis.
- Now that there are separate phases, an `Analyze` method was added to the `CustomTextLayout` which just performs the text analysis steps and the glyph shaping, but no advance correction to column boundaries nor actual drawing.

I've taken the caching code that I was working on to improve chafa, and I've brought it into this. Now that we're doing a lot of fallback and heavy lifting in terms of analysis via the layout, we should cache the results until the font changes.

I've adjusted how column counting is done overall. It's always been in these phases:
1. We used a quick-lookup of ranges of characters we knew to rapidly decide `Narrow`, `Wide` or `Invalid` (a.k.a. "I dunno")
2. If it was `Invalid`, we consulted a table based off of the Unicode standard that has either `Narrow`, `Wide`, or `Ambiguous` as a result.
3. If it's still `Ambiguous`, we consult a render engine fallback (usually GDI or now DX) to see how many columns it would take.
4. If we still don't know, then it's `Wide` to be safe.
- I've added an additional flow here. The quick-lookup can now return `Ambiguous` off the bat for some glyph characters in the x2000-x3000 range that used to just be simple shapes but have been retroactively recategorized as emoji and are frequently now using full width color glyphs.
- This new state causes the lookup to go immediately to the render engine if it is available instead of consulting the Unicode standard table first because the half/fullwidth table doesn't appear to have been updated for this nuance to reclass these characters as ambiguous, but we'd like to keep that table as a "generated from the spec" sort of table and keep our exceptions in the "quick lookup" function.

I have confirmed the following things "just work" now:
- The windows logo flag from the demo. (💖🌌😊)
- The dotted chart on the side of crossterm demo (•)
- The powerline characters that make arrows with the Consolas patched font (██)
- An accented é
- The warning and checkmark symbols appearing same size as the X. (✔⚠🔥)

Related work items: #21167256, #21237515, #21243859, #21274645, #21296827
2019-05-02 15:29:10 -07:00
Dustin Howett d4d59fa339 Initial release of the Windows Terminal source code
This commit introduces all of the Windows Terminal and Console Host source,
under the MIT license.
2019-05-02 15:29:04 -07:00